Saturday, March 18, 2023

Tumultuous Times

"Life is a journey, not a race."
Dana Grozdanova

We believe we are progressing nicely, making healthy choices, engaging in grounding exercises and connecting with supportive friends.  Then we are blindsided by turbulance that doesn't feel like our own.  We are thrown into a sense of chaos, finding it difficult to endure frequencies or to gain ground. 

We take things personally, wanting to own them as then we have a sense of control, but the rise of discord is not necessarily our own.  There is a grand collective upheaval which is best contended by simply being present and holding space.  Resistance is not advisable and resolution is not possible by our hands alone.  We simply allow energy to move through us.

As high vibrational energies come in, we can choose from a variety of antidotes.  Whether we practice Shamanic Breath Work, Visions of Ascension,  Healing Energy Applications or Religious Transformations, we find purpose in being tolerant and opening deeper to the experience.  We can either learn through tumultuous times or unnecessarily suffer. 


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