"He who does not understand your silence
will probably not understand your words."
Elbert Hubbard
There are diverse reasons for withdrawing into one's self. We might be incubating an invention or visualizing a pattern. Pulling inside does not automatically signal depression. If we are pregnant for the first time or if we have unfortunately miscarried, we are entitled to pull in for an intimate experience of joy or sorrow.
There are numerous tunnels winding around in our heads, and which ones we follow depends upon our yearning or our thirst. One tunnel may be for releasing debris while another may be sterile anticipating an original idea.
We all have a depth to us not everyone understands and it is impossible and frustrating to try to explain. Visions frequently lose luster when reduced to words. Reducing intricate steps to enable better understanding might present a wobbly foundation. There are times the intricacies of solitude cannot be defined by words.