Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Knowledge and Action Create Change

"My father taught me that you can read a hundred books on wisdom
and write a hundred books on wisdom, but unless you apply what
you learned then its only words on a page."
Shannon Alder

When we encourage or support others, we are wise to heed our own words.  It is important to practice what we share with others.  The inner voice hears our words of nurture or nourish and it speaks to us silently, "Are you listening to yourself?"  

It is one thing to know how to better our life and quite different to apply what we know.  Movement requires action.  Knowledge and action form a momentum to propel us forward.  One without the other can create error or false beginnings.   

"Be the change you want to see'" is an excellent quote.  We can change only ourselves, and in doing so, we impact both our self and our surroundings.  When we add energy to insight, we step towards a new sense of self and become the change we want to see.

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