Friday, March 31, 2023

Discord or Revelation?

"Trying to avoid all conflicts and arguments is not possible."
Yung Pueblo

Conflict is an ever present reality being a catalyst for change. It creates a friction that calls us to consider a differing viewpoint. Discord nudges us to reexamine our truth and to determine exactly where we want to make adjustments.  The key of course is where we place our attention.  

Too often, ego manifests into who is right or wrong or who will win or lose. It is in our highest good to side step these thoughts, while surveying content. What am I to learn and how can the lesson be applied for positive outcome? When the goal is to understand, a level of harmony becomes available.

When we are able to relax our mind in the presence of disunity, we are able to find a common ground.  With less intensity, we can determine what is driving our response and possibly offer loving kindness to the opposition. Disagreement, when handled with honor and respect, can provide needed revelations.

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Not Just You

"The new perspective gives different information
and you will feel the truth and resonance of it."
Terry Andrews

When you step back from a situation, noticing a more in depth scenario, greater understanding arrives.  With new eyes, you begin to see beyond the drama and into the heart of the exchange.  You see through the hurt and into the lesson which will become a gain.

Removing the ego, you gain clarity about the presence of divine wisdom. It is within this expansiveness that you begin to feel resonating energy which confirms that you are transcending. You begin to recognize how the situation impacts all involved, not just you.

The awareness of divine connection escalates the desire to act with integrity and join in the creation of peace on earth.  You experience less distraction and increased purpose for all, not  individual gain. You experience a new way of being and a greater sense of belonging.


Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Slayed By The Dragon

"If you are wise, you will let yourself be shattered,
and return to the village, humbled."
Paul Weinfield 

The term dragon slaying blankets situations of conflict with in-laws, superiors, and community.  It involves facing fear and erecting healthy boundaries.  What about, however, when we get slayed by the dragon while our hearts are open and trusting?

Regardless of powerful intentions, we find ourselves disrespected, humiliated and shattered. Unfortunately, an automatic response is to start over, rather than sifting through the debris to rediscover pertinent aspects of the self.

Releasing the expectations of others, dismissing personal faulty thinking, and aligning with desires of the heart, we dismiss neediness, provoked recognition, and false aspirations. If we dare to be vulnerable and to trust in the gifts of life, our transformation begins.


Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Mix Things Up

"The  effect of Creative Visualization is to dissolve 
our internal barriers to natural harmony and self-realization, 
allowing everybody to manifest in their most positive way."
Shakti Gawain

Half of the time, I do not know what is authentically best for me, so how could I possibly know what is best for someone else?  Rather than spending my energies on solving dilemmas of others, I could be using the energy for more meaningful self-exploration.

Slowly, I begin to realize my goals are redundant and there is a need to splash some color into my intentions.  It is time to mix things up, create anew, and breathe life into the boredom of a ho-hum living experience.

My human experience is meant to be a free flowing dance whether in the midst of friends or in the middle of a forest. When I remember to harmonize with the birds in song, words in the wind, and the swaying of trees, my life unfolds in a very positive way.


Monday, March 27, 2023

Just As We Are

"Your mission, goals, and objectives should be aligned with 
your present actions and where you see yourself in the future."
Germany Kent

As we plant our feet upon the ground, we can feel the earth below, while looking up to see the sky far above.  The bulk of our being is right in the middle, holding space.  The past is behind us, and the future is far ahead, so we are called to action in the present.

What we learned from the past assists us in creating the present. Sending intentions forward, they are kindled by choices we make now.  This reflects the importance of all passages in time.  They are linked together and need to be aligned.

Where we currently place our attention impacts future outcome.  With the desire for 'this or something better' there is an allowance for creative intervention. When we fully love ourselves right where we are, and just as we are, we are less likely to hold back.

Sunday, March 26, 2023

The Creator Sighs ...


"The flow is the movement system of the universe. It is
designed to support you in every way, even through energetic 
processes you may not even be aware of."
Shelley Young 

The time is here for us to simply jump in and be curious as to where the flow of life will take us. Leaving doubt and fear behind, we feel water circulating and cleansing us. As we look upwards, we feel the sunshine on our face and freedom blowing through our hair.

As we adjust to the energies in the stream, we begin to feel vibrations uplifting and supporting all parts of the self.  We feel hopeful and connected as we realize others are surging, side by side, towards true meaning of the truest sense of self.

Floating together, we realize we are all destined to be our best for each other.  While we cascade through diverse scenarios, we discover how we are all linked together, each serving in unique ways.  The Creator sighs, unleashing unimaginable possibilities.

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Perfecting Eyesight


"Life on earth is difficult, it is challenging and
it's going to make you question yourself many times."
Dana Grozdanova 

We view situations most commonly with our eyes, but simultaneously we experience  reactions through numerous layers.  What is triggered in our heart might be dissimilar to what our mind comprehends.  What we perceive to be true, triggers a reaction which can stimulate or deplete our energies.  

What we view with our eyes today, may be the exact same scenario as yesterday, but the results are rarely the same.  Altered vision distorts, twists, and misshapes continuously which causes us to regroup, rethink, and react. It is as though the risk of a comfort zone is stagnation and in our hearts, we truly do not want that as our vision.

Rapid growth through deep healing perpetuates diverse scenarios.  We see life differently and our aspirations shift significantly.  It is as though we will never become a finished product.  What we too often forget is that as we become a greater force, we impact the world surrounding us.  With gained momentum, we make a greater difference with new eyesight.

Friday, March 24, 2023

I See You, Child!

"Hold the hand of the child who lives in your soul.
For this child, nothing is impossible."
Paulo Coelho

Little one, I give you permission to engage with life utilizing endless creativity.  Dig in the dirt, fly kites, climb trees, blow bubbles, and catch lightening bugs.  Most of all, embrace the spirits who sing and dance around you, for they love you so.

Recognize your voice as a bearer of truth.  Listen to your growing intuition. Pay attention to what your body is trying to tell you when it is tired and needing rest.  Watch the setting sun with anticipation for a sky filled with dancing stars who joyfully tease the moon.

Never forget, sweet child, the importance of loving and laughter. Let your dreams guide you into higher realms, while nature roots you upon this sacred ground. Remember to leave blessings in your footprints, while you navigate the winding path towards home.


Thursday, March 23, 2023

Profound Support System


"Honest friends are doorways to our souls, and
loving friends are the grasses that soften the world."
Mark Nepo

Outside influences either curb or enhance our emotional responses. Whether we are offended or supported by opinions of others or inside chatter, we have a tendency to falter. In depletion, we fall behind; whereas, if too inflated, we get lost.

Friends are mirrors to our soul and this is why we need to choose wisely.  Those who gather around us assist us in navigating our world.  We have never been meant to navigate life alone. This does not mean a partner is required, but a support system is profound.

When we speak our truth to trusted companions, we experience the addition of a vibration of sound.  We are offered a visual of the physical reaction of those who have heard.  This offers opportunity to both expand and gently impact our world. 

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Paramount Discovery

"People are learning and using tools that are healing their minds 
and expanding their compassion for themselves and others."
Yung Pueblo

Therapy, in numerous forms, assists others in healing trauma and grief.  Mental health issues are being regarded with increasing respect without the demeaning stereotyping of yesteryear. Corrective techniques are being highlighted with world wide recognition.

Therapy is no longer regulated to lying on a person's couch while suffering in shame.  It is extended to creative expression utilizing numerous activities that allow individuals to transform crippling negativity into paramount discovery of emotional freedom.

Meditation, energy work, and communion with what is held sacred, a person can create and maintain compassion for themselves as well as for others which strengthens the sense of connection.  Establishing a comfort zone, people can thrive with improved self-realization.

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Vigilant In Search

"The Spring Equinox traditionally clears out the old and
helps usher in the new energies of Spring."
Carol Farr

The Spring Equinox invites us to let go of stagnant issues and to plant seeds for clarity, joy, and new growth.  We are beckoned forward to see beauty in all things and to be vigilant in the search for rebirthing and renew.

We carefully choose seeds to be gently planted in our sacred ground.  As landscapers, we will be diligent in weeding out what no longer thrives and caring for budding opportunities of joy and fulfillment.

Winds of change can transport us, if we are willing to trust and let go.  New horizons welcome the strong of heart, where opportunities await the tilling of the soil.  While we listen to intuition and guidance, action is taken towards the rising of beauty within our soul. 


Monday, March 20, 2023

Signs Along The Way

"To enjoy your goals, think of them as signposts,
pointing you in a certain direction."
Shakti Gawain

Do not singularly focus on the end prize, but rather enjoy the journey as you travel towards it. Notice the gifts hidden in nook and crannies, lingering above and slightly covered below.  There is so much beauty to be enjoyed as we notice aspects of life as it unfolds.

The mini joys we experience along the way, strengthens our understanding and encourages actions that will eventually support us in the greater picture.  Little nuggets appearing to be insignificant can grow in importance with the passing of time.

Replacing narrow focus with broad awareness, the lessons in life are readily accessible. When we are not spearheaded, appreciation for the layers of living are respected and renewed.  We are opened to a fuller spectrum of wisdom rather than just one selected goal.


Sunday, March 19, 2023

The Essence Inside

"No matter how far you travel, you can 
never get away from yourself."
Haruki Murakami

When we stand in the midst of chaotic noise, we are still aware of the quiet self whom resides inside.  We can peacefully float and drift upon calm waters, while the invisible self continues to simply be.  We have the freedom to pursue an imaginative destination, but at our core, we remain resiliently unique in identity.

It is accurate to say that no matter how much we alter our appearance, disguise our voice, and shift our thinking, our presence within remains in harmony. Our inner self can stretch and grow just as easily as withdrawing and collapsing, but ultimately, we remain the same essence as when we first began.

In the physical, we can strengthen our body, while mentally nourishing our brain.  Spiritually, we may gain depth through diverse practices from numerous cultures.  Our intrinsic nature, however, is steadfast.  We come into this world with a container for our spirit, just as we leave with our soul in tact. 

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Tumultuous Times

"Life is a journey, not a race."
Dana Grozdanova

We believe we are progressing nicely, making healthy choices, engaging in grounding exercises and connecting with supportive friends.  Then we are blindsided by turbulance that doesn't feel like our own.  We are thrown into a sense of chaos, finding it difficult to endure frequencies or to gain ground. 

We take things personally, wanting to own them as then we have a sense of control, but the rise of discord is not necessarily our own.  There is a grand collective upheaval which is best contended by simply being present and holding space.  Resistance is not advisable and resolution is not possible by our hands alone.  We simply allow energy to move through us.

As high vibrational energies come in, we can choose from a variety of antidotes.  Whether we practice Shamanic Breath Work, Visions of Ascension,  Healing Energy Applications or Religious Transformations, we find purpose in being tolerant and opening deeper to the experience.  We can either learn through tumultuous times or unnecessarily suffer. 


Friday, March 17, 2023

Saints In Human Suits

"A saint is not a person who does not sin; but
a sinner who never stops doing good."
Bangambiki Habyarimana

St. Patrick's Day ... leprechauns, green beer and four leaf clovers come to mind.  I attended a Roman Catholic elementary school with the church filled by Irish families.  I, of course, was the Swedish/Bohemian Lutheran standing out in the thick of things.

On my human path, I encountered numerous saintly individuals, praying with some and laughing whole heartedly with others.  Years ago, I tired of being spoon fed fictional characters engineered by religious or political endeavors.

When I stopped putting people on pedestals, I began to encounter saints in human suits. They were imperfect folks, but striving to uplift others.  Some did it with passion while others stepped forward with loving kindness. These saints, I'd admire any day! 

Thursday, March 16, 2023


"The best way to cheer yourself is to cheer somebody else up."
Albert Einstein

Wandering in a store, I overheard two young women admiring small vases.  In the next aisle, I heard them excitedly discover a cake plate.  A lady appeared out of no where, and began telling the two of them what a bargain they had found.

One of the young women explained that she was shopping for her wedding and could not afford both the vase and the cake plate.  In a swift motion, the lady took out her billfold,  and extracted money, while saying, "Here, get them both!"  She then quickly walked away.

In the very next store, I came upon this same woman.  After some hesitation, I decided to approach her.  I told her I had observed what she had done, and quickly explained what was most important to me ... witnessing her spontaneous loving kindness.  I explained that she had truly blessed my day.  Then, she cried.

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Sacred Enclosure

"Your own mind is a sacred enclosure in to which
nothing harmful can enter except by your permission."
Arnold Bennett

On numerous occasions, I have hidden myself within sacred enclosures.  Whether hiking up in the Colorado mountains, canoeing inland waterways of Canada, or resting in nature's  forrest teepees, my lust for solitude prevailed.  

Creative visualization had endlessly offered me arenas filled with stained glass, burning candles, and silence where guidance could be heard.  Like any sacred space, I shed the outside world with all of its time and space, and checked all personas at the gate.

Sacred enclosures, whether physical, mental or spiritual, offered the releasing of fear, anxiety and stress.  As I stepped into reverence, freedom was found which led to holy expression that defined the life I longed to live.


Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Tortoiselike Unfolding

"The wise do not hurry, nor do they try to control 
everything. Instead, they move intentionally and understand 
that impulsive reactions function as a barrier to their peace."
Yung Pueblo

The caterpillar teaches us the importance of not prematurely breaking open the cocoon. No matter how excited we are to set our sight upon a brilliant spring flower, we respect the tortoiselike unfolding of the bud.

It is with wisdom that we stand still, taking in the pause. Relinquishing need for control, we are able to watch a situation naturally unfold.  As we slow our minds, resisting from immediate solution, we begin to see from higher ground.

A surfacing shortcut triggering impulsive reaction, often causes us lengthy reparation in the end.  Reframing from immediate solution, there is time to explore differing points of view, discover creative resolution, and distance the situation from fear, anxiety and stress. 


Monday, March 13, 2023

Pen to Page ...

"Writing has always been my primary way
to make meaning, to marry the joy and sorrow,
to traverse the distance between no longer and not yet."
Suleika Jaouad

There are certain incidents unfolding in our lives that simply are not meant for sharing.  We may experience emotions so raw, it is impossible to give voice to them. Unfortunately, if we keep them within, they will fester into anxiety, stress or even depression.

The movement of pen to page, distracts us physically which allows our emotions to fully surface. Once words are splayed across a page, we are able to view situations from a higher perspective with greater clarity and resolve.

As we write, emptying our mind, we can feel stress slip away.  Our body begins to relax and anxiety does not remain quite as intense.  The ability to balance the body, mind, and spirit becomes easier which allows us to minimize depression, we might otherwise experience.


Sunday, March 12, 2023



"What we know matters. but who we are
matters more."  Brene Brown

Unexpectedly, light warms our heart, brings clarity to thought, and points us in a corrected direction. We may write impressions in our journal or share insight with a trusted friend, but if we fail to apply the knowledge, we miss the sense of wholeness.

We are at our best when we are able to join our intellectual thoughts with our spiritual aspirations, and apply both to physical action. Momentum is built, escorting us forward. Fulfillment is created when all parts are joined together.

Whether our insight relates to a future vacation, career change or segment of our day, we will experience a greater sense of self when we utilize the body, mind, and soul through action. This process illuminates a greater definition of who we truly are 

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Eyeball to Eyeball

"The victory over our inner self is a daily struggle.
Be strong and do not give up."
Lailah Gifty Akita 

Imagine watching a stranger approach you. The way he or she walks seems confident and the style of clothing brilliantly shines.  Within moments your heart stirs with a familiar vibration, as you wonder who this unknown could possibly be.

Intuition kicks in and you instantly categorize this entity as someone who is trustworthy.  There is a knowing that he or she is destined to serve a purpose benefiting all.  You pick up on a sense of bravery inspired by faith in the Divine Spirit.

Standing eye ball to eye ball, you realize it is "you" who has come into view.  You are beckoned forward to blend into this intricate being of light, acknowledging the wisdom and power that will guide you for all of your days. Just imagine, finally becoming you!

Friday, March 10, 2023

Magic At Hand

"You need to have faith in yourself.  Be brave and
take risks. You don't have to have it all figured out
to move forward."  Roy T. Bennett

Time is extremely elastic, speeding up and then suddenly retracting.  Just when we feel certain we are grounded, the earth shifts and we revisit both the past and places yet known.
When we are propelled backward and then forward, it is difficult to know which way to go.

When a dark shadow from the past falls upon us, there is no need for fear.  As we recall how we conquered a lesson, not realizing it would return, we have the courage to navigate forward again. Advancement through the challenge becomes more accelerated. 

The past is revisited, the present is evaluated, and the future unknown. We are called to step forward with bravery, willing to experience risk, and blindly believe all will be well. Hesitation for safer discovery may cause us to miss the magic at hand.

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Grab A Fistful ...

"We may have stopped trying to carve out that
time to take a seat at the center of our lives."
Daily Om

The inner voice we hear when we become still, can make us uncomfortable, especially if we are not holding ourselves accountable.  If we are pushing forward without regard to what is best for the self, we fall further behind in our personal growth.

When we are not living in each moment aligned with our desires, we may not want a reminder of just how far off course we may be.  We may close our ears during individual moments of guidance that would otherwise lead us to higher ground.

If we would simply grab a fistful of moments to hear our inner voice, we could be directed  to pathways once charted in our dreams.   Brief interludes with how we once intended our presence to be felt, allow us to reenter passageways leading directly from the heart. 


Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Frivolous Patch

"If you sit and get really quiet, fully expecting
your answer, it has to come."
The Universe 

When we fill our waking hours with anger and dismay, these emotions grow stronger.  If we choose to accept how we feel, and open ourselves to insight, a new direction will materialize. Wherever we place our focus becomes the magnet for what we attract. 

It is interesting how much time we spend on what is going wrong, compared to our attention towards prayer, meditation, and stillness.  It is in the quiet space that we can shift from fear to new direction.

When we take a short cut or apply a frivolous patch, the issue will once again occur.  It is only when we reach out, listen, and apply correction that situations will shift and change.  Light a candle in darkness and ask for guidance, and make certain to listen. 


Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Fill The Hollows

"You can't leave a footprint that lasts
if you are always walking on tiptoe."
Marion C. Blakely

With deliberation, today is going to be different.  We are going to walk purposely with the intention to distribute positive energy for others who follow behind us.  In empty spaces, we are going to fill the hollows with a sense of happiness and joy.

As we navigate through the day, our positive energy will be transmitted through conversations, smiles, and respectful gestures.  We can bless the structures surrounding us, silently send prayers to those encountered, and invite spirit guides and angels to intercede. 

Our footprint of positive energy touches not only the lives of others, but fills our hearts as well. It is in the giving that we receive, although that is not the motive.  We experience joy by connecting with others even if silently.  Our inner light thrives and replicates as we give. 


Monday, March 6, 2023


"I release any energies and emotions that are not mine."
Lee Harris 

As kindred spirits, we are often times called to be present for others who are facing challenges.  We open our hearts unconditionally to 'see' them and to allow them to be heard. We may forget to deflect emotions that are not our own and inappropriately harbor them.

In public, we are impacted by random emotions from others in the midst of an argument or an angry parent lashing out or a disgruntled employee. When left unshielded, our tender heart does not discern what does not belong to us. 

Gently close the eyes and pull heavenly light down from the sky and allow it to course through the entire body.  Imagine reaching upwards as darkness falls away.  We remain heartfelt, but choose to release what does not serve. 

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Move It!

"Acknowledge that you don't know what to do and
you certainly don't know what will happen, but
that you are guided by peace."
Sheila Reynolds

There are times we feel a heaviness in the belly without a sense of what is causing it.   An unidentified anxiety creeps into our awareness without any basis.  Feelings of uncertainty taint our perspective and darken the day.

Rather than sinking into a lethargic mood, we can choose to get up and move our bodies. Qi Gong or Tai Chi used for mere minutes immediately begin to rearrange our energy.  Yoga or gentle stretching can accomplishes an energy shift as well.

Whether we are being impacted by personal dilemma or attracting disturbance from the collective, we have the choice to transition our mood.  When we hold ourselves accountable by taking action, we move with life rather than feeling as though life is happening to us.



Saturday, March 4, 2023

Hold It Right There!

"What you do speaks so loud that I cannot hear what you say."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Understanding body language does not require genius level academic degrees.  It is a simple observation of gestures blatantly displayed before our eyes. Eye contact diverted? Body relaxed or rigid? Body positioned too close or unusually distant? Physical presence but otherwise else where? 

Indicators: Acceptance, while shaking the head no back and forth, reflects conflict; Agreement, while crossing arms, displays defensiveness; Reconciliation, while fists are balled in anger. suggests unresolved issues; and Unrequited love, while fickle actions prevail, reflect otherwise.  

Body language is a significant tool. Observation of others and our selves, adds a dynamic of insight. Our words may be saying one thing, while our stance clearly reflects a discrepancy.  Hold it right there until we can align our thoughts with our deeds.

Friday, March 3, 2023

Create Reflection

"There's a moment that we all come to, in our own time,
in our own space, where all that we've done, we can
undo, if our heart's in the right place."
Garth Brooks

Personal living space is reflective of our heart harmony.  It reflects what we love and the level of the energy contained inside.  There is necessity in creating this healing space to  rebirth and nurture our evolving souls. 

It is not about location or decor, but rather the level of love displayed in chosen expression.  Market value is less important than the ability to support and kindle our longings. It is truly home if it is an outward expression of our inner spirit.

When we turn our space into a reflection of who we are at the core, we reflect our sensitivity, emotion, and spiritual connection. We thrive in this emotionally healthy environment, and visitors experience joy, affection, and deeper relations with every visit.

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Restored Intention

"You are not a body. You are not a mind. You are 
infinite light, infinite intelligence, the radiance of
all beings, the endless light of creation."
Frederick Lenz

As children, we are enthralled by the unseen and the mysterious presence surrounding us. We see magic in all things and in every day spaces.  We talk to imaginary friends, and listen to the language of nature. We have an industrious connection with light.

As we grow older, we are trained to doubt and forget what we originally held as truth. We begin to regard the self as a limited being.  Pressured to adapt to adult ways, we lose touch with our full potential as light.

In this time and space, major shifts are being made, increasing the awareness of light.  As we are drawn to remembering and reclaiming the ability to find wisdom in light, we begin to restore our intentions to create peace on earth. 

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Acquiesce No More!

"I made shrinking myself a habit because it
was safer than showing up fully."
Alex Elle

Acquiesce, what a wonderful word! It means to give in without protest. It is what we do, a caving in of sorts, rather than mustering energy to disagree. When we have been worn down or  lose sight of our true nature, we acquiesce.

We are misled into thinking that if we love someone, we are somehow obligated to bow down to their wishes. In partnership, this often is the case, but not if it violates our lovely selves physically, mentally and spiritually.

If our perceptions are not in alignment with others, it does not necessarily mean that we are wrong. It is within articulation that judgment might come. When we give voice to our unique human experience, we acquiesce no more.