Saturday, April 30, 2022

Coated in Resentment or Possibility of Joy


""Joy does not simply happen to us.
We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day."
Henri Nouwen 

Joy can take on dynamic appearances or tiny reflections; but, either way, we must be steadfast in our awareness.  In choosing light over darkness or seeing the goodness beyond the challenge, we create an ease-way for joy to flow.

The outcome of our circumstances might be out of our control, but we own a partial element that can either be coated in resentment or the possibility of joy.  When we choose to use powerful mantras or prayers, it is easier to stay the course.

When we clear our hearts and minds of fear or sorrow, we are apt to catch glimpses of joy in random movement or grace.  With awareness, we might hear sounds of joy within the sounds of silence or experience a sense of joy watching the setting sun.

Friday, April 29, 2022

Abrasive Contradictions

"We need to rediscover contradiction as a creative
force within the soul."
John O'Donohue 

Contradiction is generally viewed as a negative challenge, when it truly can be an opportunity for positive change.  Even if we are being screamed at or showered with obscenities, there can be an enlightened outcome.

In the midst of a dispute or heated argument, scratch deeper beneath the surface to discover original motivation.  Bring clarity in reference to what is triggering our reaction.  Notice inconsistencies and question the underlying theme.

Soul encourages us to step back for greater clarity, and grasp the meaningful lesson at hand. Resolve of conflict can be creative in nature avoiding denial, avoidance, or blame.  Even in agreeing to disagree, application of dignity and respect elevate us to a higher level of connection.


Thursday, April 28, 2022

Dare and Endure, Sweet Dandelion

"This is no time for ease and comfort.
It is time to dare and endure."
Winston Churchill

Instead of a well deserved nap, I pushed my lovely self out the door for a neighborhood walk.  My energy increased as I took notice of spring flowers pushing up through the ground and lovely blossoms clinging to the branches of trees.  

As I followed my path, I could not help but notice the determination of Dandelions so brightly dressed in yellow balancing upon the tip of a stem.  They withstood the developing wind and simply would bend with the breeze.

Dandelions inspire me.  They push up through cracks in the side walk, stretch upwards through the dark to snatch some sun, and simply endure until they turn to fluff gently blown into the air.  I want to be just like them, reaching for the sun, enduring dark gusts, and courageous until I gently leave this world.


Wednesday, April 27, 2022

The Whole Picture

"I've come to believe that for our spiritual practice to be truly transformational,
we need to find a way to bring it into every moment of our lives, until everything
we do is infused with the energy and wisdom of enlightenment."
Craig Hamilton

To capture nature, we widen our scope to include air, wind, fire, and water.  Each can be singled out with deep appreciation, but the grandeur is embraced when integrated into one.  When we can take the whole picture to heart, we are propelled into joy.

The true can be said for our spiritual experiences.  Singled out, meditation, chanting, dancing, or creative expression offer an individual opportunity for expansion; however, when we gather each of these into one undertaking, we discover bliss.

As we ground ourselves, maintaining our spiritual outlook, we bring joy not only to ourselves, but to those surrounding us.  When we master the balance of inner wisdom with outer existence, we will prosper greatly.


Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Do Not Wait ...

"Flowers always make people better, happier and more helpful;
they are sunshine, food and medicine to the mind."
Luther Burbank

An elderly gentleman sat on the edge of the bench.  He was dressed casually with a cap upon his head and an assortment of flowers clenched in his fists.  His well groomed beard adorned his face, but it was the essence of love projected by his blue eyes that seemed to draw a person in.

A simple bouquet of flowers can lift, nurture, and heal the body, mind, and soul.  Whether purchased at a grocery store or hand selected from a garden, the fragrance, color, and mere presence brightens any ordinary day.

Do not wait for someone to bring flowers, when we can choose them by our lovely selves.  It can be an act of kindness to brighten our spirits, pump our creativity, and mend our hearts.  They are symbols of life, love, and the promise of better things.

Monday, April 25, 2022

Navigating A New Path


"There is a self within each one of us aching to be born."
Alan Jones

How many times will we cross over the bridge from dark into light; from pain into healing; from hiding into freedom?  When will we grant our lovely selves permission to shed the old which makes room for the new?  How long will it be before we dismiss the opinion of others and listen to our own inner guidance?

At first, we need to acknowledge the wound festering within causing emotional drama and angry reactions.  Then we can grasp the lesson we were intended to learn, to find value in the creasing of our heart.  Compassion enters when we accept we did the best we could at the time.  Consideration to release what no longer supports accelerates ability to embrace new possibilities with creativity and grace.

Rekindling our true nature by seeing our inner beauty through new eyes rather than through the opinions of others, offers freedom.  Our retrieved negative thoughts can be changed into positive energy which propel us onto a new path of navigating a more peaceful life.

Sunday, April 24, 2022

My Heart Is Open


"Aging also invites you to become aware
of the sacred circle that shelters your life."
John O'Donohue

As I age, I find myself to be gathering memories and forming collages with appreciation and deeper understanding.  What once made no sense whatsoever, begins to blend in with other experiences, revealing a particular belief or skill.

Connection strengthens as I walk amongst the trees, as they speak their silent language offering protection from the breeze.  Scurrying of unseen animals reminds me of the numerous mystical realms now open to me.  

The dappling of light falling down through the trees replicates wisdom being bestowed upon me.  It is within this sacred chamber that all fears are lost and nurturing comfort caresses me. As I wander, my heart is open and all are welcomed.

Saturday, April 23, 2022

The Second Innocence

"There is the first innocence when we are children.
The second innocence comes later in your life."
John O'Donohue

As children, we are free to run, jump and squeal!  Curiosity pulls us into adventure and exploration, unafraid.  We are not tightly regulated, so we can slow down to watch a caterpillar or ramp up our speed until falling breathless. Ah, the first innocence.

As we mature, if we actually do, we gravitate towards images of dignity or stature which refines our nature.  Gone are the days of hopscotch and blowing bubbles, replaced by elite clubs and refinery.

The second innocence is indeed a blessing.  We eliminate distractions like hustle and bustle, replaced by gentle steps upon a path of spiritual discovery and calming grace.  Beauty is seen as inspiration and laughter float across the face.


Friday, April 22, 2022

Multitude of Possibilities

"I was made of multitude of selves, of fragments."
Anais Nin

There is pressure to be labeled as one thing, when in fact we are composed of numerous passions and longings.  Expectations of family or society push us into singular roles that frequently do not heighten our best segments of self.

In addition, we anticipate specific outcomes even though reality is inconsistent.  We narrow our choice of resources or tools, limiting full expression.  We take measures to tone down our kaleidoscope of possibilities rather than explore.

Allow the self to visualize a compassionate world filled with realms of diversity and positive energy.  Without restraint allow the self full expression, lifting veils, sensing spiritual presence and attracting a peaceful and nurturing world both internal and external.


Thursday, April 21, 2022

Broader Horizons

"Every piece of art in the world was once a blank space 
that someone chose to fill with inspiration, imagination,
fear, obsession, logic, love, or passion."
Stewart Stafford

Every human being has been born with the element of creativity to be expressed in very differing ways.  For some it may be arranging flowers while for others it may be singing.  Our freedom for creative expression is easily squelched when the simple implication of the standards of art.  

Freedom is a necessary component for allowing our visions to flow.  Fear of censorship detours and minimizes our intentions to live our dreams.  Restrictions can be unleashed if we use self-compassion and utilize desires.  

Our unique skill does not have to be shared with the world, but there is a necessity to act out of respect for the self.  Divine Spirit created each of us with an aptitude to create and there is reward in honoring it. Creative expression deepens our life experience and projects us broader horizons.


Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Comforting, Until Not


"But friendship isn't an extra -
it's really important for our mental and physical health."
Jess Johnson/Amy Weatherly

COVID spread the experience of isolation on differing levels to a cross section of humans.  The decline in participation of social activities and restrictions with community resources, led to the shrinking of our personal worlds.

Yes, texting was available and for a greater sense of recognition there was the opportunity to Zoom.  Perhaps, at first, we might have enjoyed the new slower pace of living.  We may even have felt it to be comforting, until it was not.

As we find our way back to personal exchanges, we may benefit by expanding our resources.  Community college offerings, library book clubs or local artist workshops, offer opportunities to expand our self-awareness while creating new connections. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Freedom For Our Spirits


"My true potential had more to do with my willingness 
to struggle than with my past and present circumstances."
Hope Jahren 

We are being bombarded by negativity from numerous aspects of life.  Whether the aggressiveness of Russia or the oppression of Ukraine, unease begins to build.  Then the altering weather patterns creating flooding or drought seeps in as well.  These things are out of our hands, leaving us to feel like we are powerless.

The good news is that we do have choice.  We can channel our energy into an awareness of the good deeds being done in the community by tender human beings.  We can choose to use compassion with others and especially with our own lovely selves.  

We can choose to strengthen our selves through connecting with trusted friends, reading insightful books and deepening our relationship with nature.  Our willingness to engage with  positive action, we move from the sense of oppression towards freeing our spirits.

Monday, April 18, 2022

Desire for Flight


"Hawks are one of the most intriguing and mystical
of the birds of prey.  They are the messengers, the 
protectors, and the visionaries of the air."
Ted Andrews 

Whenever a hawk enters my vision, I am alerted that a message is coming my way.  If it is sitting in a tree, I know to be patient, but observant.  If it flies across my path, I realize a shift of some sort is approaching.  

In meditation, I have experienced the flight of a hawk.  I have felt the strength of extended wings as the rush of currents pulled me higher.  Landscapes, as seen through keen eyes of this predator, offer expansive definition of living and life.

The hawk is known to awaken life purpose.  It is a connector between spirit and humans as it navigates the realm of the sky.  It offers the urge to have powerful communication as well as quietude to be alone.  The hawk initiates the desire to take flight.

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Possibilities for Resurrection

"Glimmers refers to small moments in our lives, 
when our biology is in a place of connection and/or
regulation, which then helps our nervous system
to feel safe and calm."
Deb Dana

Deb Dana, (licensed clinical social worker), coined  the phrase "Glimmers" as the opposite of triggers.  In spite of the growing chaos and disruption in our personal lives and in the world, we can take advantage of gentle ways to shape our moments.

Holidays, meant for nurturing, can often provoke bouts of loneliness or disconnect.  We may be tempted to return to old family roles or grieving for ancestors.  Our paths can be altered, however, by watching for small snippets of joy.

Perhaps this day will not unfold as in years passed and even if by choice, we may struggle to find happy footing.  Although we may have deliberately released previous exchanges, a yearning may still be present.  Please, choose to be mindful and seek smidgens of hope, believing in possibilities for resurrection. 


Saturday, April 16, 2022

What Is No Longer There ...

"The bird that would soar above the level plain of tradition 
and prejudice must have strong wings."
Kate Chopin 

It would seem that each generation seeks to alter tradition to better meet individual needs.  We then have choice to cling to what is no longer valued or take flight with newly developing ways.  As family dynamics change, releasing the familiar can be experienced either as a relief or challenge.

Instead of stuffing baskets with chocolate rabbits or coloring easter eggs, we may find a stronger sense of connection by walking upon a Forest Trail or sitting on a park bench.  Listening to the sounds of nature tends to calm and restore the soul.

Rigidity, clinging to what is no longer there, can cause us great harm; whereas, strengthening our wings for an unknown flight alter our emotional state.  Choose to greet the holy~day with eyes cast up to the sky, breathing in love and expecting new sight. Light a candle and notice the flame and its willingness to dance.  Allow the warmth to newly define  a  tradition for the heart.

Friday, April 15, 2022

"Anam Cara"

"Anam is the Gaelic word for soul; Cara is the word for friend.
Anam Cara was a person to whom you could reveal the hidden
intimacies of your life."
John O'Donohue

A soul friend offers an exceptional connection, seemingly spanning throughout time and space.  The opportunity to give witness to each other feels eternal without a designated  beginning. The sense of belonging both lingers and grows. 

The trust between soul friends is sacred allowing full disclosure without fear of judgment.  Recognition and acceptance are freely given while encouraging inspiration and uplifting reflections expand creativity in numerous forms.

The inner bond between the two souls is a form of love leading to Divine unfolding.  The immortal heart awakens to the presence of Spirit in all things.  Our union shines brightly upon our garden of life, nurturing and nourishing as we grow.


Thursday, April 14, 2022

Lavish Tender Truth


"A friend is a loved one who awakens your life
in order to free the wild possibilities within you."
John O'Donohue

On occasion, a friend will make a comment about our lovely self as though the reflected quality is a gift.  What is singled out as a personal highlight, we have repeatedly taken in stride as something anyone can do.  

Yes, perhaps, anyone can do this, but maybe, just maybe, we do it in a particular caring way.  We may have used a kinder voice or chosen specific words or added an emotional tone.  In some way, we have given greater depth to an ordinary gesteure.

When a total stranger offers a compliment, we may become guarded and question the motive.  When a beloved friend offers a positive comment, we are more likely to feel uplifted or enlightened.  Let us lavish tender truth upon each other, to brighten ordinary days.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Inspiration and Momentum


"You keep putting one foot in front of the other, and then one day
you look back and you've climbed a mountain.'
Tom Hiddleston

When we are open to a stream of spiritual flow, our attention can be fascinated by a sudden suggestion or a vision worth a thousand words.  Either way, it is how we apply these morsels  of insights that create resilience and bliss within our lives.

Ego will shout, "Nonsense!' while friends might say, "Foolish!"  If we acquiesce to the negative response, we may give up before we even begin. Results, however, can be amazing when we open our hearts and give it a try.

Perhaps we cannot manage the imagined end result, but what tiny morsel can we entertain today?  What if we began on a small level, contributing whatever we can allowing it to build and unfold?  Allow inspiration to spin us forward, gaining momentum to move forward.

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Endlessly Inside ....

"Look well into thyself; there is a source of strength
which will always spring up if thou wilt always look."
Marcus Aurelius 

It is easy to tap into our own resources, yet we simply forget.  We become distracted by viewing what is outside of our lovely selves and making application of what is not ours to keep.  

If we can hold still in a moment, breathing in appreciation for what is inside, we create a sense of peace.  As strength builds within, we attract peaceful situations, insights, and like minded individuals.  

The intention of strengthening our inner resources is not only healthy for our own spiritual growth, but it becomes an example we can extend to others. When we embrace our gifts and talents, the resonating light shines out into the world.


Monday, April 11, 2022

Piece of Art


"Every decision I make that harms myself
creates new leaks in this human vessel."
Susan Austin-Crompton 

As the rain pours down for yet another day, I coax light bearing thoughts to spread through my body, mind and spirit.  I imagine I am standing on the beach, feeling warm sand beneath my feet.  I visualize sunshine beaming down upon me, strengthening perspectives.  

Leonard Cohen, song writer/musician uses a wonderful lyric "There is a crack in everything.  That's how the light gets in."  So when unavoidable darkness begins to seep in, I avoid being caught in the negativity, and immediately seek the lesson the light attempts to shine upon.  

If I were a piece of pottery, I would show numerous crevices and crannies.  Imperfect repair simply contributes to the beauty of the unique piece of self.  I am not a damaged vessel, but an example of a well worn piece of art.

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Sacred and Loving Aspects of Life

"The careful selection of words, helps to elevate
our consciousness and resonate in higher frequencies."
Grigoris Deoudis 

Negative feelings referencing fear, anger, judgment are low in vibrations; whereas, positive reactions are high or buoyant.  If we keep in mind how like attracts like, we will have a greater understanding with our mood swings.

When we open our hearts to trust higher frequencies, our uplifting energy opens us to higher visions, unexpected opportunities and greater insight.  In the absence of struggle, we become receptive to the natural nourishing flow.

Observing the positive surrounding us, we will invite a greater sense of happiness and optimism. With consistency, we will enjoy the intended sacred and loving aspects of life bathed in  a higher frequency.

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Beyond the Threshold

"Once you cross the threshold,
you will never be the same."
Kamal Ravikant 

For some, it is a matter of passing through a gate, entering into a heavy laden meadow of flowers.  While for others, it may be jumping off a ledge, believing in wings to help them fly. Then there is the dark gaping hole which individuals unexpectedly tumble down into.

Whether gate, ledge or hole, once we cross the threshold, life as we know it is altered.  It may be a transition to heighten our awareness or a dalliance in darkness to awaken the soul. Either way, courage is needed to proceed.

The unknown can relentlessly beckon us into uncharted territory without assurance of improvement or discovery.  Whether brave or foolish, those who respond journey into unexpected turn arounds. Results may not be immediate, but we will find ourselves forever changed.

Friday, April 8, 2022

Inclusion, Not Omission

"Without diversity, life would be very boring."
Catherine Pulsifer

Growing up in Chicago, Illinois, I was exposed to diversity on many levels.  There were numerous intersections between religions, cultures, and life styles.  There was a sense of freedom as to navigating as an individual through life.

I became aware of my preference to be in the midst of eclectic individuals.  I easily became bored with groups or situations containing repetitious similarities.  When dining out, I enjoyed choosing between German, French, Asian, or Italian cuisine in small neighborhood hide-a-ways.  Bohemian poet gatherings, ethnic bookstores, and a variety of destinations were readily available.

To maintain diversity, I welcomed exposure to those on a journey whether wearing spiked high heels or ugly work boots.  City living opened me to options whether selecting an author or an artist. Diversity was about inclusion and never omission. 


Thursday, April 7, 2022

Peace Within My Soul

"Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever,
even if your whole world seems upset."
Francis de Sales

This morning, as my eyes were opening, I felt a strange sense of dread.  While enjoying my first cup of coffee, I could feel unsolicited emotions swarming inside of me.  My initial attempt to disengage failed and my peace of mind was challenged.

We have choice as to which direction we want our life to flow.  Granted, we cannot easily dismiss harmful acts or words of anger, but we can envision our lovely selves as water flowing in spite of boulders or dams.

Feelings can be triggered by false alarms or misinterpreted aggression, and our response can be genuine yet not necessarily dominant.  So I acknowledge this dis-ease hovering within me, but swiftly let it go.  I soothe my self with positive mantras and restore the natural peace within my soul.


Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Extending Light


"Never underestimate the importance of your light."
Lori Nelson Spielmon

There is power in learning how to be present, just as we are and how we have been meant to be.  We can lose our impact while contemplating what we should do rather than relaxing into our true nature of being here now.  We can give others a gift of our presence which to some equates to sharing our light.  

Inside each one of us, there is a frequency reflecting our experience in the present moment.  When we are angry, our energy is revved up.  If we are grieving, we may exhibit a heaviness.  When we are joyful, our vibrations intensify.  In each situation, our light can be experienced by others.

In this moment right before us, we can choose to increase our light from a flicker to a flame. Just in this instance, we can shine our light upon whomever or whatever happens to be surrounding us.  When we extend our light, plants prosper, cats purr, and humans smile.  By simply reflecting our light, we are powerful and impact lives in an accelerated way.

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Never Ending Gift

"Like a tree whose roots are hidden in the rich 
darkness of the soil, human beings are meant 
to take our cues from our inner life."
Toko-pa Turner

Trees are amazing in that they are a never ending gift.  Recall Shel Silverstein's book THE GIVING TREE and we will be reminded of the span of offerings given by this beautiful segment of nature.  

Trees offer us esthetic inspiration and physical products, but amazing is the root systems offering connection while feeding other trees under ground.  As human beings, we are much the same.  We offer what we produce, we can be esthetically pleasing, and our root system expands over present and past timelines.

We do our lovely selves an injustice by not discovering, excavating, and honoring the wisdom we contain within.  Each one of us is a vessel intended to connect with our authenticity, perpetuate messages from the collective past, and to revere the communication generously extended by the Divine.  By operating from our inner life wisdom, we become a never ending gift.


Monday, April 4, 2022

A Pause Within Rigidity

"I have found that hesitation, more than anything, has been 
the invisible hitch that has kept me from joy."
Mark Nepo

Insightful thoughts flow through our mind, but our rampant full speed mental rants override the beauty of the inspiration.  Our swift movement, whether mental or physical, leaves opportunity in the dust.

Truly, Divine Spirit showers us with new pathways, but we move so quickly, we miss the awaiting exit.  We repeatedly fail to connect the dots waiting to illustrate a new approach, authentic view, or miraculous awakening.

As we glance down towards our footing, we miss the grandeur that awaits above ... lofty clouds, birds in flight, or the unfolding of butterflies wings.  If we seek a pause within the rigidity of our day, we open to numerous opportunities to be nurtured, inspired, and reinvented.  


Sunday, April 3, 2022

Love As An Implement

"A warrior's life is not about imagined perfection or victory;
it is about love.  Love is a warrior's sword; wherever it cuts,
it gives life, not death."
Dan Millman

Power is not singularly a physical force, control or oppression.  It can be non-violent and freeing.  Justice can be served without a sword and battles can be resolved without warriors. Peaceful living suggests love as an implement.

The coined term "Warrior of Light" once appealed to me in a non aggressive way.  It reflected standing for peace rather than 'fighting'.  It was a stance to project peaceful living through the absence of judgment and persecution.  

"Instrument of Love" removes the stigma of war, harm, and control.  It reduces the need for  positioning and encourages standing in one's own peaceful space respecting the equal space of others.  Could the world be finally shifting from Warrior/Fear to Love/Acceptance?

Saturday, April 2, 2022

Partial Offerings


"I am a very strong believer in listening and learning from others."                                                     Ruth Bader Ginsburg

I paused by the screen door attracted by the song of two Cardinals.  They sounded intense and yet light hearted.  I walked away believing I would return later to fully appreciate their melodies.  Time passed and when I remembered my earlier intent, it was too late.  The birds were long gone.

And isn't this just like life?   A partial conversation is overheard and we make a mental note to follow up, but we get lost in other exchanges.  We catch a phrase from a podcast or a few lyrics of a song, and intend to listen to the entire piece, but neglect to do so.

It is curious as to how many mini lessons, snippets of wisdom, and inspirational glimpses we miss throughout our day.  Possibly, we are overly focused or aimlessly distracted resulting in the absence of profound insight.  Both listening and learning feeds our soul, if we but take the time to fully become aware.

Friday, April 1, 2022

Nuances of Truth

"Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that 
some have entertained angels without knowing it."
King James Bible

April Fool's Day may unearth people who exhibit foolishness exceptionally well.  We may be astonished by pranks or uncensored antics, but over time, we may find our lovely selves reconsidering.

Ancient wisdom keepers were deemed untethered.  Scientists early in our history were deemed foolish.   Innovators were disrespected and unsupported.  Authentic voices were publicly disclaimed.  

If we think back over time, recalling acquaintances that seemed to be extreme, they may now have an element of credibility.  April Fool's Day is a perfect time to just listen to what may sound outlandish or appear to be ridiculous.  Simply be entertained without judgment, while catching nuances of truth.