Sunday, March 15, 2015

Living Garden of Life

"It's not what you say out of your mouth that determines your life,
it's what you whisper to yourself that has the most power."

Robert T. Kiyosaki

Sleet smacks against the window and my bones feel cold.  The warmth of the sun is needed upon my face to help me feel strong again.  I strain my eyes against the frosted window, hoping to find tiny buds on the bushes or trees.  I need a sign life will begin again in full color, where nature can deliberately touch me.

I feel like a caterpillar who has prematurely exited the cocoon.  My yearning to be alive again has overshadowed my ability to remain still.  With patience spent, my eagerness roars like a lion inside of my head.

To feel the earth beneath my feet, to find the wind gently blowing against my face, and to inhale the crisp fragrance of all things new will awaken me from this long dark sleep.  This darkness where words are unkind, whispering the past and dimming any sense of unscathed future my fingers clutch the window sill.  

One day soon, the window will be unlocked and like a child, I will excitedly throw it open, breathing in new beginnings and exhaling the old.  I will escape through the window and wander through the living garden of life where my whispers are silenced, once again. 

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