Friday, June 30, 2023

Rebirthing My Complex Self

"This, or something better, now manifests for me
in totally satisfying and harmonious ways
for the highest good of all concerned."
Shakti Gawain

Virginia's Voice was created in 2011 maintaining a dedicated daily posting. My blog was intended for Articulating Silence, Deciphering Dreams, and Exploring Inner Landscapes which continues to be the guidelines for my life.  Today is my birthday, a time to rebirth and revitalize my intentions. 'This or something better,' continues to be my mantra.

Born on the last day of June, I am intensely aligned with the Moon, prosper in the element of water (emotions), and experience heightened sensitivities. Aware of diverse energy patterns of others, I react accordingly. I am an extroverted hermit, thriving with deep relationships, but requiring 'cave' time. I am deeply grateful for endless libraries and numerous journals. 

As the years unfold, there are unavoidable challenges, but learning to face them with integrity and spiritual intention lessens the drama. I have strengthened my ability to use my voice, explore messages hidden within dreams, and submit to deep dives into other realms. My desire today is to shed what no longer applies, allowing space for new manifestations.

And I am deeply grateful for you! 

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Decoding Language in Dreams


"The gateways to other worlds are already open to you, 
in the landscapes and images of your remembered dreams."
Robert Moss

When you wake up from an exceptionally vivid dream, it is beneficial to record as much as you can remember. The fact that it was so vibrant is an indicator that additional information can be retrieved. Dreams bring you messages from unlimited resources. Robert Moss, author of DREAMGATES, shares dreams are like "postcards from a journey".

You can sit with the dream and quietly travel back into it. Bring questions to ask the dream character to better explain the scenario. Some of the gaps in the dream can be filled in for fuller meaning. If you experienced a nightmare, you may want to confront the adversaries who caught your attention by using shock tactics. 

Dreams are passageways into other realms, where you can seek information. Dream time can become your soul journey, exploring beyond the physical body. You can experience an adventure viewing a past life, future experience, or parallel world. Your inner world will reach new heights as you learn the language of your dreams.

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Bites You In The Butt ...

"I was sick of people being hard on each other,
being hateful and critical when there wasn't
any need for it."
Lisa Wingate

The pattern became apparent. Three kind statements followed by a very negative comment. So the last thing to be remembered was not the positive, but the derogatory mark. The sequence was repetitive with the goal to isolate. The ability to  conquer and divide was an attempt to gain acceptance by manipulation.

When we sincerely sing the praises of genuine aspects of others, we are seen in a good light as well. We can do this easily when we recognize and respect our own goodness. There is no threat and no competition as we all have authentic contributions. The appreciation for life expands personally and collectively.

When we choose to discredit others as a mode of communication, it will eventually come back to bite us in the butt. Instead of creating intimate relationships, the opposite will happen. We will experience a wider distance with others in which we will flounder. If we choose to hold our tongue until we can speak with kindness, we will gain what we seek.

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Lessons In The Spiral

"Even in the midst of insecurity you can find
infinite perception and insight."
Sheila Reynolds

Insecurity is an ingredient in all of our lives. How we respond to it, makes all the difference in the outcome. It is natural to notice angst in the belly or a pounding headache and finally make the connection to how we are facing or not facing a situation. It is important to be aware, but then move through it, not remaining stuck.

If we can remember that we have choices that will impact our outcome, we regain power. Maybe we cannot actually control the situation, but we can adjust our approach towards positive resolution. It is when we think beyond the discomfort that possibilities surface. Unexpected options present themselves, and this begins progress.

If we linger inside insecurity, we miss the opportunity to stretch and to grow. Unfortunately, this lesson will spiral back into our existence until we stop allowing it to capture us. Breaking out of constricted thinking, one discovers insights broadening life experience. Rather than feeling constrained, we begin to feel the initiation of new found freedom.


Monday, June 26, 2023

The Depth of Intuition

"There may be moments when your intuition tells you 
something, but you are too afraid to hear it. And that is okay. 
Just don't forget the message!"
Yung Pueblo

Just as we surface from a churning pool of chaos, we may get a direct hit from our gut, nudging us towards a new standpoint. Quite often, we are too tired to listen, too drained for action, and simply not in the mood. And so, we turn a deaf ear to what could possibly lift our spirits, renew our energy, and redirect our journey.

Our intuition never really gives up. It will try repeatedly to get a message across to begin a deeper exploration into who we could truly be. If we feel unable to follow the insight, we can choose to store it our thoughts, journal, or memory.  There will come a time our intuition will finally gain our attention, and we will move forward in numerous ways.

Following our intuition can assist us in healing, and escort us into arenas that shine bright lights upon hidden pieces of the self. A new sense of creativity will begin to shift our perspectives about entering brighter horizons.  The tiny little voice of intuition is one of the most powerful in depth resources we will ever have, if we but listen!


Sunday, June 25, 2023

Sting of Discord

"Your loneliness, your fear, and your anxiety are not
mistakes. They are not obstacles on your path. 
They are your path."
Matt Licata

We slowly form the habit of becoming aware of our stresses rather than repressing them; but then we need to learn to speculate. What are these road blocks? Why is this blocking my path? Matt Licata would say there is a reason and when we unearth it, we find the freedom we have been looking for.

As we wander down our path, we can experience confusion and often times absolute chaos. Resisting panic, we can sit with stress exploring what wisdom might lie within. If we pursue the mystery, insights surface. It is from this newly discovered information that guidelines direct us further down our pathways.

When we experience the sting of discord, we must overcome the instinct to retreat. Instead of shutting the self down, we must choose to remain open.  Something may be rearing its ugly head, but what else is there? Call upon spiritual guides to illuminate the darkness, revealing safe passage to the journey's unknown.


Saturday, June 24, 2023

Oh, The Places You Can Go!

"Don't let them tell you who you are. 
You know who you are."
Lisa Wingate

It takes courage to move forward, stepping outside of our given roles. Loved ones may encourage us to change, as long as it doesn't alter his or her position. As we move forward, leaving our comfort zone behind, life can appear to be rather frightening. Uncertainty, however, is not a reason to stop.

When our view is unclear, it is an opportunity to be creative in our thoughts, explorations, and choices. It is imperative to not continue making the same decisions, but rather, stepping outside of the cage that has been holding us entirely too tight. Peal pack thoughts of limitation, and rediscover authentic parts that have been dormant way too long.

Follow the process of expanding thought accompanied by small movement while holding a snippet of future manifestation.  As thoughts become strongly linked together, begin to take larger steps, adding more definition to outcome. The process of thought, movement, and choice begins to flow, escorting us into places we did not previously know.


Friday, June 23, 2023

Jesus the Christ, A New Resurrection

"Christianity needs to overcome its tendency to be
exclusionary and refocus on being a religion of
personal insight and spiritual growth."
Deepak Chopra

Recently, statistics showed that those identifying themselves as Christian fell from 90% to 64%.  The decline may be the exit from organized religion and traditional hierarchies, to developing a deeper personal faith. The shift may be a movement away from the labels of conservative or liberal, and into heartfelt spirituality.

For example, Jesus the Christ can be viewed as a historical figure, the son of God, or the Cosmic Christ. Rather than depending upon clergy to intervene on our behalf, we now create a personal relationship overflowing with intimate exchanges. We initiate private ritual and sacred practices for support in daily living.

Jesus the Christ projected a life filled with compassion, tolerance, and understanding for the self and all peoples. His focus was upon unity, not separation. His message was to rise above challenge with courage, truth, and sympathy. When we are mindfully aware of this process, true healing begins. Let us walk this path, together, resurrecting our true spirit.   


Thursday, June 22, 2023

Sarcastic Slaps!


"The healed version of me recognizes and honors
the unhealed version of you."
Alex Elle 

We may offer tender hearted words, but get sarcastic slaps in return.  As we place our best steps forward, we may get stomped upon. We then spiral fiercely, examining what "we" did wrong.  How in the world were our best intentions misunderstood?

If we can remain mindful of our personal truth, it becomes easier to distinguish what we should or should not own. When we recognize a person is choosing to react out of his or her own issues, we can choose to gently be present without engaging.

Inner peace becomes more substantial as we learn to stand in our own truth. We become grateful for increased personal healing which continuously unfolds. Our perception of life softens and our energies are no longer drained by unnecessary negativity.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Summer Solstice Empowers

"Summer reminds us that there is hope in the world,
that the light within can spread to the far reaches
of the globe and inspire others."
Jill Wintersteen

The Summer Solstice represents our journey moving our energies both inward and outward, accompanied by moments of stillness, release and growth. The Cancer sun season is filled with Divine energy for nurturing, releasing, and initiating.

With confidence, we step forward into inspired discovery to better understand life as it unfolds. During the long nights of summer, we replenish our sense of purpose through heightened dreams, meditations, or lingering walks under the stars.

Summer energies challenge us to remain confident and determined. We cultivate ways to extend our light towards everything upon the earth. It is a time to harness the season's power of hope, and to align with natural rhythms. Give honor to this day and to the light within.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Language ...

"Understanding languages and other cultures builds bridges
and it the fastest way to bring the world closer together."
Suzy Kassem

We may feel vulnerable when we do not have a sense of understanding of a person or situation. It is natural to become fearful when we do not feel safe. What is most important in this situation is to seek information, and not hover in fear.

As we glance back over our lives, there undoubtedly were situations we declined based on fear. Now, we may see things through educated eyes and understand the loss of opportunity. The lesson of course is discovering additional information prior to making a choice.

Our world is dappled with diversity and offers opportunities for curious explorations. Differences can enhance our own growth and create respect for all human experiences. Truly, there is only one language and it is, of course, love.

Monday, June 19, 2023

In Absence of Perky Ears


"Your love and your wisdom will live on far longer
than any material thing you can pass down."
Donna Ashworth

A published author minimized earlier work as being useless. I immediately responded by stating that the information may still be vibrant to the reader. A dedicated follower may need to be refreshed or new eyes might delight in a first time read.

We all have stories that need to be told whether current or from older generations. There is distinct value in ancient scrolls or primitive scratches inside cave walls. If my voice is not strong or there is an absence of perky ears, I will  simply write it all down.

When stories are written without concern for penmanship or punctuation, we are giving credible testimony to experiences. Even when we have been numb, our bodies remember only too well. As we write, our story continues to unfold. 

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Masculinity Exiting Darkness

"Our broken society rewarded the toxic masculine
instead of the divine masculine."
Laura Grant 

Authentic masculine energy is stability, protection, and security, while authentic feminine energy is creative, intuitive, and heart centered. Each one of us contains both the masculine and feminine energies which need to be fluid and balanced.

Throughout history, women needed to be strong to unleash themselves from prisons, while men have not been allowed to gently nurture themselves. All of us need to be both nurturing and strong to avoid toxicity and grow fully into our soul.

When individuals are balanced by the masculine and the feminine energies, we can fully embrace relationships with others who maintain full use of these energies. A spiritual connection is most likely when we can celebrate both parts of the self.


Saturday, June 17, 2023

Gentle Breeze and Raging Storm


"She's as refreshing as a gentle breeze
and as fierce as a raging storm."
Jenna Lynn

If you desire to be full of life, then increase attention into all parts of the self. You are not just one thing, but multi-layered with diverse components. Open your mind to new perspectives and diverse ways to relate to your life.

Find still waters where you can begin healthy transformation. Wash away the heaviness of the past, and feel your skin breathing in richness. Release expectations presented by others and seek definition that resonates down to your soul.

Welcome clarity, and denounce fear. Set out upon a new path that leads to joy and wonderment. Allow yourself to experience diverse reactions without judgment. Let the light of your heart shine through your eyes, leading you forward into to new ways. 

Friday, June 16, 2023

New Horizons

"Here you are adapting, and mending, and reclaiming
all of the pieces you let them walk away with."
Bianca Sparacino

When we are faced with challenge, it is helpful to view it as a gateway into new horizons. It is beneficial to consider viewpoints of others, but it is imperative to determine what aligns best with the self.

We can check in, discarding thoughts about not being able to succeed, and highlighting personal strengths. Before relying on total support from others, survey what can be done on our own. Envision an outcome that satisfies the soul.

We can choose to be gentle with ourselves, trusting we are a safe place for rebuilding. Do not push, but take time to register what the best outcome might be. Initiate steps with forward movement, feeling robust in body, mind, and soul.


Thursday, June 15, 2023

Repressed Passion

"Years of repression have built a dam around my tear ducts."
P. S. Scott 

The woman reflected a certain beauty, accompanied by intelligence; but sadly, there seemed to be an emotional restriction. I listened to her story watching her eyes which reflected great depth, but importance was hidden as tears silently dripped from her heart.

As conversation was sincerely shared, emotions were contained with great caution. It was obvious that she loved, yet she did not seem to be in love ... ever. I wondered if she could hear me silently screaming for her to break out and live.

When passionate emotions are repressed, we tend to close in on ourselves. This is the precise time, however, when we need to push forward. Never stop seeking what the heart yearns to hold. I felt her body stiffen, as I gently hugged her goodbye. 


Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Living After Death ...

"We existed before birth, and will exist after death,
because our real nature is the soul, not the body."
Brian Weiss 

Whether religious doctrines or spiritual essays, poetry or art, an acceptance for after death existence has been historically reflected. For numerous centuries, consistent mentioning of saints and angels appearing in other worldly scenarios has been prevalent.

As we continue to unpack our personal history through genetics or psychotherapy, our once restricted thinking is opening to diverse possibilities. Between deja vu and synchronicty, our curiosity is being nudged.

When we shed our materialistic personas, and research our inner soul connections, possibilities flourish. As communication strengthens through meditation, prayer, and energy work, sacred reunions unfold. 

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Sculpted By Forces

"I am the creator of my mood, therefore,
I am the creator of my day."
Yolande Bryan

Trees appear to adapt to their environment by bending and twisting. Each branch seems to be determined to grow while reaching for the sun. Trees are deeply rooted and yet become sculpted by the forces of nature. 

By remaining grounded, we, too, can creatively shape our nature. Even during droughts and bitter winds, we can design ways to remain productive. As we reach for the light within, our darkness can be managed.

Torrential drama and gusting emotions may arrive, but creating healing fortitude, we are still able to thrive. As we choose to trust and explore, we extend our branches seeking new direction. With our trunk grounded, creative possibilities expound. 


Monday, June 12, 2023

Which Table Feeds Your Soul?

"Though the decisions we must make are often difficult,
we grow more self-sufficient and secure each time
we trust ourselves enough to choose."
Daily Om

Which table do you sit at when you feed your soul? There is one over there that feeds the egos of others, and then another that is totally hidden in the dark shade. There is also one right in the sun where you would be most apt to burn with high exposure.

Clean your table. Put a fresh linen cloth on it while adding a candle and a flower. Gather healthy ingredients aligning with your hunger. Do not invite others to sit at your table, until you feel well fed.

Once full, select certain loved ones to pull up a chair. Share wine and laughter, strengthening bonds of empowerment. Accepting responsibility for your decisions, outcomes will be beneficial. Freedom comes without the interference of others.


Sunday, June 11, 2023

Kicking and Screaming ...


"Every human being has a true genuine authentic self.
Trauma is the disconnection from it and 
healing is the reconnection to it."
Gabor Mate

We may come into this world kicking and screaming, but our human nature is open, loving, and kind. With every new breath, we attempt to adjust and acclimate. Experiences continue to unfold, not  reflecting who we believe our lovely selves to be.

Bit by bit, we gently close our heart and adjust our own persona in hopes  of pleasing others. We try repeatedly to hold our heart open, only to be shut down once again. Eventually, our heart slams shut and we are only a small snip of who we were meant to be.

In increments, we begin to carefully unfold once again.  This time, we are reenforced by our own rules and expectations. As we gain momentum, our light begins to shine brighter and brighter, highlighting who we authentically decide to be!

Saturday, June 10, 2023

The Sting!

"Often those that criticize others 
reveal what he himself lacks."
Shannon L. Alder

When you feel the sting of someone's careless remark, you have the choice to discard it entirely or to cling to it throughout your day. Your chosen reaction will impact your mood with either negative or positive contribution.

As soon as you hear your heart say, ouch, ask if the situation is true. If it is and you have just been busted, then own up to it and change. Is it partially true? If so, you can make a mindful adjustment. It there is no element of truth, then you can flush immediately!

Your words or actions may have been taken out of context. Even then, you have no obligation to discuss what you choose to keep private. Erma Bombeck says, "What other people think of me is none of my business." 


Friday, June 9, 2023

Constantly Reaching

"my arms grew tired
from constantly reaching
so i wrapped them around myself
and allowed them
to rest."
L. E. Bowman 

As long as we seek answers exclusively from others, our questions will not be answered satisfactorily. When we turn outward, we begin to give our power away. The remedy to heal inner wounds is generated from within.

Often, we are too focused on just one part of ourselves, which is usually the least desirable. It is when we hold our essence in entirety that balance prevails. We are not just one thing, but rather many.

If we are aware of our thoughts, we will know exactly when to shift from criticism to approval. It is not to ignore our weakness, but to step back and view the bigger picture. Adjust where needed, highlighting the good which feeds body, mind, and soul.


Thursday, June 8, 2023

What Will It Be?


"The deepest secret is that life is not a process of discovery,
but a process of creation.'
Neale Donald Walsch

Choose to step out of your comfort zone, attracting new opportunities to trigger a sense of excitement. While you explore what resides outside of a designated routine, the mind opens to fresh beginnings.

It is imperative to expose your lovely self to new surroundings. Creativity expands when you move into a new scenario. When your body steps out of habitual behavior, the mind ceases to be on automatic pilot.

When you hold yourself accountable, you are no longer waiting for life to happen. After exploring the heart's desire, you take action, seeking what will bring joy into a lack luster daily existence. It's up to you, what will it be?

Wednesday, June 7, 2023


"What truly matters is how we invite someone into the home of our 
heart. Are they free to be transparent? Can they share the secrets 
of their soul without shame? Can we listen deeply 
without the rush of advice or judgement?"
Mitch Davidowitz

Water gently holds us up, offering support without push or pull. Floating elevates us from what lies beneath, and suspends us from pending concerns. As a  heart felt friend, we extend exactly the same ... comfort, nurturing, and sheltered space.

Leaning into a spiritual nature, we offer others a safe area for truths to be told without judgment or shame. Throughout the exchange, there is no worry about responses or resolutions, as our purpose is to simply be present.

Like water, we can be a gentle wave of tenderness offering stillness to wash away fear and doubt. One gains clarity and moves closer the best appropriate action. Allowing our loved one a strong sense of connection is healing in itself. 


Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Vulnerable ...

"To be with uncertainty requires more vulnerability
than just about anything else."
Leyla Aylin

Choose to sit patiently with feelings of unrest. Be still, allowing insight to surface. Humbly ask for messages to appear in order to understand what lingers beneath the surface. Not all remedies are immediate.

Even when we do not see any progress, trust that movement forward is underway. Begin to collect little nuggets of information, slowly creating a positive template. A promise for a new day surfaces, brimming with enthusiasm.

In time, we become aware that we have shifted our thoughts, released angst, and received an inner knowing to guide us on our way. Allowing ourselves to be vulnerable, we open to what we once viewed as impossible and open to a new creative way.

Monday, June 5, 2023

What About Me ...


"Even if you live a very long life, time is limited,
this creates a situation where you need to be 
intentional with your energy."
Yung Pueblo

Often, we are too committed to meeting the needs of others or caught up in the physicality of life. We put off personal care, intending follow up later, which rarely happens. While life swirls around us, we may hear a small quiet voice whisper, 'what about me?'

We would never treat those we love in the same way in we treat our lovely selves. Responding with yes when we really mean no, does not serve anyone for the highest good. Our energy becomes restricted or misspent, lowering both frequency and vibration.

When we prioritize the manner in which we spend our time, we feel empowered. Feeling a sense of control, we have greater clarity in making personal, professional and spiritual choices. We no longer lose the self with an eagerness to please others.

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Unknown Engagement ...


"You have escaped the cage. 
Your wings are stretched out.
Now fly."

We may feel slightly tender from the vibrations of the full moon, but it is time to utilize the freedom felt from the escape of old routines. Don't slide back into what is already known, when we can just as easily move forward into what surely awaits.

It is time we stretch our wings, to take flight towards discovery, and leave redundancy behind. Have childlike wonder to see things within the current view.  With curiosity, engage in the unknown. Take strides towards the calling of the heart's desire.

It requires more energy to repress our disillusionment than it does to step out of suffocating enclosures. Lift thoughts of freedom and create a lure for wonderment. Even the smallest forward movement can generate new found happiness. 

Saturday, June 3, 2023

Full Moon Challenge


'You are learning to speak a new language. One of
the heart and soul rather than of the mind."
Jennifer Farley

The full moon triggers turbulence, but offers space to reevaluate what is no longer working. It tends to shake things up, perhaps causing our normal verbiage to fall far beneath our needs. We are painfully aware of the lack of power no longer streaming from our mind.

This is a perfect time to revamp communication with not only ourselves, but with others. We have choice to use coined words stored in our brain or to dive deeply into the soul discovering tender reframe.

Speak gently from the heart without acquiescing to fear and uncertainty. Stand in power utilizing core truth of gentle persuasion. Temporary resolve may be found in harsh words, but true healing stems from heartfelt expression generated by the soul.

Friday, June 2, 2023

Shedding Thicker Skin ...

"Instead of trying to toughen up and develop
thicker skin, she decided to create boundaries
that honor her soft courage and sensitivity."
Healing Therapy

As the full moon approaches, one notices a slight disruption.  Maybe it is felt as a flood of thoughts accompanied by anxiety. Rather than viewing this a sense of losing control, accept it as notification of processing, once again.

Moon vibrations bring discomfort to the surface not to be addressed with vigorous reaction, but to use loving compassion for what remains disruptive. This is a time to review what remains incomplete or buried.

Instead of running, stand perfectly still, simply believing in the safety of being present. If we feel vulnerable, we can remember to utilize uplifting tools such as: breathwork, journaling, or taking a deep dive into the works of spiritual teachers. With gentle courage, face the day.


Thursday, June 1, 2023

Beyond and Evermore ...


"O let me bathe my soul in colour; 
let me swallow the sunset 
and drink the rainbow."
Khalil Gibran

Today I will transform beauty into  vivid abstract formations. The sun will be inhaled brightening shadows lingering in my empty doorways. And the rainbow will be an elixir for my unscripted grief and sorrow.

Just for today, I will not listen to the echo of my wandering steps nor will I question the calling of this uncharted quest. Time will be an illusion, expanding awareness in dreams, parallel lives, and realms unseen.

At the end of the day, I will gaze up into the forthcoming full moon and marvel at the winking of the stars so high. I will ignite a torch within me, allowing light to seep through each and every pore. I will offer hope to those like me, seeking beyond into evermore.