Sunday, December 31, 2023

Lighter Transformations


"The moon is silent. The silence is loud."
Nanne Nyander

The energy of a full moon encourages us to embrace emotional clarity regarding all that we have experienced in the passing year. As we gather memories, both challenging and gratifying, a pattern often takes shape. Unusual circumstances are strangely linked together when viewed from a distance.

In addition to feeling the energy of the full moon emotionally, we can also experience physical sensations. Our need to be done with the past may be exhibited by anxiety, sleep disturbance, or a ringing in the ears. As waves of memories surface, drinking plenty of water will assist in maintaining a sense of equilibrium. 

As new energies from 2024 are already flowing into us, we are urged to release outdated, outgrown, and limited information, paving way for lighter transformations. We are called to gather collected wisdom and boldly walk forward with our authentic light as we weave our inner reality with our energetic fingerprints.

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Trigger Healing


"When you shut down emotion, you're also affecting your immune system,
your nervous system. So the repression of emotions, which is a survival
strategy, then becomes a source of physiological illness later on."
Gabor Mate

Unhappiness and negative feelings can impact your state of health. Irritation is an emotion creating toxins that travel into the physical body. Emotions such as anger can spew toxins into the atmosphere. Poor food choices, unhealthy lifestyles, and irregular sleep patterns, become negative elements.

Intestinal problems, indigestion, and head colds may be a direct result of feeling misunderstood or mistreated. Subtle emotional reactions may be hidden in your cells which seriously weakens the immune system. Feelings of being trapped and constant introspection hamper our health.

If you choose to open yourself by journaling, asking for prayers or seeking professional assistance, the toxins in your system begin to be minimized. Standing in the sunlight or visualizing inner harmony, while connecting and communicating with loved ones, triggers healing.

Friday, December 29, 2023


"Even in the midst of our confusion, and disorder,
we can have an epiphany."
Marc Gafni

The New Year approaches, so it is time to shed our false selves and become realigned with who we have always been meant to be. Releasing illusions of who we thought we were supposed to be or who others declared we aught to be, and face a clean slate offering a vivid concept of life purpose.

Create a safe space adorned with objects deemed to be sacred. Light candles, play gentle music, and be as comfortable as possible. Behind closed eyes, let visions surface moving both in and out.  Notice how you can release the confines of the body, and simply float away into the infinity of light.

You are not your body. You are not your thoughts. You are a soul experiencing life force on earth. Observe as though you have just arrived and begin to recall what led you to be here. Sit in this silence of presence and begin to understand the unspoken words that were charted across your mission statement eons ago. This is the epiphany you have been waiting for!


Thursday, December 28, 2023

Frozen, No More ...

"I used to think I had to stay frozen in time."
Sheena Easton

We carry freeze-frames in our memory banks that need to be sorted out and eliminated. Often, they are not accurate composites, but we regard them as absolute truth. Whether an emotional attack or physical assault, our automatic response may have been dissociating. We may have physically, emotionally and spiritually withdrawn from reality.

When a circumstance beyond personal control occurs, we may shut down as a way of escape. Without an awareness of the reality around us, we choose to pretend nothing is happening at all. We can use mind over matter, telling the self the abuse in the moment is not real and not going to touch you.

After a tragic event, witnesses may not remember precise details. In spite of viewing horrendous unfolding, our inner protection disallows painful memories that we do not feel we are capable of handling. In time, a protected memory may surface for us to heal and release, to be frozen no more.


Wednesday, December 27, 2023

It Get's Easier ...

"Wild flower, pick up your pretty little head.
It will get easier, your dreams are not dead."
Nikki Rowe

Just when we are on the cusp of giving up, a stray thought sprints through our stagnant thoughts, stirring a filament of hope. Words like maybe or what if begin to generate new perspective as to how to approach that which we have yet to succeed. Refining expectations, in the smallest degree, can reactivate passion and desire.

Breathing new life into old thoughts generates possibilities. So maybe it is not entirely about the completion at the end, but the journey along the way. To leave the self open, one can accumulate awareness that has gone unnoticed during previous attempts down a too narrow passageway.

With courage, we nurture our unique perspectives while opening to hear awaiting wisdom. We can stockpile all of the ideas we have been savoring and sort them out anew. Adjusting alignment creates a newer rhythm, and at long last, the impossible dream begins to flow. Our dreams never need to be dead.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Normalcy Feels Good

"I am not what happened to me,
I am what I choose to become."
C.G. Jung

The pressure of expectations for Christmas now dissipates, and energy begins to once again have a natural flow. Returning to normalcy feels good to the soul with a greater sense of control. We may experience a longing to have everything returned to the rightful places, so we can simply breathe.

We may be days behind in our meditating or anxious to make enteries into a new gratitude journal, so give the self permission to take some time to breathe.  Breathe in whatever inspires or uplifts. Take deep breaths to extend the belly and release any heaviness lingering there. Once again deeply, releasing from the toes.

Time for renewal will help push sadness aside, allowing fresh light to enter inwards. It is time to begin yet again, letting go of whatever holds us too fast. Take a nap, stare our of the window, or get lost in a book. Down time is healing and it is in our best interest to slowly gear back up. Return to thoughts of who we wish to become. 


Monday, December 25, 2023

Merry Christmas To All ...

"... and to all a good night!"
Bronwen Evans

As the day unfolds, sift through the chaos and recognize wisps of joy. With the mind, reach out and grab these special moments, savoring them for the remaining tomorrows. If truly, none can be seen, fall back into stored memories, selecting a few to carry in the mind's eye. If loneliness persists, reach outside of the self or if chaos prevails, withdraw into the self.

Choice dictates our experience whether framed by action or perception. We may be unable to alter our circumstances, but we can gauge the ebb and flow. It is ironic that when we extend kindness to others, our spirits lift. So happiness is not exclusively found in incoming gifts, but equally perpetuated by what we freely give away.

Release expectation, finding acceptance in how things unfold. Whether we are orchestrating or spectating, just let things be. Expand the love residing in your heart to recapture the sense of new birth and innocence perpetuated upon this day. Hold positive images and experience anticipation for the highest good coming your way. Let this truly be a  holy night!


Sunday, December 24, 2023

'Twas the night before Christmas ...

"... not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse."
Clement Clarke Moore

It is the day before Christmas, a time for reverence and sacred space. The reality, however, is that most people will spend this day in a tizzy. There will be frantic last minute dashes to the store, and last ditch efforts to connect and communicate over drinks, hors d'oeuvres and sweets. Hustle and bustle become the trademark instead of harmony and peace.

There is much to be said for candle light services or private meditative play. Hopefully, in our own way, we find an opening for insight and inspiration. We curl down into that private space where we can safely embrace all parts of the self. The desire for new birth and innocence simmers to the top.

So tomorrow is Christmas Day and what does that really mean in a nonmaterial way?  Wondering how much time will be extended to meeting our spiritual needs ~vs~ the needs of others. Perhaps there will be time to honor all the blessed messengers who mysteriously walk upon our paths, shining light wherever they go.


Saturday, December 23, 2023

In Sickness And In Health

"Pain is a portal to transformation.
It does not knock politely."
Lucy H. Pearce

'Tis the season to be jolly, until you are not. Our emotions tend to be on a continuous roller coaster ride. One moment we are filled with a childlike glee, only to be followed by an unexpected blow to our fantasy. In the midst of relatives, we tip toe in an effort to avoid all invisible emotional landmines. 

This week originally designated for finalizing gifts, stocking up on groceries, and baking, became demolished as sickness crept in. The house is in disarray, wrapping paper patiently awaits the non-existent gifts,  and the oven remains stone cold. Company travels today, and the reality of not seeing anyone sadly exists. 

The sparkling miniature lights rekindle the promise that this too shall pass. Dancing flames of colorful candles warm the soul. One lethargic step follows an other, leading through this portal of holiday without cheer. These are the holidays, for better or worse, in sickness and health. On the horizon, surely awaits a New Year.


Friday, December 22, 2023

What Are You Looking At?

"When you focus on problems, you get more problems.
When you focus on possibilities, you have more opportunities." 
Zig Ziglar

Notice how beautiful life is and take note of both personal and global growth and evolution. See human beings as individuals, rather than masses of population. Each and every person has a pertinent reason for being present on this earth, developing gifts that can be beneficial to lives of all.

When we are faced with mishaps of the self or others, experience them as an opportunity to strengthen compassion. Establish a means, no matter how great or small, to ease the darkness that often prevails. See through the gathering gloominess into the possibility of light becoming illuminated. 

Forgive and forget errors made, using the energy to create a positive goal. Whatever we choose to focus on will expand, so choose vision carefully. When we hold dreams in our consciousness, we will attract means to bring them to fruition. As our vibration increases, we impact our experiences which then implements the energy of others.


Thursday, December 21, 2023

Winter Solstice Beckons

"This is the solstice, the still point of the sun, it's cusp and
midnight, the year's threshold and unlocking, where the
past lets go and becomes the future; the place of caught breath."
Margaret Atwood

The sun is traveling the shortest path in the sky, creating the shortest day and the longest night. This is symbolic of how winter unfolds with less light and lengthy darkness. It is a time to sit within examining, creating, and exploring. It can be an intimate time of revelation  of your body, mind, and soul.

With extended darkness, perhaps we experience longer periods of silence and introspection. Getting lost in expressive music or personal mediation, heightens the winter experience. When snow flurries dance through the air and the snow covers the ground, a sense of new beginnings triggering insight.

In spite of falling temperatures, there remains the need for a brisk walk, to honor nature as it too experiences this change of seasons. Although there is less color, the sturdiness and fortitude of the trees encourages stamina. Winter Solstice is a time to let go of the past, creating room for new seeds of thought to become deeply rooted.

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Difficulties To Miracles

"Out of difficulties grow miracles."
Jean de la Bruyere

Pay close attention to realigning your thoughts to what you want. Cease focusing on what you don't want and heighten visions of life filled with love. Expand your awareness, noticing how love is laced in and out of life, taking on numerous forms. If you cannot find any shape of love in your midst, it is definitely time to shift and rearrange.

Sit for a spell, simply breathing in and holding it gently. Then slowly release the intake. Repeating this will bring a sense of peace within you. Allow little snippets of loving memories to pass through the mind's eye. Allow the peaceful awareness that you are loved, and you do have loved ones. Hold firmly to the belief that Divine will provide.

In spite of presenting difficulties, kindness is prevalent whether we choose to give or receive. Choose ways in which you can offer kindness to others, and in following through, we receive blessings in return. What you extend to others, returns to you in differing shapes and sizes. It is in the giving, that one receives. 


Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Intentional Movement

"Follow the urge to transition from one phase of your 
life to the next. Whether this is inside or outside work,
it's time for intentional transformation to take place."
Robin S. Baker

If we feel off center, it takes courage to open our hearts and trust the flow. To stay with a broken relationship or unfulfilling job, squelches possibilities meant to produce dreams come true. When we release the desire for revenge, and feelings of hopelessness, space for new beginnings broadens.

As things may fall apart, we can regard this as a time for testing and healing. If we remember that it is natural order for things to fall apart and then rebuild, movement forward can be exciting rather than fearful. It is important to hold space for grief, relief, and misery, but also for happiness and joy.

The key is to keep exploring, allowing space for our thoughts to take physical form. Often, what arises is not at all what we expected, but we remember that there is choice. Do not be discouraged, but rather rather open for new formations. If we feel stagnant, it is simply a sign for the need to let go of control, and trust in evolution of the human experience.

Monday, December 18, 2023

Holdiay Energy Drain


"Take time off to replenish your energy and recharge your soul."
Dr. Lucas D. Shallua

There may be so much going on that we can lose our enthusiasm for the events presenting before us. We may have set our expectations too high and now the challenges are overwhelming us. We can be so unrealistic, our energy is spent and our passion no longer generates supportive vibrations.

With increased activities, our schedules need to shift. Normal routines may need to be altered. It is impossible for us to have increased expectations without an adjustment to our energy flow. Our expectations may be overriding our current flow and without intervention, we will suffer emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

It is interesting that when preparation for the holidays arrive, the first place we cut back is in our personal support. Once again, we begin to view our nurturing upkeep as frivolous and begin to eliminate the very activities that are needed for support. It is imperative that we learn to ask for help which allows others to share in the Christmas Spirit.

Sunday, December 17, 2023

No Curtains In The Windows

"The biggest window in the world is your mind,
and the capacity of your mind depends on 
how much of your window is curtained 
and how much is uncurtained."
Mehmet Murat ildan

While sharing space with a special 'sister of my heart', we were discussed how a Christmas stocking aught to be filled. We agreed that no one should have to submit a list and mundane toiletries would not be allowed. Only items that truly reflected a person's true nature would be ideal stuffings. 

Later, revisiting this conversation, I realized we were wanting people to recognize who we were in the given moment. Associated gifts from our childhood or roles of wife or mother would be too limited. We wanted to be seen in our entirety, who we have stretched and grown to become. If someone truly saw us, they could craft items to nurture our hearts.

I then imagined our lovely selves as a house with many windows. If a person were peeking in the basement window, they would see something entirely different than if they were on a ladder peering through an upper window. A person must care enough to explore us through numerous openings. Putting curtains in our windows defeat this purpose. 


Saturday, December 16, 2023

Life Within

"What surrounds us is what is within us."
T.F. Hodge

We may go days without stopping to observe our surroundings. We may take them for granted, not noticing how they no longer reflect who we are. We may have been on automatic pilot for so long, we neglect to see the beauty surrounding us and the energy bountifully awaiting recognition.

Monitoring emotions can generate positive reactions no matter what we are facing in the days before us. Crank up the tunes if we need an energy boost or play spa music if we need to slow down. Throw open the curtains and allow the light to stream in. Stick your head out the door and breathe in crisp fresh air. 

To illuminate our inner beings, take a moment to gauge what you feel and why. Determine what needs to be added or eliminated. Experience how we are limiting our view, overlooking what is right before us. Light a candle and get lost in the flame, dreaming of the life we deserve to create within us.

Friday, December 15, 2023

Creating Life

"Life isn't about finding yourself. 
Life is about creating yourself."
George Bernard Shaw

It takes years to discover our true selves, and even then, immediate revisions begin to take place. We are never just one thing, as we continuously evolve. We are called to be alone for self-discovery and self-appreciation. If we cannot embrace who we are, how can we expect others to do so?

When we monitor ourselves, we learn what depresses us and what ignites our passion. These are necessary observations that assist as we move forward, exploring new passage ways. Life bombards us with situations where we can either become stuck or burrow through into illumination.

As our inner knowing increases, we begin to attract fellow life seekers. We choose to share our lives with those who support us without any interest in defeating us. Maintaining flexibility, we become increasingly aware of what snuffs us out or what makes our heart sing! 

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Unleashed Emotions

"Lingering, bottled-up anger never reveals the 'true colors'
of an individual. It, on the contrary, becomes all mixed up,
forms a highly combustible chemical  compound then 
explodes as something very different
than one's natural self."
Criss Jami 

Take a few moments prior to a gathering to align thoughts and actions while adjusting boundaries. The holidays can trigger repressed emotions, so we will be best prepared by deciphering between assertiveness and aggression. We have worked hard at perfecting our voice, and there is no need to remain quiet, but we need to be prepared to gauge responses.

To speak from our heart is important, but we must know just how much we want to reveal and to whom we express it. We can be aware of our body language, monitoring if we are tense and rigid. Has our voice increased in tone and are we certain of the outcome we wish to obtain?

Prior to being in emotionally triggered situations, we can focus on our desire to be respectful and truthful. Just as we wish others to respect our boundaries, we need to be mindful to be aware of his or her boundaries as well. Endeavor to arrive with an open heart and to leave with a loving heart.  

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Ritual With Tea


"When tea becomes ritual, it takes its place at the heart
of our ability to see greatness in small things."
Muriel Barbery

When we are needing to relax and be refreshed, we often turn to tea as it can be a cultural experience, ritual, or a spiritual practice. It can be a way to respect the self and experience gratitude or an inspiration to create something new. Sipping tea offers pause in the midst of a grinding schedule.

During this festive season, we can invite a treasured friend to come by for tea, offering a ceremony by lighting candles and sharing hopes and dreams. Choosing to quietly sit with each other, eye to eye exchanges strengthen the bonds of the relationship. Not only is nourishment being shared, treasured memories are being created.  

With tea being a part of our regular routine, we create pauses in our day to take stock, redirect and instill peace of mind. Even the briefest moments of quiet can elongate a steady  stream of stamina. A sense of honor surfaces and appreciation for where we find our lovely selves living is filled with grace.

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Stuck In Time


"Be still my heart; thou has known worse than this."

Truly, time is but an illusion. It can powerfully strike like a bolt of lightening or drip slowly like molasses from a spoon. Patience is required whether the minutes are fast or slow. We cannot yet fathom what awaits before us, but we yearn to run and grow. Trust is a necessity throughout the seemingly unbearable ebb and flow. 

Perhaps we are growing, seeking escape from whatever holds us captive. The need for resolution clouds our vision and accumulating stress ramps up our energy. We are silently asked to sit and not yet go. We can hear ourselves screaming for want to run and escape, no longer emotionally able to sit and grow old.

Stuck within the cocoon of time, we begin to feel slight movement. Perhaps it is a mere nudge, but hope is coming our way. The distant spark of light is widening, and a new path opens before us. With a sense of new found joy, we are thankful for our entrapment while Divine Spirit paved our way.

Monday, December 11, 2023

Sadness Drips Away ...


"There are two ways of spreading light:
to be the candle or
the mirror that reflects it."
Edith Wharton

Feeling lethargic, I grabbed a candle, my journal, and hot tea as I sank into my favorite chair. All was good in my life and I was facing the holidays with warm expectation. But there was something in my heart that was weighing me down. Accumulated sadness gained my attention as the faces of lost friends floated to the surface.

Becoming lost in the flame of my candle, I recalled the comfort of being with sisters of my heart who had been taken by death. There was comfort in knowing they were safely living in another dimension, and that we would join together another day. But in this moment, I missed their laughter, wisdom, and quirky ways.

There were a few more candles, so I ignited the flames of each, honoring my long time friends. As I did so, memories surfaced and it was as though they had joined me. My heart swelled, and the sadness dripped away. These were forever friends and I had simply 'lost' them in a physical way. Our hearts were still joined together on any given day.

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Speak Truth

"It took me quite a long time to develop a voice,
and now that I have it, I am not going to be silent."
Madeleine Albright

Take a time out and give yourself permission to evaluate the holiday unfolding around you. Using your heart instead of the mind, determine what aspects of the season no longer resonate with you. Gathering strength, give voice to adjusting family traditions or reaching out for what you most need.

The Universe mirrors back to us whatever it is we project. So is this not a valid reason to be honest with the self and facilitate changes? When adjustments are made, we may be surprised by the positive response of others. Creative adaptations allow for less stress, emotional release, and happier memories.

Once we acknowledge the shift of our longings, new energy erupts. We gain strength with each step towards revision. Acknowledge what is in the heart and bring that feeling out into the world.  Whether accepted or not, we have the right to speak our truth. As we shine our light, blessings ripple out whether we see them or not. 


Saturday, December 9, 2023

Essential Choice

"Hold close to your essential self."
Shauna Niequist

Our schedules are riddled with activities under the guise of seeking peace. It is a sacred time of year, yet filled with superficial agendas. This is a season where we truly need to be deliberate with our thoughts, actions, and spiritual communication, as the energy we create within extends back out into our surroundings.

When we become aware of the messages lingering in our hearts, we are more mindful with our behaviors. Acknowledging our unconscious or subconscious projections, helps us to align so that we can present in a meaningful way. Holding ourselves accountable, we can eliminate beliefs that no longer resonate with our soul.

Living deliberately, we gather a greater sense of power, realizing that mindsets and lifestyles can be edited for authenticity. As the physical world reflects back to us, we can choose to take the time to select how we want our time to be invested. With this momentum, we begin to change our world and our contribution to it.  


Friday, December 8, 2023

Upon A Path

"You can measure your worth by your dedication
to your path, not by your success or failures."
Elizabeth Gilbert

There may be successes in our life that have nothing to do with our envisioned purpose. The presenting failures just might be redirecting us to where our heart truly wants to go. True worth is experienced when we can align our visions, actions and spiritual intentions in an intended direction that feeds our soul.

This is not to say that life presents easily, reflecting the path where we most need to go. The element of adventure is primed by our curiosity and willingness to venture out into atmospheres that are unknown. It is when we are sharing as much energy with our intended purpose as we are with senseless endeavors that progress is experienced.

If there is desire to create a heightened sense of living, we must first designate what is needed and how to use our skills. The next step is taking action, even if it is in the form of baby steps. Lastly, if we remain awake and attentive to our goal, we will be aware of false steps and wasted investments. When we remain loyal to our inner self, quality of life follows.


Thursday, December 7, 2023

Just Like You!


"You are forgetting that all of these cerebral
people are humans just like you. With hopes 
and dreams, and families and heartache."
Amanda Grieme Bradley

Just recently, I was invited to a gathering where I would not know anyone. The people in attendance would be from a social circle I had not been in for numerous years. I no longer had titles to describe myself and would present without a defined social position. My anxiety hit an all time high fueled by imagined intimidations. 

In this state of mind, old wounds surfaced and I felt myself becoming defensive. Fortunately, I reached out to a therapist who reminded me that I would be surrounded by human beings just like me "with hopes and dreams, and families and heartache." Encouraged to remember we are one in the same, my nerves began to calm down.

Walking into the gathering place, I opened my heart and assured myself that I was extending light to all who had gathered. As I was introduced to others, and listened to their stories, I was delighted to experience a warm space of acceptance. It had been just too easy to forget that we are all the same, just walking each other home!

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

The Glow Of Candles


"Believe in yourself, take on your challenges,
dig deep within yourself to conquer fears."
Chantal Sutherland

In December, my space is filled with candles inspiring my body, mind, and soul. The light from the candles help me to focus on the positive while maintaining a peaceful mentality. As the flame flickers, I am reminded of the necessity to move beyond visualization and into action. The steady lights remind me of the strength and endurance residing within me.

Basking in the glow of candles, I find safety in spite of the chaos of life. Pain lessens, and optimism increases, reminding me I am perfectly capable of facing new situations. My eyes become portals for the illuminations to flood inside of me from head to toe. Experiencing this warmth, I am prepared to bring kindness to all people I encounter.

As the light diminishes the dark, I am reminded of the truly enhanced spirits walking upon this earth. There are others who are lighting the way and together, we will make a difference. As our lights shine, fears will be decreased and visions of hope will flourish. Together, we will make this a bright and shining space!

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Please Be Patient With Me!


"Patience is the root of human love,
and the deeper the gratitude goes,
the more it touches the heart."
Art Through Perception

Now that I have learned to embrace myself, flaws and all, it is easier to accept the possibility of someone actually loving me. There is constant effort in tossing out my brutally unkind thoughts, making way for incoming words of kindness. I become suspicious, questioning the sincerity of intentions, asking, "What am I missing?"

It takes effort for me not to hold others accountable for the sins of long ago impersonators. As my trust expands while monitoring endearing behaviors, I stretch my heart to believe in the honesty of loving gestures. As I am bathed in genuine affection, I hear myself begging, "Please be patient with me!"

Extending love out to others is so profusely easier than allowing outside love to flow inwards. I decide, however, to believe in the present moment, grateful for the expanding bond and unexpected intimacy. The beating of my heart drowns out fear, and I fly with the freedom to at last be me!

Monday, December 4, 2023

Facing Dilemma

"I must be willing to give up what I am
in order to become what I will be."
Albert Einstein

If we try to stop thinking about something, the subject matter explodes. When we try to minimize something, it simply expands in new areas. Why can't we shed darkness as easily as we slip off s scarf and gloves? Why can't the dirt of our past wash off in the shower as easily as garden soil? 

In other scenarios, we readily step up confident to assist others facing strife.  Then why is we cannot face our own dilemmas with the same conviction? While helping others find resolve, why can we not find our own way out of harm's way? Access to corrective action may be right before us, and yet we look the other way.

We set ourselves up for failure when we attempt to add new methods, but  leave the old in place. We must gut out the darkness, as it is in this process that light begins to shine. The slightest effort inches us forward. Call out to the stars in the sky, into the heavens where Divine resides. There is no need to do to this challenge alone.


Sunday, December 3, 2023

Silent Messages

"I listen with love to my body's messages."
Louise Hay 

When I am quiet and still, a voice inside of me speaks. I no longer puzzle over who it might be. The shared wisdom helps me to remember what is important and why I am walking on this earth. It reminds me to be determined with what is truly important, leaving judgments of others by the wayside.

When a creative idea surfaces, my ego points out failed attempts from my past. The whispering voice reminds me that this is the new present filled with possibilities. In the quiet, I can once again hear the word 'focus' which points me into the direction I truly yearn to be. In my mind's eye, I can see that it is only me standing in my way.

In order for my dreams to come true, I must transform my thoughts into reality. It is imperative to remember my authentic actions will not only provide for me, but will also touch the lives of others. When inner promptings are followed, I experience excitement and joy as I transition savoring the voice within.