Wednesday, December 27, 2023

It Get's Easier ...

"Wild flower, pick up your pretty little head.
It will get easier, your dreams are not dead."
Nikki Rowe

Just when we are on the cusp of giving up, a stray thought sprints through our stagnant thoughts, stirring a filament of hope. Words like maybe or what if begin to generate new perspective as to how to approach that which we have yet to succeed. Refining expectations, in the smallest degree, can reactivate passion and desire.

Breathing new life into old thoughts generates possibilities. So maybe it is not entirely about the completion at the end, but the journey along the way. To leave the self open, one can accumulate awareness that has gone unnoticed during previous attempts down a too narrow passageway.

With courage, we nurture our unique perspectives while opening to hear awaiting wisdom. We can stockpile all of the ideas we have been savoring and sort them out anew. Adjusting alignment creates a newer rhythm, and at long last, the impossible dream begins to flow. Our dreams never need to be dead.

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