Friday, June 30, 2017

Celebrating my Birth

" open your mind by closing your eyes
see the unseen world within you which lies"
Munia Khan

This is the beginning of a new birth year for me.  It occurs to me, I know less about my extended self than I do my inner spiritual journey.  My awareness is deeper, no longer lodged in the everyday human set backs of being judged.

Kindred spirits continue to encourage and uplift me while mentors amaze me with knowledge of ancient  worlds.  I marvel at the depth of some and the unwillingness of others, but only in passing.   My presence is absorbed in the clouds configuring, the moon floating, and my heart expanding.

Love has erased the check marks indicating blame or shame.  Names have blended into places and spaces have been filled with words, insight, and wisdom.   Love has arrived, bringing my long awaited happy ending.


Thursday, June 29, 2017

Pull of the Moon

"Only the moon's smile
can cure the unseen
scars of darkness."
Munia Khan

Born on the last day of June, my astrological sign is the Moon Child (Cancer).   Over the years, these eyes of mine may have turned from blue to gray, but the moon has recognized me anyway.  Accepting which ever stage the moon travels across the sky, I feel connected as though it were my anchor. 

Aware of  the pull of the moon, I, too, have felt currents shift.  As I have fallen into deep crevices of darkness, the moon returns beckoning me to join in its passage across the sky.  Stars as well as meteors have caught my eye, but it is the moon that stirs my emotions.

I watch as the moon passes through all of the lunar phases and my body, mind, and spirit travel in awe.  My very existence is somehow related to the face of the moon.  It offers mystery, passion, and grave curiosity.   I am one with the moon, I am a Moon Child.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Shift the Vibration

"Light and flow is what shifts the world's vibration."
Alaric Hutchinson

 The world is out of alignment and the distortion filters down into the minds and hearts of people.  It breeds fear and discontent, and  in this diminished state, we are easily led astray.  Power does not feel abundant and with weakness, it is difficult to create a peaceful rhythm.

Too easily, as individuals, we overlook the power residing within us.  This strength can be labeled as prayer, contemplation, meditation, or sending love out into the world.  This individual power when blended with others can alter the current course.

Establish a pattern that feels comfortable physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  Extend this created form out into the world as a peaceful offering.  Together we can shift the vibration of the world.  If you don't believe this, you have not yet tried.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

The Lizard Brain

"The lizard brain is hungry, scared, angry, and horny."
Seth Godin

Seth Godin states, "The lizard brain is the reason you're afraid, the reason you don't do all the art you can, the reason you don't ship when you can. The lizard brain is the source of the resistance.”   My poor brain, it has been categorized in unlimited ways, but never as a lizard brain.

The point, I am certain, is the ways in which we distract ourselves.  I tend to get my feelings hurt rather than be angry and I'm just not sure what to say about being horny.  Scared, if translated into fear, is my main 'go to'  while over eating rings true as well.

Resistance is the focus and I could make a lengthy list of avoidance techniques and an even longer recording of what I have resisted in my life.   It doesn't seem to matter to me if the resistance is caused by something critical or delightful.  Inability to change is the real issue.  I support change as long as I don't have to participate.  I tend to have one of those 'kicking and screaming' reactions.

Monday, June 26, 2017

Simple Reminder

"I believe in the magic and authority of words." 
Rene Char

The richness of color, the placement of dark and light, and the object of emotion pours from the artist's canvas into the heart.  Rhapsodies in grand opera houses fill the air as patrons feel the music resonate through the soul.  The graceful dancer seemingly floats across the stage, while the audience is lifted in awe.

The word, whether written or verbalized, can take us on adventure to other countries, lead us to magical lands of fantasy, and open the way to the darkness hiding behind a sunbeam.  Words challenge our belief systems and offer new perspectives.

Words can be changed, highlighted or deleted.  They can repulse or stimulate.  Just as there is a massive spectrum of color, scores of music, and various forms of dance, words are found in numerous languages, codes and font.   Three words neatly written on a paper heart can be neatly tucked into one's tiny pocket as a simple reminder ,"I love you."

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Stand Differently, Yet Together

"In a forest of a hundred thousand trees,
no two leaves are alike.  And no two 
journeys along the same path are alike."
Paulo Coelho

When we open our hearts and share our fears with trusted friends, we can gain wisdom to propel us down our path.  When we share experiences, not copy, we can gain a broader perspective about approach.  There is no benefit from duplicating the progress of others, but we can gain important information from their process.

As a child, I was told no two snowflakes were alike, implying if God took great care with the small form of snow, imagine how much care God had given to me.  Never feeling special or worthy of God's attention, my path followed Jesus the Christ with whom I could relate. He chose to be in nature and blended his teachings with nature.

Perhaps this is the basis for my adoration of trees.  They are strong, enduring, and supportive, yet stand alone in the midst of others.  No two leaves are alike and yet they hang from the same branch. This example of nature, gives me hope for brothers and sisters with differing opinions.  May we all find the ability to stand differently, and yet together.

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Literacy ... operating instructions

"The reason literacy is important is that 
literature is the operating instructions.
The best manual we have."
Ursula Le Guin

Without working knowledge of our language, we are destined to fail.  If we cannot read danger, detour or stop signs, indeed we will meet with fateful experiences.  If we cannot read the words to guide us, feed us, or keep us safe, we are destined for harm.

If we cannot write our name or recognize our place of origin, we will be challenged to find the safety of home.  If we cannot exchange words we reduce our ability to exchange information.  We will perhaps get by, but not flourish as the human was intended.

As human beings, it is impossible to experience all adventures to develop worldly knowledge.  We can, however, read the words of others to be enlightened.  Literature broadens our human experience guiding us towards the selection of the life we are meant to be living.

Friday, June 23, 2017

Look Up to the Sky

"Clouds come floating into my life,
no longer to carry rain or usher a storm,
but to add color to my sunset sky."
Rabindranath Tagore

Personal perception impacts the beauty of the sky.  Our imagination plays games, arranging the clouds in numerous configurations.  Clouds are graceful, comforting, or an imaginary pillow to float upon.  

As they gently float across the sky, clouds remind us that all things come to pass.  With their gentle floating, they demonstrate how to keep moving.  Cloud after cloud encourages a person to let go as there is more to come.

A blue sky filled with clouds becomes an artist's palette.  We can see a cow's face, a bird, or a strange deformed eye within seconds of each other.  Clouds speak volumes, but too seldom do people look up to the sky.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Passionately Curious

"Any fool can know.
The point is to understand."
Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein left us with numerous quotes with simplicity, provoking our thoughts.  What good is knowledge if there is no imagination?  To be a successful man is second place to becoming a man of integrity.  If we can't explain something to a six year old, then we don't really understand it ourselves.

Einstein was a world renowned scientist, but his rapport was genuinely sincere with either a garbage man or a president.  Besides his brilliance, he had a sense of common knowledge regarding honor, respect, and decency for all peoples. 

Numerous times I have turned to his quotes to remind me of my self worth. He awakens a sense of self-discovery and an equality amongst us all.  This extraordinary man never lost his connection with being a simple human being."I have no special talents.  I am only passionately curious." (Einstein)

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Cocoon of Light

"Remember that emotions are contagious and there are situations 
that are meant to cause you fear and alarm.    When you are in a
place  of fear  or feeling powerless,   you are easily manipulated 
by those who have an agenda or limitation and control."
"THE TEAM" by Peggy Black

Vibrations interact and attract the energy of others.  If our energy is strong and resilient, that is the exact kind of energy we will attract.  This exchange is uplifting, encouraging, and connecting.  If we are feeling emotions of sadness, loss, or depletion, we will attract more of the same.  We will feel worse than we began.

There are various tools of manipulation capable of tripping our triggers.  When we are blind sided or caught off guard we can easily fall to the control of someone else.   It is difficult to believe there are those who cautiously await the opportunity to pounce upon a target of fear.  They drain every drop of energy and leave nothing but a sense of powerlessness.

Before we leave our place of safety, we can cover our lovely self with light.  We can wrap ourselves in a cocoon forming a large aura or we can pull down light from the heavens through the top of our heads down our spine to our toes.  There are numerous ways to protect ourselves, but it is difficult to remember to do so, especially if we are not feeling powerful or connected.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Integrity and Respect

"When we choose not to react to other people's unconscious behavior,
we are able to respond wisely in all of our social interactions."
Eckhart Tolle

It is a blessing to be surrounded by kindred spirits, thinking out loud about our spiritual journey, but when we get lulled into social situations, we are quickly reminded we are all at a different level of awareness.

A harsh judgment is made in response to a casual comment and we think the statement has been made  in fun, but when we turn our eyes to the speaker, we realize the statement was sincere.  Perhaps we cock our head, waiting for a round of laughter, but none comes.  

We must choose our comments wisely. The statement itself is far from our level of awareness and our voice will not be heard as intended.  We are called to accept our differences, not as superior or inferior, but as being on different levels of understanding. 

Monday, June 19, 2017

I Don't Know

"During the flames of controversy, opinions, mass disputes, conflict, and world news, sometimes the most precious, refreshing, peaceful words to hear amidst all of the chaos are simply and humbly, "I don't know.'"  Criss Jami, Killosophy

Women were gathered and the conversation fell to the cruelty of the Witch hunts.  One woman spoke with bravery, "God weeps when he sees evil done in His name." With the emphasis shifting, each woman explored this new aspect.  The focus was no longer personal judgment, but rather the feelings of the Divine.

We will never truly know 'why' horrific things are being done.  Our endless judgement serves no purpose except to invest more  negative energy.   We cannot understand the depths of violence nor decipher accurate solutions.  The best we can say is "I don't know," and turn our energy towards Divine Intervention.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Unfulfilled Passion

"The only thing worse than not knowing where she belonged ...
was knowing where she didm''t."
Tessa Shaffer 

When we engage in projects not connected to our hearts, we find the work to be never ending, energy zapping, and unfulfilled passion..  As we are surrounded by folks we do not admire nor inspire, we also find the time to be lengthy, drained by meaningless conversation, and dissatisfied.

Upon discovering these feelings at work or in the personal arena, accept them as signals that we are not where we ideally need to be.  Prior to seeking out new situations or kindred spirits, we must first know our heart's desire.

To seek and find, one must have clarity about the search and the ability to truly people as they are and not as how we want them to be.  Within the community, there are others may be you have not noticed before nor have been aware of common interest.  Open the heart and let the energy lead and attract towards what is needed.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

" ... and not see it at all ..."

"In my experience, it is entirely possible
to watch something happen
and not see it at all."
Anna Funder

In our comfort zone, we overlook small incidents that if acknowledged would upset the apple cart.  We have formed characters in our minds as templates for our friends.  We feel more secure knowing precisely what our friends are capable of displaying and ignoring small negative truths.

At work we learn to minimize the behaviors of others to make the job more tolerable.  We pretend certain staff members have zero impact upon us to keep the workplace admirable.  It tends to feel more comfortable to remain in a place of discord rather than search for work that enhances or comforts.

As human beings, we like to keep the light shining on our good behaviors while hiding our bad actions in the dark.  When we do not hold ourselves accountable, we make up stories to justify our actions.  We project our pain upon others and fall from alignment ... and not see it at all.

Friday, June 16, 2017

Sacred Journey or Fool's Errand

"The clash is born of the fact that the child within me
sees with undiluted clarity what the adult within me
is incessantly working to deny."
Craig D. Lounsbrough

 The sacred journey to wholeness at times appears to be the fool's errand.  Lessons are duplicated and choices are made through trial and error.  The straight path is lonely while the winding road can be overwhelming by thought, word or deed.

We distance our lovely selves from our childish ways, claiming memories to be foolish imaginations.  The more we repress our child's play, the greater divide between the maturation of body, mind, and soul.  It is a mistaken theory that suggests leaving our youth behind.

It is through our personal history that we begin to recognize with clarity denied truth.   The forgiveness blends the child back with the soul.  It becomes clear that beauty and strength blend all parts together while all that glitters isn't really gold.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Great Phoenix and Scattered Feathers

"We numb our minds and heart
so no one need not be broken
and the other need not to be bothered."
Peggy Haymes

Pain is pouring from my heart into my belly.  I am ignoring it as I do not have the energy to address it.  I am numbing my emotions as I cannot bring myself to use my voice at the risk of hurting others.  My arms simply refuse to reach out, as I want to bother no one.

Being a martyr has no gain.  Excess emotions fuels the belly and the flames begin to roar.  I wonder how long I can avoid my regression as the tongues of the fire engulf my heart.  There is a hot burning in my throat, as the inner critic continues its damning chant.

Aware of the power of choice,  I ponder how to change my perspective.  I wonder what lovable creation can be mastered with the ashes that remain.  I think of the great wings of the Phoenix rising from the flames, but in my midst are small scattered feathers drenched by rain.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Imagination and Weapon

"The imagination is an essential tool of the mind,
a fundamental way of thinking, and indispensable
means of becoming and remaining human."  
Ursula Le Guin

'Ursula Le Guin contemplates imagination, reflecting that it should not be the means of making money, or profit-making.  Imagination is not a weapon even though it originates from it.'  The human mind houses multiple tools that can be either life enhancing or a means to death.

Our imagination can color our world to heights of unrealistic joy or depths of depression.  It is a tool capable of working for the betterment of mankind or the downfall.  Others may prey upon our creative insights, churning them into uses never intended.

Notice the scientists and inventors who learned to harness energy, but never intended to create bombs to harm others.  As human beings, we have the choice as to how we use wisdom.  Will we choose to benefit only ourselves or include the lives of others?  Will we choose to inflate our ego or reach for the hands of others?  These choices determine the actions of the world of humans.


Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Follow the Thread

"Embracing silence and introspection
allows you to work through your thoughts
and emotions and transmute them."
Madisyn Taylor

How far are you willing to go to create the silence required to hear your heart and soul?  Turning off the television or other household noises is a minor step and not the inner key.  To silence the inner critic and the constant mental drone of distraction assists, but does not pave the way.

Submit a gentle plea for assistance and await for a colorful thread to unravel before you.  See the texture and the color of this fiber and gently hold it in the palm of your hand.  Feel the warmth, the wonder, and the pull to follow.

You are beckoned to grasp the thread as it leads back through time and space, to unknown or forgotten images recorded without any comprehensive understanding.  Hold these visions in your mind's eye and return to the quiet, prepared to create form to reflect what resides inside.  Dance, paint, sing or write expressing the inner reflections making you unique.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Depths of Final Love

"Like a tree our growth depends
upon our ability to soften, loosen,
and shed boundaries and defenses
we no longer need."
Madisyn Taylor

In another transition, I find myself discerning what parts of self I need to maintain or discard.  My focus, I suppose, needs to be upon the parts of my self that have yet to be discovered.  In this attempt,  I need to create a fresh clean space of welcoming.

New growth can be exhilarating, but I personally find the act of letting go intimidating.  I anticipate expanding and deepening, but the safety of remaining still has its lure.  Releasing objects or materials is easy compared to the task of hugging those we have known for the last time.

My wounded old heart now abounds with light as I reach out trusting his hand to hold.  It as though I have joined what was once lost, to be fortified until my death.  The reflection I catch in the eyes that love me gives me my long awaited happy ending.  It would seem I have experienced all of the wrong  relationships in my life, so that I could now honor and trust in the depths of this final love.  


Sunday, June 11, 2017

Walking In Woods

"To dwellers in a wood,
almost every species of tree
has its voice as well as
its feature.  
Thomas Hardy

Rebecca lives in an ivy clad bungalow willed to her by her grandmother.  Half of the garage has been refurbished and now provides an artist studio.  The ten wooded acres behind her home offer her a pond with an overnight shed, thick trees, and various animals which she feeds.  

Rebecca is drenched in folk lore, Native American Heritage, and stories of appearing Goddesses.  She is one of the most gentle and creative souls walking barefoot across our land.  With her flowing robes, white hair, and delicate voice, she has a magical presence.

Rebecca participates in art shows, offers private art sessions, teaches art at the local grade school, and gathers drum makers, flutists, and storytellers into her home regularly.  She walks in the midst of the woods and addresses the trees who respond individually as though they were personal friends.  They fill her with inspiration, energy, and a sense of belonging.  She shares that she will haunt  these woods forever, never leaving her friends.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

In Spite of Me

"I write only for my shadow 
projected by the lamp onto the wall. 
I need to introduce myself to it."  
Sadeq Hedayat

The majority of my writing comes from my shadow self, the part I tend to hide from others.  It is the deeper part of me exploring various realms of possibility.  For inspiration, I wander in nature walking trails or go within,  connecting with all that is sacred.

My topic is never apparent to me, as it seems to create itself from the flow of words fleeing my heart and escaping through the pen.  The writing is not so much about what I think as much as it is about how I experience the whispers, shadows, symbols or energy swirling around me.

In the silence, away from the human voice, I am guided to trust what arrives upon the page and to let go of whom the reader might be.  I sense my words will be used by the voice of Spirit to reach the hearts of others in spite of me.

Friday, June 9, 2017

Broaden the Ability

"Creative energy is sacred and divine. 
Those who are exploring their creativity 
in the world are ultimately exploring their 
relationship with all that is sacred." 
Gia Combs-Ramirez

As a natural born artist, a human seeks ways to express his or her gift.  The gift can be used to enhance life or devastate it.  The talent may remain hidden during an entire life span or it can be over exposed.  The endowment may be funneled through any field ... mathematics, science, art, etc ...

The gift existing inside of each of us becomes enhanced as we use it.  With imagination, we can travel on uncharted courses, broadening the ability to formulate.  We can event or perform our individual mark upon the world. 

Although tempted to minimize our creative spirit, it is our roadway to Divine Spirit.   We become boundless fired by compassion, leading towards heavenly realms. It is imperative to explore the capacity to create.  Acknowledge the nudge within and begin.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

At the Core

"You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars.
In the noisy confusion of life, keep
peace in your soul."  
Max Ehrmann

Life is a heavy paint we use to cover our own original colors and mute authentic highlights.  We rub it all over ourselves to blend in and be accepted.  We do this prior to understanding our own true self.  

We may be a wife, a mother, a teacher, a church attendee or a hermit, but all of these things are labels.  They are not who we truly are at the core. When we are familiar with our own essence, we then know what things or people will best align with our path.

We expose ourselves to knowledge, absorbing what resonates.  We listen to mentors, gathering insights.  We spend time in silence, deciphering what is in our heart and how we can best be a servant to the whole. As a child of the universe, we are meant to soar through the trees bonding with the stars shining upon our path.   

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Understanding the Message

"Sometimes meeting someone has nothing to do with what 
you can provide for him or her and everything to do with what 
God needs you to recognize in that person.  If you didn't understand 
the message, God will keep sending the same person or situation 
into your life."   
Shannon L. Alder

The tree of life dangles various pods, sprouts and flowers for our viewing.  We often make the mistake of plucking the bloom from the tree rather than speculating its full meaning.  We tend to be too eager to take ownership of things belonging to nature.

 All for what purpose ... our fear or pleasure in the mind in an unconscious state?  All that surrounds us can provide information, insight, or guidance if we but slow down to feel the essence of the moment. Without respect, we pull the flower, unconsciously swat at the bee and mindlessly squish the ant.

When do we recognize the same pattern surfacing in friends who appear to be vastly different?  If life continues to give us sour grapes, when do we change course and allow to be guided in a new direction?  How many times will we allow our hearts to be crushed before we love and respect the deepest part of our selves? 

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Silent Crusader

"Boundaries are, in simple terms,
the recognition of personal space."
Asa Don Brown

Compassion is not supposed to have boundaries, I have been told. But what if extending compassion is misleading a person to bounce back violating my own boundaries?  What if expressing my genuine concern is continuously misunderstood as deeper intentions?

It has taken me a life time to give my self the right to have personal space.  It has taken years to understand that drawing boundaries is not being mean nor hurtful to someone standing on the outside.  It is conflicting for me when I want to nurture, yet not necessarily invite someone into my space.

Creative resolution serves me best.  In order to both respect my self and offer comfort, I find sending love, light, and energy is the very best action.  Through contemplation or meditation, I can send positive thoughts and compassion to a person without needing acknowledgment.  I can be a silent crusader for all peoples, known or unknown, by building my light to be sent far across boundaries. 

Monday, June 5, 2017

Link Together

"The task of self-care is one that we have to carry out
by our own selves, yet our well-being is linked to the
well-being of fellow human beings."
Omid Safi

The journey inward leads us to the core of our being.  We discover what our strengths or weaknesses consist of and what gifts resonate with our individual skills.  With this awareness, we can tend to our heart's desire and successfully offer the world the best of our selves.

It is vital for us to self-nurture, but helping others to nurture themselves also benefits us.  When we work together, supporting and encouraging, the world receives our best efforts.  Together,  joined efforts impact the energy of all things.

Even in isolation, we are capable of sending radiant thoughts to others.  Post a collage of different parts or people of the world.  Every day send positive energy into this board and the intention will help make the world whole safely link together.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

In the Midst of Discord

"In this moment, everything is sacred."
Ariel Books

The world changes around us when we view everything as sacred.  In a busy train station, our eyes fall upon a baby swaddled in blankets and we can feel the holiness streaming from the child.  We catch a glimpse of a hawk flawlessly soaring in the sky and we know it has God's blessings.  The tenderness between an elderly couple slowly ambling down the street, radiates satisfaction of the soul.

It is all a matter of vision.  How do we view our life and the surroundings?  There are those who see life through the eyes of emptiness or superiority or fear impacting the way we perceive reality.  Sacredness is not deemed just for the holy ones.  Sacredness belongs to each and every one of us.

Sacred is what we revere, be it a person, land, art or ancient script.  It is anything we see through our eyes perceived as holy.  It is an experience propelling us out of the ordinary and into the Divine.  It is life enhancing to see all things as sacred ... even when we must ponder to discover it hiding something appearing as unacceptable.   Without judgment, let our eyes seek the holy in the midst of discord.


Saturday, June 3, 2017

What Does Forgiveness Feel Like?

"Learn to listen to subtle cues from your spirit
instead of the barrage coming from within your brain."
David Brazzeal

Puzzled by a situation, I asked Divine Spirit to supply me with insight and clarity.  Then I went about my day, not paying attention.  At some point I realized an answer had formed and then I remembered asking for help.  I never listened for the answer, so had I missed it or was this the appropriate resolution.

It saddens me to think I am never too busy to ask for help, and yet too busy to wait for an answer.  I am usually insightful about people, places, and things, so how could I have been so negligent?  Responses come in various forms:  lyrics to a song, Facebook post, wisdom from a friend or even just an obvious knowing.  

Am I seriously too busy to listen?  What could possibly be more important than listening for truth and guidance?  Ashamed, I give my lovely self a time out.  I am barely sitting upon the park bench before my mind stills and light begins to flow through my veins.  I am connected again with the Divine as the sun shines upon my face.  This peaceful warmth encompassing all of me is Divine forgiveness.

Friday, June 2, 2017

Time in Depth, Expansive Awareness

"To sit alone in the lamplight with a book speed out before you
and hold intimate converse with men of unseen generations ~
such is pleasure beyond compare."

It is not necessarily important what practice we hold to our heart, but it is important to revere spiritual aspects.  It does not matter what country or language or faith or heritage one originates from; it matters that the heart is filled with deep conversations of the wise.

The first years of life are spent on folly and focusing on what we have been instructed to pursue.  Our attention is spread across social, cultural, and religious trainings.  It is when we pause to listen to our inner voice and to grasp the importance of being present, we begin to experience the deeper meaning to life.

While we sit in silence, exploring our inner discoveries, we are brought aware of how much we have been impacted by our curiosity with the written word of unseen generations.  The wisdom of the ages suspends us in deep thought discerning the truth of life.  Find a source, open the mind, and allow the inner spirit to lead us deeper into the realms of expansive awareness.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Lighting The Way

"We are all beings of light and
we are here to light the way for each other."
Madisyn Taylor

I frequently saw the holy card with the Sacred Heart of Jesus colorfully displayed.  It had beams of light extending from the center of the heart and those beams pierced my heart with love.  There was a halo of light or an aura surrounding the heart which made the image appear to be the purest essence of life.

I believe this is where I first became aware of the concept of light as a healing agent, a symbol, a sign, or a way of being.  There are so many religious sayings such as:  "I am the light of the world" or "The light of Christ".   For me, light became a significant attachment to my sacred beliefs.

Certainly this is what drew me to becoming an energy worker involved with different modalities for sharing light to strengthen the body, mind, and spirit.  I am nothing more than a vessel or a pipe for the light of Christ to flow through into the presence of others. We are all here to light the way for each other.