Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Unlock A Softness

"Maybe the most important teaching is to lighten up and relax.
It's such a huge help in working with our crazy mixed-up minds
to remember that what we're doing is unlocking a softness that is in us 
and letting it spread.  We're letting it blur the sharp corners 
of self-criticism and complaint."

Pema Chodron

Meditation is a tool to help us relax our bodies to release stress.  There are those, however, trying so hard to master the art of meditation, even more stress is acquired.  We can stress ourselves out over any thing we choose.  

One would think we would use just as much time singling out our assets as we would our deficits.  Instead of wallowing in the heaviness of criticism, one could be joyfully sharing creative strengths.  Children anxiously report the wonderment in life as soon as they see a peer.  They rarely report how many time outs they have had or how often they got dirty.  

As we age, we grow a protection around ourselves in hopes of dodging criticism from others.  Unfortunately, it traps our own callous remarks inside and does not allow our soft spots to thrive and unfold.  Without appropriate nurturing, our soft spots turn hard eliminating the sense of joy.

There are numerous ways of maintaining a higher awareness of our positive aspects. We can make a list of our best qualities and post it where we will be seen often.  We can be mindful to immediately counter balance any self-criticism with reminders of positivity.  We can be more gentle as we approach any activity, willing to be a beginner and delighted to receive whatever arises.  We can relax into our busy routines using breath work and repetitive breaks throughout our schedules.  

Deliberately carve out time to whisper thoughts of kindness, thankfulness, and gratitude.  Refrain from treating our lovely selves any less than we would a dear friend.  While walking upon Mother Earth, place feet softly upon the ground.  Move inward and outward like a gentle breeze.  Unlock the softness residing within ...


Monday, March 30, 2015

Push The Pause Button


There is a voice inside of you
That whispers all day long,
"I feel that this is right for me,
I know that this is wrong."
No teacher, preacher, parent, friend
Or wise man can decide
What's right for you ~ just listen to
The voice that speaks inside.

Mind Pod Network

To trust our own judgment is vital to healthy living.  It is important to gather information from others, but the ultimate decision needs to be based on our personal evaluation.  Peer pressure is difficult to  handle and the need for acceptance will test the best of us.  We learn the hard way, when we choose to ignore our voice screaming inside, and proceed any way.  When we go against our own will, we pay the consequences.

To hear our inner voice, we must utilize the pause button residing between question and answer.  It is not just a matter of thinking but also of feeling.  There is a desire to do something, but every emotion inside may not agree.  Spontaneity is fun, but not if the price is too costly.  

When we are intensely pressured to make an immediate decision by some one else, we may benefit from asking what the motivation is for them.  It is interesting to note whether or not the person doing the personal or professional pushing is interested in me for my qualifications or simply trying to meet his or her own agenda. 

When we check in with all parts of our selves, we make better decisions and reap higher rewards.  We create a better sense of balance and seem to attract synchronicity. When we learn to push the pause button automatically, we are appropriately using an available tool to refine healthy decisions.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

To Hold Space

"What does it mean to hold space for someone else?  It means that we are willing 
to walk alongside another person in whatever journey they're on without judging them, 
making them feel inadequate, trying to fix them, or trying to impact the outcome.  
When we hold space for other people, we open our hearts, offer unconditional support, 
and let go of judgment and control."


When we offer to hold space for someone, a sense of relief can be immediately felt by the other.  We do not try to articulate words for healing nor guidance for moving forward.  We simply be present as a symbol of support.  The gesture says "I am here for you" or "You are not alone".  To hold space for someone can last a lifetime or fleeting moment.

As a small child shrinks from the harsh words of an adult, we send calming love to a little heart.  To the newly born bird fallen from his nest, we gently offer witness.  To the carelessly slaughtered trees in the midst of a field, we give witness to death in that space.

In the gathering circles of women, it is often said, "We will hold your space."  It is a recognition that each person authentically contributes and no one can fill their shoes.  During an absence, the attending women acknowledge the energy of the missing woman as though she were still present.  The absent woman can also feel the energy of her circle from a distance.  Holding space is the connection.  

We hold space all of the time for loved ones or foreign strangers.  When we pray or visualize light around a person, we are also holding space.  When we exchange loving glances, for the briefest of moments, we are holding each other in space.  It is an honoring or an element of respect that is acknowledged silently.  

When I fill this page with words every day,  I am creating a safe place desiring to be present in your space.  It is just one of the many ways I enjoy holding space.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Role of Participant, Not Victim

"Finding fault and feeling hopeless about improving the situation produces resignation -
cynicism is both resignation's symptom and a futile self-projection mechanism against it.
Blindly believing that everything will work out just fine also produces resignation, for we
have no motive to apply ourselves toward making things better.  But in order to survive -
both as individuals and as a civilization - and especially in order to thrive, we need the 
right balance of critical thinking and of hope."


Hopelessness leading to resignation delivers our power into the hands of others. It stops the flow and leaves our destination or arrival dependent upon someone else.  This is our life, our time, and active participation is required for authentic living.

We do not always have the answer nor do we necessarily see the lesson which tempts us to fall into into resistance.  In the moment, being frozen by fear, we allow our life to move forward without personal direction.  Without leadership, our lives can wander far off course.

We are each responsible for deciding whether or not we want to simply survive or enthusiastically thrive.  How much concentration are we willing to invest into our current situation?  If we remain too focused, we miss landscapes of beauty.  If we are undisciplined we may wander too far from our needed opportunities.  

Life isn't meant to happen to us, but rather life is meant to be experienced by us.  In the darkness we are required to remember the light and when we are in the light, we must not forget the darkness.  With patience we will find our pathways and with alertness we will recognize our roadsigns.  With hope we will see the sun rise and with joy we will watch the sun set.  

Friday, March 27, 2015

All Things Come Together

 "When you think yours is the only true path you forever chain yourself to judging others and
narrow the vision of God.  The road to righteousness and arrogance is a parallel road that can
intersect each other several times throughout a person's life.  It's often hard to recognize one road
from another.  What makes them different is the the road to righteousness is paved with the love
of humanity.  The road to arrogance in paved with the love of self."


There is a great deal of emphasis right now encouraging us to recognize every individual with respect. We are being called to 'wake up' and truly see the diversity in each other without judgment or fear.  By working together we will learn a peaceful existence. 

To respect, one must understand and listen open heartily.    To respect does not mean to condone nor support, but to have an informative sense of what is being valued.  When we view the core of any situation, there is insight into the reactive behavior.  With compassion, we begin to see each other as human beings, not enemies.

If we are each given the exact same map, we will not all follow the same route.  Some may stray quite far off the markings on the map, while others may follow it precisely.  Experiences will be different and the roads will cross more than we realize.  

If we are deliberately following the map one dot to the next, we may miss lovely landscapes or magnificent waterfalls,  We may be the first to arrive, but our experiences will be very limited.  If we have wandered from the perfect route upon the map, we may arrive last quite disheveled, but with a bounty of information.  One is not better than the other, just different.

If we each take our maps and cut away areas we did not travel, then piece together each route taken by others, we would find ourselves creating a design similar to a patchwork quilt.  When we view the completed design, we are reminded of how all things come together in spite of our efforts to make all things the same.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Spiritual Practice and Sacred Rituals Implemented Daily

"We're trained to think of spiritual practices as something we do on a cushion 
or by focusing our awareness in quietude.  And yet the journey of liberation is
a lot about getting really, really honest and clear."  

Stephen Dinan

The category of spiritual practices is broad, including a variety of activities lending freedom to our thoughts.  Creative expression is very closely linked to spiritual practices.  Consider the physical expression through yoga or solitude during a nature walk.  With creative visualization, we explore the realms of our mind or other realms.  With intention, we can create a sense of sacredness to any motion whether physical, mental or spiritual.  

At one time, the word ritual was used in relation to a priest or some other intermediary deemed holy enough to display the spiritual act of ritual.  Ritual, however, can be easily found in ancient history as well as our current every day lives.  Our personal action in reverence to what was we revere as holy is a ritual.  Spiritual ritual can be practiced by artists, athletes, or the post man walking down the street. A ritual is no longer performed singularly in a church.

Creating a ritual brings sacredness into our lives.  The ritual becomes our spiritual practice whether we are reading, gardening, writing, or sitting in prayerful moments.  Any time we reach out to the sacred, we increase our link or sense of connection.  

Whatever we create as a spiritual practice or design to be a sacred ritual, we are allowing ourselves to be nurtured and replenished by the presence of holiness.  As we use our actions whether physical or mental with each and every day, our faith grows into a daily experience, not reserved for Sundays.  Our practice impacts our actions and our actions impacts every thing around us.  Choose wisely and participate daily!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Tolerance Breeds Integrity

"We all respond to our unique map of the world
that we hold in our head.  Many times the maps 
of others do not make sense to us.  Here is where 
a little bit of understanding and tolerance could 
help enrich our lives."

Paradigm Shift

We utter 50,000 words per day whether they are silent or loud.  The majority of these words are not original thoughts.  What we share is based on what we have read, seen, or personally experienced, all being filtered through our own personal scope.  Our memories are not the same as others experiencing the exact situation and over time, the memory fades, so we color in some areas in order to maintain it.  It is no wonder discrepancies run rampant.  

If our internal landscapes are created only through our narrow perceptions, the greater need to be open to the opinions, insights, and experiences of others.  There is no need to replace our personal views with those of others, but it is vitally important to open our selves to diversity and not be threatened by it.  We can maintain our authenticity without being closed off or rigid.  

Our ability to embrace what is foreign to us, can impact our community, environment, and quality of life.  During this exchange of respect, we also come to see some of our own misunderstandings.  As we shift our view from our discolored lens, we begin to see the blending of compassionate thought.  We then view our own process through multiple possibilities discovering a variety of perspectives.  Tolerance then breeds integrity for all involved, providing a higher quality of conversation and living experience. 

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Extend Loving Light

"We are not trapped or locked in these bones. No, no. We are free to change.
And love changes us.  And if we can love one another, we can break open the sky."

Walter Mosley

Folk singers, Peter, Paul, and Mary were honored for all of their creative work and dedication to peace during the 1960's.  As I listened to all of their old songs, the words came flowing back to me.  They stirred old fires within me to the point of melancholy.  I easily recalled the anxiety of watching friends drafted and waiting not so patiently for their safe return.  A few intimate friends never came back, and those who returned never came back completely.  They were changed forever.

A sadness spreads through me as I find folk song lyrics to be apropos for the current state of unrest across the world.  I cannot help but speculate that young men are still in harms way and peace is not knocking on every one's door.  Many cultures are being destroyed and human spirits devoured through torture, hunger, and disease.  

Why is the change I long for not seen?  It really isn't about one thing like politics or religion.  It is the age old craving for more,  even while others lack ... or just plain greed.

When will we 'break open the sky' by loving one and another?  I am beginning to doubt if I shall ever see such a thing.  All I can do is express extreme gratitude to those who generously nurture and protect others at risk of harm.  I will live in personal peace and extend loving light as far as it can reach.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Balance Differs From Harmony

"To put everything in balance is good,
to put everything in harmony is better."

Victor Hugo

To balance can be an effort in juggling, throwing agendas or thoughts up into the air with fine tuned accuracy and being mindful to keep things in sync. To harmonize is to allow things to flow with a natural order without significant orchestration.  We strive to keep our lives balanced, but experience special joy when we discover elements of our lives perfectly arranged in harmony.  

There seems to be a decisive difference between the two.  One tends to require personal concentration  and the other just seems to happen. Balance is like placing our feet upon an elevated tight rope, wobbling from one side to the other; whereas, harmony is comparable to a surfer catching the perfect wave.

To create balance in life, we use mindfulness, meaning to remain aware.  Harmony seems to appear just as we let go or get out of our own way.  It is as though balance is the human action and harmony is subtle spiritual intervention.

Methodical and focused, we arrange our life, but being in the flow occurs when least expected.  Experience balance and we can tell ourselves, "Job well done!"  When caught in the rush or flow of harmony, one simply recognizes bliss or visits incredible synchronicity.  

Balance is a challenge involving different aspects of life.  Harmony is a blessing pulling all things into oneness.  It is a gift of hope, spiritual recognition, and unconditional love.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Fields of Possibilities

"Step into the field of all possibilities and experience
all the fun, adventure, magic and mystery of life."

Deepak Chopra

Winter lulls us into a hibernation.  We don't socialize as much and have a tendency to feel isolated.  The trees, however, are always standing and waiting for us to see them.  We can catch a glimpse of one out in our yard or as our car zips down the road, we may see several standing at attention.   One may have a broken limb and another may have overshadowed a smaller tree now withered, but they are still prepared to witness our presence.

Life has offered me years of adventure and fun accompanied by challenge and loss.  I have learned and maybe not as much as I could have, but I have been impacted by change.  Now it is more comfortable for me to experience the magic in the density of the woods or during observance of the transitions of nature.  

It is a mystery to me how life pushes up through the earth, roots dig deeply down, and magnificent shapes and colors unfold.  I find myself in awe of the majestic colors most artists fail to duplicate.  The fragrance in the air is like no other and triggers all of my senses into high alert.  Breathe in the spirit of life, quietly listen to the silence, broaden vision to capture all there is to see and let imagination dance freely until the heart is filled to the brim.

I find nature filled with kindness, restoring my hibernating soul in a vulnerable way not offered by my fellow humankind. Relaxed into a state of safety, seemingly wrapped in the arms of the unseen, I willingly return to the other field of possibility called life amongst the living. 

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Erase A Cloud ... The Power of Thoughts

"Masaru Emoto shows you how to prove to yourself that your consciousness has an incredible impact on the physical world.  He teaches you how to erase a cloud with just your thoughts.  Actually make a cloud disappear.  Everyone can do this and the first tie you do it is paradigm shattering.  When you see the cloud fade away because of your thoughts your life will change forever."

Masaru Emoto

In one of Shirley MaClaine's earlier books, she instructed the reader how to eliminate a cloud.  It was a lesson in how our thoughts powerfully impact the world surrounding us.  Many readers guffawed at the suggestion.  Then scientist Masaru Emoto made the same suggestions with scientific research.

Generally speaking, the individual was told to choose a clear day, look up into the sky, and choose just one rather small cloud.  Without trying too hard, gently address the cloud asking to make it disappear or imagine an invisible beam of energy being sent to the cloud.  If we do not doubt our power, the cloud will either break into smaller pieces or simply fade away.  The readers were told to thank the cloud for joining the experiment.  Then spend some time exploring what has just happened and what power exists within us.

I was successful the first time I did this and felt awful afterwards.  Since childhood, I have dearly loved clouds and I now felt as though I had used my apparent power unnecessarily.  Indeed, I am super sensitive, but to this day, I know I can gently ask a cloud to disappear and it will, but to what end?  To make myself feel powerful and eliminate a beautiful fluff in the sky in the process?  This seems careless or arrogant to me.  It is a magical experience, however, but consciously I have only been willing to do it once.

Masaru Emoto (The Hidden Messages in Water) is widely known for his experiments with water to prove the powerful impact our thoughts have on all things.  He suggests freezing water in two separate containers, sending positive thoughts or delightful music to one and negative to the other.  In the end of the experiment, the frozen water with positive thoughts are crystal clear and amazingly designed; whereas the negative frozen water is distorted or discolored.  He runs this experiment with rice as well.  Two containers hold rice and one we fill with positive thoughts and the other negative feelings.   The negative rice begins to mold and decay prior to the rice with positive thoughts.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Work With, Not Against

"In the early seventies a friend kept telling me, 'Whatever you do, don’t try to make those feelings go away.' His advice went on: 'Anything you can learn about working with your sense of discouragement or your sense of fear or your sense of bewilderment or your sense of feeling inferior or your sense of resentment—anything you can do to work with those things—do it, please, because it will be such an inspiration to other people.'” 

Pema Chodron
The Wisdom of No Escape

We are not alone, even in the darkest of times.  We may feel alone, but if we turn our attention to the connection we have with others, we remember everyone faces challenges.  If they can survive, then so can we.  

When we do not waste our energy stuck in the thickness of drama, and choose to move into a solution mode, we can work with our feelings. towards transition.  Fear or anger will still be present, but they will not be allowed to overshadow and immobilize us.

We are creative human beings and when we believe in our resilience, we can  feel our emotions  deeply, but not be distracted from our authentic resolution.  We move forward gracefully, confident in our personal ability to navigate life successfully.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Panorama or Up Close and Personal

"When I walk with a camera I walk front shot to shot,
reading the light on a calibrated meter.  When I walk without a camera, 
my own shutter opens, and the moment's light prints on my own silver gut.  
When I see this second way I am above all an unscrupulous observer."

Annie Dillard
Pilgrim at Tinker Creek

As a family gathers or an intense business meeting assembles, we may find ourselves looking through a lens captivating reflections which support our personal view.  This is not necessarily beneficial to the self or others.  When we set our fact finders aside and open ourselves to a larger picture, we can be surprised by collective creative genius.

We squint our eyes and look too carefully, we view only what we are determined to see.  With eyes wide open just to observe, we can be motivated by original backdrops described in detail by others.  By opening ourselves to the possibility of brilliance, we begin to appreciate what others have to offer.  

To capture all of the gifts our surroundings offer, we can clear our minds and prepare to be amazed.  Discoveries will pop out in routine places we pass every day.  The landscape brightens and shares a larger picture.  Our understanding can expand into change and improvement. 

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Focused Reflection Exploring

"It is only when we are willing to look beyond the surface characteristics
that we exhibit each day that we can peel back the layers of our personalities
to find the innate depth that exists within us."

Daily Om

Three themes guide my writing:  Articulating Silence, Deciphering Dreams, and Exploring Inner Landscapes.  The process of exploring within is a deep excavation requiring diligence and focus.  When one goes slowly, diverse pieces of information can be gently unearthed.  Perhaps by itself, it may not be an exciting discovery, but when pieced together with others, the find can by significant.  

We cultivate a deeper understanding of our authentic identity by exploring how our emotional and physical environment contributes to our persona.  Large episodes may stand out in our mind, but when we link several smaller ones together, the big picture reflects greater dimensions.  

With new insights, our intentions become more transparent and the roots to our motivations are exposed.  Our behaviors reflect a depth not previously understood.  We realize that our impulses are not as spontaneous as we once thought.

Again, this is a process.  The deeper the exploration, significant nuggets of insight shine.  This takes consistent application, clear focus, and courage to keep digging.  The outcome will enhance who we are.  We will take on a mastered version with a broad range of elements one would have never guessed.  

When we slow down our train of thought, the world is no longer a fleeting glimpse.  In slow motion through a different scope, our view becomes more colorful, extremely detailed, and astonishingly connected.  When we explore with focus, we will discover the varying aspects of our lovely selves.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Captured by Irish Pirates

"May the sun always shine on your windowpane;
May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain;
May the hand of a friend always be near you;
May God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you."

Irish Blessing

Saint Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland.  His earlier life was spent in Great Britain until the age of 16 when he was captured by Irish pirates.  His time in captivation had been a highly spiritual experience. After six years, he escaped and made a lengthy return to his family.   After becoming a cleric, he returned to Ireland where he spent  years as a missionary, and later became the first bishop of Armagh.  March 17th is the date of his death.  He is the patron saint of Ireland.

St Patrick taught about the Holy Trinity using a shamrock which has three petals. This is how it became the symbol for St Patrick's Day.  He also used the shamrock to illustrate the  Christian teaching of three persons in one God.

The shamrock was seen as sacred in pre-christian days in Ireland.  With its green color and overall shape, it is viewed as representing rebirth and eternal life.  Three was a sacred number in the pagan religion and there were a number of Triple Goddesses in ancient Ireland.

As the case with most historical figures, much of St Patrick's life is undocumented and often confused with other Irish figures.  There are at least three theories about his life and some speculation in reference to accepting expensive gifts from government officials.

There was no reference to the origin of green beer.  I will let you research that on your own! I do value many Irish blessings and I extend them to all of you!


Monday, March 16, 2015

Cadence of Soul Song

"It is in times of brokenness that the soul sings its most wise and eternal song ... Each person's soul has its own cadence.  You will recognize its music, though, by the way you feel when you are listening:  awake, calm, and suddenly relieved of the burden of control.  You will take a big breath, you'll sigh and say to yourself, " 'It's okay.  Everything's okay.' You'll unfold your arms and lean back, and say to the soul, "Just sing me your song.  Teach me the words. Tell me what you know.'"

Elizabeth Lesser

When we are hurting, we may turn towards our friends for support.  It feels good to be listened to and hugged.  There may be a variety of ways to deal with our emotions or distract ourselves from what hurts our heart.  Ultimately, we will end up sitting alone trying to cope.  

When we are present in the moment, with our thoughts calmed, and distractions eliminated, we slowly become aware of a rhythm within ourselves.  If we close our eyes, we may see the movement in colors or feel a 'knowing' growing with clarity.  Wisdom is free to come to the surface when we get out of our own way.  

We can use meditation, prayer, yoga, or any form of artistic expression to begin to uncoil from the clutches of fear.  Slowly letting go of harsh feelings, we begin to sense a calm generated from within.  When our body, mind, and soul embrace the cadence of our soul's song, we are lulled back into a safe place where courage and compassion await.  In time, all will be well.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Living Garden of Life

"It's not what you say out of your mouth that determines your life,
it's what you whisper to yourself that has the most power."

Robert T. Kiyosaki

Sleet smacks against the window and my bones feel cold.  The warmth of the sun is needed upon my face to help me feel strong again.  I strain my eyes against the frosted window, hoping to find tiny buds on the bushes or trees.  I need a sign life will begin again in full color, where nature can deliberately touch me.

I feel like a caterpillar who has prematurely exited the cocoon.  My yearning to be alive again has overshadowed my ability to remain still.  With patience spent, my eagerness roars like a lion inside of my head.

To feel the earth beneath my feet, to find the wind gently blowing against my face, and to inhale the crisp fragrance of all things new will awaken me from this long dark sleep.  This darkness where words are unkind, whispering the past and dimming any sense of unscathed future my fingers clutch the window sill.  

One day soon, the window will be unlocked and like a child, I will excitedly throw it open, breathing in new beginnings and exhaling the old.  I will escape through the window and wander through the living garden of life where my whispers are silenced, once again. 

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Tightness of Rigidity

"Just because I liked something at one point in time doesn't mean I'll always like it, or that I have to go on liking it at all points in time as an unthinking act of loyalty to who I am as a person, based solely on who I was as a person.  To be loyal to myself is to allow myself to grow and change, and challenge who I am and what I think.  The only thing I am sure is unsure, and this means I'm growing and not stagnant or shrinking."  Jarod Kintz

Change can be very subtle and we may not recognize it until it has long been in place.  We find ourselves on automatic pilot saying how much we love to do something (an activity we have long forgotten as it no longer holds our interest) or claim to be an avid reader (not being able to recall a single book from the passing year) or state a core belief ( knowing it no longer is creditable in our power of reasoning). 

Exposure to diverse interests helps us to decipher the built in releases during our transitions.  We have room for only so much and why invest energy into something no longer keeping our spirit alive?  When we prime our pump of imagination, we are led to unexpected delights.  To step across a previous barrier, we can better learn the illusion of fear.  When our hearts have been repeatedly wounded, they remain cracked open waiting to heal with change.  

I dislike change and much prefer routine, until I feel the tightness of rigidity or the pressure of shrinking enclosing the spirit within.  My yearnings, I hope, will keep pulling me forward while my character is deeply carved within.  The only thing for certain is I am no longer who I was and will not forever stay who I am.  

Friday, March 13, 2015

Unexpected Companion

"Eckhart Tolle and Cesar Milan:  
Dogs bring many gifts into our lives, 
including:  hope, forgiveness, and love.  
Dogs balance the entire energy field 
in our homes and connect us with nature."

My Bella is an adopted dog from the animal shelter.  She was abused as well as neglected.  She is five years old and is a Red Bone Coon Hound Mix.  It would be impressive to say I rescued her out of the goodness of my heart, but the truth is, I brought her into my home for selfish reasons.

In this year together, Bella has offered me compassion, unconditional love, and responsibility.  She snuggles with me when I feel lonely and I share my deepest thoughts with her daily.  We go on long walks together appreciating the beauty of nature while getting our exercise.  She is by my side every day as I write or read.  She has a way of sensing when I am anxious and will unwaveringly stare into my eyes. 

Bella has brought balance into my life as well as life into my home.  She makes me feel needed, triggers a broad range of emotions and allows me to be loving.  She is an unexpected companion bringing joy into my life.  I need her, this is for sure.  As they say, "Who rescued who?"

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Long After Me

"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone,
but the things you do for others remain as your legacy."

Kalu Ndukwe Kalu

I walked through a memorial garden, with cement pillars topped with iron clad busts of men who had stimulated progress over decades of change.  An historical bulletin was placed upon the cement pillar of each man.  As I wandered in the midst of these distinguished males, I could not help but wonder about personal integrity and character beneath the well scripted facts.  

We fool ourselves into thinking we need to do one great thing to carve our imprint upon this earth.  We seem to require a sense of a monumental accomplishment to be deemed worthy of life.  Although I may have felt this way years ago, I definitely do not view life this way at all.  The contribution at the end, whether great or small, will continue to reflect how we arrived at this closure.  How did we treat others along the way?  Did we inspire others or keep our brilliance close to our chest?  Did we ever acknowledge those who were the bridges to connect our series of venture?  Were we true to ourselves or did we play a role for some other?  Was our route deliberate or were we successful only when we were brave enough to wander a differing way?

I no longer yearn for perfection, but I strive to do my best.  I am deliberate in my actions to reflect the kind of human being I was first meant to be.  There will not be a courtyard dedicated to me, but the flames I have kindled in the hearts of others will hopefully shine brightly long after me.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Fear Only Breaks Our Wings

"Hold fast to dreams,
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird,
That cannot fly."

Langston Hughes

If we expect our dreams to come true, we cannot sit in isolation closed off from possibilities, or fuel ourselves with negativity.  We must be open to change and opportunity.  When we gently focus and remain mindful, we are much more likely to find ourselves participating in the creation of desire.

The Universe needs a sense of our will, and requires the freedom to orchestrate the scenario needing to be exposed. Without attention, we will miss opportunities, especially if our expectation is designed in one strict way.  We may receive more blessings by allowing the Universe freedom to create outside of our restricted view.

Life is a canvas to be filled with hope and joy.  Seldom does the finished piece of art ever look like our original sketch.  We much allow spirit to flow through us, to nudge us in differing directions.  Trust will allow us to take flight where fear only breaks our wings.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Life With Courage, Compassion, and Integrity

"I am always inspired by the strength, beauty and grace
of women who live into their aging process with dignity."

The Soulful Woman

When I was transitioning into my authentic self, I was bombarded by many words of wisdom.  I was normally overloaded with information stemming from ancient masters and current enlightened souls. I eventually realized I would make more progress if I reduced the inflow to focused on just a few things in order to move forward more lightly.

I chose elements:  Courage, Compassion, and Integrity.  As reminders, I wrote these three words on paper hearts and then placed them in places that were not obvious, but where I would notice them for sure.  In my office I placed them above the door frame, as people usually had their back to the door and never looked up that high when leaving.  Yet, as I sat in my chair, they were very easily seen.  I did the same thing in my bedroom, so when I awakened I would see them first thing.  Inside the medicine cabinet seemed like a good place as well.  Anything to keep me focused.

As the majority of my life had been driven by fear,  I set an intention to replace fear with courage.  A friend described me lovingly as a brave little soldier.  I decided to change the image to a spiritual warrior having nothing to do with guns, battles and wars.    A spiritual warrior would be a beacon of light, striving towards peace.

I began to use all of my energy with compassion rather than using my strength to build walls or isolate.  When I responded during conflict, if I maintained an attitude of compassion, my energy went to helping rather than creating a distance between us by defending, challenging, or judging.  My core became strengthened and it was easier for me to relax into who I really was, dropping masks, distractions, and unhealthy relationships.  

My definition of integrity is 'who you are when no one sees you'.  This understanding requires me to not only be honest, respectful, and loving in the presence of others, but also when I am by my self.  This eliminates unnecessary opinions, gossip, and drama.  The difficult part, for me, was honoring and respecting my changing self.  This led me to loving myself just as I loved others.  

With courage, compassion, and integrity, I was no longer a chameleon, adjusting my self to play a different part for differing situations.  I was able to be the same person no matter where I went or who I was with.  With my stronger sense of self, I could just be and enjoy the moment.  This initiated a personal empowerment to move even farther down my path to fully become me.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Personal World of Peace

"Let love flow so that it cleanses the world.
Then man can live in peace,
instead of the state of turmoil he has created
through his past ways of life,
with all those material interests and earthly ambitions."

Sai Baba

When we read a story that brings insight, it illuminates something within us.  It appears this guidance is what we have been waiting for and it is basically simple.  Using our analytical minds, we succeed in twisting simplicity into an intrinsic process which unlikely to be achieved.

Keep it simple:   Distance the self from personal drama and learn to remain present in the midst of chaos without engaging.

Let it go:  Release the events in life that make us feel badly or keep us small. Yesterday is never coming back unless the door is reopened and tomorrow really never arrives.  This present moment is the space for continuously beginning again.

Forgiveness:  Forgiveness isn't always difficult, but forgetting can take forever.  What is done to us we cannot always control, but the length of time we dwell on it is of our personal choosing.

Connectedness:  Our lives unfold more easily when we choose to appreciate the beauty of the world surrounding us.  When we really see all living things surrounding us, our attitudes will remain more positive which creates healthier living.  When we focus on the magic of life, our obsessions with negativity will be reduced, allowing us to feel connected.

Love and be loved:  When we look through the eyes of love, we attract an attitude of gratitude.  When we respond with love, judgment and negativity fall away.  If we become love, we will harm no others as we realize we are all one.  Ultimately, if we are love, we will be more apt to accept the love of others.

Silence:  Renew our body, mind, and spirit in solitude daily.  Cleanse the day from head to toe either by using a physical shower or any form of visualization.  Don't allow things to build up.  Stay open in each moment with a cleansed mind.

Voice:  Others seek us out to confide their stories, but we do not need to formulate answers for them.  Primarily, they are just needing to share stories out loud, to hear themselves and orchestrate a solution. Our voice is best heard when we reserve it for expressing our truth without impaling it upon others.

These qualities make life flow easily and distance us from distractions.  The hardest part about them is to remember them and to practice them as an automatic response.  When we finally present our authentic self to the world, we see things more clearly and less complicated.  If we remain centered in love our thoughts, actions, and relationships will create a personal world of peace.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Will They Matter At All

"Stepping onto a brand new path is difficult,
but not more difficult than remaining in a situation,
which is not nurturing to the whole woman."

Maya Angelou

We do not know what will happen in our future, and perhaps this is a good thing.  If we could see all the twists and turns waiting for us, we might choose to not move forward at all.  

As it is, there are boulders to be climbed and streams to be waded through.  Rain can cleanse our face or freeze like the driven snow.  We can hide in caves or hitch hike on life's super highway.  So many choices with so few clues.

Lessons are presented before us until we finally master the skill, but during the repetition, how do we know if we are simply making the same mistake or traveling the same ground to finally get it right?  We walk down through deep valleys and linger in dark forests.  Thankfully, we eventually struggle upward bound and rise to the top seeing beauty and wisdom.  Then like a rock, we roll back down again.

Like the seasons of summer, winter, spring and fall, we move through segments of our life.  We loop through these phases year after year producing varied harvests.  Some have been impaired by blight while others may be bountiful.  

This spiraling, going round and round, can disorientate the wisest traveler.  Like a horse on a carousal, we anticipate breaking out into a trot, but when the world whisks by going faster and faster are we not inclined to shout out, "STOP"?

The basket we carry our memories in, does it stay behind carefully tended by our loved ones?  The nurturing and care we have extended to ourselves, will it make a difference when the race is done?  The roads we have traveled, are they marked on our hearts?  The bits and pieces of our spirit we have left behind, will they become the road signs for others?  

So many questions and when the answers are apparent, will they matter at all?

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Slip Back Unnoticed

"fit in here, in my palm, in my shadow,
don't be bigger than my idea of you,
don't be more beautiful than i can accept,
don't be more human than i am willing to allow you to be 
and be quiet, you're too loud,
even your un-belonging is loud,
quiet your dreams, your voice, your hair
quiet your displacement
quiet your longing, your color,
quiet your walk, your eyes."

Warsan Shire

sliding down the slippery slope,  my descent is awkward and spiraling into darkness i have known before.  i have been hood winked yet another time, just in a different way.  the result is the same.  loss of power, light, and hope.

options are always present, but they seem to be even smaller than before.  shrinking, one would think i would survive in lesser space.  minimized into nothingness, all without grace.

doubting the climb will be worth the tears, fear, and darkened skies.  so tired of being the fore runner, the strong warrior, and the example of how not to be.  looping around in emotional dysfunction, what point does there seem to be?

just as i reach for the golden ring, the earth shifts.   i am left hanging in the air, suspended,  the wind dries my eyes and the sun returns life to my face.  i gently slip back unnoticed, trying to save face.

Friday, March 6, 2015

The Lotus and Honey Bees

"A water lily has always been a water lily for that whole time that it was sprouting out of the wet soil, reaching up through the dark water towards the sunlight, stretching and grasping for the surface; where it then buds and blooms on the outside in the sunshine."

C. JoyBell C.

We can only change ourselves and the shift must begin from deep within.  Our light is but a flicker until we continue to fuel it with hope, direction, and faith.  Eventually, our path out of darkness is reflected from our physical presence as we shine our true nature at long last.  Strength to be authentic is thickened as we grow in place, emerging as we have always been meant to be.  

So no more waiting for the knight on the white horse to rescue the fair maiden.  The end to seeking a teacher who will magically change our interior without our personal effort.  The marking of days until the special one arrives where the world changes is no longer available on the calendar.  The time is now.  No more distractions or retractions.  Moving forward at will.

And the day does come, when the sun does shine and the birds sing of freedom.  Where the sway of the trees calms us and the fragrance of flowers nurtures us.  Our roots run deeply into the rich earth and while our stems reach grasp for the sunlight.   Honey bees kiss our petals until we at long last unfold.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Carry On, Warrior

"You are never stronger ...
than when you land on 
the other side of despair."

Zadie Smith

When the breeze whips into a wind, I look up to the sky and see the dark clouds.  Comfort comes, only briefly, when I convince myself the brewing storm will not come my way.  I drive head into the roaring wind, monitoring the the pull of the storm.  I am headed right for it and my comfort is gone.

I rifle through my memory like pilfering through deleted files, trying to locate previous times when aiming for the eye of the storm.  Such a temptation to turn around, to head the other way, but deep inside I know I need to trust the way unfolding before me.

Light is gone, covered by the darkest of clouds sliding tumultuously across the sky.  Pelts of frozen raindrops spit against my view.  They are so sudden and loud, my reflexes pull my face from the view.  The vehicle withstands the buffeting of the storm, but I feel battered inside.  Then there is another mile marker reminding me that I am alone, challenged to survive.

Sleet followed by slush combined with snow impair my journey, making advancement slower than slow.  I laugh out loud when I imagine the words, "Carry on warrior, carry on!" I recall that I am brave.  I remind myself of my strength.  Endurance becomes my pace.

Finally, I have pushed through to the other side.  The wind is tired and finally laying down.  Wetness no longer falls from the sky.  While the sun peeks from behind the clouds, I feel my spirits rise knowing another race has been successfully run.