Saturday, May 11, 2024

Empowered Daughter

"Raising a strong daughter means teaching her to embrace her uniqueness,
to love herself fiercely, and to walk her own path with confidence. It's
about empowering her to be the best version of herself."
Kemi Sogunle

After three boys, my daughter was born on Mother's Day and what a gift she has been. I did not have a template of how to raise her like I did for the boys, but I learned along the way. I often think that we learned together as she taught me more than any relative ever did. The experience of total acceptance escorted both of us through numerous periods of discord.

Raising my daughter was loving freely while building trust and providing nurturing time. We held each other accountable and never experienced exclusion.  For years on end our favorite time together was quietly reading books. A silent bonding was laced between us. Then of course there were bouts of instant belly laughing over mundane spontaneous things.

The best gift I offered to her was the ability to believe in herself. I listened and encouraged allowing her to find her way. She explored, breaking generational boundaries and did our family ancestry proud. She teaches, loves hard, counsels others with integrity and extends herself as an exceptionally loving mom. I admire who she has purposely become.


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