Sunday, May 26, 2024

Dream Come True

"One's destination is never a place,
but a new way of seeing things."
Henry Miller

This is a holiday weekend with vast options for play. We may be regulated by expenses or a lack of travel companions. No matter what circumstances we face, break through mental barriers and discover the art of fun. We may be stuck with dysfunctional family members or be grieving our situation of loneliness, but neither scenario prevents us from having fun.

Be spontaneous or adventurous. Go see a movie or find outdoor music and dance. Visit a book store or wander the aisles of an antique mall. Sit outside with a book and sun tea. Walk in a park, choosing a bench to watch the people go by. Fix a huge batch of popcorn and watch a favorite summer romance flick. 

How this day turns out is up to you. It will joyfully vibrate only if you allow energy to flow into it. Even in the worst case scenarios, find something so outlandish that you laugh your butt off. It is all up to how you perceive things. You do not have to go anywhere either. Simply close those tired eyes and imagine your dream come true!


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