Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Is That Love On Your Face?


"Consciousness is rising on the planet, 
and it is asking all of you to become 
higher-minded and higher hearted."
Lee Harris

Consciousness can be thought of as light.  The more aware we become, the greater we can see into and out of the darkness.  As we gather deeper understanding, we must then apply it to all levels of our human experience. 

Vibrant heart energy is not just for prayers, family individuals, and lofty aspirations.  As we open to higher frequencies, we are called to share our goodness out into the world.  When we shine our light, others tend to follow our example.

There is an abundance of kind hearted people, and those who cannot give monetarily, can do so through random acts or engaging smiles.  It is when we choose to wear love on our faces rather than judgment that our world becomes brighter.

Monday, January 30, 2023



"As we move into the new experiences that lie
ahead, may we each be guided by our highest
wisdom and greatest compassion."
Pam Younghans

Anticipating a hike in the woods, one's thoughts are anticipating the experience and not which vehicle to drive.  The same is true about increasing our life experience.  It doesn't matter if one uses religious dogma, time in nature, or spiritual revelations. 

Our focus on expansion and enhancement, when guided by our highest wisdom, becomes priority.  We ask for respect from others, especially those who do not walk beside us; and we offer compassion to those who follow a different path.  

Humans transition through cycles just as the moon experiences lunar phases. We rotate through new beginnings or darkness into greater light expansion or understanding.  This is a repetitive process leading us to alignment with varying levels of  peace, love, and joy.

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Jackets, Shabby and Torn

"Don't worry about being a fascinating person.
Learn to be curious and fascinated by the the other person."
Jess Johnson

Walking down a library aisle, one notices a variance of colors in the covers.  Randomly selecting a volume, one will discover content expressed through individual perceptions and expressed in a variety of styles.  Each is a learning experience of its own.

Viewing humans is similar to walking down the library corridors. Some jackets are shabby or torn. Each person has his or her own story, waiting to be told.  Often, we are too busy looking inward missing abundant learning experiences walking beside us.

Select a person from life's shelf and open to his or her story.  Listen intently without judgement, embracing a new learning experience.  Be curious while the volume of information is being shared. Bring appreciation and respect into the author's world.


Saturday, January 28, 2023

Evolving Experience

"We arrive with a wise heart through the
evolving experience of seeing 
the impact of our choices."
Mitch Davidowitz

We have choices to make in every situation and if we neglect to make them, we have no one to blame but ourselves.  By not assessing the situation, we avoid being accountable and fault life for happening 'to' us.

The options before us might not be great ones, but we are called to action as a participant.  We may not have total control, but there is an element of decision making that will propel us forward and keep us invested.

It is imperative to make a healthy decision, supported by a plan that can be easily implemented.  Initiate steps that can be made in the moment, slowly building towards a positive outcome. Simply begin, holding an intention for positive outcome.


Friday, January 27, 2023


"If you can be clear about what you don't want,
then you have the capacity to shift toward 
clarity about what you do want."
Shiela Reynolds

Isn't it odd how we can immediately jot down a list of things we do not like, but when listing things we do  like, it becomes a much slower process?  Aught it not be the exact opposite?  When someone asks about our day, do we respond with joy or dismay?

The process of discovery entails weeding out what does not meet our expectations and  excavating obstacles that impede our progress.  First and foremost, however, is the necessity of having a clear vision of that which we seek.

When we are able to have a strong sense of self, a clear scope of what we desire emerges. Our course can be set, navigation determined, and a dream destination envisioned. With clarity, our energies support, align, and flow towards our carefully chosen goal.

Thursday, January 26, 2023


"Snowflakes are one of nature's most fragile things,
but just look what they can do when they stick together."
Vesta M. Kelly

Watching snowflakes delicately fall from the sky, some are dancing while others are simply floating.  There are those who rest upon an extended branch from a tree, while others knowingly shift to form a blanket spreading across the ground.

This process is so like my thoughts.  They are created by emotions often freezing in my brain.  Some linger in dark  hidden places, but when I am strong enough to simply let go, they are absorbed and melted by the grounding of my soul. 

How warmly I choose to embrace this secluded winter day. It opens before me, offering a safe haven for my wandering mind.  Fear falls away as love assures me I am safe. As my thoughts gather together, they form an inner knowing delicately woven with grace.  

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Disclosing ...

"There is no greater agony than
bearing an untold story inside you."
Maya Angelou

Deep inside the archives of our mind, linger old stories that we cannot seem to let go of in spite of the damage they cause.  Physically, these memories can inhibit us, emotionally cripple us, and spiritually darken our perceptions. 

We eventually experience the need to give voice to what we harbor. It is as though an inner dam has broken and liquid memory floods our waking thoughts or brings terror to our otherwise peaceful dreamscapes. 

There are endless ways for release, so just pick one.  Splash vibrant colors of paint; sing with guttural joy; write with nasty slang; or wisely choose a trusted soul.  It is time, dear friend, to rid the self of this murkiness and replace it with thriving light. 


Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Presenting As Abnormality

"I was born to feel alive and thrive!"
Ann Albers

When we finally become smart enough to discontinue using an individual label to describe our lovely selves, our vibrations begin to flow into multiple layers of our human experience.  We are not meant to carry one dynamic through the diversity of life.

When we have been shamed and brainwashed into thinking we have a ginormous weakness, there comes a time to unpack that theory.  When what has been buried is given clean air and fresh landscapes, perspectives frequently shift.

Throughout history, great brilliance has presented as abnormality.  Let this not be our experience.  Notice how energy begins to soar when the soul is fed, desires expanded, and first steps spiral us ahead. Kindle that inner fire, and thrive!


Monday, January 23, 2023

Don't You Dare!


"Never underestimate your own strength. You 
were born for a purpose and are blessed 
with the power to achieve it."
Leon Brown

From a very early age, our culture or parents teach us not to think out of the box.  Peers tell us to use matching colors, and for heaven's sakes, don't dare color outside of the lines!  Color a lion purple or a zebra with asterisks not stripes, and certain ridicule will follow.

Truth telling at an early age can easily get us shushed and accurate reporting of visions will get us labeled as too imaginative for our own good.  So the unspoken evaluation is don't dare to be you.  The assessment is that who we naturally are is somehow wrong.

Please, muster the courage to be fully present while applying insights from authentic lessons.  Allow scars to be beautiful bookmarks of where the path once led. Let us be afraid, no more, to be a full version of whom we have always been meant to be.

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Linger ...

"Pausing is an opportunity to clearly see the wants 
and fears that are driving us."
Kristen Roderick

Sitting ever so still, we begin to recognize the non-stop chatter in our monkey brain.  Explosions of random thoughts ignite a splatter effect without one thing linking together.  Instead of relaxing, our brain is bursting with activity. 

Direct the ego to go sit in a chair.  Place scattered emotions in a container not too far away.  Unclench the jaw, rotate the neck, drop the shoulders, and release a heart felt sigh.  Hands on lap, legs uncrossed, and feet upon the floor.

Closing the eyes, imagine a gorgeous mountain range or a perfect forrest trail.  Opening to sound, hear the distant ocean waves.  Feel a gentle breeze moving all doubt away.  Allow heart strings to dangle towards the belly, leaving nothing but peace along the way. 


Saturday, January 21, 2023

In and Out

"Work on yourself and your inner peace and
you'll come to realize that not reacting to every
little thing that bothers you is the first ingredient
to living a happy and healthy life."
Rania Naim

Alignment includes flexibility, so when we need to raise boundaries or lower them, we can.  To be rigid creates stress and a limited space for comfort.  With the belief we can rally to what ever comes our way, offers an easement of adaptability.

As we move back and forth, sustaining balance, we are open to new ideas establishing a greater sense of understanding the self, as well as quiet time to process. There is no room for growth if we remain still or excessively active. 

Without balanced processing, we tend to lose intended connection with our higher purpose.  Our greatest comfort and healthiest life style is experienced when we remain in the middle, deflecting negative thoughts and energy wasting distractions. 


Friday, January 20, 2023



"Three standout qualities are: humility,
being open to feedback, and being
in touch with emotions."
Yung Pueblo

If we stay in tune with our feelings, we are less likely to make false assumptions.  When we remain grounded, it is not as easy to be swept away by fear or subconscious bias.  With gentleness and patience, we can articulate our needs.

Rather than projecting an image of accomplishments, we may want to consider being humble and open to learning from others.  Instead of calculating impressive responses, we can embrace new information and then censor accordingly.

We may hear ourselves pontificating, only to realize the words no longer hold meaning for us.  Viewpoints shift and appeal sways.  Unhealthy emotions heal and creative concepts  yearn for attention.  Continue, encouraging your spirit to move with gentle patience.

Thursday, January 19, 2023



"It's really hard to make lifelong and positive
changes when we don't trust ourselves."
Leah Guy

We give our power away by waiting for the approval and acceptance of others.  The elements we long to receive from someone else are residing within, waiting to be utilized.  What we seek, we already have.

When we are personally unfulfilled, we attract a certain person to fill us, which floods our original essence.  It is when we become a container with recognized skills and gifts, we can welcome the honor and respect we desire.

If we hold ourselves accountable as a provider worthy of trust, our creativity gains momentum. We begin to recognize ourselves in the presence of others and our soul begins to soar.  Trust gains clarity in perception and perpetuates the unfolding of the self.

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Navigating the Spiral

"Living means learning to hold the astonishingly
beautiful and unbearably hard things in the same palm."
Suleika Jaouad

Redefining the self can be exhausting.  We make choices to stimulate change, but frequently discover we have chosen out of old needs and desires.  We cannot create a true persona, if we do not know who we are at the core of our being.

Are we seeking expectations prompted by others or are we opening to what resonates throughout our being? Can we determine if our resources are dictating what we need or are we pursuing an inner nudge?

When we ride the spiral downwards, we enter the dark to learn what is hidden.  As we climb back up the spiral, we are stimulated by the light.  Both need to be navigated in order to establish balance with a deeper sense of living.


Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Increments For Change


"So what if, instead of thinking about solving
your whole life, you just think about adding
additional good things to grow."
Rainbow Powell

New Year's Resolutions are probably unfolding intermittently. They can be defeating and overwhelming, no matter how healthy and intentional.  It seems as though we set ourselves up for failure, leaving ourselves worse off than we started.

What if we simply looked at the present day? "What can I do that will bring a positive aspect to my comprehension, perspective and growth?"  Choose something so very simple: gaze out of the window or sit quietly. Then be prompted by the small inner voice.

Instead of speeding dauntlessly into the future, loiter in the moment, and configure how to enhance the self.  Determine what is in our wheelhouse and how it can be extrapolated onto a more encompassing scale. Increments will lovingly fill the heart with necessary change. 

Monday, January 16, 2023

Tired Bones

"Rituals enhance your ability to sweeten your life 
through something as simple as how you prepare for sleep."
Jennifer Healey

Crawl into bed and rest your head upon the pillow.  Feel the mattress support your tired bones, and slowly release the tension lingering within.  Relax your shoulders, spine and feet.  Let your time time for ritual begin.

Allow a quick sweep through the memories of the day, and then let them go.  Run a quick check through tomorrow's agenda, and then let this, too, go.  Imagine what calm looks like and allow the image to seep down throughout your body from head to toe.

This is an easy way to transition the body, mind, and spirit into trust and relaxation.  You  increase the opportunity to receive and remember dreams.  As you peacefully shift into the present moment, the body regains strength and beckons you towards your path of growing.

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Endings ...


"We can shift our thinking around the impact of
the endings in our lives."
Alex Elle

Strength is needed to walk away from relationships that are not in alignment with who we have grown to become.  It is normal to reminisce and we may experience the 'pull' to return, but our energies are best invested in forward movement.

Clarity of what we desire helps us to remain positive and not get mired in the negativity of a departure.  No one has to be at fault, and there is no reason to declare a winner or loser. The discomfort we experience can be viewed as an agent for growth. 

As we embrace gratitude for beginnings and endings, we come to understand the process of change and the work remaining we are called to do.  If we focus on forthcoming healthy and inspiring connections, we can minimize our feelings of grieving, loss, and pain. 

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Befriend Shadows

"I am not looking to escape my darkness; 
I am learning to love myself there."
Rune Lazuli

Winter brings cold winds and snow, so we wander into our caves where darkness seems to be permanent.  In time, however, we come to see what is within the murkiness, as images begin to appear.  It is a space in time to befriend shadows. 

We tend to  reflect images outside of our lovely selves. Sometimes our projections are false with the intention to hide what we deem unacceptable. Other scenarios may exhibit an image of  truth we have not yet recognized.  
As we watch our silhouettes, we begin to understand the interconnectedness between the endless creative possibilities, and the multi-layered aspects of our lovely self.  It is in darkness that we come to see our light shining upon all of our parts, waiting to be loved.

Friday, January 13, 2023

When The Light's Go Out ...

"The moment we cease to hold each other,
the moment we break faith with one another,
the sea engulfs us and the light goes out."
James Baldwin

James Baldwin (1924-1987) was a controversial author focused on masculinity, sexuality, race and class challenges and barriers.  He was an active participant in the earliest civil rights movements, as well as, a voice for gay liberation which was unheard of at the time.

Baldwin's characters were primarily African American and gay, facing both internal and external obstacles. His writings dealt with personal and psychological dynamics in search for social and self acceptance.

In the late 60's, James Baldwin's poems, essays, novels, and plays intrigued me as his artistic words were stimulating and insightful. He was never silent.  His writings encouraged me to view human beings in a loving light, highlighting the need for connection.


Thursday, January 12, 2023

Burst Into Flames

"Transforming yourself is a means of 
giving light to the whole world."
Ramana Maharshi

If we feel like a 'hot mess', we have the choice to either stand still and turn into ash or burst into flames!  The choice to use the spiked energy for renovation, accelerates our process of evolving.  

Perhaps we have forgotten the childhood song of "This Little Light of Mine".  We promised to let it shine, to never hide it under a bushel, and to disallow darkness to put it out.  Remember looking up to the sky and imagining the stars reflecting our own light?

Each of us houses a flame and it is not enough to simply kindle it! It is vital to shine our light out into the world to remind each other of our emotional, physical, and spiritual connection.  Burst into flame and shine for all to see! 


Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Warmed by Light

"You search outside of yourself for ways
to make pain bearable instead of looking
at true connection."
Pamela Kribbe

Energy needs to be invested in the cause of our pain.  We become distracted when we search for ways to adjust our level of comfort rather than looking at what happened to trigger it.  It is not so much about the specifics, as it is about what's pulsing at our core.

When we ask ourselves what is at the heart of the disturbance, we can acknowledge what we are needing to rectify the situation.  Have we finally been pushed to no longer tolerate an outgrown relationship, unsatisfying lifestyle or faulty spiritual connection?

It is advantageous to learn how to simply sit with our lovely selves.  Withdraw into the depths of the heart and be warmed by loving light.  Let this pause strengthen the awareness of never truly being alone. It is within this safe space that we begin to soar.


Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Doorway of Fear


"Your life is your work of art."
Shakti Gawain

Every moment in our life is an opportunity to make creative choices, to rearrange templates, and to choose diverse colors.  Yet, too often, we remain trapped in outdated hues, ignoring the power within us to make positive change.

We often feel fear when we are faced with challenge, but it is simply a doorway to be stepped through.  What lies on the other side can be uplifting, life changing, and rewarding.  We have the choice to remain stuck or vibrate with new action.

When we are able to trust the process of change, we begin to see opportunities  for transformation.  It is within the unknown that our senses become alert, noticing creative ways to embrace a more fulfilling life.

Monday, January 9, 2023

Spirit in a Bush

"The cardinal's presence reflects lessons in
developing and accepting a new sense of
our own true-self importance."
Ted Brown

Journaling this morn, I glanced out the window to see a cardinal sitting in a bush staring at me. Cardinals remind me of a loved one who passed long ago. I stared at this bird, mesmerized in silent exchange, knowing it was her in spirit.

I remembered how present she always seemed to be. She was smart, observant and highly intuitive. She maintained a strong unspoken connection with those whom she loved, and she loved deeply.

This cardinal spirit triggered the importance of making a positive imprint in my life ... just as she did for me. I slowly moved to take her picture, but she flew away, not wanting to have her spirit captured ever again.

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Ice on the Edges

"So few people listen to their own voice because
they were taught not to trust it."
Tripsy South

The healing process heightens our individual power and through its vibration, impacts those around us.  Our ability to remain aligned in face of struggle benefits our decision making, and also offers examples to others to stay calm in the face of disruption. 

In relationships, we may get a little ice on our edges, but perhaps it is a sign that we need to move forward with change. Whether jointly or individually, evolution is to be respected and supported as the outcome produces empowerment.

We remember our flaws, so our unbalanced perceptions taint our view of the self, our surroundings, and view of our world.  If we, however, accept human imperfection and utilize spiritual qualities, we begin to thrive which triggers a positive difference.


Saturday, January 7, 2023

Upfront ...


"Facing the truth upfront rather than turning
from it will keep your life moving in a 
forward and positive direction."
Daily Om

Emotions get stirred, presenting us with unavoidable truth.  Even so, we may be hiding ourselves from it through distraction or denial.  Sometimes, we are simply not prepared to embrace what is standing defiantly before us.

Whether physically scared or emotionally crushed, we are still  called to face reality, the sooner the better.  The need to open both our heart and our mind is needed to begin the healing process. 

View the truth as an opportunity to break the mold, to end a cycle, and to develop individual strength.  Make a healthy choice to move forward with a sense of confidence that we can and will propel our lovely selves into a higher awareness of conscious living.

Friday, January 6, 2023

Microscope or Telescope ...

"Are you ready to see things differently?"
Note from the Universe

Would our life shift if we invested as much energy into higher consciousness as we do our coffee obsession, plant food diet or work routine?  How would our viewpoints change if we stopped using a microscope and looked through a telescope?  

What if a certain situation wasn't really about us, and we were simply meant to be an innocent bystander? Imagine an obstacle being deliberately placed onto our path to challenge us into a new way of navigating?  

If we are not experiencing some level of peace or joy in our life, it is time to make a concentrated effort to change.  Align spiritual and physical energy to remedy daily occurrences, to interact with others, and to develop dreams needing to come true.


Thursday, January 5, 2023

Mistakes or Gifts?


"Hard knocks and trials are designed to shed
light on our unconscious workings and 
deepen our life experience."
Daily Om

No one wants to repeat mistakes, but unless we understand the lesson, we will be tripped up over and over again.  It is important to untangle the ego as it too often has a grip upon us.  Life certainly unfolds better when we are following our heart.

If we look closely, we might see how we have an intention, but we stand directly in its way of evolving.  We might decrease our motivation, apply only lack luster actions, and change our focus.  Basically, we may have a tendency to self-sabotage.

What if our inspiration comes from Spirit?  Imagine a circle of angels watching and cheering our every step.  Visualize a positive outcome without detailed descriptions, and be amazed by the surge of energy.  This is how our life experience is intended to flow!

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Walking Away ...


"Walking away doesn't make you a quitter."
Alex Elle

Whether real or imagined, we may feel as though we are involuntarily fenced in.  There is always choice, however, as to whether you climb over or cut through the wires.  No matter which way one chooses, there is a need to answer the call of leaving.

There is a difference between being a quitter and being smart enough to know it is in the highest good of all involved to move forward.  It is in the ending that a new beginning emerges. When we move out of the darkness, we frequently become illuminated.

Time is precious, and it is not in our favor to waste it.  When we determine what, where, and who aligns with our truest nature, we need not wait for heightened struggles, conflicts or depravations.  If we find ourselves trying too hard, evaluation may result in walking away.

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Crossing Over


"Don't blame your challenge, rather get up 
and see it as a bridge to your success."
Bruce Mbanzabugabo

Crossing over is a life long journey. Whether it is in reference to physical, emotional or spiritual movement, it begins at birth and does not end at death.  We travel bridges between developmental stages, emotional gaps, and distant locations.  

We have choices as to how we want to proceed.  Do we want to run as fast as we can, linger, or journey never to return?  The key, perhaps, is to look from side to side, be open to what  appears and not be obsessed with what we are leaving or what awaits at the end.

Crossing over can be an anticipated passage or an unexpected shortcut.  Either way, we are offered a travel plan to step into the unknown, to trust in Divine connection, and create enhanced views of our existence.  Embrace the suspension that crossing over provides.


Monday, January 2, 2023



"It's about leaning in and looking at my life up close.
It's about wrapping my hands around the truth of 
what is and being open to the lessons that appear."
Alex Elle

Initially, denial might seem like the best choice, but it merely becomes compounded.  The same is true with minimizing.  What we choose to avoid is exactly what we need to deeply explore.  Without doing so, we continuously mislead our lovely selves and others.

The truth is hard to face, but when we choose to unpack emotions, recognize triggers, and release automatic reactions, the closer we move towards peace. Releasing resistance, stepping through fear, and seeking what is at the heart of the matter, pain can subside.

Within truth, lies the lesson.  Facing reality, we can begin to construct a healing path.  Choosing to dodge short cuts, we climb our way out of density and into a safe clearing.  It is here, in the newly discovered safe space, that we can begin to ascend.

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Direction of the Heart


"I take responsibility for my outer world
by taking responsibility for my inner world."
Shakti Gawain

A New Year streams before us, waiting for us to declare intention.  When we delve into our inner spirit, we begin to uncover what direction our heart longs to go.  As we create alignment with our desires and actions, our energy thrives and flows.

There is a need to remain mindful, to continuously nurture our dream, and refrain from creating barriers through self-doubt.  Utilize a loose outline and project commitment as vital steps in moving forward. 

When we are able to see how our gifts can be used as positive energy for the world, our feelings of connection increase.  What skills we offer, help create a better world for every human being.  If we allow love to fill our hearts, we will deeply touch the lives of others.