Sunday, April 30, 2023


"Enlightened is your natural state."
Ronan Rooney

On occasion, we experience a lapse in time where all is quiet and still. The atmosphere feels pristine, pregnant with the essence of innocence. The connection between ourselves and Divine energy runs rampant through our veins.

There is a tandem of motion between our human self and our spiritual being activating our purpose. To fully experience the depth of life. cloaks of false limitations need to be shed. It is in remembering our innate capacity to love that healing begins.

We are born into this world with wisdom, anticipating a life long experience of joy and clarity. With the passing of time, our light flickers and too frequently goes out. It is when we embrace the memory of our enlightened natural state that we fulfill our dream.

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Empty Chairs


"Bring all of you to the table."
Sarah Blondin

In the dream, there was a secret garden with a table surrounded by chairs. It was candle lit with nature singing a haunting song. In my long robes, I chose a chair while wondering who else would attend.

One by one, each seat was filled representing different parts of me. There was the daughter, mother, grandmother, social worker, counselor, small shop owner, and multi-relationship participant. My gaze drifted around the table, nodding to each one.

Slowly, I realized how my life had been filled with spirit no matter which chair I happened to be sitting in. My fascination with light was predominant throughout every placement. The dreamscape faded as it reflected my heart secured in sacred space.

Friday, April 28, 2023

At What Cost?


"Magical things in life can come out 
of nothing and out of nowhere."
Tamar Charney

Children maintain a pace of laughter, tears, and jubilation. They are comforted by the sounds in nature and mesmerized by rocks buried in the ground. They readily accept and respect the spontaneous appearance of birds, butterflies and creatures that crawl.

At what cost did we release these human instincts? What was so rewarding that we relinquished respect for all that is? How did we replace creative inspiration with cryptic jargon, selfish actions, and distancing from the soul?

We are all being called back to communion with the earth. We find ourselves now yearning to connect with the energy in streams, beams, and rolling hills. It is time to rebirth our inner spirits to once again, become one.

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Interruption Intervenes

"Isn't it amazing how long it can take 
to learn a lesson, and how the Universe keeps
 bopping us over the head until we do?"
Suleika Jaouad

Just when I think I am doing so well, interruption intervenes. This can be the face of fear, doubt or self-sabotage.  I force myself to not shut down, but to embrace the discord, knowing it is part of a learning experience.

I believe I have learned a lesson, only to discover it has reentered in an entirely different presentation. Challenge wears differing costumes, requiring me to pay attention to what is inside beneath what appears.

I do not believe prevention safe guards us from altercations. The best defense for me is to maintain awareness, move forward with courage, and embrace whatever I am to learn. I have learned to laugh as the Universe plays tricks and simply carry on!


Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Warning Lights

"Control is a manifestation of your own insecurity;
it is a sign that fear is trying to govern your mind."
yung pueblo 

As the sands of time shift beneath our feet, we can experience anxiety and uncertainty.  We believe if we manipulate a situation, we will be safe and secure. When we place our energy into efforts of control, we shut down possibilities to stretch and grow.

The underlying need for control is based on fear which clouds the availing opportunities for growth and expansion. When we push through our fear, assessing how the situation before us can become a learning tool, we can pivot ourselves into resolution.

It would be helpful to have warning lights to alert us when we are unnecessarily reverting to control. Rather than resistance, we can accept the reality of the situation, and choose the best course of navigation through it. Moving forward with confidence overrides our fear. 

Monday, April 24, 2023

Authenticity Savored


"Please keep in mind that what you feel is true
may not be the case for others ... and that is okay."
Jennifer Farley

There are times we experience a lack of support and rather than feeling judged, we can be prompted to seek out new thought. If we are not in alignment with others, we can view the situation as a prompt to expand.

There is a need to respect opposing views and accept the right to interpretation. Authenticity needs to be savored in relationship as it will open our perceptions. When we feel challenged, however, it may be time for feeding our soul. 

We cultivate our belief system through life experience, insight from mentors and expansive exploration. If we discontinue our search for knowledge, we  can become stagnant. Simply open the heart, ask for guidance, and it will appear. 

Sunday, April 23, 2023

River of Life

"When we pause to reflect on the great river of life
moving through us, we do not stop swimming because
of a single branch floating. We find our way around it."
Mitch Davidowitz 

In the river of life, we have choice as to becoming blocked by debris or to  circumvent the situation. There are options to float to the shore or to hide in a cove. With determination we can swim forward and persevere, rather than being lodged in the bottom of muck.

It is a challenge to move forward with an open heart knowing that tides can change and currents can become dangerous. If we can remember to float rather than struggle, we can formulate the best way to respond.

Often times, intensity is decided by our present mood or automatic reaction. Are we reacting to what is before us or is it a knee jerk reaction to a trigger from the past? It is when we gently wade in and focus on the expanding horizon that we return to the flow.


Saturday, April 22, 2023

Kiss On The Face

"The sunshine is nature planting a kiss on the face of the earth."
Michael Bassey Johnson

The thought of sunshine being an act of nature placing a kiss upon the earth touched my heart. I stepped outside, welcoming the sun's warmth on my face while regarding the gentle breeze as a hug whirling around me.  

With each step upon my path, I intentionally strengthened the connection between myself and the ground. I opened to feel the energy streaming up into me as a strong support system, encouraging me to keep moving forward.

As I watched the birds gliding in the sky, I was reminded of the freedom I seek, leading to discovery and enhancement. With the birds chirping, I thought for certain they were saying, "You can do this!" I swear, every day aught to be Earth Day!

Friday, April 21, 2023

Beyond Sorrow

"As I follow the flow of life,
my body grows healthy and vital."
Shakti Gawain

If we fail to address unpleasantness, it becomes lodged within our being. When we do not allow time for grieving and loss at our own pace, our sorrow is lodged rather than released. Life itself presents stress and strain, and when ignored, the struggle upsets our natural flow.

When we do not adapt to stress, our body begins to feel the additional pressure and our energy no longer flows. It becomes sluggish and attracts drama, criticism, and stunted growth patterns. Our body grows heavy unable to take flight.

As we lift our awareness to the light, we begin to see new direction, hear fresh guidance, and maintain our physical strength. Our body begins to renew itself when we acknowledge blockages, and create new patterns of loving the self and others.


Thursday, April 20, 2023

Heal To Make Whole

"Healing is about making whole. To be a healer, 
you have to be able to listen,
to learn, and to love."
Surgeon General of United States

Healing is a very expansive process leading to wholeness.  It assists in the release of emotional, physical and spiritual wounds. It eradicates darkness, replacing it with a light to be shared. It is about joy and living a fluent life within a chaotic world.

The way we respond to challenge and loss contributes to our ability to live fully. If we are harsh and critical, it taints our perception of the world. If we regard our journey with tenderness, we are open to healing by learning how expansive we can truly be.

The art of healing is not a quick fix nor a cure to remove illness.  When we allow ourselves to heal through listening, learning and loving, we become more fully the person we were intended to be. Improved mental health through self-realization, can repair the broken.


Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Unlock The Mental Cage


"It's not the load that breaks you down.
It's the way you carry it."
Lou Holtz

Negativity at times seems to appear out of nowhere. We feel our emotions beginning to churn, but we do not understand the trigger. Perhaps we begin to feel trapped, locked in, and unable to unlock the mental cage.

Eventually, we will reach outside of our lovely selves and unlock the imaginary door keeping us captive.  With fresh insight, we begin to understand the need to release old wounds, disappointments and failures.

As light begins to shine upon the lesson, we can begin to let go, understanding there is no need to closet what we once feared. Emotions are the result of how we perceive experiences and we have the power to create healthier interpretations. 

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Art Colors Life

"Art is unquestionably one of the purest and highest
elements in human happiness. It trains the mind 
through the eye and eye through the mind."
John Lubbock

There are endless ways to express art. It is a natural ability residing in each of us. Some have the ability to use musical instruments while others have a melodious voice. There are those who express themselves through pottery, landscaping, or architectural design. 

For those of us lacking actual talent, we still have the need for artistic expression. We may find it in arranging a bouquet of flowers, setting a colorful table or preparing a complicated culinary dish.

It is not so much what we do or how we do it, but rather the happiness that unfolds. As we create on any level, we feel a reviving of our energy.  Artistic expression heightens our sense of connection and adds a dash of color to the soul.  

Monday, April 17, 2023

Standing on the Corner ...

"Know The Universe is with you
and all will be well."
Jennifer Farley

Habitually, we are standing on the corner of right or wrong, stop or go, minimize or expand, and the list goes on. Options are plentiful, and yet, we stand on the corner, too often, watching them go by.

Indecision can wear us down, creating a sense of not having true power or clear vision. Our lack of follow through distorts the map displaying the way we are meant to go. We divert our energy by searching for safety rather than moving with the flow.

We do not need an additional level of education nor a mystical experience to determine which way to advance. Simply check in with the Divine Spirit waiting within to provide assistance and a willingness to walk beside us in the direction that is true.


Sunday, April 16, 2023

Necessity of Improvement

"Manifestation simply means, things that you need,
want, desire, or that will benefit you in your path,
getting faster at lining up with your life."
Lee Harris

Life calls us to be bigger and better which ultimately improves the world we live in. It is less about ego and selfishness and more about enhancing the nature of our being. If we continuously minimize our worth, we run the risk of not reaching our potential.

If we choose to check in with ourselves, we become more aware of our heart's desire. Then we are more apt to recognize available tools to assist us in attaining measures of growth. We are meant to expand and prosper, and it begins with self-realization.

As we learn to live a more fulfilling life, we maintain improved health, creative visualization, and deeper connections with the Divine. As we prosper, we impact not only our human experience, but the lives of others surrounding us. 


Saturday, April 15, 2023

Peace Within Stillness

"Begin to make peace with yourself in all experiences."
Nicky Hamid

When we slow ourselves down, we are able to experience stillness residing within our very being.  Peace is not a destination, as it is waiting to thrive with our attention. When we move too fast, we miss the inner availability to cultivate harmony both internally and externally.

It is part of the human experience to make peace with the self which prepares us to carry it out into the world. If we cannot create a sense of stillness within our very being, how can we expect to experience it with others?

Peace is readily available if we simply remember to apply it. In the blink of an eye, we can be centered. With the slightest pause we can be grounded. As we step forward, we carry stillness into relationships, situations, and life as it opens before us.

Friday, April 14, 2023

First or Last?

"I've been shifting from a mindset of living each day
as if it's my last ~ to living each day as if it's my first!"
Suleika Jaouad 

When I experience today as if it were my very last, I experience anxiety, fear, and apprehension.  If I view today as though it were my first, I am filled with imagination, excitement and an eagerness for it to unfold.

There is choice of how we view our days. If we weave elements of kindness within the threads of necessity, we will prosper. Our energy will not be as quickly depleted. We are more apt to stay in alignment.

What can we change in given situations to shift the outcome? Can we be less sensitive, more direct and open hearted?  If we do nothing to alter outcome, there is nothing but repetition. It is when we step out of the recurring behavior that delight unfolds.

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Sense of Harmony

"It's impossible to be afraid when you dwell in truth."
The Universe

It is necessary to be careful with our lovely selves to avoid harm to the body, mind or soul. This is not the same as living in fear of what may or may not happen. Caution is the balance to safe living.

When we maintain the awareness of options, we hold the power of truth. Deep within, there is a sense of correct choice, and it requires faith and trust. If we lower our guard, uncertainty rushes in, flushing our sense of harmony.

Life is going to unfold and it will be highlighted by the decisions we make. How we react either supports or negates the flow. It requires just as much energy to wallow in fear as it does to open our hearts to possibility.

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Relationships Evolve

"We evolve inside of our relationships. Our roles
shift and change. Sometimes the shifts feel huge
and significant, and other times they are subtle."
Nedra Glover Tawwab

Relationships are endless, encompassing people, places, and things. We interconnect with the self as much as our home, pets, and empty spaces. Shifts within are imperative for growth and self-realization.

Selfishly, we may want everyone to stay the same which offers us a sense of security; but through our love for others, we must respect their need for discovery and change. As we move forward, it can be uncomfortable, but not a reason to stop.

If we outgrow people, places, and things, it becomes beneficial to do so gracefully. There is no right or wrong to unfoldment, and when accomplished with a grateful heart, memories remain in tact.

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Seat of Discernment


"The heart is the seat of discernment. If you desire
less confusion, stillness is the key to the peace you seek."
Cheryl D. Harrell

We are all experiencing stressors as we try to move forward to create a creative and meaningful life.  Pressures that accompany change push us to our brink.  If we remember to lapse into our heart, we will find a reprieve from the chaos.  

There are numerous variations of the stories being passed down to us. It is challenging to know which version can be trusted.  It is difficult to perceive truth when we are swirling in confusion. It is when we choose to go within and listen to the heart that sense can be made.

As the mind attempts to distinguish fact from fiction, we can make the choice to be grounded. With simple awareness we can calmly visit with stillness, letting go of unnecessary fear. Remain mindful that in order to move forward, there is much to be released.

Monday, April 10, 2023

Retaining Sunshine

"Know what you want to do, hold the thought firmly,
and do every day what should be done, and every
sunset will see you that much nearer the goal."
Elbert Hubbard

Each morning I watch the sun come up, absorbing as much light as I can.  Sun beams chase my sadness away and warms my empty spaces.  In the evening while I watch the sun sink down into the horizon, I make a list of the good that unfolded during the day.

Retaining as much sunshine as I can, I create ideas to brighten my day. How can I contribute goodness out into the world? What can I do to make a difference now in the moment?  The action and follow through decide the intensity of my day.

Simply setting the intention of being a good human can impact my routine.  It doesn't really matter what I do as much as how I sincerely extend goodness. No matter the task at hand, if I exert best effort with kindness, I walk with light into the darkness.


Sunday, April 9, 2023

Light Becomes My Song

"Do not abandon yourselves to despair.  We are the
Easter people and hallelujah is our song."
Pope John Paul II

My Easter is no longer about coloring Easter eggs.  No more frilly dresses or patent shoes, and the white gloves of course are way long gone. Easter evolved for me, shifting attention from the morbid cross, to the glowing example of life after death.

As a young child, I looked away from the brutality of the cross, and lingered on the images of bright light presumably following death. Jesus said I could do anything He could do, so wouldn't I also survive death? And again, what about all this heavenly light?

My spiritual rapport evolved into working with light.  Every day, my heart is called to be still and the radiant light becomes my song. It is meant to be shared with others, leading us  out from despair. Hallelujah, indeed!


Saturday, April 8, 2023

Out Come Unclear


"Transformation is a process, and as life happens, 
there are tons of ups and downs. It's a journey of
discovery ~ there are moments of mountaintops 
and moments in deep valleys of despair."
Rick Warren

Transformation occurs on numerous levels and individuals experience it in differing ways. It can be frightening and at times exhilarating, but it requires courage and resilience. The pull may be strong, but the final out come is often unclear.  

While moving forward, it may seem like we are moving backwards. When we shed what is familiar to embrace the unknown, we are called to release our fears. Approaching change with curiosity and a gentleness, we secure a greater connection and rapport with all there is. 

As we consciously rekindle our energy through spiritual practices, healthy life styles, and unconditional love for others. we continuously move forward on our journey.  We create an appreciation for each step, not distracted by what lies behind us or what awaits ahead.

Friday, April 7, 2023

Creativity Springs!


"Do what intrigues you, explore what interests you;
think mystery, not mastery."
Julia Cameron

With the innocence of a child, go wandering. Move slowly so that you begin to see cracks in the sidewalk or birds in a tree. Gaze up towards the sky, discovering lofty shapes just waiting to be seen. Scan with new eyes, discovering the unexpected.

Do you even remember what brings you joy? What tickles your tummy and makes you want to laugh ... like swinging on a swing!  Get outside for starters. Grab a journal or book and find a lovely bench.

Spring is unfolding displaying new growth, triggering ideas for inspiration. Shed the heaviness of winter and become curious of the mysteries hiding around you.  The only thing standing in the way of creating more magic in your life, quite honestly, is you.

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Wild Side

"We don't need something to go wrong in order to change."
Mark Nepo

Numerous colors decorate life and yet, we tend to see things as black or white.  Attempting to create a sense of control, we corral our energies only to stunt our intended force.  There is a longing to be seen and heard, but we choose to lower our voice and hide our spirit.

What is it about our ego that prevents change until we can no longer tolerate the chaos? There seems to be a self-sabotaging behavior that we do not allow the true self to make creative decisions rather than spontaneous combustion.

Let today be the day we step out of our safety zone and into creative imagination.  Switch schedules, deviate from automatic behavior, and set the self free. Even in this very moment, live on the wild side and whistle a happy tune!


Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Safe Haven


"The freedom we are looking for is the 
freedom to be ourselves, to express ourselves."
Don Miquel Ruiz 

There is a sacred space where we can choose to either be esthetically calm or deliciously wild. It is a safe arena where we are not bound by emotional restraints or the critical judgment of others. It is an offering to simply just be in a landscape of the mind.

Sacred spaces are designed to heighten the sense of freedom to be comfortable in our own skin. We have the choice to remove what does not stimulate our dreams and to create inspiring visions of a fascinating and fulfilling existence.

It is when we give ourselves permission to embrace the beauty and the love surrounding us that we are able to color our life with joy, discovery, and connection.  As we close our eyes, we arrive at our carefully carved safe haven where we can simply be.

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

The Creative Process of Intuition

"Intuition is really a sudden immersion of the soul 
into the universal current of life."
Paulo Coehlo 

As humans, both masculine and feminine energies are present in each individual.  It doesn't matter if you are male or female, as all genders carry the same aspects of universal flow.  It is the female energy residing in both genders that funnels intuition out into the world.

Intuition is the creative inner voice speaking truth and wisdom into our core being. These 'gut feelings' nudge us into directions we might not otherwise travel. The masculine energy is the force carrying the intuition out into the world.

It is through our creative feminine side that we are able to embrace intuition, and through our masculine side, we are able to express intuition through action. Joined together, both aspects reveal the creative process. 


Monday, April 3, 2023

Silent Action

"Believe there is a great power silently working
all things for good, behave yourself, 
and never mind the rest."  
Beatrix Potter

Life is filled with rich experiences, but they do not all arrive at once. They are sprinkled in between challenges and uncertainties. During times of void we become especially aware of the need for intervention.  

We have choice either to become despondent or fill our minds with curiosity, wondering what the Universe has up its sleeve.  When we say, "this or something better", the angels run rampant preparing a string of forthcoming events.  

Now, there may not be parades nor helicopter rescue missions, but support in some form will be on the way. Be patient, do the best with what we have, and behave. There is comfort in trusting that silent action is in play.


Sunday, April 2, 2023

Remove The Fence, Create A Bridge


"With all that is happening in the world,
how will you build bridges?"
Richard Rudd

Relationships are not consistently amicable nor are communities necessarily harmonious, and then there are global disputes.  So how do you react?  Do you erect fences or build bridges?  If you view society, it would seem that fences are everywhere. Where are the arches offering harmony and healing?

There are numerous options for you to connect with others forming healthy bonds.  Who can you spend more time with creating open exchanges?  Can you notice small ways to serve reflecting kindness between loved ones and strangers? And what of emotional roadblocks you have created by ignoring hurtful experiences?   

Begin to take down your fences and create new bridges.  Link inner communication with guided wisdom and heart's desire.  Increase tolerance for those with opposing views. Open to passageways leading to harmony. Recognize your ability to be a part of the bridge leading humanity to peace. 

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Expertise in Foolishness

"We are all capable of foolishness, it's just
that we have a different area of expertise."
Giannis Delimitsos

There have been numerous times that I have innocently played the part of a fool.  I stood with heart open, believing in the goodness of man. I continue to do this, to be vulnerable to humans, hoping to share the wisdom within our souls.

When someone takes advantage of my kind heartedness, why is my trust declared foolish? Have I been wrong, standing in my illuminated space?  If I learn the lesson at hand, enhancing my soul, am I truly a fool?  

Those regarding me as foolish, could it be they simply do not understand as they are viewing situations through their own biases? I refuse to close my heart, just to dodge name calling, even if it means a parting of our ways.