Friday, May 31, 2024

Forming A Link


"By taking up competency of handmaking, we are becoming
the future ancestors we wished we'd had. Paradoxically, in this 
reversal, we are relieving the longing to be connected to a legacy."
Toko-pa Turner 

In an effort to continuously learn, we can shift our focus to handmaking. Whether it is learning calligraphy, quilting or photography, we expand our senses and imaginations. There has been an enormous loss of artistry over the ages, but the good news is that we may have neighbors or relatives that can teach us a thing or two.

When we reach out to an elder, asking them to share a craft, we bring a new sense of worthiness to them. As we are taught and develop the skill, we now have a gift we can pass down to our own grandchildren. We would be forming a link between the past, present, and future. It is not about perfecting, but rather, experiencing. 

When we maintain a sense of learning, we become more receptive to life itself. Without expectations of mastering handmaking, and just being in the moment of experimentation, we generate excitement, curiosity, and bonding. It is through new discovery that we usher fresh air into stagnant lives. 

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Crow or Dove?

"Love yourself with the same amount of energy and passion
you love everyone else. Stop neglecting the 
one person you should love the most."

During my daily walk, I am in the presence of the birds. When I look up to the sky I catch glimpses of birds in flight stretching their wings. Other birds perched on branches, hiding in trees, joyfully sharing their songs. The ground feeders look up as I pass, and I feel quite certain that they truly do see me.

This scenario is replicated in life. We catch glimpses of people soaring in relationships or careers. They encourage us to stretch our wings. Mentors and friends share their words of wisdom, perhaps not in song, but just as sincerely. Then there are the strangers who offer us a sincere smile as we innocently pass by.

If we keep our personal evaluations simple, we are able to appreciate what we have to offer and how we want to deliver our insights, joy, and kindness. When we acknowledge our own strength and stop ruffling feathers, we touch the hearts of others. Choose to stop being a nagging crow, and aim for the calm like a Mourning Dove.  


Wednesday, May 29, 2024

A Wick's Fiery Glow


"The dignity of the artist lies in his duty of keeping awake
the sense of wonder in the world."
Marc Chagall

The news was filled with war, poverty, and climate change, to mention just a few catastrophes. I experienced a massive heaviness that I was dragging around. Then I remembered that I have choice as to where to place my focus. I imagined what I wanted the world to be like ... filled with kindness, beauty, and positive growth.

I unearthed an old votive candle holder and placed a two hour tea light inside. I lit it and watched the wick become a fiery glow. I imagined it was never ending love flowing through me and out into the world. I envisioned it spreading into the hearts of all people, calming  souls and releasing tension.

I felt lighter and happier as this is how I long for the world to be. I reminded my self that I did not have to approve of life's twists and turns and opinions of mine were not necessarily needed. For two sweet hours, my candle danced in light. I could not help but ponder how the world might be different if we each lighted a candle and visualized a peaceful life. 

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Straddling the Fence

"There's only one thing I never did and wish I had done:
climbed over a fence."
Mary of Teck

Straddling a fence can bring pause to decision making. From a higher level, we may broaden a perspective or change a once favored view. Either way, it is meant to be a place of pause, resting for a few. Being on the fence is not meant to be a permanent perch. It is a temporary position allowing one to decide which side he or she wants to get down on.

Making decisions is not always an easy task, especially when we are heavily laden by others demands. There may be times of severe angst when neither side appears to be alluring or supportive. It is possible for both sides to be appealing so decision making can be based upon personal choice.

Perhaps the most important part of being on the fence is the dismount. Inability to be decisive tampers with emotional, physical, and spiritual well being. Being stuck can freeze us which is referred to as avoidance or denial. Ask the self, "What do I want to do? What is best for me?" Answers will allow us to climb off the fence with grace and ease.

Monday, May 27, 2024

Never Condone ...

                                                  Imagine there's no countries
                                                         It isn't hard to do
                                                   Nothing to kill or die for
                                                       And no religion, too
                                                     Imagine all the people
                                                       Living life in peace.
                                                             John Lennon

Some time after high school graduation, I sat with a sensitive and shy young man who was frightened as he had been drafted into the war. I cried when he left, and I cried when he died shortly thereafter. I diligently wrote to college friends, who became officers in the war. I prayed for their safe physical return, not knowing of the emotional scars they would carry for life. In the presence of a maimed soldier returned from war, I listened as he hissed his bitterness as he fought urges to take his own life. I sat in the presence of a mid-life friend who lived wildly out of guilt for being the only survivor from his squad. Time and again I witnessed the lives of men destroyed as they struggled with PTSD. In even later years, I would become acquainted with a man whose body continuously fought  a losing battle against the deathly harm caused by agent orange. I will forever respect and honor all of these men, but I will never condone war. 

*I have not referenced women who have bravely fought in war, as this was based on personal history only.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Dream Come True

"One's destination is never a place,
but a new way of seeing things."
Henry Miller

This is a holiday weekend with vast options for play. We may be regulated by expenses or a lack of travel companions. No matter what circumstances we face, break through mental barriers and discover the art of fun. We may be stuck with dysfunctional family members or be grieving our situation of loneliness, but neither scenario prevents us from having fun.

Be spontaneous or adventurous. Go see a movie or find outdoor music and dance. Visit a book store or wander the aisles of an antique mall. Sit outside with a book and sun tea. Walk in a park, choosing a bench to watch the people go by. Fix a huge batch of popcorn and watch a favorite summer romance flick. 

How this day turns out is up to you. It will joyfully vibrate only if you allow energy to flow into it. Even in the worst case scenarios, find something so outlandish that you laugh your butt off. It is all up to how you perceive things. You do not have to go anywhere either. Simply close those tired eyes and imagine your dream come true!


Saturday, May 25, 2024

Deciphering Dreams

"An aching loneliness came with my inability to find friends
and teachers with whom I could share my dreams safely
and confirm their validity."
Robert Moss

At a very young age, our dreams were minimized, unless we belonged to a dreaming culture. For example, the Aborigines found dreams to be a valuable source for guidance, wisdom, and possibilities. It is through dreams that we can touch our deepest creative source. They are a vehicle to be in touch with the past, present and future.

During dream time, we view numerous landscapes, challenges, and imaginative ideas. We may view people from our past, present, or future. Realizing that much of the dream can be symbolic, it is important to be able to unravel the message. Organizing a personal dream dictionary can be extremely helpful.

Choosing to keep a dream journal, one discovers the themes linking dreams together. An individual dream may represent one thing, but when added to previously recorded dreams, a pattern surfaces. Dreams are a powerful communication. Choose wisely whom you share dreams with as often times, dreams may contain hidden private information.


Friday, May 24, 2024

Bare Feet

"On this path, let the heart be your guide."

There is an abundance of spiritual leaders easily accessible through published writings, podcasts, and big city venues. Endless materials can assist us as we travel our paths. But, don't just gravitate who happens to have a large following. Search until you find information that soothes the soul while kindling your fire.

It is with bare feet that we best connect with the physical, emotional, and spiritual qualities. Slip off the dress shoes, discard the Nike runners, and place the naked sole upon the earth. When we quiet the mind, we begin to feel the energy circulating between the feet and the earth. A recognition of ancient mystery stirs within. 

Quietly connecting with the ground, superficial ideologies fall away. We can genuinely sink into our true nature and let all else fall away. Instead of orchestrating what steps are to be taken, relax and let things take their course. No more pushing or pulling, stand on your own two feet, absorbing the energy of mother earth.


Thursday, May 23, 2024

Tapestry of Life

"In the tapestry of life, we're all connected. Each one
of us is a gift to those around us, helping each other be 
who we are, weaving a perfect picture together."
Anita Moorjani

When we invest less in protecting the self and more in contributing our gifts to others, we create a tapestry of life with threads of eclectic beauty. When we stand back, the irregularity of stitches and snags can now be seen as distinctive uniqueness. The opposite of perfection is creatively woven into the design.

As we extend our borders with others, there is growing expansion for empathy. We learn through the tapestry of others, as we realize that defective stitches contribute to the whole. Perfection, we discover, has far less appeal than the snagged threads inconveniently woven in. Bursts of wonder escort us into the engagement with weavings of others.

As we adapt and cultivate a life filled with color and random design, we loosen our restraints and open to the diversity of others. There is no right or wrong, and perspectives can best be understood through the eyes of others. It is in the opening of our boundaries, not closing, that we are able to weave others into becoming part of our life and identity. 


Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Productivity Within Chaos

"What do I believe in? What must I fight for
and what must I fight against?"
John Steinbeck

When we are  overwhelmed by chaos, our mental health can feel unstable.  Chaos, however, is part of a deliberate process meaning to shake us up to see life differently.  It is part of a process to lead us towards knowledge and wisdom that will help provide new answers to old mysteries. Chaos is productive if we continue forward towards understanding.

In the midst of our confusion, we need to minimize emotions, using our energy to find a path out of the chaos. Progress is made when we can be clear about decisions we made, actions we took, or situations avoided. As we feel disconnected, there is more room to observe, identify, and recalibrate.

There are messages in our loneliness, fears, and separations. These are not obstacles, but road signs upon our path prompting broader understanding. It is when we truly know our inner selves and respect our most heart felt desires that we are able to choose a better course leading us to a more fulfilling and peaceful life.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Core of Simplicity

"See simplicity in the complicated.
Achieve greatness in little things."
Tao Te Ching

Some individuals view having tea as a ritual. They have a special tea pot with matching tea cups and collections of loose leaf teas. A lighted candle ads to the sense of sacred. No matter what time of the day this practice is used, it quiets the mind and rests the soul. There are no intentions for accomplishment and nothing to fail.

Tea time, perhaps, gives us permission to sit and be still. It is a way to experience stillness without having to defend our pause in time. During this slower pace, there is no sense of overwhelm from chaotic agendas. As we gently sit, the simple things attract our attention. In a moment's pause, we may find ourselves thinking, "I've never thought of that before."

Life is so much the same. When we reduce complicated chaos to minor elements, a simple resolution may be patiently waiting. We extrapolate situations by fear, people pleasing, and over load. It is when we quietly sit, sipping tea, we can slowly gain awareness of what is at the core of our anxiety. Answers can be unveiled in the core of simplicity.


Monday, May 20, 2024

Required Courage

"It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are."
e.e. cummings

It is difficult to define our lovely selves when we honestly don't know who we are. When we are able to dismantle what others have projected upon us, true identity begins to unfold. It is when we become aware of our desires that the journey begins to take on greater meaning. Our energies escort us more deliberately forward.

Who we become can trigger great loneliness if it is not in alignment with our inner desires. If we have succeeded for the sake of others or public recognition, a hollow feeling erodes the essence of success. As we continue to look outside of ourselves, we will be falsely led astray.

It takes great courage to decline what does not feed your soul. You must be able to identify with your inner needs to make appropriate choices. What do you want and how can it be obtained? When these answers begin to take form and resonate, have the courage to step forward and begin.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Reoccurrence of Passion

"The real lover is the man who can thrill you
by kissing your forehead or smiling
into your eyes."
Marilyn Monroe 

As we are growing  up, we think that love is about fast cars taking us on fast dates to fast food restaurants. After various relationships in higher education, we might shift into the more adult lane leading to a hot career and hot sex. Love then gets shuffled in the detailed plans for marriage, followed by love being siphoned off by adorable babies. 

As we age, we develop love for flowers, books, and rescued pets. Divorce or death may rob us of our mate or marital relations simply grow stale. We tell ourselves we are just too old for passion and try to make do with voyages into distractions. But in our heart, there is a small piece of love waiting to be kindled in an undefined fire.

When we finally grow our lovely selves with deep appreciation for our inner core, we cease to desperately chase false leads. Opening our newly defined brilliance, we begin to attract souls who will admire this inner glow. A person will offer a smile or the touch of the hand and an inner door opens and we passionately fall into the depths of love. 


Saturday, May 18, 2024

Oh, There You Are!

"Sometimes when you lose your way,
you find yourself."
Mandy Hale

We are not meant to stay stationary in one specific space ... mentally, physically, or spiritually. Even when we are deeply rooted, life has a way of projecting us, unexpectedly,  forward into the unknown. In spite of floundering in newly found places, it is where we must be to learn, adapt and create anew.

When we accept our displacement, we begin to see the beauty and possibilities surfacing. No matter where we find ourselves, lessons are everywhere like leaves dangling from a tree. We are not always able to pick and choose what we want, so imagination begins to generate new ways to display our skills and authentic visions. 

As we learn to follow the new path stretching before us, our life can become enriched. Like walking through the forest and becoming aware of new fragrances, birds singing, brooks trickling, and gentle breezes stirring our souls. It is within this stillness that one begins to discover the 'self' all over again.

Friday, May 17, 2024

Following the Storm

"No matter how dysfunctional your background, how broke or
broken you are, where you are today, or what anyone else says,
YOU MATTER, and your life matters!"
Germany Kent

When dark clouds are hanging above your head, be patient until you can see the sun peeking through. Just because we cannot actually see the sun, does not mean that it is not there. The same is true about our visions. Although we don't have the money or the space or the knowledge of how to proceed, this does not mean we must stop.

Often times, when we have been pushed beyond what we believe to be our breaking point, things begin to happen. We randomly cross paths with a person who can advance our progress or we find a random space that meets our needs. While we endure harsh winds, remember that they are blowing dark clouds away.

We are like the sun in that we may sink down beyond our expectations, but suddenly find our lovely selves rising again. We must be patient for the parting of the clouds, and then rekindled when the sun begins to shine once again. The important ingredient is persistence. Do not lose faith nor relinquish the dream as brilliance follows the storm.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Looking Out The Window

"Looking out the window, I see you looking in.
You are the sunshine that fills my soul."
Giorge Leedy 

It is challenging to hold the window of the soul open. We may be filled with optimism and drive for discovery, but as we gaze out the window, it may appear that the world is not eagerly awaiting our newly found drive. Perhaps, when we throw the window open, gusts of overwhelming wind just might enter, knocking us flat. We must manage to get up again.

When we are brave enough to glance out into the unknown, we are allowing the Universe time to collect people and places to assist in our manifestation. Not worrying about self-worth, all of our energies can focus on attracting our needed elements. Paying attention is key while we gaze looking for new reality.

With the window open, we ponder, project and patiently await for our parts to come together. We must never settle for this joy as we need to keep moving forward, producing with our collected. It is imperative that we follow through with the blessings we receive to be shared with all of humanity.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024


"I am expanding into my highest potential and becoming
all I am destined to be."
Deepak Chopra

It is said that we have been preparing for quantum leaps and expansiveness throughout our life time. We may hear a calling now and find ourselves awakening to a higher level of self-love, and self-worth. We are surpassing our heart's desire by recognizing our soul's desire to take form.  We are ready to embrace the magic and miracles manifesting around us.

When we step aside, exiting personal deprecation, our vibrations are lifted and our desire for harmony strengthens. Allowing our sense of passion, we experience surprises, delight, and excitement. Entering true creation we become aware of grace, miracles, and the magic that can only thrive with our connection to the Divine. 

At this point in our journey, we begin to accept and understand our personal power, surrounding love, and limitless achievements. There is recognition that throughout your journey there has been expansion and evolvement. Everything we wish ourselves to be for the higher good, we discover we already are. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Physical Body Housing Spiritual Soul

"The soul is the principle of life, and the body is the instrument 
through which the soul experiences the world.

The body and the soul are closely connected and yet two differing components. The body is the instrument through which soul can experience the physical. The body is the vehicle in which the soul can experience sensitivity, emotions, and navigate external environment. The soul is the driving force behind life's experience.

The soul is our essence and our truth. It is how we are connected with the Divine. It has a greater picture of our Divine plan and eclectic wisdom to guide us. We have the choice to listen and follow, while discovering an internal sanctuary. It is where we are accepted unconditionally received.

As we learn to be still within the soul as our sanctuary, we develop an awareness of the ability to realize we are worthy and deserving of gifts and blessings. Utilizing this Divine connection, we can begin to avoid and disconnect from physical episodes that are no longer needed. In our sanctuary, we can hold pure intention and connect with light. 

Monday, May 13, 2024

Darkness Between Parts

"I would have loved to know how it felt, just once, to have
something fall apart and see options instead of endings."
Sarah Dessen

Holidays, such as Mother's Day, can cause cracks in our security. The newly created spaces between our parts can be filled with darkness. No matter how healed one is, wounds can still cause pain. As we begin to experience the shift into discord, fear of what will be forthcoming causes additional separation.

Be honest about unsettling feelings. Either express them out loud or silently journal. Let emotions surface completely rather than choosing to suppress them, as they won't just go away. Stand back and survey what might be triggering unhealthy reactions. Where are they coming from and what action can you take to dissolve them?

Try to remember all of the hills and valleys successfully mastered against all odds. Count strengths cultivated throughout the years. View available options and begin to create a plan to set them in motion. Coin a mantra such as, "I can and I will!" Continue to take steps forward out of darkness until you are running and prepared to fly!


Sunday, May 12, 2024

Hands Healing Generations

"When words fail, the touch of a hand can convey
more than a thousand sentences."
My Grandmother's Hands

On Mother's Day, some will be thinking of their grandmothers or mothers while others think of their children. And then there are those who recall the gentle touch of a mentor or holding hands with best friends. Hands are filled with love waiting to heal those needing love. Every gesture made by the hands can become a language of its own.

In the palms of our hands energy capable of healing resides. The wrinkles on our hand reflects years of extended kindness. When we shake hands integrity and character can be revealed. The power in our hands create the world around us. Our hands can be a life line to those in absolute distress.

On this Mother's Day, what a gift it would be to stack grandmother hands upon the mothers, and daughters hands upon the mothers with granddaughters hands wiggled in between the stack. How wonderful if this could break barriers, sort out boundaries and engage love into present day living, healing generations.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Empowered Daughter

"Raising a strong daughter means teaching her to embrace her uniqueness,
to love herself fiercely, and to walk her own path with confidence. It's
about empowering her to be the best version of herself."
Kemi Sogunle

After three boys, my daughter was born on Mother's Day and what a gift she has been. I did not have a template of how to raise her like I did for the boys, but I learned along the way. I often think that we learned together as she taught me more than any relative ever did. The experience of total acceptance escorted both of us through numerous periods of discord.

Raising my daughter was loving freely while building trust and providing nurturing time. We held each other accountable and never experienced exclusion.  For years on end our favorite time together was quietly reading books. A silent bonding was laced between us. Then of course there were bouts of instant belly laughing over mundane spontaneous things.

The best gift I offered to her was the ability to believe in herself. I listened and encouraged allowing her to find her way. She explored, breaking generational boundaries and did our family ancestry proud. She teaches, loves hard, counsels others with integrity and extends herself as an exceptionally loving mom. I admire who she has purposely become.


Friday, May 10, 2024

The Eyes Have It

"The face is the mirror of the mind, and eyes without
speaking confess the secrets of the heart."
St. Jerome 

Throughout my life, I have observed others. I watch the way they walk, talk, and interact. Being highly sensitive to energy, my understanding of others increases. Primarily, it is the eyes that give the hidden emotions away. There may be an enormous smile on the face, but the eyes just might tell a different story.

Body language such as tightened fists, crossed arms, and leaning in or out during conversation are dead give aways. Facial expression is even greater with tight smiles or pained expressions. But the eyes, oh my. They speak volumes with unspoken words coming from the depth of the soul. Peek through them if you will.

The eyes, it is said, are portals to the soul. Information held within can come gently flowing out or be reflected as steel cold. The eyes are incapable of masquerading raw feelings and even when hooded, do not lie. The eyes can either stop you in your tracks or hold you in a warm embrace. Pay attention, and see what you can see.  

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Keep It Simple

"If you will stay close to nature, to its simplicity, to the small
things hardly noticeable, those things can unexpectedly
become the great and immeasurable."
Rainer Maria Rilke

Ask any mother about the first dandelion her child chose for her and just watch her beam. The memories of joy come rushing back and the heart grows full. Ask any father to recall the first time he heard his child say 'dada' and observe how his face changes from stern to pride. Simplicity at its best.

The gift of friendship can be quite simple as well. It doesn't matter in the long run if it is wrapped in satin or vibrant tie-dyed muslin, as it is the simple bond itself that makes the difference. In time, we may no longer see our best friend's scar across the brow or the limp in their step because we simply embrace their essence.

Many things in life are complicated. The excess baggage weighs lofty ideas down. We get lost in the planning, the preparation, and the external wrappings. Too often, we miss the original point entirely. Minimize drama and enjoy the simplicity of just being. Watch experiences shift when we choose the mantra, 'Keep it simple!"

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Energy of Love ...

"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly;
what is essential is invisible to the eye."
Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Living from the ego is a great deal different from living from the heart. The ego finds fault, compares and criticizes; whereas the heart opens to the beauty seen and unseen. Love, like a liquid covering everything it touches, increases positive vision and leaves no trace. It can be extended through touch, vision, or silent application.

When we fear and resist, we waste our strength and end up falling emotionally and sometimes physically. If we attempt to control that which is not ours, we will experience frustration and defeat. If we look from our heart with love, the picture may not shift, but humble acceptance makes no waves. 

The more we open our hearts to love, the more love we have to share with others. It is not denying reality, but the love extended can heal wounds ... our own and others. The ego has the ability to taint every thing, person, or situation while the heart accepts and reacts with love. Let the energy of love rise within, and greet the world with heartfelt love.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Wait, That's Not Me!


"This life of mine does not bear resemblance to me."
Belle Townsend

Life is filled with mishaps and disappointments; however, if we choose to place our thoughts on possibilities while nurturing our soul, we will stay the course. Allowing our ego to drive our dreams, accomplishments, and relationships, we will fall dreadfully short of the mark. The sense of disconnect will grow increasingly stronger.

Presenting as we imagine others want to see us, fills us with a hollowness that erodes our distinctive shine. Hiding behind masks deepens the divide and we fall endlessly into a grieving pit. Eventually desperation overwhelms us, forcing our thoughts to go where they were always meant to be ... Divine connection.

When we stop projecting our baseless fears, and ask for help, life begins to change. Orchestrate support that resonates such as: meditation, nature walks, therapy, or artistic endeavors. Request time with trusted friends and if you do not have any, begin an exploration into creating a healthier environment where the heart can soar.   

Monday, May 6, 2024


"Rain has healing power ... it can wash away 
your worries ... and cleanse your soul."
Bobi Dutta

Rain was streaming down from the clouds and somehow, I was drawn outside. It was quite warm for so early in the day and without thinking, stepped off the patio and into the rain. The falling drops drenched my hair and I felt the wetness creeping down my skin. Then I felt an equal cleansing running inside of me.

I began to imagine hearing the flowers, bushes, and grass in the yard giving praise for the nurturing rain. Like a stimulant, the water encourages things to stretch and grow. I felt the excitement of anticipation for what was yet to come. There would be brighter colors, deliberate fragrances, and offered housing to small insects and birds. 

And what of my life? Could I wash off negativity, rinse my eyes for crisp clarity, and reimagine more creative ways for expression? Would I be able to shrug off the inner critic and allow my spirit to flow? It feels as though it is time to branch out and decorate routines with both ebb and flow. This gentle movement of rain has cleansed my soul.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Exhausted Survivors

"Children don't get traumatized because they are hurt.
They get traumatized because they are alone with he hurt."
Gabor Mate

Damaged from childhood trauma, a person closely monitors people around them, and their surroundings. Trust may not come easily and fear is laced in and out of situations. They may listen more closely to what is happening and often times hope they are invisible. All of this in spite of intellectually knowing these habits are no longer necessary.

Survivors tend to take things more personally. Words spoken are usually taken to heart and if there is discord, they may sense they are the cause. They may cling to privacy and be unable to embrace a larger picture of the world. The habit of hiding both emotionally and physically prevents thriving relationships.

Let us keep in mind that we are all travelers in this time and space. Respect those who are in survivor mode by being available to listen when they are open to sharing or to simply be present when asked. This sense of being alone in this world can be debilitating and exhausting ot the soul.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Bleeding Hearts or Old Souls?

"You are the girl that has always seen relationships differently ~
as promises, rather than satisfying and temporary. You've never
been afraid to hand people your heart and happiness."
Marissa Donnelly

Bleedings Hearts are not only a beautiful flower. but also a tender hearted human. At times, they have been categorized as having too much drama, too sensitive and over the top. This would be equal to saying a conservative person was cold-hearted or unsympathetic. Extremes can be found in every thing.

Bleeding hearts never hesitate to give what they have without expecting a favor in return. They are open and inviting while holding a safe space without criticism or judgment. They feel the pain of others as they listen deeply to what is being said, and to what is not being said. It is a given that all things shared are confidential.

There is speculation that bleeding hearts are really old souls trying to adapt to a new culture. Perhaps they recognize the soul existing in all peoples and yearn to be respectful and loving. Following individual pathways offer both troubling and enhanced situations, creating uniqueness in these amazing souls. Bleeding hearts cultivate beauty in our world.