Monday, April 30, 2018

Ironic Patterns

"When you walk to the edge of all the light you have and 
take that first step into the darkness of the unknown, you
must believe that one of the two things will happen.  
There will be something solid for you to stand upon or 
you will be taught to fly."
Patrick Overton

It is ironic we spend so much time trying to grow up to be someone we are not and then spend years trying to undo who we have become.   Also, it is equally  ironic we flee the darkness striving towards light outside of us, only to return to the darkness to delve into our shadows.

Underneath every particle of the unknown, lays fear.  When we are frightened, we choose to live in the chaos rather than search for what will ultimately bring us comfort.   As an individual, we become stagnant, unstimulated, depressed and judgmental.   These elements will push against us until we finally step into what we fear ... the unknown.

When we find our lovely selves on the other side of fear, we shake our heads perplexed as to why we had waited so long.  We become alive again, interested in activities, stimulated by knowledge, and impacted by the wisdom of others.  From this stimulating platform of understanding, we close our eyes, push off , and fly to freedom.

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Compassion Not Criticism

"Learn how to accept your mistakes and 
learn how to understand mistakes of others."
Jayson Engay

When a person dwells on the mistakes of others, he or she are usually avoiding personal errors.  It blocks introspection and decreases pain while allowing a temporary  sense of authority.   If we manage to keep pointing towards someone else, we hope others will be distracted and not look at us.

The inappropriate tirade falsely links misfortune with bad behavior, rather than feeling compassion for the person in need.  Our judgment upon others creates a distance while compassion supports.  Even if we do not have a verbal exchange, we can send positive thoughts to the person, pray, or donate behind the scene support.  

During a particularly difficult time in my life, I was devastated by an experience and by the distancing of my friends.  I received a phone call from a woman I barely knew, but respected.  She told me she had heard of what was going on and she was not taking sides or wanting to be involved.  This lovely person said, "I just wanted you to know that I am thinking of you and believe you will make good decisions."  This one gesture of kindness carried me through many dark hours.  

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Where There Is No More Understanding

"I think that hate is a feeling that can only exist
where there is no understanding."
Tennessee Williams

While raising four children, the word hate was not allowed.  When caught using this word, one would have to make three statements of why the person, situation, or thing was so worthy of such a harsh word.  In the process, it usually became clear that personal frustration was more the issue.

I have disliked numerous things, but hate was reserved for myself.  When I began to understand how life had happened to me, expanded room was created within me for self-love, insight, and change.  It is the lack of understanding that triggers hatred which intensifies when fear is added.  

Understanding takes time, but when we look underneath hate, we learn what we are really upset about.  It leads to the discovery of actually knowing very little factual information to support our views.  We can agree to disagree and we can live and let live, but please, no more hate. 

Friday, April 27, 2018

Simply Begin


"When you feel stuck, this journaling practice 
can get all those painful thoughts and feelings 
out of your head, starting the process of healing."

The busyness of life has a tendency to fray our brains.  Overload occurs and our thoughts are split into numerous slices too thin to grasp anything but a singular thought.  Addictions generally slide in like alcohol, gambling, porn, exercising, eating or making unnecessary purchases.  When random thoughts accumulate, overriding sensible processes, it is time for intervention.

Intervention no matter how desperately needed can be costly in time and money, not to mention the elements of guilt or shame.  The more we internalize, depression sends roots down to secure its space.  Why is it human nature to totally deplete the self before establishing a mode of healing and prevention?

Journaling is a practice of writing down thoughts we do not want to speak out loud: repressed emotions; avoidance of need; or denial of pain.  The simple act of pen to hand allows privacy in releasing what is aching inside of us.  Once we express what is buried within, our bodies perform at a healthier level.  We no longer feel the suffocation of feeling invisible or out of control.  Pen and paper, then simply begin.  It is surprising what one learns.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Mysterious Illusions

"Spring is not a season; 
it is a mysterious illusionist
who sets off fireworks
in the depths of our soul!"
Mehmet Murat ildan

Spring begs us to become involved with Mother Nature pointing us to paths leading to inspiration, wisdom, and miracles.  To be first witness to magic, all one needs to do is sit quietly most anywhere, relaxing the eyes, and taking notice of things we normally do not see.  

The forest, ocean, and high mountains welcome us in the spring to take part in creating life long memories.  Without our daily distractions, we begin to make notice of the unspoken languages used in nature.  Relations between animals and plants gain our interest while taking notes of nature supporting  little creatures.

Spring is in such contrast to winter, the mysteries of nature appear to be delicate, colorful, and graceful.  Tricks simply unfold and do not appear to be orchestrated in any particular way.  One sees the busyness of making a nest or the demands of feeding baby birds.  A person can be mesmerized by a colorful plant only to realize in time that it moves and is indeed a small creature.  Leaning against a tree re-energizes the spirit while the swaying branches open our dreams into possibilities.  As our adult selves watch clouds floating in the sky, our creative spunk can run barefoot through the colorful mystery of spring.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Messages of Others

"I don't like that man.
I must get to know him better."
Abraham Lincoln

The world is stock piled with individuals who have original ideas or strengths to make life an extraordinary experience.  It takes perseverance to fully come into ourselves to enhance our authentic gift.  Once we are aligned, we are eager to join in efforts for improvement to be freely shared with all.

It is therefore ironic, after dedicating the authentic self to be unveiled to the world, we find fault with others.  We become annoyed by those who do not see our way and irritated by others who don't even want to listen.  Judgment comes rushing out of our brain, forgetting that they too are authentic and entitled to his or her own domain.

Each human being has a message to bring to the world.  Granted, some are not as earth shattering as others, but our knowledge is intended to collaborate with others.  Respect and honor feels just as good to the other person as it does to our selves.  When faced with dislike for a song, art, or cultural issues, transfer the hate energy to go deeper until we not necessarily embrace, but simply understand the message of the other.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Season of the Soul

"Spring is a season of the soul
to regain its strength."
Lailah Gifty Akita

We notice the grass turning green, flowers poking up from the ground, and small buds on the branches of trees; but do we notice the stirring in our hearts for new life?  In the Spring, the soul is no different from all living things, wanting to expand and beautify.  Spring is an opportunity for expansive opening.

Where shall we place our newly found energy?  We pace our lovely selves, waiting for the right tug at our heart to know when to jump in.  Begin anew with the promises of Spring and start planting new seeds bringing ideas, insights, and deeper understanding to be harvested in the Fall. 

Hibernating in the winter tends to make us small and limited.  Crawl out of the cave and rinse the body, mind and soul in the gentle Spring rain.  Bask in the sun allowing the beams to instill new energy into life itself.  Wander the flower markets until filled with fragrance, colors, and designs.  Feel the self bursting with the strength of Spring!

Monday, April 23, 2018

Spring Brings Life

"Spring is the best life coach:
It gives you all the energy you want,
all the positive thoughts you wish,
and all the boldness you need!"
Mehmet Murat ildan

After sleeping my way through winter covered in old quilts in front of the fireplace, I am ready to shed my attachments to sit on the porch in the spring.  I decide to hang the sheets out on the line which is one of my favorite things to do.  I haul plants from the house, to repot in fresh black soil.  Making a mess, I sweep the porch and the deck.  I hose off the patio furniture and grudgingly accept it is too early for the wonderful swishing sound of the sprinkler.

It is not long before I dash to the store to get spinach for a salad and some meat to be cooked on the grill.  I grab a cantaloupe, berries, and kiwi for a fresh fruit dessert.  Late afternoon arrives and I begin to notice the adrenaline is no longer rushing through my veins. Actually, I feel sort of sluggish.

I grab my first glass of sun made tea, and settle into my favorite outdoor chair.  With book in lap, my eyelids close as I breathe in the fresh air.  Maybe tomorrow I will walk one of the paths newly finished stretching across town.  I could take my journal to the park and sketch the trees and take notes of the dancers in the sky.  Thanks to the Divine for bringing spring back into my life!

Sunday, April 22, 2018

An Oriole Visit

"Something in the air this morning
made me feel like flying ... "
Eileen Granfors

An Oriole is not a flashy symbol in Native American folklore nor is it a renowned  totem.  It is simply a symbol for humility and the forth coming arrival of  spring.  An Oriole lazily passed time on my bird feeder this morning, picking at the seeds.  

It is my belief all things have importance, and although the Oriole was not big in mythology, it became of great interest to me.  It could fly anywhere not attracting attention like an White Bald Eagle.  It was not small like a Hummingbird so it could give decent resistance to animals looking for prey.   Obviously, there are benefits to be more low keyed.

The Oriole sang his song either in preparation for a breeding ground or to communicate with his mate.  Either way, the sound was fairly high pitched like a flute.  Nothing fancy nor lengthy, but a delightful sound floating in my yard.  And the best part?  He could fly ... gracefully, delicately, up wind, down wind and disappear into the sky.  He made me want to fly!

Saturday, April 21, 2018

First Day of Spring

"And the birds sang their songs of love.
And the flowers serenaded with their
sublime fragrances.  And the whole 
world fell in love in spring."
Avijeet Das

The first day of spring can disappoint us with frost or harsh winds when we have been not so patiently awaiting to fill spring baskets with gorgeous fragrant flowers.  I was very determined in making today the best day ever, in spite of all things awry.

My bird feeders were freshly stuffed with various blends of seed.  The bird baths were scrubbed clean with water waiting for virgin dips of the birds for this magical day of spring.  As I walked near the flower beds, I did not see them as they were, but as they are meant to be.  Pastels and rich colors accented each other and the fragrances, oh my!

Settled in my porch swing, I breathed the fresh air of this new season named spring.  I cast my sweater onto a chair allowing my skin to feel the warmth of the sun.  The television turned off, no bad news today.  The radio quiet, refrained from spouting fear.  And this spring vision danced in my head while reality played a differing tune.

Friday, April 20, 2018

Illusion of Protection

"Sometimes we need to just brush away our pride,
break down the walls around our hearts, and
open up to those we truly care for."
Imania Margria

The thought of venetian blinds generates numerous scenarios in my mind, leaving a strong impression.  As a child, blinds were pristine and were operated by adults only.  In my career, venetian blinds in the homes I served were generally filthy.  Often the cords were so old and sun rotted they no longer lifted the shade up nor down.   

In the last portion of my life, I think of venetian blinds as a protection around the heart.  When we are in our comfort zone, the sun brightly shines through into us.  When we are skeptical, we adjust the cords so we unobtrusively observe.  In fright, the slats are slammed closed so no one can touch nor see us.

Boundaries for the heart are definitely needed, but they must have flexibility.  By being aware, we instinctively feel when we are not safe or brightly shine when the feelings are safe.  Primarily, our heart needs to remain open to attract goodness at the risk of being disappointed.  There is far more to be gained by being heart friendly than living in isolation as an illusion of protection.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Called to Participate

"my faith for a better future is in the people
who are turning the idea of unconditional love
into a way of life."
yung pueblo

Challenge forces us through the darkness out of our comfort zone and into an unknown space.  Replacement for life as we have known it doesn't just flood in.  Unlimited time passes as we re-create life better suited for the evolving self.  We may not remain the same if we are to change.

We may have to give up understanding and step through fear to reach the life we wish to live.  We cannot sit aimlessly waiting for a shift.  Each of us are called to participate in the movement of life to design newness.

Challenge calls us to be our best self, to step through fear, and to see unconditional love for all people, all things, and all exchanges.  Through the eyes of love, we are not acting out of ego or survival instinct.  We must offer our gifts or talents no matter how great or small. In order to have life be different, we must make that difference ... together.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Together, Not Gender Against Gender

"I think that Shakespeare had his male side and his female side 
extremely well developed.  And this was a great quality of the
Elizabethan, all-around Renaissance man.  They were not afraid
of their male side and their female side co-existing."
Ben Kingsley

The Renaissance man co-existed with both his feminine and masculine side.  The right side is the masculine side and the left side is the feminine side.  Ideally, each of us learn to navigate from either side or through the combination of both sides.  The goal is to be whole.

For too long, women have been associated with a limited domestic role projected by men.  Women warriors have been moving forefront for generations and they have finally arrived.  Positioning themselves as equal to men will shift our current structure.  Women are more assertive while men have more freedom in creating their feminine qualities ... in the arts, emotionally, or the sense of being whole.

If women embrace personal masculine and feminine sides and men accept personal female and male sides, we will be equal or whole.  It is vitally important that women simply don't overrun the men just to switch places of power.  To unite we work together side by side not gender against gender.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Acting Out The Language of Love

"If we have listening ears,
God speaks to us in our own language, 
whatever that language is."
Mahatma Gandhi

The young child is learning to speak a few words of Spanish to be able to interact with fellow students.  She surprises the teacher by asking, "So what language does God speak, English or Spanish?"   An important question indeed! God speaks the language of love.

As literacy grows and technology connects, we are more than ever aware of different languages, faiths, and physical appearances.  Doctors, nurses, and kind hearted people travel as volunteers to struggling countries.  Young people are making inventions for clean water or clothes to be used for warmth and shelter.  Children are sharing their wealth (whatever it may be). Kids are forsaking birthday presents and asking guests to bring donations for  rescued animals or homeless in shelters.   

Mary Englebreit promotes growing where you are planted.  Each one of us, as an individual seed can expand with simple ideas to help those surrounding us.  To share in the wealth of kindness by giving away stored can goods, outgrown clothes, or packets of bandaids, soap, and tampax.  Come on, get original.  Form a small group and challenge each other ... pass it on ... come on ...

Monday, April 16, 2018

Self Trust Builds Alignment

"As soon as you trust yourself,
you will know how to live."
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Trust issues pop up for many of us covering a broad spectrum of situations.  One of the most sensitive issue is whether or not we trust ourselves.  When we invest our time in self-empowerment and reach a level of confidence, we can trust our ability to deal with integrity in all situations.  

If we invest our energy in perfecting our personal wholeness, we are prepared to face the world.  No matter what presents itself before us, we believe we have the knowledge to confidently deal with conflict while honoring the self.

We are going to be hood-winked from time to time, but by being aligned, we will be secure in our response with less damage to our spirit and ego.  What is that old saying: "Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me!"  

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Inner Peace for Healing

"If you just set people in motion,
they'll heal themselves."
Gabrielle Roth

In the beginning, I read the New Age books, but hid them from prying eyes.  Eventually, the 'far out' ideas began to make sense and credible information was continuously being added by scientists and psychologists.  All parts of the person began to be integrated ... body, mind, spirit.

To think I was a deliberate piece of the Divine seemed irreverent.  I could see angels, the interconnectedness of humans, but seeing my own self-worth was difficult to grasp.  Once I fell into the hands of prophets and poets such as  Khalil Gibran and Rumi, it was easy to reach a lofty position to give lee-way to all peoples equally.

Authors, Mark Nepo and Alan Cohen accompanied me on my journey until it felt good to be me.  I no longer cared about outside projections as much as I did spiritual union.  Healing medicine is found in the balance of body, mind and spirit. We begin to understand the energy of the body and the necessity of aligning our lovely selves with love and kindness.  Gaze inward and create peace that will heal suffering.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

See It, Then Let It Go

"Solitude is as needful to the imagination 
as society is wholesome for the character."
James Russell Lowell

Awareness and Silence are two friends shaping my life into balance.  Both are needed in order for learning and process.  Exposed to teachers, my understanding gains depth only as I pay attention.  I need to be aware of the information being shown to me ... through language, nature, or dreams.

Then I safe guard the wisdom to a safe place where I can be silent and decipher the deepest meaning.  I mentally watch the information take on different shapes and sizes, or perceptions and interpretations prior to accepting or denying.

To be balanced means to be informed but not overly saturated.  "Yes, this is true," I quietly survey,, "but now I must return to the point of the moment."  No extremes, no drama, just awareness and silence maintains my presence in this physical life.  See it, and then let it go ...

Friday, April 13, 2018

Not Waiting for Sunday!

"Belief consists in accepting
the affirmations of the soul,
unbelief, in denying them."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Our soul recites exquisite wisdom throughout our lovely lives.  The problem is we don't always listen or hear; believe or accept; and deny or avoid.  As children attending a church, we may be overwhelmed by the incense, statues, candles and anthems.  As an adult, we may have become unfazed by all that surrounds the church as our mind busily makes Sunday agendas.

In meditation, I visualize being a child revisiting a Catholic Parrish from my youth.  I go way back in memories from when all things seemed magical during the mass.  I remember clutching my missal and silently chatting with Jesus as though he were my best friend.

I miss those religious times of innocent belief prior to knowing all things done in the name of Christianity.  Unwilling to release rituals, I use sage to smudge my sacred space and light candles as I call in the spirit of Mary Magdalene.  If I am seeking particular answers, I may use a tarot card to focus my prayer.  Then I silently sit in the presence of all angels, guides, and loved ones who have crossed over to hold this space in time.  The best part is that I can do this any day, any time and not have to wait for Sunday!

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Happiness of Busy Feet

"Happiness walks on busy feet."
Kitte Turmell

The cold winter months tend to keep us inside.  We slow down our activities and see our friends not as regularly.  With our feet propped up, wrapped in a cozy quilt, our life slows down.  As spring approaches ... in increments ... we get antsy to get outside.  We begin to visualize our garden plans or spring cleaning or rearranging furniture to better appreciate the forthcoming sun.

With the promise of spring, our energy builds and we can imagine a plethora of activities.  We take less time to eat, grill out more, and engage in outdoor activities.  The time change brings us more day light so instead of coming home and slipping into pajamas, we might throw on sweats and go for a walk.

With increased activity, our circulation improves and we feel better.  We may desire for our bodies to be in even better shape and extend activities.  We feel good about ourselves and sleep better as well.  As we prepare for bed, we can be grateful for our new found happiness and reward our busy feet with a nice long rub. 

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Guidance is Plentiful

"I'm not a teacher; only a fellow traveler
of whom you've asked the way.  I pointed
ahead ... ahead of myself as well as you."
George Bernard Shaw

It seems a teacher gives us knowledge and the student learns to apply the knowledge.  Technically,  in the end, the student can brilliantly by pass the teacher.  If the teacher is 'full of himself' or herself, we may not learn much at all, except not to be like our teacher.

The best teachers are the ones who are willing to be quiet with you.  They will share wisdom they have learned, but do not expect the student to experience it in the very same why.  An advanced teacher may know the answer is residing within the student's mind, so will silently hold space.

We can be teachers to each other by sharing our challenges and coping skills.  By disclosing our mistakes to trusted friends, we can increase self-worth by reviewing our corrective solutions.  While observing nature, the Divine teacher speaks to us.  We receive guidance through the flight of the birds;  the resilience of the trees; the shift shaping clouds; and various landscapes. Depending upon our awareness, guidance can be plentiful.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Stringing Words

"One ought, every day at least,  to bear a little song, 
read a good poem, see a fine picture, and if it 
were possible, to speak a few reasonable words."
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

When my daughter was born, I sang random words to her as I rocked her in the rocking chair.  Over the weeks, the words formed a song that I would sing to her for years to come.  I dearly loved the alone time with her at the end of the day, singing the made up song. Small habits such as these might seem meaningless, but over the years the effort strengthened our bond.

When my son went to college, I not only missed him, I longed for the presence he created in our home.  Any time at home, he played Neil Young .... dressing for school, showering, hanging out, or going to bed.  I felt his absence so greatly, I bought the tape of Neil Young's so I could sing OLD MAN, HEARTS OF GOLD and SOUTHERN MAN.  It brought me closer to my son.

Music is a powerful tool that is too often over looked.  Fast rhythms can energize us and ocean sounds can calm us.  Playing favorites from an earlier era make house cleaning zip by!  As music plays in the background, buried thoughts begin to surface.  Emotions we have been overlooking or not enjoying tend to surface.  Once recognized, we might be primed to jot those thoughts down, stringing our own words together forming song.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Live Life Fully through Awareness

"The aim of life is to live, and
to live means to be aware,
joyously, drunkenly, serenely,
divinely aware."
Henry Miller

The woman sat in her comfortable chair by the big picture window.  She was hidden by the sheer curtains as she sipped her second cup of tea.  Life was pretty boring when it rained.  She would see someone run to a car, but they were either hidden under an umbrella or wearing a hooded rain coat so she couldn't see faces.

As she listened to her mantle clock ticking, realization dawned upon her.  She was like the pendulum on the clock, simply keeping time with passing moments.  She was not living her life.  Sadly, she was watching it tick by.  Like the hands moving around the face of the clock, she, too, must take action.

With deliberate purpose, she began to stroll in the neighborhood, each week venturing a bit farther.  In time she was wandering in the stores down town.  As her habit formed a new routine, she became aware of  the same people she saw daily.  She was overjoyed when they invited her for coffee or tea.  As her world broadened, she lost track of time.  The once isolated woman became fully aware of the beautiful life that had been waiting for her every day.

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Place Time and Energy Wisely

"I want to be able to live without a crowded calendar.
I want to be able to read a book without feeling guilty,
or to go to a concert when I like."
Golda Meir

While visiting, a friend complained of being exhausted, not having time for herself, and plainly worn out.  I glanced at her calendar and was surprised to see every day spoken for and some nights as well. She continued to tell me how she wished she could unload the mess, but expected her lovely self to be responsible and accountable.

When we are wanting to withdraw from activities, but feel others will be angry or someone else will get stuck with all of the work, we need to shift our thinking.  We must be accountable for ourselves.  If the situation no longer inspires us, we are called to honor our self first.  By stepping down from a position, we are opening a space for someone else to experience what we have done and bring new ideas to enhance the group.

As our children become adults or as we retire, our personal time is finally returned to us.  Many make the mistake of quickly filling time slots.  The best decision, however, is to take some time to explore what it really is we want to do.  Where do we want to place our time and energy plus receive stimulation and accountability?  There will be so many options, we can take our time for wise decisions that still allow time for our lovely selves to just be.     

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Untie the Ribbons

"Each day comes bearing its own gifts.  
Untie the ribbons."
Ruth Ann Schabacker

"Each day comes bearing its own gifts," writes Ruth Ann Schabacker, "Untie the ribbons."   On a beautiful spring day, one can easily follow these directions.  It might even bring multiple gifts and we would have to choose which one to open.  With a chain of rainy days interrupted only by a snow fall, the spirit is called to dig deeper to find the treasure of the day.

The key of course is awareness.  If we avoid a day of the blues we are much more apt to glimpse a piece of a ribbon.  If we are alert we may discover more than one present hidden in the lining of the dreary day.  

Many of my gifts come from nature ... the flight of a hawk, the sound of the owl calling, or buds sprouting on a bush.  Each of these things connect me to all there is surrounding, grounding, and lifting my spirits.  Our eyes and our hearts must be open to receive the gifts.

Friday, April 6, 2018

Soar High

"As I write,
I create myself
again and again."
Joy Harjo

We endeavor to be perfect in just one way.   A perfect nurse, teacher, or companion may be sought after, but there are multiple parts of us needing to be recognized, exercised, and honored.  How different life would be if we were groomed in all aspects of ourselves rather than family tradition, expectation, or  designated profession.  

We can become a nurse, teacher or companion, but there is no thing as perfection.  How boring if we were all perfect in a row.  Our uniqueness adds our personal hue to a color scape that no one else can fill.  There are splinters of creativity lodged in our DNA.

The nurse might be the best figure skater in the region.  The teacher might be a well known antique dealer.  We must discover all parts of our lovely selves in order to be an amazing companion.  Let us become kites with very long tails adding ties to designate our numerous qualities. Soar high, proud of all you can be!

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Absolution Found

"The thought finds the word."
Robert Frost

Sitting in front of the fireplace my sinuses try to adjust to the 57 degree weather that dropped to 21 degrees blessing us with snow.  The weather is so much like life itself.  It is predicted, but often falls short of calculations displayed on the map.  

As I stare into the flames, my thoughts get jammed together and my anxiety grows.  With pen in hand, I begin to scratch across the page allowing the jumble in my head to shift into words.  The sentences stretch into paragraphs and I begin to feel release.

The fire warms my face and my words comfort my heart.  I am no longer top heavy by undefined feelings held captive in my head.  Inner balance slowly spreads body, mind, and soul.  All things can be a mirror to us if we just catch a glimpse of the reflection.  It is within the pause of understanding that absolution can be found.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Words Flow into Perceptions

"I never know  when I sit down,
just what  I am going to write.
I make no plan, it just comes, and 
I  don't know where it comes from."
D. H. Lawrence

Everything we are taught has been experienced by others.  Most of what we say comes from the information we have heard or read.  So are any words we speak original?  If what we know is all second hand opinions, how is it we become authentic?

The easiest way to understand is to look at a box of crayons.  Individual crayons are known for their designated color, but depending upon the user, unique art work can be displayed.  So we are given a set of opinions (crayons) that are familiar with others; but how we apply or process the opinions creates unique perceptions.  

Virginia's Voice endeavors to be inspired by quotes of others, but presents the information accented by personal experience. What is obtained flows from thoughts guided by heart and soul.    The reader need not agree or disagree, but hopefully he or she will open the mind for an opportunity to expand.  Ideally, one listens and then creates.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Navigate Through Obstacles

"Problems are not the problem:
coping is the problem."
Virginia Satir

We are so ill prepared for the authenticity of life as our illusions stem from childhood nursery rhymes,  myths and tales.  It is inferred that a problem indeed will arise, but nothing is taught about sorting it all out.  The lesson tends to tell us, especially female children, to simply wait for the wealthy prince, the gallant swordsman, or life with seven dwarfs!  

Problem solving is easily accessed once we get beyond the problem itself.  We have to identify the dissonance, and then place our energy upon solutions.  If we are falsely waiting to be rescued, we are in for emotional damage if not physical.  If we have not been raised with confidence and a sense of self worth, we will be destined to flounder.

Even as healthy adults, we frequently need to urge our lovely selves to sit down, identify the real problem, and form options to move through the challenge.  Once we begin to relate to solutions, we build the confidence for action.  Even if the mistake is large or small, our ability to navigate through the obstacle teaches us the lesson needing to be acquired.  

Monday, April 2, 2018

Heaviness Slipped Away

"Her laughter sounded like April showers,
like whispered secrets, 
like glass wind chimes."
Rebecca McNutt

Too confined by days of rain, I bundled up in rain boots, coat and hat.  I grabbed an old quilt to wrap around me as I sat on the front porch glider.   The rain poured down making splashes on the railing which sprayed upon my face.   I noticed the new flowers inching their way up through the heavy wet soil.

As I settled my body into the glider, the heaviness of the day slipped away,  my mind calmed, and my vision relaxed blending the perceptions before me.  As the wind chimes danced above my head, I was gently moved into meditation. Eyes fell closed as the chimes made tinkling sounds like angels nearing.

The fragrance from the spring shower lifted my spirits and the sound of the rain aligned my rhythms.  I felt gratitude for all of the plants, flowers, and bushes preparing to make a floral heaven of the yard.  I even had hope that the sun would soon shine.  Nurtured by nature, I belonged to life again.  I was eager to return to my day as an active participant, spreading joy along the way.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Easter Traditions

"Easter is the soul's first taste of spring."
Richelle E. Goodrich

Dyeing Easter Eggs was a favorite child's activity that I later forced upon my children.  I eagerly anticipated hunting for eggs on my own.  In the early morning with my children prior to going to church, we experienced the whole Easter Basket ordeal.  Candy was devoured while an elegant meal was prepared.  

Easter expanded into purchasing church clothes.  The three boys would not stay dressed in their ironed shirts, slacks and tight dress shoes for long, but my daughter would love her tiny white gloves, a lace covered dress and a fancy spring hat.  I of course appeared as an old house Frau.   

Later in time, I would yearn for the candle vigil the night before Easter.  It truly touched my soul and pulled me into the history of all religions ... the blending, the deleting, and the bleeding.  The candles burning so brightly began to appear around my home.  Every day was a candle day as the flame kept alive my evolving soul and journey towards the Divine.