Monday, March 27, 2023

Just As We Are

"Your mission, goals, and objectives should be aligned with 
your present actions and where you see yourself in the future."
Germany Kent

As we plant our feet upon the ground, we can feel the earth below, while looking up to see the sky far above.  The bulk of our being is right in the middle, holding space.  The past is behind us, and the future is far ahead, so we are called to action in the present.

What we learned from the past assists us in creating the present. Sending intentions forward, they are kindled by choices we make now.  This reflects the importance of all passages in time.  They are linked together and need to be aligned.

Where we currently place our attention impacts future outcome.  With the desire for 'this or something better' there is an allowance for creative intervention. When we fully love ourselves right where we are, and just as we are, we are less likely to hold back.

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