Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Fierce Hunger

"You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.  And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should."
Max Ehrmann, Desiderata: A Poem for a Way of Life

We stand at the edge of our reality, scared and uncertain.  We cannot see, perhaps, how life will remedy itself to meet our needs, dreams, and desires.  We are like the infant in the crib, screaming with fierce hunger, never realizing food is just the other side of the slats in the crib.

It is when we are faced with extreme situations seemingly beyond our control, that we think to turn to the Divine realm where angels, guides, and ancestors wait to be beckoned for help.  We do not readily see the part we have played in creating the chaos, the contributing choices we have made, nor our neglected connection with faith.

The universe is going to unfold as it will and our focus needs to be on our contributions.  What we offer to the world can be healthy, unique, and life changing.  It is by mastering our inner beauty that we can shine brightly, lessening the fears we face.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

The Flight of Freedom

"Accept yourself, love yourself, and keep moving
forward.  If you want to fly, you have to give up
what weighs you down."
Roy T. Bennett

Freedom takes on different meanings as our life situation changes.  Originally, it can be the sense of  running free without a diaper; skipping a nap; dating without supervision; voting registration; or legally drinking alcohol.  Later, there are areas of freedom created by financial security or emotional stability.  Freedom takes on different meanings as we journey through life.

Often, there is a price to be paid for our freedom.  We may have to acquire new knowledge or release what we once held dear.  In order to move forward, we must have a deep understanding of our intentions and motivations.  If we are not clear in our vision, our efforts become too scattered to impact the chosen destination.

When we discontinue the outward search for self and explore our personal depth, we trigger the voyage inward where ultimate freedom is discovered.  There is nothing more powerful than recognizing our depth, connection, and purpose to ourselves, to our community, and to our God.  Release the drama, disengage from the trite, and put down the weight of others. Ignited passion will propel our spirit to radiantly shine with freedom of our own.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Forgot to Incubate

"Life isn't as serious, 
as my mind makes it out to be."
Eckhart Tolle

One week ago, I had a break through in my stagnant routine.  I had become bored with my current  choices leaving me to feel cramped and stuck.  Out of no where, creativity startled my senses with vast ideas for new outlets.

I spent the week gathering things I would need for my new creative ventures.  It was delightful, like a child in a toy store picking and choosing colors, tools, and strategies.  My creative spirit raced a head of me leading the way to endless grandeur.  

Another week has passed, and I find my self squelched with the inability to proceed.  I made the horrendous error of prematurely showing my newly shaped initiative.  I was unprepared for the lack luster words and disinterest, crushing my child like enthusiasm.  I forgot to let my vision incubate, to allow time for development before birthing it into the world.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Willing Participant


"God's time and our time have to coincide;
otherwise we will not be successful in life."
Sunday Adelaja

In the midst of a gathering with like minded friends, the energy level was so uplifting I found myself asking the Divine if I should pursue an opportunity waiting before me.  With great clarity, the answer was immediate and a  positive nudge to move forward.  I was overwhelmed.

Unfortunately, I did not pursue the creative endeavor.  I thought about it and researched it, but my energy never seemed to once again align with the Divine affirmation.  It felt as though all systems were a 'go' except for me ... the verb to place it into action was not working.

Time passed and I was amazed to find the very endeavor skillfully completed ... except by someone else.  It was the exact idea wrapped in exceptional creativity by someone else.   So I find my lovely self wondering if God does not awaken a creative idea within us, then patiently waits.  If we do not act upon it within a reasonable time, will Divine Spirit pass the idea along to a willing participant?  

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Option ... New Horizon

"It is always important to know when something has reach its end.
Closing circles, shutting doors, finishing chapters, it doesn't matter
what we call it;  what matters is to leave in the past those moments
in life that are over."
Paulo Coelho

Facing change can be so overwhelming, we may be tempted to return to what we know, even if it is not good for us.  We are not truthful with ourselves when we think, "This time I will do this instead of that and all will be well."  We falsely return to an unhealthy situation rather than gather the courage to face the unknown even though it would better our situation.

To live in the moment, we have the past to one side and our future on the other, and both are impacted by the action we take in the moment.  We have energy and we must decide where we are going to invest it.

When we accept responsibility for our lovely self, we no longer wait for others to create movement for change.  Even if life deposits chaos in our lap, we get to choose how to react.  To do nothing, we remain stuck or regress backwards.  Do we really want to invest our energy in reopening a door that has closed or will we opt for a new horizon?

Friday, October 26, 2018

Dangerous to Arrive without Character

"Sometimes arriving too quickly is detrimental.  It is dangerous 
to arrive without our character mature or intact."
Lisa Bevere
Girls with Swords

There are instances where I am thankful Divine Spirit did not provide me with what I wanted; but blessed me with what I needed, instead.  Requests are often too particular or narrowly defined which leaves them impossible; but if we allow the Universe to fill in the details to our idea, we very well may be overwhelmed with blessings.

As years swiftly float by, I become crisply aware of how ill prepared I had been earlier for dreams come true.   My yearnings were filled with passion, but I was so far out of alignment, my wishes would have exploded in my very hands.  When we successfully master character and sustain a sense of self, we are better prepared for our happy ever after.

I am grateful and humbled to currently hold my dream come true within my heart.  Indeed, my endurance with the learning curve, adjusting to flexibility, and trust in Divine timing, my life has spiraled full circle.  The key, of course, was turning inward to cultivate love for my self with compassion in order to openly embrace the love of my life.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Simplicity from the Divine

"I am not a genius, I am just curious.
I ask many questions, and when the
answer is simple, then God is answering."
Albert Einstein

People appearing to a be genius have never stirred my curiosity as those with an unique perspective.  Individuals who have sifted through written knowledge and gained an untraditional understanding easily have my attention.

Those with differing views do not appear to me as being right or wrong.  They are simply interesting, offer food for thought, and trigger the mind to be free of dogma.  When we unlock the latches and throw open the windows of our minds, the fresh ideas release whispers from God or the Universe.

Communication in relationship is key whether we are speaking to the seen or unseen and the living or solid forms of nature.  Some of the most memorable exchanges I have had have been within nature either with trees or the moon.  Open the heart and unlatch the mind to receive simplicity from the Divine.  

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Knowledge and Action Create Change

"My father taught me that you can read a hundred books on wisdom
and write a hundred books on wisdom, but unless you apply what
you learned then its only words on a page."
Shannon Alder

When we encourage or support others, we are wise to heed our own words.  It is important to practice what we share with others.  The inner voice hears our words of nurture or nourish and it speaks to us silently, "Are you listening to yourself?"  

It is one thing to know how to better our life and quite different to apply what we know.  Movement requires action.  Knowledge and action form a momentum to propel us forward.  One without the other can create error or false beginnings.   

"Be the change you want to see'" is an excellent quote.  We can change only ourselves, and in doing so, we impact both our self and our surroundings.  When we add energy to insight, we step towards a new sense of self and become the change we want to see.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Unchanged Places

"There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged
to find the ways in which you yourself have altered."
Nelson Mandela

The process of personal development can last a life time, sometimes unfolding like a gentle lotus flower while at others, harshly ground to a pulp.  The past is to be a reminder of the strength we have developed and the future as a land of possibility.

As imperfect beings, we try to do our best and gain insight as we stumble down our path.  It is fruitless to compare our lovely selves to others, as they are honing individual skills that may not be parallel to ours.  That is not to say we remain strangers, but to encourage and support each other as we journey forward.

There are times our paths double back and we revisit places we have held dear or experienced a lesson on the cutting edge.  Either way, we find ourselves noticing how things seem off or different.  When we listen and observe with an open heart, we come to recognize that we are the change.  It is neither right nor wrong, just an alteration of the self.

Monday, October 22, 2018

Baby Steps or Giant Strides

"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail."
Benjamin Franklin

Preparation is vitally important whether you are hosting, delivering, or executing.  There are those awkward times when we fly by the seat of our pants, but those are exceptional instances.  It is not
fulfilling to our self or whoever is on the receiving end to get a half baked idea.  Our time invested insures the quality of our intention, motivation, and stimulation.

There are those who over prepare and get stuck in the process without completion.  This would be labeled as procrastination.  Brilliant ideas are often undelivered as they get tangled in procedures, become diluted by constant editing, and never reach the front page.

To value our lovely selves, we need to invest our best allowing a few distractions along the way.  If we have passion, we will dive in and come up with an amazing plan that can be flexible, but reasonable.  It is important to start now, no matter how small.  Constant nurturing feeds our soul to gently unfold our intent.  The timeline may be tomorrow or in ten years, but fulfillment is gained by the constant follow through ... baby steps or giant strides.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Encourage, Not Enable

"To truly motivate others 1. discover what their motives, desires, and
drivers are 2. genuinely connect with and support them from the heart."
Rasheed Ogunlaru

The heart yearns to help our friends who are struggling and it pains us to see our family members fall unto hard times.  Our heart's reaction is to immediately fix whatever the challenge is; however, the challenge is not for us, it is for them.

So how can we help those in need without simply enabling them, or allowing them to edge around the lesson which will eventually repeat itself?   Communication is number one.  Truly listen with your heart to how the person describes the problem and what options of repair do they see?  Avoid editing his or her response with our own ideas.  We must begin where they are and not where we think they should be.  

Listening without interruption can be helpful in itself.  It allows the speaker to sort through and organize the chaos tangled in the mind.  If we are simply being silent yet attentive, the one sharing feels freedom rather than judgment.  We gather the information they have shared, and encourage them along those lines.  It is not about how we would change something and it is not about us accepting responsibility.  Instill courage and strength along the lines of what they have shared.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Incubation Within

"Your visions will become clear only when you can look 
into your own heart."

When we share our motivation with friends or colleagues, they may be well intended as they offer additional information which redirects our intentions.  Sharing our inner visions often dilutes the colors or  doubles the image.  

There is an incubation period to assist us when we find our lovely selves in the midst of labor in preparation to birth our plan.  If we do the groundwork and gather resources, and then determine which are helpful or distracting, we will stay the course.

We can become overwhelmed by nay sayers or those who may be jealous, so remaining focused will increase our desire to move forward.  Gather ideas that will assist rather than alter our journey, but check in within to determine if change will strengthen or weaken the plan.  This remains true whether we are redecorating a kitchen, changing professions or reshaping a relationship.  Know what is in the heart!

Friday, October 19, 2018

Motivation Requires Heart, Not Ego

"When people want to be liked for what they did,
they should stop."
Karl Lagerfeld

One of the greatest feelings in life is accomplishment!  Actualization of a dream  brings us through trial and error with an array of emotions, but in the end offers an undeniable sense of personal confirmation.  Individual accomplishment is achieved when we stay the course, knowing when to push and when to pause.  It is vital to listen to wisdom, but one must follow his or her own heart.

In the process of achievement, we can be tempted to get caught up in the compliments of others.  We may be so distracted by applause that we crimp on our final touches.  Attention can become a drug replacing the authentic experience of self acknowledgement.

When we put heart and soul into our efforts our outcome will be firmly based; whereas, if we build our project for the recognition of an audience or inflated income the quality of our work will falter.  Nothing is more durable than a job well done with our heart, not our ego.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Mindset Needs Adjustment

Imagine what ideas are locked up in the hearts and minds
of women who simply lack the tools to express them."
Danielle Teller

During discussions with women about writing, it is quite common to hear one say with certainty, "Oh, I could never do that!"  There is truth in knowing some women cannot draw or paint or write, but each woman does have a gift.  A skill can be taken for granted as it seems easy to us, not realizing how difficult it would be for other women. 

Honestly, it surprises me how many women have not been able to hone a skill based on fear of failure, ridicule or shame.  Numerous women write, sketch, create with basics self taught or experienced earlier in school.  Expression is vital to our presence in this world, seen or unseen and we could excel with additional guidance. 

Our mindset needs an adjustment if we believe our work must be gallery perfect or award winning.  Dare to be a beginner with the urge to create.  Get on line and find a course or just research the subject matter. There are reasonable classes offered through libraries, senior centers, and junior colleges. Enroll and the pump will be primed! With eagerness, we will raise our skill and move beyond our expectations.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Emerging Story

"How are you tending to the emerging story of your life?"
Carol Hegedus

As fall approaches we survey the emerging story of our life.  We may realize very few of our spring projects were completed.  It is time to harvest what we did manage to complete.  What benefits have we gained from our summer work be it travel, books, organization or exercising.  

Harvesting has us extracting the wilted ideas and counting what healthy plants remain.  Do we want to carry our story further or are we satisfied to remain stuck on the same page.  The results are the food for the winter.

When we are nestled into winter's hibernation with coffee, quilt and a warm fire, we mentally feed ourselves from whatever we planted, tended to, and produced.  It is fodder to feed our hungry soul.  As bits and pieces of our life stories float through our memory, our imagination stitches wisdom together creating a book for our soul.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

You Were Not There ...

"You were not there ... "

We all project a persona as we struggle to discern a deep sense of identity.  If we have worked hard at unearthing our dreams, it does not necessarily follow that rainbows await.  There are those who are so divided between who they appear to be and who they are within, a vast black ocean overcomes them with waves.

How many times will these black waves wash over us before we succumb to drowning or giving up entirely?  The most resilient amongst us may weaken, tired from being so strong.  The farther we fall back into darkness, the more difficult it becomes to reach out towards a beacon of light.

We are shocked when we learn of intentional death and ponder how this tragedy could be 'as they had it all'.  The greater the spot light, the harder the performance.  Self loathing knows no limits.  We cannot judge those who choose to leave this life as we truly do not have a deep understanding of what was going on behind the scenes.  Simply put, 'you were not there'.

Monday, October 15, 2018

Snap Shot

"When you see things that pain you,
that sadden you, or that make your
heart ache, remember ... you're not seeing it all.
The Universe

In a theater, we sit in an audience, viewing the actions of the players and listening to the rehearsed lines.  We do not see the hours of labor poured into  acquiring costumes and painting the backdrops.  We do not have an awareness of how long the producer worked on condensing a book into a play. Nor are we cognizant of the struggles of the author who wrote the book.

The same is true with life.  We generally use a narrow focus in observing others, creating a  perception that may not include the challenge, loss and sacrifice.  It is when we consciously use a wider lens that we gain a sense of the whole, not just the snap shot.

In a state of sorrow, it is difficult to conjure up visions of joy and freedom.  When we are celebrating, little thought is given to the previous investment of time, money, and solitude. To maintain equilibrium, we can remain mindful change is continuously altering our reality from up to down or dark to light.  Rarely do we perceive the depth of the entire picture.  

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Varying Degrees

"We're merely one tree with various types,
shapes and size of leaves that all wave
differently in the breeze."
Rasheed Ogunlaru

We gathered the children around the table and scooted in the little chairs.  Each child was given identical supplies:  safety scissors, construction paper, and glue.  We kept the directions simple, but I asked them to make a picture.  None of the results were identical, but there were a few similarities in varying degrees.

The same held  true as we gathered adults around a fire and be quested each one share a favorite piece of wisdom.  Each person participating had a unique response ... none were identical but there were a few similarities in varying degrees.  

Human beings have common aspects as well as varying degrees of similarity.  Life is far more enjoyable when we see our differences through the eyes of respect without emphasis of what element is better than another.  We do not all learn in the same way, so it is intentional to have wisdom shared from diverse perspectives.  Let us remember to wave at each other in the breeze, showing an array of colors, sizes, and shapes.

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Tow Sides to a Layer

"...with each layer, there is both
sadness and liberation."
Bethany Webster

Life presents us with situations requiring either an expansion or contraction, and one is not easier than the other.  Common sense tells us in order to make room for new, we must discard parts of what we already have.  No matter how much we anticipate the new, releasing a layer has degrees of discomfort.

We may be overwhelmed by a downfall propelling us into a long awaited situation and yet we find the necessity of release which can be physical living space, relationships, or simple familiarity.  The fact is, we must shed to create greater space.

Sadness of leaving or changing need not be minimized as long as we keep moving forward. As we create new layers, we feel our sense of self opening, skills honing, and creativity exploding.  Liberation is just that ... freeing, but with it comes the sense of loss.  Such is the rhythm of life, balancing the dark and the light as neither are avoidable. 

Friday, October 12, 2018

Step Aside

"To express yourself in a creative way you don't need
structure, you need an empty mind."
E'yen A. Gardner

Creative expression can be spontaneous or a lengthy project, but we need to get out of our own way.  When we are in the flow and creativity is streaming through us, it is important to retain it, but not to rigidly encase it in preconceived ideas.  When we are not simply embracing, but categorizing content, we will cease to be in the flow.

We will always remember what is necessary and elements can be retained in our subconscious until surprising us later in a sudden emergence.  When our mind gets in the way by attempting to organize or categorize, the original insight dissipates.  

There is need to stop trying too hard.  No matter what medium we use, it is mandatory to step back, to pull our rigid minds open, in order to maintain the lofty realm of vision.  Creation calls us to be free, not stifled.  Creativity flows through us and we must stay out of the way.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

A Present To Each Other

.  "Leave people better than you found them."
Marvin J. Ashton

As we nurture others, we also nurture our lovely selves.  If our expectations are for everyone else to serve us, our relationships will run dry and our needs will still not be met.  To give without restoring ourselves, is not maintaining alignment.  There needs to be a balance ... if we have compassion for ourselves, it is easier to give compassion to others.

If we have an open heart to understanding our own nature, we are more likely to be open to understanding others.  With these two dynamics, our lives will be happier and more fulfilling.  We come to understand that life isn't just about 'us'.  Wholeness is experienced when we include others.

Visit often those who make us feel better and reduce time spent with those who drain us or minimize our sense of self.  We have choice about how and where we spend our time.  If we focus on others in a sincere and authentic way, remarkably, they respond in kind.  Both individuals will feel better just being present with each other. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Etching Behind Form

"We encounter God in the ordinariness of life: not in the search
for spiritual highs and extraordinary, mystical experiences, but
in our simple presence in life."
Brennan Manning

If our image of God is too small and extremely particular, it will be difficult to see divinity in all things.  The broader image we have, Divine Spirit can make us aware of holy presence in common simplicity.

When we enlarge our concept and decrease expectation, God can reach us profoundly and repeatedly.  As this happens, our perspectives soften and we find it easier to extend warmth and respect to all things.

As we see God in all things, it is easier to be respectful.  When confused by knowledge presented, we must look beyond the word for wisdom is the etching behind form.  Reflections are quite simple and the energy burrows itself within our core when we allow ourselves to deeply encounter the ordinary in life.  This is what allows us to be consistently aware and grateful.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Lifting the Pretty Little Head

"Wildflower; pick up your pretty little head.
It will get easier, your dreams are not dead."
Nikki Rowe

Life can be discouraging especially when it challenges us to push harder.  At times it may feel as though we have made no progress at all.  Our desires can fold in on themselves and slip into a dark crevice, lodged for a great length of time.

Dreams can be altered and we can choose to nurture a small aspect of our original desire if we drop the expectation of perfection and engage for simple pleasure.  Within creative parts of our selves, we have a vein just waiting for new energy to flow again.  

The miraculous part of rediscovering aspects of ourselves is the empowerment.  We find ourselves curious with passion slowly rekindling.  Only when we lift our pretty little heads do we find our dreams do not have to be dead. 

Monday, October 8, 2018

Changing Fear into Discovery

"Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood.
Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less."
Marie Curie

It is comforting to have a label to place across emotions and feelings I never really understood.  The times of high anxiety, not knowing what would happen next, or not understanding what just happened were all fear based.  

Not having any control in my life, and viewed as unable to know anything of worth I was fearful.  I did not have the skills to nurture myself.  The strictness of the Roman Catholic grade school extended these feelings of fear.  Apparently there were lines to be walked that I could never see.  The academy was filled with wealthy families, so another layer of not understanding produced more fear.

Currently, I can laugh as I sweep my fears from under the rug. I have grown into my lovely self and I no longer fear.  Once I was brave enough to look inside and discover my self, the expectations of others were never quite as important.   It was challenging to identify my skills and learn to apply them and appreciate who I was.  I  used my strength to open my heart and ...   Gee, I was me ... 

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Without Even Knowing

"I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone
across the waters to create many ripples."
Mother Teresa

If we reach out to someone, do we think of it as extending kindness or as an annoying gesture?  Do we respond with compassion or resentment?  Furthermore, how do we ever pay back those who assisted us when we were in the first chapters of our life?  Did we ever express gratitude?

I am not referring to the obvious peers, but to the slightly known person who really saw us in our time of need.  The incidental ones we may have only seen once and never again.  How do we respond after all of these years, attempting to tell them how deeply they impacted our journey in life?

When I was younger, there were characters who played miniature roles in my drama.  They were elders at the time, so they have probably transitioned on to other realms by now.  I would want them to know in the deepest part of my heart, I remember them still.  They may not have changed the world, but they changed me without even knowing.

Saturday, October 6, 2018

All ways, Always

"Be you, love you.
All ways, always."
Alexandra Ellen

With full force we hone in on one skill to best define our lovely selves.  After numerous years, we discover the need to soften our edges and to experience many things rather than a singular focus.  If we proceed in life defining who we are by just one aspect, our inner unrest will explode.

When we begin to nurture numerous parts of the self, we can fully be our best.  The miscellaneous small parts grow, strengthening our foundation.  When we tend to the yearning of small whims or desires, we return to our chosen skill with greater confidence and strength.

A brain surgeon is precise in his operations, devours medical journals, and networks in the medical field to stay abreast with his competition.  Observe the doctor, however, as he or she plays with a grandchild ... the creases in the forehead disappear, the eyes soften, and facial muscles relax.  This tender piece is needed to support the whole.

Friday, October 5, 2018

Ability to Make a Difference

"When you heal yourself and assist others with their
self healing, you heal the earth."
Laurel Steinhice

Personal development is just that ... personal.  We may have conversations with our spouse, boss, or friends, but there is a small piece remaining private.  There are times this aspect stems from locked memories of shame or failure, but through self realization, we begin to sense our own ability to make a difference.

When we focus on individual lessons from life experiences, we begin to credit ourselves.  To give recognition to our personal accomplishments made through trial and error, we gain momentum and navigate more effectively on our path through life.

As our spirit evolves, we feel more connected and available to be present for others.  When we exchange energies with the earth, we begin to heal not only ourselves, but others as well.  When we look into the eyes of others, we see reflections of goodness with the desire to be kind.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

With or Without Words

"... you listen first with the ears ~ then, you wait for what
your heart feels ~ then you consider what they've said ~
then you reply ..."
John Geddes

If we create an empty space to receive words from others, the heart opens without judgment, creates an atmosphere for learning, and allows time for an appropriate response.  This is not to say all messages will be agreed upon, but it is to say we will be open to new thought.

Listening is a learning process.  Much can be gained by taking communication seriously without deluding details by our preconceived ideas.  This truly can become an automatic response which allows time to hear the emotion behind the words.

It does not matter if a person sharing words is right or wrong.  The speaker has the right to be heard.  Even as the orator pronounces his words, he too can become aware of his own discrepancies.  The emotion escorting the words give us further measure to the underlying meaning.  It is the best reflection of our lovely selves if we respond with warmth with or without words.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Stirrings of Spirit

"To ignore, repress, or dismiss our feelings
is to fail to listen to the stirrings of the Spirit
within our emotional life."
Brennan Manning

Flea Markets cater to my child like feelings of discovery and simple pleasure which trigger memories. 
Random things like coming across a set of dishes my best friend's family used so many years ago.  In the bottom of an old wooden box hides a toy my boys once fought over. 

Antique Malls have the same impact as I search for round silver sugar spoons or small round butter pats  to hold my tea bags or hot spoon.  The crazy quilts hold my attention as several had slipped through my fingers when I owned my store, The Town Crier.  As I wander, it really isn't about purchasing as it is to be enveloped by tidings stored from years gone by.

One day speculating about pottery to use as planters, I was surprised to find a cement angel on bended knee.  Everything else seemed to fade away and there were no words to be heard.  Nevertheless, this angel carried a message for me, affirming my respect for what has passed and for what has yet to come.  I mentally thanked myself for always being open to spirit and I carried gratitude for the remainder of the day.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Words Do Not Need To Be Spoken ...

"... And so, it is better in prayer to have a heart
without words than words without a heart."

Sunday school in the Lutheran Church taught me how to recite prayer.  While attending a Roman Catholic elementary school, I memorized additional prayers.  In the academy, I was intrigued to learn the prayers chanted by Native Americans and concepts from other countries.  

In the years that passed, I was led farther into the realms of prayer.  I began to experience prayer that was felt and not recited.  It became noticeable that prayers could be shared outside of a chapel or church or religious gathering.  Prayer could still be reverent when chanted, danced, or artistically expressed in diverse rituals.

For me, there are prayers in my eyes as they scan the beautiful sky or the flight of a bird.  There are prayers floating through me as I quietly walk through nature.  Where ever my feet lead me, I find my heart overwhelmed by the connection of prayer.  Rather than worrying about perfect words, not asking for too much or not enough, I find my energy is freely gathered with the Divine and words do not need to be spoken.

Monday, October 1, 2018

Presence in the Midst of Loss

"Pause and remember ... If you empty yourself of
yesterday's sorrows, you will have much more
room for today's joys."
Jenni Young

There is no escaping sorrow and each of us experiences it in our own way.  It must not be hurried nor hidden, but we must not let it become debilitating.  In the moment, feel the sorrow and release tears until they no longer flow. Then push forward  and notice the joy of the day.

To remain encased in sorrow does not help healing.  It keeps us stationary, experiencing our sorrow repeatedly.  This does not serve us.  We just dig deeper into the darkness of grieving.  Our heaviness spreads until there is no longer room for the light ... not even one crack.

There is no escaping loss, grieving, and withdrawal, but if we have a healthy plan and abide by it, our mental health is more apt to return to normal.  Get out of bed ... get dressed ... eat something ... go outside. Choose to reach out and share favorite memories with those who best support us.  If we can become balanced and conscious in the moment, we may even feel the presence of that which we have lost.