Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Normalcy Feels Good

"I am not what happened to me,
I am what I choose to become."
C.G. Jung

The pressure of expectations for Christmas now dissipates, and energy begins to once again have a natural flow. Returning to normalcy feels good to the soul with a greater sense of control. We may experience a longing to have everything returned to the rightful places, so we can simply breathe.

We may be days behind in our meditating or anxious to make enteries into a new gratitude journal, so give the self permission to take some time to breathe.  Breathe in whatever inspires or uplifts. Take deep breaths to extend the belly and release any heaviness lingering there. Once again deeply, releasing from the toes.

Time for renewal will help push sadness aside, allowing fresh light to enter inwards. It is time to begin yet again, letting go of whatever holds us too fast. Take a nap, stare our of the window, or get lost in a book. Down time is healing and it is in our best interest to slowly gear back up. Return to thoughts of who we wish to become. 


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