Sunday, September 30, 2018

Lust for Creating

"... You must be more awake than light
for we aren't born sleeping and we
shouldn't live sleeping."
Karmand Kojouri

Throughout my life, I have savored sleeping.  Agreed, it was an excellent coping skill, but I really do require more sleep than the average bear.  Hibernation in the winter comes easily for me.  My cave is lined with books, journals, quilts, and my favorite pillow.  With a fire in the fireplace, all is perfect in my world.

Come spring, I willingly wander into the gentle rain trying to capture its gentle fragrance.  I will sit in a rocker watching buds push themselves up through the ground.  The sun on my face fades all of the darkness away, as I watch the clouds float across the very blue sky.

Summer forces me inside as I do not tolerate heat.  I gather my energy and channel it through creative ideas from writing, knitting, quilting and expanding through a liberal selection of the written word. I tend to embrace fall with passion. Leaves of every color, apples galore, toasted marshmallows, and small groups of friends gathered.  During these moments I am more awake than ever, filled with a lust for creating.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Calm In The Midst Of Chaos

"You can be your own constant
amongst the chaos."
Akiroq Brost

We have an obligation to be present in the moment, but this does not mean we have to be active or participate in what is unfolding around us.  Eckhart Tolle comes to my mind whenever I am faced with unnecessary drama.  I can hear him saying, "Oh, I see." That's it, he doesn't engage.

In a sense, when we decide not to engage in drama or chaos, it falls away.  The person may continue on quite dramatically, but when they do not receive our energy in return, they eventually change the subject or become quiet.

It is said the only constant in life is change and change stimulates chaos.  We can minimize the chaos in our present moment if we make the choice to unplug placing our attention elsewhere.  We simply adjust our focus upon an affirmation, prayer or the beauty surrounding us.  In this way, we become our constant calm in the midst of chaos.

Friday, September 28, 2018

Be Aware

"When we surround ourselves with people who are committed
to understanding and loving, we're nourished by their presence
and our own seeds of understanding and love are watered. When
we surround ourselves with people who gossip, complain, and are
constantly critical, we absorb these toxins."
Thich Nhat Hanh

As I walked away from the gathering, I asked myself if I felt better or worse after spending time with this group.  Did I feel uplifted and energized or drained and tired?  There are numerous situations for investing our time, so we need to strive towards resources that enhance us and make us more purposeful.

There is nothing worse than sitting in the midst of people wishing to be home curled up in a chair with a book.  While excavating resources, it is important to incorporate diversity and allowance for spontaneity.  Anticipated outings may be a disappointment whereas a spontaneous adventure renews the soul.

It is passed time to turn off the computer or smart phone and become observant of those who are gathered around us.  Have we chosen wisely?  Do we feel the presence of interesting spirits or the heaviness of a foe?  Do the voices of others feed and inspire us or cause us to shrivel or die?  We have choice, but first we must be aware.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Listening And Seeing

"You cannot see someone unless you are
willing to listen to them."
Andre Freimann

My son was home for a quick visit and we gathered around the table to share a pizza.  He is my fast talking son, and seated furthest away, I realized I was not able to hear what he was saying at the end of the table to siblings.  As his mother, I simply enjoyed the animation on his face and his appearance of being a very happy man. Although I was able to gather some sense of reflection, I realized had I not known him as a mother knows her son, I would not have been able to understand who he was without listening.

When someone is talking to us, our mind is busy forming our responses and missing any sense of message or reflection from the speaker.  While a person is revealing a part of the self, we are not listening as we are projecting what we will be doing next.   And even at that, we are not even listening effectively to the on going chatter in our head.

The suggestion of course is to slow down and respect the person speaking.  We do not have to agree or disagree, just listen.  Our minds may be refreshed, expanded or contracted by the words of the speaker.  We can add to the experience by noticing his or her eyes, the way the mouth moves or the arch of the brow.  We all desire to be heard and seen, so please let us do our part.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Mindful and Present

"Love yourself enough to make a better choice for yourself.
One choice at a time.  
One moment at a time."
Akiroq Brost

Distractions of the world chaos and struggles within families tend to pull us out of our inner  peace.  How far we get disturbed depends upon how mindful we are.  Are we aware of our personal boundaries or do we get swayed by emotions?

Compassion is truly a gift until our emotions get sucked into drama.  It is important to be present and to attentively listen to others, but to reflect encouragement and love back to them rather than trying to solve problems that are not ours to solve.

When we fear being judged as not caring, we over compensate and fail to remember that change is triggered by the individual person when he or she is ready.   Healthy boundaries balance our ability to  select best choices of the moment without over extending or depleting.  We are at our best when we can be mindful and present.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Out of the Darkness, Shine

"Like the moon, come out from behind
the clouds!  And Shine!
Mark Nepo

The Blues Fest was the ideal spot for people watching.  Children were squealing with delight as they chased large bubbles across the grass.  Heavy fragrances drifted from the food vendors and laughter filled the air.  The musicians were deep into their groove while fingers and toes of bystanders were busily tapping.  Numerous folks had brought their own chairs and coolers, settling in front of the bandstand in the traditional downtown park.

There was an older gentlemen who had attended every Blues Festival throughout the summer.  He appeared to be the stereotypical army vet ... bone thin, long gray ponytail, bushy facial hair and a bandana tied around his head.  His worn out sandals gently slid over the grass as his skinny arms kept a gentle movement,  but his focus was somewhere far away.   Another dancer would spin and twirl keeping perfect beat with her feet.  She intrigued me with her aura of self confidence and apparent  dissociation from her surroundings.

At the end of the music, I found myself wondering how many people would remember these solo dancers and if they would be recognized outside of the festival.  I believe both the army vet and the nondescript female would fade back into the woodwork.  So what gave these two the courage to come out of the darkness and shine?

Monday, September 24, 2018

Unveil Eyes and Heart Shifts

"What might shift in my heart if God were to unveil
my eyes and show me that despite my fears and 
uncertainties, I'm actually surrounded by his powerful
protection and presence?"

Divine Spirit continuously exposes the magic of life; but, we are moving so quickly, we miss what boldly stands by.  All that is holy is not suspended somewhere up in the sky!  It softly waifs around us waiting to be seen.  

When we are fear based or lack any sense of control, darkness filters over our eyes.  Our perception is distorted pressing light from our sight.  Fear can also immobilize us, numbing us from protection and presence.

A strand of hope can catapult our spirit back into the light.  With the cleansing of the eyes, we begin to see the light guiding us back on our way.  We once again feel the presence and remember that we are never alone.  As we move forward our confidence grows and our heart is full.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Illuminate with Wholeness

"Let the light of your presence
illuminate every room you enter."
Wayne Gerard Trotman

Wouldn't it be interesting to enter a room where everyone was illuminating the highest sense of self? Stepping in, one would immediately feel the energy as it would be gentle and welcoming.  Our bodies would feel uplifted and our spirits would soar.  

The room would offer comfort and not judgment.  Those present would be seeking the essence of spirit and not the size nor brand of clothing we were wearing.  Rather than feeling separate, we would feel connection and awe.

Being seen for oneself and warmly respected would trigger exhilaration resulting in the desire to uncover more knowledge and expand wisdom.  Our inner light would be glowing, attracting others with like energy.  From this space, we would experience the gifts of our individuality as well as the heightened sense of blending in with the whole.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Alignment, Not Distortion

"Sometimes, it really pays to do things with mindful presence. There are
lessons in everything, as long as we look, as long as we pay attention. 
Akiroq Brost

Mindful presence can be applied to any activity in which we participate.  While washing the dishes, we slow our minds down just being in the moment, and we can be amazed at what pertinent thoughts surface.  While blitzing down a hallway, using mindful presence adjusts our perception of things surrounding us.

Mindful presence is our natural order frequently lurking underneath our self-imposed fast pace.  As we increase our activity and the tempo, we stray further from original thought and pertinent observations.  We overlook beauty and insights which are meant to inspire and deepen our experiences.

Mindful presence when used intentionally in a quiet space can strengthen our connection with our selves as well as with the Divine.  It assists in relieving stress, anxiety and hypertension while increasing inner confidence.   We experience alignment rather than distortion and we recognize the lessons and gifts awaiting us.

Friday, September 21, 2018

Guardians Contaminating

"Looking deeply into anything in nature, we realize that it is connected
to the whole.  We see that nature is one seamless web, and the notion 
that things have an existence of their own is merely an illusion."
Joseph P. Kauffman

The communication of trees has been established as well as the ability to nurture each other.  It is now factual how an ailing tree receives additional nutrients from surrounding trees.  The provisions are delivered through the root system.  Rather symbolic for the need we have for each other.

We are aware of climate change impacting glaciers ... melting them ... which impacts the levels of massive waters.  Attention is on chemicals sprayed in the farmer's field which poisons our food which we digest into our body.  Water resources are shrinking, as well as being contaminated by toxic waste.

Human intelligence is superior in technology, but it seems to minimize human responsibility or  common sense.  Man is the caretaker for this earth and yet we seem dead set on destroying wildlife, natural habitats, and the very air we breathe.  We are the guardians of nature and we are not outside of  nature.  We are becoming the contamination attacking the whole.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Web of Fear

"Clearly, all fear has an element of resistance and a leaning away
from the moment. Its dynamic is not unlike that of a strong desire
except that fear leans backward into the last safe moment while 
desire leans forward toward the next possibility of satisfaction."
Stephen Levine

There is a stumbling block on every journey.  On some paths it can be seen from miles out or  disguised until we trip over it.  It can be a person, place or thing.  It can be an emotion, a memory, or a slippery slope spiraling us back into sad places where we have already been.

Fear has been a long time obstacle for me.  This realization did not occur to me until my later years.  And even then time passed before I could learn to adapt to this boulder on my path.  Happily, I increased my ability to recognize and adjust my standing as fear came barreling towards me.

As lessons continue to recur throughout our lives, fear still is no stranger.  It is reduced to only one aspect of my life, but even then I can unexpectedly fall back into dark times.  Stunned, I hide until I can gather strength and reframe what I have experienced.  Once I apply the wisdom to untangle the web of fear, I gather my strength to crawl back into the light.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Silver Two Way Mirror

"Let others see their own greatness
when looking in your eyes."
Mollie Marti

I looked into  the face on the other side of the silver two-way mirror and saw a beautiful woman.  She had silky blonde hair, perfectly arched eyebrows with eyes of gentle blue.  There was something about her mouth reflecting directness of her speech and her ability to articulate better than others, but also a sadness.  Compassion flowed from her, but there was none leading back in.  Acceptance without judgment was extended, but was never applied to herself.  I felt a connection with her based on qualities she herself could not see.

The woman I had been watching on the other side of the two way mirror, stared at her reflection with tears streaming down her face.  She wanted so little and had so much to give.  Was there no one in the world for her to embrace, trust, and love her?  Would no one step up to cherish her for the remainder of her life?

Until a person loves and accepts herself, flaws and all, she will not attract equivalent love.  When we pour all of our love into someone else, we will eventually run dry.  The relationship will not prevail as love is not nurtured from both sides.  By investing our energy into unearthing our personal goodness, we learn how much we have to offer and will not have to hard sell ourselves to anyone.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Trust Without Seeing

"Few delights can equal the mere presence
of whom we trust utterly."
George MacDonald

The moon will move across the sky and the stars will shine ... I trust.  I have invested endless hours throughout my life watching the moon guided by the stars.  They have nurtured my sense of trust and have never let me down.  Well, yes, there have been a few cloudy nights.

And isn't that how we build trust ... by offering our inner thoughts to be gently held in confidence?  To never have our words cruelly thrown back in our face? To not hear our inner thoughts casually passed amongst others?  To have the sense of never having to repeat or explain?

Imagine how others experience trust.  Some may have early on discovered the lap of an elder where arms softly held one safe.  Could have been a sibling or a mom or dad.  In later years trust may be built in lovers, neighbors or spiritual leaders.  At a minimum, we at least have trust in our hearts to accept, forgive, and replenish our need to trust.  There will be cloudy nights when we are called to trust without seeing, but isn't that a part of trust as well?

Monday, September 17, 2018

Guiding Us Home

"Sometimes you need to sit lonely on the floor in a quiet room
in order to hear your own voice ... "
Charlotte Eriksson

There seems to be a connection between being drawn to crowds of people and search for self.  This almost sounds conflicted, if we are seeking our lovely selves, why are we entering a crowd?   Knowledge is easily gathered from other sources, but wisdom has been slowly steeped in a soul.

Facts can become overwhelming, causing us to withdraw in order to sort through and organize.  The research of others may be interesting, but does it apply to us?  Evaluating what is pertinent and what is not, helps us to chisel out our own support system.

Developing the ability to quiet the mind, to sit in solitude, and to open our body, mind, and spirit allows for wisdom to present itself.  It is through sitting in silence we hear guidance and open to the wisdom guiding us home.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Revisiting Purpose

"When life events mimic shattered glass, carefully 
locate the pieces then gently pick them up."
Gina Greenlee

The glass shattered above my head, and pieces were streaking like stars falling from the sky.  In slow motion I envisioned wholeness in my mind's eye and then looked at the multiple pieces exploding and embedding themselves into whatever was near by.  

The piercing sound of explosion was still kept at bay while I picked at splinters in my scalp and dabbed at the blood surfacing from all parts of my shaking body.  I had simplistic thoughts about not having flip flops on and pondering how I could walk through the sea of glass before me.

A loud whooshing noise pierced the stillness in my body and pain came crashing in.  My vision startled, noticing for the first time the presence of others.  No one was moving.  I longed to hear cries of pain or see tears of anguish, but only death remained.  As the sole survivor, picking up pieces would become my purpose yet again.  (Nightmares happen ...)

Saturday, September 15, 2018

A Place To Cry

"And I keep thinking about how sky is a singular noun,
as if it's one thing. But the sky isn't one thing. The
sky is everything. And last night, it was enough."
John Green

Each of us have a safe place for retreat whether it be in memory, meditation, artwork or the written word. Escape can be facilitated by different objects, places, and thought. It is in this particular space we can sigh a deep breath and regroup. We can experience a pause allowing our clutter to fall from our body, minds, and souls.

Utilizing a safe space is not dissociating or a dysfunctional behavior. Actually, it is healthy to have a haven to regroup and restore. Three breaths in through the nostrils and exhale out the mouth can ground our splintered state of chaos. Release of the stress is felt immediately.

We could learn from children. Watch them in hot heavy play, and one of them impulsively wanders from the game and collapses under a tree. We can count heads and discover one is missing and find the absent on his or her back leisurely staring at the sky. As adults, we need to give ourselves permission to look up towards the sky, as it mysteriously offers compassion, comfort, and a place to cry.

Friday, September 14, 2018

Straight Arrow

"At some point, you gotta let go, and sit still,
and allow contentment to come to you."
Elizabeth Gilbert

Zeroed in on an intense goal, we tend to overlook the gifts along the way.   In fact, movement in itself may be a distraction from what we can gain by being still.   One must establish flexibility  between searching and observing.  When our surroundings appear to be non-changing and permanent, the scenery shifts as we alter perspectives.  

One who gardens receives pleasure in the process of selecting the seed, planting the seed, and caring for the seed, not just admiring the result.  He or she monitors what is sown into the earth, prepared to shelter or nourish that which grows. Like the gardener, we plant ideas, nurture them, protect them and take actions to make them grow.

Our journey is not just one straight arrow to a bulls eye.    At times our feet may quiver, but needed correction comes with adaptation to our eyes.  There are times when just holding the bow allows for change.  It is in the stillness contentment can find us.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Content, Not Finished

"I am content; that is a blessing greater than riches;
and he to whom that is given need ask no more."
Henry Fielding

To be content does not infer we are finished and can just coast the rest of the way home!  To be content is the most wonderful gift, stabilizing our sense of value; but, what of our life purpose?  Do we not need to continue along based on our contentment spreading our words, skills, and insights?

In my life, I am content lacking nothing of importance, but inside I still feel capable of touching the lives of others.  I have no desire to just sit back in contentment.  I want to continue to be a verb for Divine Spirit, to be moved around where I need to be.  As a verb, I can have movement; whereas, a noun is stationary.

If I have the best muffin ever made and I hoard it, the treat will spoil and decay.  If I have riches and never spend a penny, although content, I have missed endless opportunities to assist others.  To be content one feels bursts of joy and why would we not want to share that with others?  With a grateful heart we enjoy what we have, not asking for more and yet willing to share with others.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Rhythm of Kindness

"Your soul knows the geography of your destiny.  Your soul
alone has the map of your future, therefore, you can trust
this indirect, oblique side of yourself. If you do, it will take
you where you need to go, but more important it will teach
you a kindness of rhythm in your journey."
John O'Donohue

There is comfort in having a GPS to help us with directions, but when it comes to our life purpose, guidance must come from inside.  In order for our journey to progress, clarity between our body, mind and soul generates a vibration.  When the vibration is clear, we are less distracted and more capable of maintaining alignment.

As we are focused, and open to our lessons, we will notice how knowledge resonates.  If there is no connection felt, we have clearly been distracted or misled.   There are times we may need to seek solitude down a shaded path, but ultimately we will return to the journey.

As we place our feet with purposed steps, we begin to feel a rhythm to our life.  There is an essence so pure, a  connection with our higher self extends to all there is.  When we stumble,  we correct our misstep and rebuild a cadence ... a rhythm of kindness to carry us home.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Individually Choose

"Living towards the negative will only foster conflict and a sense of lack, 
while living towards the positive will create more opportunity for you 
to experience harmony and abundance."
Gary Hopkins

It is a struggle to be aware of negativity and not be drawn into the drama.  There is some tiny space within us called the helper or the fixer wanting to make life better.  The reality, however, is each of us needs to experience the challenges and to individually choose the resolutions.

Another part of us can be labeled the enabler who allows the student to by pass the entire situation.  Until the student experiences the lesson fully, the lesson will return.  Helper, fixer, or enabler, we want to assist others which we can as long as we are not over stepping boundaries.

If we are gaining a sense of worthiness by rescuing others, it will be short lived.  We can truly help others only if we are dealing from our core strength.  Guiding someone is a far cry from interfering.  If we share wisdom, the listener can apply it to his or her knowledge leading to personal harmony and abundance.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Name at top of paper, please ....

"Seeing the obvious is often harder
than seeing the hidden!"
Mehmet Murat ildan

The women joined in a circle.  Each had a blank piece of paper in front of them and were asked to place their own name at the top of the page and then pass it to the right.  Each person was to write a sentence of observation about the woman whose name was on the top of the page.  When complete, pass it to the next person.  Stop when the paper returns to the original space.

And so the papers made a circular journey around the room until they landed in the hands of the woman whose name was on the top.   I asked them to take a few minutes and read what had been written about them. Tears, sobs, and laughter followed.  A candle was lit in honor of those who no longer attended.

The women had stopped seeing each other as an individual human being and skills were being taken for granted while communication at a heart felt level ceased.  Faces were now filled with passion, hugs were being passed around, and tears ran rampant.  A warm hearted discussion was initiated and I knew these kind hearts would continue to meet for more years to come.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Changing Labels

"I have nothing left to prove."
Petra Hermans

The word seeker has best described me for many years.  I looked for wisdom, understanding, and the discovery of life's purpose.  Definition of myself rotated from one unearthing to the next, but always blessing me with a stronger sense of self.

Once I developed a sense of purpose and began to embrace my lovely self who was hiding behind imperfection, puzzle pieces began to fall into place.  A rhythm joined the inner realms with the outer worlds.  Creativity softened harsh edges, muted offensive background noise, and lured me into the alignment of light and dark.

Surrounded by unconditional love, my boundaries continue to expand and contract as my opposing needs for people and solitude are met.  I finally understand the position of standing still and letting the present come and go.  There is no need for me to control, seek, or prove.  I am gently positioned in the present moment attracting wisdom and allowing love to flow. Grasping his trusted hand, together we are beckoned by a golden glow.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Emersion and Isolation

"Solitude is a chosen separation for refining your soul
Isolation is what you crave when you neglect the first."
Wayne Cordeiro

Emersion and isolation are an opposite ends of the spectrum, but both play a definite part in our life if we are to be balanced.  The caution is found if either is taken to the extreme.  Extreme emersion can trigger a state of overwhelm and stunt our individual development. Total isolation can cause us to shut down emotionally, mentally, and physically.

Sharing time with like minded people is a necessity in staying in alignment.  The exposure to others stirs our souls, nudges our minds, and activates creativity.  Choosing a special time or a retreat for solitude also stirs our souls, nudges our minds sand activates creativity.  So these opposites draw us into the same experiences.

Imbalance is created when we are submerged in too many activities or disconnected from thriving life.  In order to find our true nature, we require both sides of this equation.  If our paths have become too narrow, there is no room for expansion, and if they have become too wide, there is not enough quiet to hear personal thought.  Chose wisely, embracing both connection and silence.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Remove the Ladder

"Never put yourself in a position
to be made an example of."
Gary Hopkins

The higher one climbs the ladder, the farther they have to fall.  There is always someone climbing the ladder steps right behind with just as much determination to reach the top and cause the other to fall.  It is no wonder as nothing remains the same.  If we become an example for one thing, what happens when we grow into other diverse parts of ourselves?

As complex human beings, we may wander into other schools of thought or experience wisdom transitioning our lives into opposite directions.  When we are frozen in time as an example of one thing, our changes may reflect an aura of deception, even though it is not all.

If all of our power is directed at a singular thing, drawn by the vision of standing on the top of the ladder, we will eventually fall, distraught.  What if we used the same power to achieve an exacting purpose, without striving up the ladder and  brought others along on our journey?  Multiple creative minds working together can reach success and maintain vision.  We could even remove the ladder!

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Key To Existence

"... my internal universe was unavailable for inspection by others.
They didn't know.  They didn't know, because I never told them."
Kim Stanley Robinson

Death is inevitable and cannot be escaped.  Sometimes it is unexpected and way too sudden while in other situations, life can hang on seemingly way too long.  Life has power just as love.  It can spring forth in the most questionable spaces and unsuspecting places.

So if death would greet us today, what would we be leaving behind.  Our private quarters would reflect our nature and private collections, but what of the multitude of treasures residing inside of us?  There are unspoken words, unexpressed emotions, and nuggets of our deepest desires.

As we pass through the veil into a new realm, we might catch bits of questions from those delicately left behind.  What was she really like?  Who did she admire?  What was she expecting from heaven?  Which were her favorite books?  What was her greatest joy or regret?  So many speculations about what we have kept hidden; perhaps, the key to our existence.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Reflections In Mirrors

"It is an absolute human certainty that no one can know 
his own beauty or perceive a sense of his own worth
until it has been reflected back to him in the mirror of
another loving, caring human being."
John Joseph Powell

In the tender years, I attracted the wrong type of person to love.  I was focused on loving others, and making their life better without any thought to my lovely self.  I would be surprised when I found my withered heart broken.

Through raising four children, I discovered the varying depths of love.  I trusted all of them and allowed them to teach me while I taught them.  No, I did not dodge the disappointment love can bring, but I did learn the difference between judgment such as: bad boy and bad thing to do.  My children  reflected my good parts and love flowed dearly between us.

I have finally been drawn to my Renaissance Man who respects all parts of me.  He stirs my favorite memories and the old pain and sadness drifts away.  His presence reminds me of the gifts of trusting and the strength of truth between two star matched souls.  Childish laughter and joy have replaced the darkness of my ancient isolation.  As he grasps my hand every step of the way, I can see how lovely I am in his eyes, and the depth of this love stirs my soul.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Wisdom More Important than Knowledge

"... your best friend is the present moment ... "
Eckhart Tolle

Speaking at  Huntington Beach in 2018, Eckhart Tolle focused on what we can do as individuals during the transition the world is currently experiencing.  He encourages us to look inside of our lovely selves and absorb the quiet stillness within.  "Your best friend is the present moment." It is our individual ability to reside in the moment just as the world is without clamoring to fix it.

Numerous people are waking up to experience the world in a broader sense from right where they are in the moment.  The emphasis is not on what to do tomorrow or the next day, but to visit our core in stillness, experiencing peace.

At this point one may be wondering how this will change the world.  Eckhart Tolle states if we would not attach to everything rising, the degree of peace will prevail.  To not fill every instance with drama, but to have a degree of peace within where wisdom can rise.  He feels it is important for us to bring our individual degree of peace out into the world and our energy can have world changing effects.

Monday, September 3, 2018


"No work is insignificant.  All labor that
uplifts humanity has dignity and importance."
Martin Luther King, Jr

Traveling as a guest with an exceptionally successful business woman, I acquired many lessons.  This woman never looked down upon others as she had never forgotten what it was like to be dirt poor. This was her way of contributing respect and support.  It was nothing for her to tuck money into the towel by the sink for the maid to find.  The woodworker on his knees styling a design in the entry way discovered extra money secreted in his tool box.  I admired my friend for being anonymous with her gestures, never wanting to be discovered nor waiting for recognition.  

In conversation with her cleaning lady, she learned the woman had not only a degree but exceptional credentials.  The professional had accepted a lesser job to be able to attend medical appointments with her handicapped child.  My friend wrote a grant for this woman to offer services in community areas for the aged, working around responsibilities for her son.   

We can serve those in need through acts of kindness, requiring only our thoughtfulness and respect for the efforts of others.  No matter what our gestures, they relay the feelings of I SEE YOU, I AM THANKFUL and YOU ARE WORTHY.  

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Explosions of Ecstasy

"We sometimes have a flash of understanding that amounts 
to the insights of genius, and yet it slowly withers, even in 
our hands ... like a flower.  The form remains, but the colors
and the fragrance are gone."
Robert Musil

Flashes of other worldly existence appear to all of us.  The degree to which we are impacted depends upon our perspectives.  We tend to downplay the incident or keep it to our selves, fearing ridicule from others.  How can we explain a happening to one other, when we cannot explain it to our lovely selves?

As children, we experience magic and are told it is our imagination.  Over time, we begin to believe the adults in spite of knowing in our hearts the event was amazingly real.  The appearance can be overwhelming, but it is not really the importance of a spectacular incident. There may be fragrances, spirits or woodland noises and stars or sunsets or explosions of ecstasy. All of this quickly fades and we must do our best to remember the content or insinuation of the message. 

Like a dream, an out of the ordinary experience must be quickly recorded.  In the moment we believe we will never forget what transpired, and yet it fades.  It is not important, in my opinion, to document facts, but rather to decipher the wisdom slipping through the veil.  

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Bitter Old Soul

"There can never be peace between nations
until there is first known that true peace which ...
is within the souls of men."
Black Elk

Anger is a necessary part of our emotional expressions.  We are entitled to feel angry, but we need to release the accelerated energy accompanying the pain.  There are numerous ways to release the pangs of anger.  Exercise, meditation, walk in nature, discuss with trusted friend, or use a creative outlet such as painting, music or writing.

Anger, although a normal reaction, gets us into trouble when we do not use a positive action to release it.  If our anger slowly builds, experience upon experience, we will one day spew like hot lava from a volcano.  Anger is not bad, until we choose a negative action or lose control when it is piled, layer upon layer within our emotions.

Repressed anger begins to paint our interior emotional walls.  The anger turns inwards and taints our outlook.  Not only do we get angry about a given situation, we start emoting our perceptions through the perspective of anger.  Our demeanor can be temporarily altered or sadly, it can turn us into a bitter old soul.