Friday, June 7, 2024

Smile Inside

"A smile is a curve that sets everything straight."
Phyllis Diller 

A smile is swiped right off of our face when we cast judgment. Dark shadows form a veil between the self and others. When we remember to smile, there is a silent message of accepting the present moment. Rather than rejecting what is before us, we can choose to grin deep within which assists in maintaining our balance.

The act of inner smiling calms and restores a sense of equilibrium.  The smile deeply within does not necessarily show upon the face. Let it broaden into a radiant beam inside. When this happens, our brain secretes chemicals increasing our sense of good will. We experience a connection with the Divine  honoring the presence of all peoples.

An inner smile may not shift the perils that face us, but the warm connection of the inner smile is empowering. Scribble the word smile in the palm of the hand. Throughout the day, let it be a reminder that the joy we create inside of ourselves, takes the edge off uncomfortable situations. It is not about agreeing or condoning. It is about smiling inside.



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