Monday, April 3, 2023

Silent Action

"Believe there is a great power silently working
all things for good, behave yourself, 
and never mind the rest."  
Beatrix Potter

Life is filled with rich experiences, but they do not all arrive at once. They are sprinkled in between challenges and uncertainties. During times of void we become especially aware of the need for intervention.  

We have choice either to become despondent or fill our minds with curiosity, wondering what the Universe has up its sleeve.  When we say, "this or something better", the angels run rampant preparing a string of forthcoming events.  

Now, there may not be parades nor helicopter rescue missions, but support in some form will be on the way. Be patient, do the best with what we have, and behave. There is comfort in trusting that silent action is in play.


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