Tuesday, June 18, 2024


"The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels 
the intangible, and achieves the impossible."
Winston Churchill

The opportunity to break down old beliefs is clearly here! No longer do we  passively allow our selves to be spoon fed outdated or falsified rhetoric. In a mirror, we catch a glimpse of a confident and unlimited human on the cusp of greatness. It is in the now that we pick up the reins and drive our intentions to a bold and thriving reality.

The challenges that present before us reflect lessons that are needed to create a greater sense of purposeful living. We are connected to everyone and we do not have to view diverse peoples as right or wrong. As we cease to be threatened by others, we increase our ability to listen to our inner voice and create accordingly.

In stillness, we glance around to what we have created. Are our surroundings orderly and reflect our true spirit? Do we have scattered collections of trivial meaning or does our space harbor treasures of the heart? If we take back our power, choosing options that align with our spirit, life becomes peachy! 


Monday, June 17, 2024


"We are inherently social beings, and our mental health 
depends on strong and meaningful connections."
Lost Connections

Disconnection can lead to isolation and mental health issues. As we evolve, however, we are called to deliberately adjust relationships to make room for higher learning or deep dives into new perspectives. Although sad, it is true we may outgrow certain situations and it is no one's fault. It's about moving forward.

When we no longer comfortably identify with friends or co-workers, there is no reason to find fault or make excuses for lacking interest.  If we no longer feel a link, let it be a healthy sign to move into new circles for additional experiences.  Creating new bonds can be frightening, but we need to step through our fears.

When invested in new endeavors, we can experience fresh challenges accompanied by additional energy. We may discover parts to our lovely selves waiting to expand and excel. As new formations arise, we will feel like we are actually living again, not just existing in a mediocre scenario. It may be time to move forward into new beginnings.


Sunday, June 16, 2024

Discord and Dilemma

Most of us don't like silence because
it forces us to confront ourselves."
Dan Pedersen 

Reality is difficult to face and accepting truth is challenging as well. We will go to great lengths to lose focus and distort the truth. This of course extends the inevitable and creates harm.  Denial and avoidance postpones accountability and we will seek numerous forms of escape 

Reluctant to embrace things as they are, we may become over indulgent in shopping, exercising, drinking or working. We keep surroundings loud and heighten social exchanges. Getting lost in other people's dilemmas occupies our thoughts. In our minds. we keep running to avoid the real world.

We may find ourselves unsettled without knowing what is triggering the unrest. Reality and truth begin to align when we take pause and simply breathe. It is in this space of stillness that we can face dilemma, hold ourselves accountable and determine a safe plan. Silence becomes a healthy and powerful tool to heal the body, mind, and soul.


Saturday, June 15, 2024

Lurking By Your SIde

"When you're a young child, you pick a totem animal, 
and you just identify with it to the point of wishing 
you were that animal."
Diane Lane

Early in my adult life, I learned that a bear was my animal totem. As a young mother, I definitely was a 'mama bear' roaring at anyone who attempted to mess with my cubs. In time, the hawk became my ever present messenger and I longed for the freedom of flight.

A totem holds special significance to those who pay attention. It can carry a physical, mental or spiritual message. It can be a warning sign or confirmation that good things are on the rise. The important piece is recognizing the repetitive appearance and being open to revelation.

Individual totems spontaneously appear such as a fox (sly) along the side of the road or a coyote (trickster) crossing your path. Maybe it is a guardian angel or a simple fragrance of a loved one who has passed or a particular song. Please be encouraged to uncover a totem that surely lurks by your side. 


Friday, June 14, 2024



"This flag which we honor and under which we serve is
the emblem of our unity, our power, our thoughts
and purpose as a nation."
Woodrow Wilson

There are numerous flags when you stop to think about it. The gut sends out a red flag when something is instinctually wrong. A construction worker waves an orange flag to slow us down. Then there is the black flag to signal the end of a car race. Then, of course, there are flags symbolizing different countries. And don't forget the rainbow flag!

Symbols reflect meaning and inspiration. They will have original or antique images to bring attention to core beliefs or historic emphasis. Imagine what your personal flag might look like. What fabrics would you use and what distinction would you give to your personal power, sense of unity and intended purpose?

When displaying your flag, where would you hang it and would you take it down at dusk or in from the rain? Do you think there would be merit in updating the flag as time passes? How do you suppose your ancestors would feel about this flag of yours? Will it reflect how it makes you feel or what it inspires? Come on, it's Flag Day, so give your flag a whirl!

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Moments of Bliss or Hours of Pleasure


"Happiness is always there. You just have to choose
to see it. There's no point dwelling in the dark and
ignoring the light of the stars."
Carrie Hope Fletcher

Positive thinking can change negative instances into curious speculation and adventure. When we know ourselves well enough, we can immediately turn to support that will lift our spirits. There are numerous categories for shifting our focus. We can treat ourselves to a favorite snack or dive into a source to stimulate change and wisdom.

We must not stop believing in change that can elevate our body, mind, and spirit. Caught in the darkness of disappointing thoughts, remember that we can throw open a window to let light shine in. Ask, who or what can stimulate motivation to carry us forward in spite of what is presenting before us.

We need to remain focused on what nurtures us. There is no reason to just sit back waiting for happiness to appear. Identifying what we want places us in a position to go after it. Invest in things that we care about and let go of things that no longer resonate. Happiness appears on numerous levels ranging from moments of bliss to hours of pleasure.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

On Top Of The World

"Climb it so you can see the world, 
not so the world can see you!"
David McCullough, Jr.

Being on top of the world might be a short lived experience, so it is important to enjoy each step along the way. Notice the beauty hidden along the edges and peer into the crevices for deeper understanding.  Aspiring to reach the top of the world, we will experience the slide backwards, so learn from the darkness in the shadows. 

Climbers often discuss if the challenge upwards is the most fulfilling or if  the arrival on the top is superior. It has been written that the existence on the top of the world can be extremely lonely, and dangerous.  Perhaps if we did not stand upon the world doing a victory lap while looking down upon others, it could be an entirely different journey.

What if we linked arms with others and shared diverse wisdom and insight on the way up? And how would it be if we took turns being the scout? Imagine back sliding, but feeling the strong grip of those with you. Upon reaching the top, everyone would experience joy and celebration. A strong sense of togetherness as they stood on top of the world!


Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Differences Between Us

"We are all made different to learn from each other."
Jayanta K Nanda

I find it to be ironic that we spend incredible amounts of time trying to copy others. We may dress like someone or live in a certain neighborhood to hopefully create acceptance.  Even when we are transported into the strived for element, how odd that we continue to downplay our uniqueness so that we will secure the status of fitting in. 

Discrimination based upon looks, ethnicity, or chosen paths strives for superiority and division. Embracing other cultures, professions or evolved concepts broaden our experience leading to acceptance and understanding. If we nurtured each other, stopped hiding parts of ourselves, and celebrated life together, would the world not change?

When we are able to see beyond the masks and become tenderhearted will we not experience a sense of freedom? We will never fully accept others until we learn to accept ourselves, faults and all. We are all human beings with remarkable differences intended for the pleasure of all. When we can view each other freely, spirits will finally soar.

Monday, June 10, 2024

The Space Between

"I am feeling a spaciousness inside me, 
like outer space or the ocean."
Michael Brooks

Part of us may be focused upon the physical like career and action, while the other part may be based more on spiritual and creative aspects. Then there is the space in between these two parts where we can just be. It is similar to the area between two railroad tracks. It exists no matter which way the trains are running. 

This inner space can be decorated with personal preference, but the glory is in the ability to simply be present without any attachment. It can be compared to an out of body experience that is limitless without physical restraints or emotional attachments. This state of being offers a suspension from harsh realities.

When we experience being present without any expectations other than silencing the mind and ego, we can be transported into a realm where we can experience a sense of peace allowing everything to fall away. It is an opportunity to separate the self from things that no longer matter. It is beyond time and space, simply being still with our soul.


Sunday, June 9, 2024

Random Parts Coming Together

"Everything is happening for us, not to us."
Byron Katie

Step out of the role of victim and hold the self accountable for whatever part you played. Knowing that the only person you can change is the self, efforts need to focus on how you can adjust thoughts, behaviors, or relationships. Even when things are out of your control, there remains a small element that you can choose to adjust.

When you are confronted by difficult or challenging events, you must listen to understand what life is trying to teach you. Observe the entire scenario rather than narrowing it down. See how the random parts can come together. The mantra becomes, "what am I to learn?" If you fail to shift perspectives, challenges will repeated until you finally see the point.

Hold your mind open to determine what pattern is being shown to you. Is this a familiar happening repeated throughout your life? Patterns continue to cycle in and out until you finally catch on. If you don't change, the elements of the event will continue to reoccur. With tender loving care, allow life to show you what you need. 


Saturday, June 8, 2024

Mind Reader

"No one is born a mind reader. 
Make efforts. Explain."
Jen Cillian-Nemeth

Confusion muddles with the mind. Not understanding, we begin to project numerous scenarios and none of them may be accurate. If we do not understand, ask questions and truly listen to what is shared. What we hear may not be aligned with our experience, but we must begin by opening both the heart and the mind to other's perceptions.

It is helpful if we are told what exactly is wrong. We might ask what we did or said to find equal footing. It is imperative to have the ability to stand in the shoes of others to determine what is at the heart of the conflict. If we remain silent, irritation builds and we end up further away from each other.

When we fail to articulate what is in our heart, we have no right to be angry at others for not understanding.  We must express what is at the heart of the matter or else all is going to fail. Listen closely and ask for other examples until we can grasp what needs correction. We all need to be heard whether or not others agree.


Friday, June 7, 2024

Smile Inside

"A smile is a curve that sets everything straight."
Phyllis Diller 

A smile is swiped right off of our face when we cast judgment. Dark shadows form a veil between the self and others. When we remember to smile, there is a silent message of accepting the present moment. Rather than rejecting what is before us, we can choose to grin deep within which assists in maintaining our balance.

The act of inner smiling calms and restores a sense of equilibrium.  The smile deeply within does not necessarily show upon the face. Let it broaden into a radiant beam inside. When this happens, our brain secretes chemicals increasing our sense of good will. We experience a connection with the Divine  honoring the presence of all peoples.

An inner smile may not shift the perils that face us, but the warm connection of the inner smile is empowering. Scribble the word smile in the palm of the hand. Throughout the day, let it be a reminder that the joy we create inside of ourselves, takes the edge off uncomfortable situations. It is not about agreeing or condoning. It is about smiling inside.



Thursday, June 6, 2024

Facing Fire

"The difference between a good life and a bad life is
how well you walk through the fire."
C.G. Jung

It is inevitable that we will face brutal times whether it be a loss, trauma, pressure or ailment. The reality of the heat will not be ignored. Temps will flare until we acknowledge the presence of what waits uncontrollably before us. As we bravely face truth, we unfortunately may experience a great deal of fear.

If we can begin when a sense of balance and a calming of the mind, pitfalls can be minimized.  When we fail to face reality, things can unnecessarily spiral out of control. In choosing avoidance or denial, coals will burn hotter. If we believe the Universe will magically intervene, flames grow stronger. Positive action must be taken as soon as possible.

Use personal power to seek a professional for guidance whether it is a therapist, lawyer or doctor. If feelings of helplessness overwhelm, reach out for help without any sense of shame. Gather courage, knowing that in time, healthy balance will return. Begin to pick up the shattered pieces and reframe life believing, this too shall pass.


Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Without Anticipation


"We must remember how to honor and respect life with each 
breath, step, word, and thought. What you bless blesses you
in return. This is the power of reciprocity."
Sandra Ingerman

Thoughtful friends are a blessing in our lives. The ones who always seem to know just what we need or have the willingness to share. Whether it is a snippet of a poem or a tomato from the garden, the unexpected gesture nourishes our hearts. Often, such gestures are made without any anticipation for a return gift which enhances the thoughtfulness.

There are times when we are hiding our discomfort and a friend coincidentally shares a piece of inspiration which pinpoints our mood. Emotion may well up and therefore, we may not be able to say anything. It is never too late, however, at another time to say, "Thanks for your kind words the other day. They were just what I needed."

Life has shown me, repeatedly, to not give with the expectation of return. If we keep our responses or gestures lovingly simple, there is a freedom of happiness just in sharing. Actions may never be acknowledged by the recipient, but make no mistake ...  blessings will flow back into our lives when we least expect it. Humbly embrace unexpected arrivals.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Beautiful Discovery

"The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that
they can grow separately without growing apart."
Elisabeth Foley 

Competition within a relationship can be healthy as long as you are encouraging each other. The emphasis is not on the winning, but upon the journey together. When there is trust, we do not experience anxiety as our moving parts go in different directions. When we are able to expand and contract, the relationship thrives.

There is truth that we can outgrow some friends and situations, as we are hopefully forever changing. Contrarily, when we use the depths of communication, our transitions do not damage the bonds. When we can speak honestly, transitions and rebirthing can be a thread that strengthens our relationship.

When others are no longer aligned with our journey, it doesn't necessarily mean departure. As long as there is respect for each other and an atmosphere of support, things can continue to move forward. Distance can become a factor, but if we nurture each other, there is no need for a premature ending based upon distance. Reunions can be glorious!


Monday, June 3, 2024

Master The Spiral

"The human mind always makes progress,
but it is a progress in spirals."
Madame de Stael

When we spiral upwards, joy fills every cell of our being creating a sense of heavenly bliss. Filled with curiosity, we eagerly move forward as our light brightens the way. Inevitably, the opposite comes true. We eventually find ourselves sliding downwards in darkness and fear. This is the on going movement within our cycles.

The upward spiral heals and encourages us. We feel powerful with enthusiasm to take on the world. This, however, may be fleeting as we find ourselves challenged or maybe even threatened as we backslide. The importance of course is to continue moving, not ever becoming stuck and never giving up.

If we remain alert when we are in the spiral, action can drive us forward. Without wasting time wandering in the darkness, we can remember this is simply part of the process offering the opportunity to change. As we learn to shift maintaining a positive attitude, we can benefit from both the ups and the downs. A learning process, indeed.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Placebo Effect And Mind Over Matter

"Your mind can be a powerful healing tool when given the chance. Now 
science has found that under the right circumstances, a placebo can be 
just as effective as effective as traditional treatments."
Harvard Health Publishing

The placebo effect is the beneficial influence of a treatment that has no medical value. The placebo effect for pain medications has been linked to brain chemistry. When the body experiences pain, it releases endorphins. If we think we are taking a drug, even if it is a sugar pill, our body will release endorphins. 

So enter the phrase, 'mind over matter'. Does our body follow our expectations?  When we make undocumented statements, our body does not know if it is a truth or projection, so it simply follows through. The stronger the connection between the brain and body, the greater the possibility of stronger outcome.

Studies reflect how psychological affects physical conditions. If we can harness the power of our mind, we can impact our health and our healing time. Spiritual practices support this connection and positive process. Meditation alone can distract our physical body while our minds visit peaceful elements. Science is now supporting these concepts. 

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Cicadas Are Coming!

"A negative mind will never allow you to have a positive life."
How To Think Positive

In college, I took a journalism class which explained how negative news received much more attention than positive. Writing a report for a good grade in the class, I would recognize fearful subjects, but would try to balance it with something good. Frequently, I would be encouraged to use more fearful words to gain better attention.

There has been extreme hoopla about the cicadas coming equivalent to biblical plagues. Dreams have been flooded with fear of this manifestation of bugs. Then there are political horror themes creating thoughts of doom, to say nothing of climate change triggering catastrophes. Yes, fear certainly abounds, especially through the media.

Being bombarded by negative reports, we must choose to see the positive. Communities are raising gardens to feed neighbors. Seniors are volunteering at shelters to walk and nurture abandoned animals. Musicians such as Bon Jovi, Keanu Reeves and Taylor Smith are contributing on great scales to improve the lives of others. See the good in our world.