Saturday, November 30, 2019

Willingness to Change

"Know that whatever you are going through right now,
it will change.  It might not all be good and fine tomorrow,
but it will be different, if ever just slightly. Things will change."
Helena Onneby

It is disheartening to have struggled and found safe passage through difficulty, only to notice the same lesson resurfacing.  We believe we have changed, have corrected our strides, and have improved to avoid similar situations.   And yet, here we are again.

As change resurfaces, it does not necessarily appear to be the same.  It wears different disguises as if to trick us, but eventually everything begins to feel just too familiar for comfort.  Change is like a template, once in place, it can be decorated in any emotion of choice altering appearance.

Life has presented lessons with our family, community, and workplace all in differing apparel.  We might be able to catch the shifting in the scenario, but still not realize change is approaching.  We pride ourselves in being flexible until we are stretched too far with no tolerance remaining.  Change can be positive or negative depending upon our perceptions and willingness to change.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Vulnerable to Wisdom


"What if pain ... like love ... is just 
a place brave people visit?"
Glennon Doyle

Our ego can talk us into or out of any situation.  When fear is added to the mix, we handicap ourselves by the distraction of unnecessary emotions.  If we are aiming for perfection, we will most definitely not arrive. 

Life challenges us to be bold in exploring who we are without unrealistic expectations.  If we can allow ourselves to be vulnerable to the wisdom circulating within us, the path will lead us through both pain and love.  

It is unreasonable to believe that either pain or love can be avoided in our unfolding drama of life.  We can strive to embrace all things coming at us, allowing them to teach us, and then pass through. Entertaining just in the moment, will propel us forward. The importance is to not get stuck in the drama that dissuades us from pursuing our journey.   

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Thanksgiving Cup Overflowing

"When asked if my cup is half-full or half-empty
my only response is that I am thankful
I have a cup!"
Sam Lefkowitz

Part of the world is inhaling a buffet of mouth watering food while the other half is hoping to find food.  I am thankful for every blessing I have and I am grateful to be living my life.

And yet there seems to be such an amazing discrepancy within our world of the haves and haves not.  At times it even feels embarrassing to be seen with our many blessings. It is irritating to view others basking in wealthy glitter while there are children with no home.

Throughout history, it seems there are those wanting and those who have no need to crave for all is provided.  This imbalance includes food, shelter, medicine, and any sense of power over the self.  It is a mystery to me that throughout the ages we have only role modeled to share with a few and not the many.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Creativity Soothing the Soul

"It felt so huge, so significant, to share such an awful part 
of myself with him ... to be so unbalanced, and to know 
that I could trust him to be my counterweight."
Caleb Roehrig

In our complicated world, our over loaded mind longs for a safe place where it can release a long stream of words, uncensored. A portion of the words we really don't mean, but the freedom in letting go blows off steam.

There are those surrounded by colleagues or friends and yet no one to listen with respect.  We may have a trusted group uplifting us, but still, there remains information best kept hidden.  Between fear and ego, our best self becomes compromised.

It doesn't matter what level of creativity we house.  The important factor is to use it fully with perfection out of our work.  There are emotions to be revealed in private journals, splattered paint, and out of tune pianos.  Bakers and gardeners have colorful visions as do carpenters and accountants.  What is it that soothes the soul awaiting discovery?

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Illusion of Ordinariness


 "Even if there are moments during the day when all seems normal  and when every action of your own and of those around you seems to be unremarkable, the appearances of ordinariness is an illusion, and just below the placid surface, the world is seething.
                                            Dean Koontz

When we are in public, we project a certain portion of ourselves, adding and subtracting as the environment shifts.  We find ourselves one way at work and quite the opposite at home or with friends.

There is nothing "wrong" with this human action, but consider how positively relaxing it would be if we could project our true selves at all times and in all places.

Whether we are exploring a country side, an art exhibit, or strolling through our community, there is so much more than meets the idea.  Like in a painting, we look behind the colors and shapes wondering what the artist was trying to tell us.  The same is true for our surroundings.  Begin to look beneath the initial view and truly see the deeper meaning of the life unfolding in front of you.

Monday, November 25, 2019

A Different Time and Space

"I have always noticed that these artists
and writers are very unbalanced."
Agatha Christie

When I was a senior in high school, I quietly entered a 'beatnik' bar with a group of chatting friends.  I quickly found a seat half way hidden behind a post.  The room was filled with oddly dressed characters toting funky hats.  The smoke was so thick you could hardly see.

The lights dimmed with one light focused upon the man on the stage.  There was a microphone and he was seated upon a stool.  The establishment was deathly quiet as the poet read his work, followed by snapping of fingers.  There was a brief time for questions prior to the next writer appearing on stage.

I do not remember very much about the recited material, but the image of these individuals remains permanent in my memory.  Individuals appeared to be very comfortable in being themselves and mesmerized by the talents of fellow writers.  It seemed as though, folks with creative expression in any media, projected an image for their spirit with total focus upon distributing their personal work.  I  was drawn to their sense of being free to be a beatnik or hippie! 

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Knowing Needs to be Understood

"Any fool can know.
The point is to understand."
Albert Einstein

Knowledge impacts change minimally if we do not know how to apply, to understand, and to be open.  The facts we hold dear today, may not be of relevance tomorrow.  As our perspective changes or life situations alter, our knowledge can be either impaired or heightened.  

As a brilliant individual is propelled farther into the depths of his or her specific field, it will be of no use if this individual cannot interpret the knowledge in understandable verbiage.  It is possible to be so advanced that we no longer can communicate to a layman.

As a complicated human being, we can be knowledgeable about our emotional strengths or weaknesses, but unless we can communicate facts about our emotional environment, we will be less likely to advance our expertise towards others and the less likely we will be understood.  What we know and what we understand may not be in alignment.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Creativity, Oneness and Empowerment

"Don't surrender your loneliness so quickly.  
Let it cut you more deep.  Let it ferment and
season you as few human and 
even divine ingredients can."

Physical loneliness can be experienced in a crowded room or a dense forest.  To explore the feelings of mental isolation, one can learn in greater depth of personal strengths, creativity, and understanding.  Loneliness is a ripe opportunity to go within and learn  about our inner self.

To distract ourselves with noisy activities is a temporary fix as eventually we return to our previous emotional state.  Instead of turning out towards the craziness of life, we learn and heal more soundly if we explore within.  Rather than speeding through experiences, we can benefit by slowing down to identify or name what is really instigating our sense of loneliness.

The sense of loneliness is not a bad thing unless we let it spiral out of control.  If we use this state of mind to welcome inner stirrings or spiritual promptings, our sense of connection  will overcome the feelings of being alone.  A quick fix will assist in easing surface discomfort, while a deep dive can trigger creativity, a sense of oneness, and empowerment.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Nothing is Insignificant

"The practice above all practices is to relinquish the immature desire 
to be taken care of in false belonging and parent our own originality."
Toko-pa Turner

As we delve into the history of our ancestors we gain insight and knowledge about life sacrifices and challenges every generation is called to make.  Whether diseases or family developments or financial failings, experiencing the human life form encounters similarities.  

Each generation may grow smarter, but the gained intelligence is not always used for the best of humanity.  Lessons are repeated to differing degrees, and patterns can be detected throughout all of history.

If we become accountable for ourselves and offer our unique skill to the betterment of living a peaceful life, things just might change or sadly, create just an undercurrent.  What  is your strength and how do you make individual contributions to the betterment of all living  humans?  As a member of the human race, find a piece of your lovely self to offer to your community in this time and space, no matter how tiny ... nothing is insignificant. 

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Boundaries Between Diversity

"Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit."  E.E. Cummings

When we encounter a person who believes in us,  introspection searches for the value the other sees.  We gain momentum to stretch and grow, expressing ourselves and to our amazement, others are actually listening and not ridiculing.

The journey inward is an interesting one as we come across knowledge, value, and worth.  The discovery process is meant to propel us out into the world to be tested and challenged.  With an open heart we see value in others, we hear conflicting concepts, and yearn to break the barriers between souls.

Competition is deleted and replaced by an uplifting spirit to encourage rather than tear down.  The challenge to reveal our true nature gains the opportunity to receive the same from others.   A sense of belonging is created eliminating boundaries between diversity.  Together we become a reflective light of love healing the human spirit.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Quest for Deeper Understanding


"The functions of prayer is not to influence God,
but rather to change the nature of 
the one who prays."
Soren Kierkegaard

As little children, we learn to say our night time prayers and prayers prior to meals.  I am certain the young ones are more concerned about keeping their eyes squished closed than grasping the meaning of any of the words. 

Then educational religious instruction settles in with memorization of lengthier prayers.  Again, the child is more keen to getting the words in order than relating deeply to the prayer.

Crisis, challenge or devastation propels us to learn new words to cast into a prayer.  We ask, we beg, and we plead.  Further along the road, we experience prayer as a communication connecting us to all things.  Prayers evolve into thanksgiving and praise, quest for deeper understanding and experiences to live our prayers.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Kindle a Fire Within

"Find the local women.  The makers. 
Listen to the voices of their handcrafts.  
What speaks to you?"
Sarah La Rosa

Attending Folk Art Fairs has been one of my oldest and favorite ventures.  There were vendors who had accomplished designs I could never begin to attempt.  The ingenious approaches of some were simply amazing.  How did they do that?  What does this piece tell me?  Many were masters in their art choice, but to ask them they would claim, "I simply love the feel of the texture .... The colors kept begging me for more ....  How can I add my personal touch?"

In casual conversation, most Folk Artists do not reflect striving for perfection.  They express a love for what they can create digging a little deeper.  Their words are inspiring, loving, and respectful.  They do not dwell on competition except with themselves.  They all seem to have the attitude of "There is still so much more I want to do!" Just viewing the Folk Artist's work kindles a fire within.

The artists seem to be seeking a higher level of expression.  Whether making baskets, rugs, pottery or jewelry, the most attractive tend to be individualistic rather than duplicating.  The common human being is frightened from their natural ability to create by fear of failure or self-imposed expectation of perfection.  Whatever artistic flair we might have, we tend to take for granted.  Experiment ... pen to page ... yarn to needle ... sliding beads ... and discover energy becoming a force towards authentic production.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Light in the Soul

"Truth is, people will never recognize what has changed 
within you,what makes you tick, what sets your heart and soul on fire, or 
what causes rage within your bloodstream, unless 
they yearn to understand your soul.
Kristin Michelle Elizabeth

My inner sense of what is true has been open to possibility since childhood.  Not trusting my intuition fully, I would watch others to discover where we were the same or different.  It never mattered to me if thoughts differed, as I was most curious about what triggered the belief.

Not only did I find others to be inconsistent, I discovered answers varied dependent upon the listeners.  I  realized we could change our personal thoughts, deepening and expanding our core, whether we were in agreement or not.

Adulthood triggered a decline in openly accepting whatever I read or heard, and strengthened a stronger sense of inner knowing.  Still agreeing to disagree, I carefully chose what resonated with me.  My intention was to show people my soul through my thoughts, words and deeds.  It ceased to bother me when people were disinterested in what made me tick, as my obligation was not to make others believe, but to let them see the light shining through from my soul.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Step Into the Flow

"Let you commit to yourself more now than ever and
take proactive action to align your thoughts, feelings,
emotions, goals, and values to accomplish your journey."
Rajesh Goyal

In a relaxed environment, our mind is open to fleeting thoughts of change.  We can gently ponder how we could adjust our purpose or lifestyle. By adding creativity to the possibilities, we can feel an excitement growing.  All things seem possible while in this lofty state with a thankful heart.

Time moves along and our dreams of change become pushed to the back of our minds.  We become centered about our routine which feels safe and secure.  In time, our creative thoughts will surface again, but our natural fear for creating the unknown squashes our incentive. Curiosity and focused energy will continue to pull our thoughts forward.

What if we did alter our path?  If we gathered our energy and focused upon a possibility, we can begin to feel a rush.  Pulling a plan together can get us excited and squelch our fears.  With reservation, we can test the waters to see if we would be stepping into the flow and not deeply into the churning tides.  

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Break the Heart Open

"Your pain is the breaking of the shell 
that encloses your understanding."
Kahlil Gibran

Once 'mending a broken heart'  meant either patching with crazy behavior, alcohol or drugs.  One stitched a heart back together, wrapped in bandages never expecting it to ever love again.  A spiritual author once said the heart gets broken over and over until it finally gives up and remains open ... and this was the goal all along.

If we can leave our heart open in spite of pain, we learn to equally embrace the passions and heartbreak with the knowledge we can understand and treat episodes with compassion rather than judgment.  

To splay our hearts open, unprotected can be frightening but also liberating.  To believe we are love itself the heart becomes our core.  As we experience all of life, sweet and harsh, we develop a depth of wisdom to uplift ourselves and others.  

Friday, November 15, 2019

Spiritual Spiral on Tennessee Roads

"Create a vision for the life you really want and
then work relentlessly towards making it a reality."
Roy T. Bennett

As I drove back from Nashville, the gorgeous colored  leaves triggered a state of awe.  I actually watched an eagle fly directly over my sun roof and the long drive offered numerous hawks in its margins.   Cardinals have a special meaning for me so I was delighted for a bright red male to cross my windshield.

As the hours of driving slowly moved along, I was saddened by all the of the dead deer along the wayside.  I silently thanked them for the food they would provide, for the beauty they brought into our world, and for the example of peaceful nature in the solitude of life.  And quite honestly, I cried.

The symbolism of deer uplifted my attitude.  They portray the lure of new adventures, and encourage others to watch for new perceptions of personal growth and expanded life experience. Most helpful, perhaps, deer has many sides to their behavior.  They are powerful yet feisty, and great individuality calling to trust instincts and themselves.   Message received, loud and clear.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Renaissance Man, Happy Birthday

"It wasn't exactly love at first sight, but it was deeper than that.
A sense of belonging to a place I never knew I wanted, but 
somehow always needed.  It was a home that carried a heartbeat."
Nikki Rowe

Ron and I met in the very early 1970's as he played softball with my then husband.  His wife became a trusted friend and he became the brother I never had.  As happens, life turned us in different directions, and even though we sporadically kept in touch, we did not hug again until  November 2016.

Ron is a Renaissance man in that he is richly diverse in his interests.  He is knowledgeable about history, artifacts, theater, music, athletics and restoration.  He has appreciation for people and once met, doesn't forget.  A graduate of Quincy College, he has held numerous positions within the school system.  For years he has been involved with auctions and the history behind unusual antique pieces.  

Ironically, Ron Triplett is a twin.  He remains close to an older and a younger brother, but lives in the same town as his twin, Don.  Ron's daughter, Sarah, is highly creative, a high school counselor, and engages with long time friends and her community.   The inside of Ron's mind is like a world globe, turning with intrigue of diverse places.    Ron is comfortable in the woods, swamp, theater, or concert, and has a passion for animals.   His  deep appreciation for nature, literature, and the human heart enhances his similarities to a romantic knight. 

                                          Wishing you a very happy birthday and many more!


Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Knowledge Without Imagination

"I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination.
Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited.  
Imagination encircles the world."
Albert Einstein

Children give testimony to the fact we are all born with imagination.  It is similar to other skills we carry into adulthood based upon the encouragement we have received and the knowledge we have collected.  If a skill is honed into a fine tool, it will be both exciting and productive to create an art form reflecting empathy and compassion.

Accessing knowledge is not enough on its own.  Knowledge must be applied, defined and open to challenge, but also etched with imagination.  In this way, knowledge takes on deeper meanings and becomes a part of our nature.   Application enhances segments that might inspire us to digest and respond in unique ways.

Imagination leads us perhaps on the same original journey, but it creates a more colorful landscape.  Imagination introduces wonderment to what otherwise may be dull or singular at first glance.  Imagination expands the ordinary into colorful and animated realms.  The inner artist awaits the use of imagination as it heightens the world within. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

When a Smile is Faster than a Thousand Words

"Because of your smile,
you make life more beautiful."
Thich Nhat Hanh

The simple task of lifting the ends of our mouth to form a smile can kindle hope in the heart of one other.  It doesn't matter where we are ... library, grocery store, church ... the simple gesture of a smile can uplift a spirit faster than a thousand words.

A smiling baby can encourage a stranger to not give up.  Even the nod of the head to a person passing by may elevate self-perception.  Simple gestures change the world around us.  Our kind reflections 
encourage the forlorn there is life worth living.

When a smile just doesn't seem to be enough, it is great fun to play an undetected game in public.  One simply walks down the street or sits in the midst of a crowd and deliberately extends love or light from the heart.  Imagine it spreading from person to person filling them with the warmth of a hug.  In time, surely a smile will slide across the face.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Connect on Equal Ground

"I look for the tenderness, sensitivity,
and soul of a person."
Avijeet Das

When a stranger is observed, what do you see, feel or hear?  Do the facial features trigger an emotional response?  Are you aware of bodily sensations like safety or fear?  Maybe you search for common similarities to create a comfort zone.

In my career, there were numerous occasions I had to make an immediate assessment of a person I was meeting for the first time under difficult circumstances.  It was vitally important to detect if the person was spewing anger, livid with hatred, or welcoming rescue.  

I observe a person until I can detect individual temperament. Whether based on clothing, voice, movement, or facial expression, there is a reflective tell.   It is important for me to know "where" the individual is so that I may connect on equal ground.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Thy Body is a Temple

"Little by little, one travels far."
J. R. R. Tolkien

I am an avid reader and therefore I travel extensively.  Nestled into my favorite reading space, I extend into the depths of fiction and accelerate into non-fiction cultural belief systems.  The mind is so expansive it can be transported anywhere.

As I was reading about spiritual meditation and Shamanic Breath Work, I came across and interesting definition between the two principals.  In meditation, a person travels inward to discover and develop parts of themselves in the inner realms of wisdom.  In Shamanic Breath Work, an individual travels outwards into external realms of past historical experiences.

So there are a multitude of segments both within and outside of our lovely selves.  Our body houses the skills and tools needed for full life to unfold.  It is no wonder then, our body suffers pain which originates through our mental and physical activities.  (Science is finally declaring the connection between the body and the mind.)  Instead of medication, we could work on prevention through restorative activities and appropriate self care.  

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Communication of Acceptance

"A light rain touches my cheek
like an angel's butterfly kisses."
Amanda Mosher

Rain clouds are moving in, so I dash to fill the bird feeders.  It is bad enough for the birds to be stuck out in the rain let alone not having any food.  Perched on the fence, they watch me scurry to the shepherd hooks and struggle to open the feeders.

As I walk back to the house, I feel the rain begin to gently fall upon my face.  I glance back at the piglet birds as they seem unaware of the drops falling from the sky.  Before long it will be snow falling and it will take greater effort for me to keep fulfilling their need.

I find offering seeds to my flighty friends as a service to nature, and happened to fall in love with the birds along the way.  The faithful tiny sparrows to the seldom visiting Owl and Hawk bless me with a silent communication of acceptance.  Their presence stir emotion in the depth of my heart.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Shed Misconceptions

"To know yourself,  you must first sacrifice
the illusion that already you do."
Vironika Tugaleva

Our mishaps tend to stand out brighter than our finest moments.  We retain the one insensitive remark while compliments quickly float away.  We dwell upon a collapsed relationship, forgetting it takes two people to make one work.

It is our deliberate choice to pull out the negative when we could just as easily examine the positive.  We treat our lovely selves emotionally and physically worse than we would any one else.  Rather than changing focus through affirmations, we keep regurgitating tainted memories darkened over time.  

Set the tone by offering to be of service to others as the day unfolds.  Give thanksgiving for abundance ... food, shelter, health.  Recall the snippets of kindness both received and given.  To practice this each day highlights the positive and encourages thoughtful intentions.  Slowly shed misconceptions and begin to live in true light.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Presence Not Judgment

"If you judge people, you have no time to love them."
Mother Teresa

I have taken my words and spread them out on the table just like I would a jig saw puzzle.  I create a border with the words best describing the situation.  Then I begin to line up things I expressed carelessly without thought.  Finally, there are only a few words left for the heart of the puzzle, and they perhaps are the most important.

Words can fly easily from my mouth, but if I keep my hand pressed upon my heart, it helps in the choosing of kinder and more helpful communication.  It slows my word flow so that I can better hear what is being said. 

When I listen with my heart, my mind is less likely to judge and my simple presence is probably appreciated more than my opinion.  Using visualization, I gently cover the person with love, light, and prayer to assist this person in the best way possible.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Let The Music Begin .... again .... and again ....

"Music can change the world."

The theory that music can impact behavior has been long standing, and minimally applied.  Doctors working with children immediately notice the physical reaction to an amped up hip hop music or how they settle down rapidly when sounds of nature or lullabies are played.

The same is true with adults and is displayed as such in Yoga, Spa's or Meditation Gatherings; religious gatherings or ceremonies.  It is known that the physical vibrations will match the frequencies of the music.  It is amazing to me why music is not used to higher level to manipulate the anxieties of beings.

Pentecostal singers can tell stories of being caught in a rapture through elevated song.  Dancers have expressed the magic in following the music with one's body to reach peak performance.  Music can elevate experiences when the vibration is impacted by the tempo of the notes.   Those who meditate can compound an experience while using chants.  Even silence is a tone in itself that can elevate us to higher thinking and more positive attitudes.  

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Truth Tellers

"The best part of telling the truth is you
don't have to remember when you lied."
Mark Twain

At an early age we learn  truth is a very important aspect of life. As young children, we often blab the truth to those who have no business knowing family intimacies.  We eventually learn with our creativity, truth can be dressed up or down empowering us.  Our imaginations can stray far from any resemblance of truth.

As teens, we learn telling the truth gets us in trouble, so making up fabrications becomes a skill.  The ability to lie stretches across homework, who we hang with, where we go and what time we really got home.  As we learn a bit more about integrity, truth telling once again becomes an honorable gesture. We hold our lovely selves accountable and prevent unnecessary harm towards others.

As I am a highly sensitive person who has always studied facial gestures and body language, I found my self disappointed by so many adults who choose to lie even about the smallest things.  I am a memory keeper and can recall original conversations which often do not match current stories.  No judgment here, but I do admit it I challenged my kids and it drove them crazy. Admittedly, hiding behind a lie seems easier in the moment, but then in the long run it can create hurtful scenarios which could have been avoided.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Regulating Sensitivity

"You're too sensitive -
You won't let me disrespect you."
Lucha Kingpin

A highly sensitive individual does not get to choose what he or she will be sensitive about.  It is an all or nothing situation.  Body, mind and soul react to situations creating an in depth experience for those who feel deeply.

Our family welcomes our sensitivity when we are being supportive of them, but if we choose to disagree, we are told that we are too sensitive.  It is  as though they want us to have a thermostat to regulate our feelings.

When an individual is trying to override the opinion of a sensitive person, he or she will try to shame us by saying we are just too sensitive.  In a certain regard, the person is trying to bully us into acquiescing to his or her opinion.  It does not matter if we are right or wrong, as we are entitled to use our voice with as much sensitivity we feel.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Do You Need Change or Growth?

"It's tempting to uses change and growth in a
woolly sort of way, meaning living a better
life, but in fact, they're quite different concepts."
Ali Luke

There is a difference between the words, change and growth.  Change can happen suddenly in a positive or negative way impacting our life without invitation.  Growth takes more time an intention and usually expands us in some way.  

An unexpected event can trigger change from the outside, such as:  death; accident; loss of job; eviction.  Growth on the other hand, takes time and motivation from the inside such as:  marriage; parenthood; buying a home; or tenets of the spirit.  Change impacts from the outside suddenly and growth is an internal force accumulating over time.

Change suggests an impromptu movement that has been put upon us.  We need to make a change if we are feeling stuck, disconnected or dislike our circumstances.  Growth occurs when we extend our dreams, listen inside to our yearnings or engage in resources to increase our knowledge.  It is important to decide if we need to change or to grow, which determines the degree of action.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Take the Shot!

"Why do we close our eyes when we pray,
when we cry, when we kiss, when we dream;
because the most beautiful things in our life
are not seen, but felt with the heart."

Our eyes are but a camera scanning the horizon to be aware of what  wonders may come next.  We view many things before we are caught up in beauty and we gently close our eyes.  Like taking a snapshot, our  eyes close to capture what we most desire to retain.

When we are caught off guard by violence, our lids were quickly cover our sight.  When we are touched by sadness with tears being shed, then too, our eyes gently close.  And when we allow ourselves to move beyond current life restriction, we will dream with our eyes acting like shades closing to allow creativity, imagination, and visualizations to be fully experienced in private.

It is apparent that every one has his or her own opinion of beauty whether taking in landscapes, artistic flair or a sweet baby's face.  Perhaps it is the heart that secretly hovers behind the camera prepared to figuratively push the button,   Maybe it is the emotions harbored in the heart that connect with the view and quickly whispers, "Take the shot!"

Friday, November 1, 2019

Beautiful and Painful Exploration

"When you walk to the edge of all the light you have and take
the first step into the darkness of the unknown, you must believe that one of two things will happen. There will be something solid for you to stand upon or you will be taught to fly."
Patrick Overton

Alignment requires an equal balance of power/weakness; dark/light; and challenge/stress. We cannot fully appreciate one without the other. If we have nothing to contrast or compare dimensions fade and create false boundaries. It is important to know the edge of ice and the beginning of water or the tolerance of heat by the experience of cold.
Learning is delivered by contrasting and comparing the opposite ends of the spectrum. Limitations prevent us from exceeding into truly dangerous zones, but there are incidents where a person is called to step through barriers crossing over to the unexplored side.
Restrictions can keep us safe, but they also may prevent us from beautiful discovery. A frightened infant pushes out into the world to the expansive unknown. From that point forward beautiful and painful exploration works in tandem until against all odds, we forge through patterns. Overcoming debris and fear, we reach into a new realm and hopefully, fly!
November 2019