"Know that whatever you are going through right now,
it will change. It might not all be good and fine tomorrow,
but it will be different, if ever just slightly. Things will change."
Helena Onneby
It is disheartening to have struggled and found safe passage through difficulty, only to notice the same lesson resurfacing. We believe we have changed, have corrected our strides, and have improved to avoid similar situations. And yet, here we are again.
As change resurfaces, it does not necessarily appear to be the same. It wears different disguises as if to trick us, but eventually everything begins to feel just too familiar for comfort. Change is like a template, once in place, it can be decorated in any emotion of choice altering appearance.
Life has presented lessons with our family, community, and workplace all in differing apparel. We might be able to catch the shifting in the scenario, but still not realize change is approaching. We pride ourselves in being flexible until we are stretched too far with no tolerance remaining. Change can be positive or negative depending upon our perceptions and willingness to change.