Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Please Be Patient With Me!


"Patience is the root of human love,
and the deeper the gratitude goes,
the more it touches the heart."
Art Through Perception

Now that I have learned to embrace myself, flaws and all, it is easier to accept the possibility of someone actually loving me. There is constant effort in tossing out my brutally unkind thoughts, making way for incoming words of kindness. I become suspicious, questioning the sincerity of intentions, asking, "What am I missing?"

It takes effort for me not to hold others accountable for the sins of long ago impersonators. As my trust expands while monitoring endearing behaviors, I stretch my heart to believe in the honesty of loving gestures. As I am bathed in genuine affection, I hear myself begging, "Please be patient with me!"

Extending love out to others is so profusely easier than allowing outside love to flow inwards. I decide, however, to believe in the present moment, grateful for the expanding bond and unexpected intimacy. The beating of my heart drowns out fear, and I fly with the freedom to at last be me!

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