Wednesday, January 31, 2018

What Goes Around ...

"And above all, watch with glittering eyes 
the whole world around you because the
greatest secrets are always hidden in the
most unlikely places."
Roald Dahl


Feeling isolated in her house, the young woman wandered outside.  The sun was not out to take the chill from her bones and mud from the rains covered where the grass once grew.  Totally bored, she noticed a  red cocoa cola carton smashed against her neighbor's fence.  She delicately stepped over the fence and began to fill the carton with other yard waste.  She returned to her home with her neighbor's debris feeling a slight sense of accomplishment.

The elderly woman in the window watched the neighbor who crept into her yard  to gather debris.  She was moved by this small act of kindness and whipped up a batch of her favorite brownies.  After they cooled, she bundled up and went outside, determined to reward her neighbor. She was interrupted, however, by the children playing in the snow.  So adorable with vibrant energy, these children pulled at her heartstrings.  Immediately, she changed course and gave the children the brownies.

That night, as the children gathered around the dinner table, they told the story about the brownies.  The mother turned to the father saying, "We really need to be more aware of our neighbor."  The father was distracted watching the heavy snow falling outside the window.  Excusing himself, he bundled up and shoveled the snow from his walkway.   Then he remembered his wife's wisdom about being nice to a neighbor.  So he did a good deed by shoveling the walkway of the young woman who had gathered the debris.

Moral of the Story:
We are not always recognized for our good deeds nor are our good intentions always perfectly executed.  There is truth, however, in the saying, "What goes around, comes around."  We may not receive returned kindness in the way we imagined nor is it necessarily given by the person we expected.  In the story above, we can follow the links as kindness interacts with others in a flow.  We need to continue to keep the flow of kindness moving forward without being aware of who is watching or how we shall be rewarded.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

A Flower Deprived of Sun

While searching for a quote, I came across the poem below.  It somehow touched my heart, reminding me of how I once felt and the dark tone my writings used to have.  I wanted to honor this writing by reprinting it, as I know many of us have felt this way at one time or another.

"Shrinking in a corner,
pressed into the wall;
do they know I'm present,
am I here at all?

Is there a written rule book,
that tells you how to be ...
all the right things to talk about ...
that everyone has but me?

Slowly I am withering ...
a flower deprived of sun;
longing to belong to ...
somewhere or someone."
Lang Leav
Love and Misadventure

When we feel disconnected, unnoticed or invisible, it is hard to imagine a happier time; but, please, continue on.  Life does improve, but it takes time and personal growth.  We can remove our selves from places of isolation and discover what helps us come alive.  Look within for clues and invest in the little spark that draws attention.

Go to a library or an art gallery and fill the soul with beauty.  Sit with a book or sketch pad at a park and give the authentic self permission to breathe into a new world of personal creation.  If we follow what interests us, we will encounter healthier situations.  We will come to meet kindred spirits and begin to glow.  Please, never give up.  Honestly, in time it becomes a flowering world of engagement, but one must begin with the self.

Monday, January 29, 2018

Have No Fear

"Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless, like water.
Be water, my friend."
Bruce Lee

It seems natural to leave my physical body.  Whether it is in a dream, during meditation, or under the master hands of an energy worker, it seems perfectly normal to escape into other realms.  I suppose years ago, I may have been somewhat frightened and then perhaps awkward, but now I immediately look for the gateway.

Life is experienced in various ways and with our ability to create we can become formless.  In our imagination, we can shape shift into a sun beam, a weeping willow tree or droplets of rain.  When we give our lovely selves permission to explore, we can be swept into other realms.

When we experience this otherness, memories tend to dissipate with details immediately fading.  So perhaps what we are to remember is not particulars, but the essence of the experience.  Once we are able to become like water,  we have a deeper understanding of letting go, releasing, and trusting in the flow of life.  The mind allows only what we are ready for, so have no fear.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Hearts Take Flight

"Instead of worrying about what you cannot control,
shift your energy to what you can create."
Roy T. Bennett

We have energy and it can be used however we choose.  We can equally distribute it or we can funnel it into a particular vein.  We waste energy by worrying about things we cannot control.  It is advantageous to be aware of distractions, and choose to move our energy forward, investing in creative movement. 

We are not all composers, writers or artists, but we are all creative.  Mathematicians and scientists use creativity, but the energy does not materialize in sounds or hues.  We must discern what makes our passion soar.  Unfortunately, most of us take our personal skill as routine or ordinary as it is easy for us to do.

If we invest our energy into expanding our abilities, the strength of distractions are minimized.  As we focus on what we can do, we begin to feel more powerful and capable.  Life begins to feel more nurturing rather than destructive.  Inspiration follows and our hearts take flight.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Creating Bits of Power

"Because true belonging only happens when we present our authentic,
imperfect selves to the world, our sense of belonging can never be 
greater than our level of self-acceptance."
Brene Brown

Brene Brown has made an explosive impact upon leading us to self-discovery.  She has appeared on stage as one of us, learning through the trials and errors of life.   She follows up with numerous presentations and authoring engaging books.

While reading Brene Brown's book, DARING GREATLY, the reader can feel a momentum building within creating bits of power.  One begins to realize that Ms. Brown is  giving permission to simply be who we are ... wounds, scars, and all.  

Throughout her books, Brene Brown gives numerous examples of her own struggles as well as the challenges of others.  During this time, her words allow us to know we are not the only ones struggling. We begin to understand that resistance and hiding deters honest relations.  When we are able to be vulnerable our connection and sense of belonging begins to thrive.

Friday, January 26, 2018

Own It

"It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure,
to embrace the new.  But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful."
Alan Cohen

There are times when life does not seem as meaningful as it had once been.  We do not have to interpret this as a need to create major changes.   Begin small by seeking what little thing you no longer add to your routine.  Maybe it is a manicure, a bouquet of flowers or a trip to an art gallery.  Add a few enjoyable events to your routine as a starter.

Then you can evaluate other areas in your life that seem to be lack luster.  What would it take to brighten those sections up?  Make a list of possibilities combining them or narrowing them down to one that really appeals.  

When we take personal action, we begin to feel movement.  The more aggressive we are, the greater the change.  We begin to take responsibility for our own happiness.  Eventually, change may lead us to major adjustments in relationships, careers, or locations; but it all begins with taking initial steps of creative change.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

The Other Side of Fear

"Don't be pushed around by the fears in your mind.
Be led by the dreams in your heart."
Roy T. Bennett

The majority of my life has been fear based.  It is easy to state this now, after years of processing.  With the help of many, I have learned to recognize fear and simply step through it.  Fear is not fact.  I can see the fear, accept that it has appeared, and then carry on.

Fear keeps us stuck, immobilized emotionally and often physically.  The first time we defy fear and step forward, we experience joy an abundance of amazement that the sky did not fall in.  With determined practice, we begin to feel the freedom and joy of paving our way, even if we stumble.

Eventually, the choice of fear is no longer a choice.  The desire to expand our creativity, to flex our muscles of imagination, and to grow into our full authentic self overrides the emotional barrier of fear.  The physical aspects of fear are more challenging.  By seeking professional assistance, a person can regulate a safe plan to navigate danger and eliminate fear.  Uncover the dreams of the heart and step to the other side of fear.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Gliding Over the Surface

"Distraction leaches the authenticity out of our communications.  When we
are not emotionally present, we are gliding over the surface of our interactions and 
we never tangle in the depths where the nuances of our skills are tested and refined."
Marian Deegan

If a conversation is dry or uninteresting, we may need to examine our own agenda.  Are we being open to new information to learn  or are we distracted by personal thoughts and narrow thinking?  A conversation that is trivial or not to our liking, why are we having it anyway?  Utilize polite skills of excusing our lovely self and move on.

Caution is necessary, however, as it is often during a random conversation we receive tiny nuggets of information leading to more in depth resourcing.  If we prematurely classify a person as boring and therefore exclude them, we may be missing vital information.  Divine uses the most unlikely people to deliver specific prompts, nudges or messages.

If we interact with others superficially, we may become the boring ones.  If we are not investing authentic presence, we glide along the surface.  When we remain open or present in all situations, we are able to discern nuances that will test and refine our skills.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Unseen Avenue of Information

"Do you think the universe fights for souls to be together?
Some things are too strange and strong to be coincidences."
Emery Allen

If we are awake in our conversations and relationships, we tend to recognize little quirks that seemingly thicken the bond between us or contribute to the depth of our life.  We can be visiting a foreign land and become acquainted with another traveling couple who happen to live one neighborhood away.  We have all heard stories of magical meetings. 

There are numerous words categorizing these amazing instances, such as:  serendipity; synchronicity; fate; coincidence; destiny; and timeliness.  Labels are far less important than the exchange itself.  Moments such as these may be minor, simply adding humor to our day while others may be major  as the focus shifts on a highly maintained project.

Unnoticed particles of information gently drift before us daily.  There is an unseen network of people passing each other daily.  Our lack of connection with the outer world limits incoming information.  When we open ourselves to possibility, we will discover a connectedness to an unseen avenue of information.

Monday, January 22, 2018

If You Feel Stuck ...

"Shallow men believe in luck or in circumstance.
Strong men believe in cause and effect."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Whether male or female, there are some who sit back and wait for life to come to them.  They expect life to be bountiful, but they do not take action towards a goal.  Then there are other females or males who use their imagination to form multiple scenarios and apply energy to each possibility until one supersedes the others.

Being in the right place at the right time doesn't happen to those who sit back.  People who assert themselves and are flexible can be gently nudged or guided.  It is great to be a dreamer if action follows.  The rigid plan binds us and drains the excitement and speculation from the project.

I like to think of myself as being a verb rather than a noun.  As a noun, I would be stationary awaiting life to happen to me.  As a verb, I would be easily moved in and out of scenarios increasing the odds of being impacted by people, places or things advancing me towards my goals.  When we feel stuck, be more flexible ... like a verb.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Crazy Quilt Stitches

"Only by digging deep down to the core of our true self can we come to a place of inner certainty.  Our underlying values and priorities are our personal navigational stars on life's journey ... 
essential tools to chart a life course that embraces what matters most to us."
Marian Deegan

If we can unearth our authentic knowings, desires and dreams from childhood,  we will find the origin of our unique skills meant for our journey.  As we piece significant patches of memory together, our tapestry of life takes on the look of a crazy quilt.

A crazy quilt is often patched together with heavy fabric such as velvet with colorful embroidery scrolling across the top of the finished piece.  The pattern is random rather than meticulously designed.  Crazy quilts are uniquely created by the imagination of the one who lovingly stitches.

Digging down to my core, the discovery of self-worth and the vast ability to create with imagination, inspired me to piece and stitch all of my broken parts together.  Star light unveiled the unpolished skills to hone, and my irregular stitching created an authentic pattern.  Look within to recognize what truly matters ...  prioritize ... and become the radiant spirit Divine intended.  

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Ordinary Moment Becomes Spectacular Discovery

"A room without books 
is like a body without a soul."
Marcus Tullius Cicero

It is exciting for me to visit a home with books generously displayed.  I can sit in front of a book shelf identifying authors or subjects informing me of things the owner contemplates in his or her mind.  It is entertaining to come across an author we each have read so we can chat about likes and dislikes.

Adventure runs across the pages of books and while my life is limited, reading is an excellent way to share travel, experience, and personal growth.  I cannot imagine not having books to stimulate me; to build compassion for what I will never experience; and to educate me about different cultural beliefs.
A room filled with books offers energy to me.  When I imagine all of the characters coming to life, the room becomes crowded with diversity.  If I explore the authors style and intention, I can discover deeper wisdom.   As I hold the book in my hand, the excitement begins. As I anxiously open the cover, I breathe life into the words patiently waiting to transform my ordinary moment into a spectacular discovery!

Friday, January 19, 2018

Secret Keeper or Space Holder

"To 'hold space'  for someone  means that we are willing to walk alongside
another person in whatever journey they're on without judging them, making
them feel inadequate, trying to fix them, or trying to impact the outcome. 
When we hold space for other people, we open our hearts, offer 
unconditional support, and let go of judgment and control."
Heather Plett

There is a power in expressing our concerns that either reinforces or alters our thinking.  In order to do this, we need a safe space with someone whom we trust.  We desire the presence of someone who will not try to persuade or criticize or applaud us.  We just want to vent our feelings out loud.  To experience them without taking action or receiving repercussions.

The most effective tool in holding space for someone is knowing how to be present yet silent.  We are called to sit quietly, while our friend searches his heart or her soul.  Clearly, we do not hold the answers as the lesson is not ours.  Resolution is unique to us all, so silence is our gift.

If there is no one to trust or listen, we can allow our computer, binder or fancy journal to be our safe space.  The point is to eliminate everything from inside that is troubling us without impacting others.  When we have written or spoken and all stress is disbursed, we can burn the paper or save it for editing on a brighter day or hug our secret keeper for holding space.  

"Your Children are not your children" by Khalil Gibran

"Your children are not your children."
Khalil Gibran

Khalil Gibran presented himself to me quite by surprise in a public library.  I had graduated from college, married, and was pregnant with my first son.  One day per week, I had a date with my growing self at the library.   As I settled in to the library table with pen and paper and lists of authors to pursue, I noticed a small book already waiting for me:  The Prophet by Gibran.

Khalil Gibran captured my attention immediately.  Throughout my pregnancy I would devour his works and for some odd reason, began to copy his works by hand.  His words flowing through my mind were the blood flowing through my body.

"Your children are not your children," challenged me as I awaited the birth of my son.  My child was mine!  I would be nurturing, accountable, and present in his life.  Of course he would be my child!  In time, I would bring four children into this world and continue to dispute internally Gibran's wise words. Deep inside, however, I eventually understood his meaning  and let my children go.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

What Does Daddy Look Like?

"Ice upon ice, and yet, inside,
she melted and mourned all the same."
Katherine McIntyre

My parents would go on fishing or hunting trips while my older sister and I would stay with neighbors.  When I was in second grade, my parents left with a few couples for Canada. I experienced great anxiety watching my father drive away. I was exceptionally bonded with my dad and it was difficult to fathom life without him.  

As an hour slowly drifted by, I experienced panic as I could not remember what my father looked like. Hard as I might, I could not conjure up his features.  In sheer fright, I ran to my sister begging her to tell me, "What does Daddy look like?"  

When my parents returned a week later, my sister of course, told the story to the family and friends.  I felt shamed, ridiculed, and unprotected.  The joke lived on through my adulthood.  Whenever I went any where, my father always asked if I wanted a photo of him to take with me.   Even though I am no longer that little girl, the memory of perceived abandonment stays with me.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Respect and Honor

"Many people regard their need for solitude as a form of betrayal
since it takes them away from the loving presence of family and friends.
But occasional isolation is a vital element in the maintenance of human well-being, 
which means that wanting to be alone is not so much a commentary on the state of our relationships as it is indicative of the simple desire to reconnect with our inner selves."  
Daily Om Cancer Horoscope

Throughout my life, sisters of my heart have been amazing guides, challengers, and secret keepers.  The relationships with these women are treasures in my soul; and yet, there are times when I need to take my absence.

Why do I feel guilty if I reply not to attend.  They all know their importance to me, so how odd for me to not want to join in a gathering of learning, sharing, and healing.  It seems that I have finally  accepted that respect and honor applies to my lovely self as well!

The words yes and no are of equal value.  One is not better than the other.  One is not negative while the other is positive. Both are just as acceptable if we are balanced with respect and honor for the self.  Give in to the simple desire of being connected with the inner self.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Heartfelt Rituals

"Ritual and ceremony are powerful bonding tools.  
They result in a sense of community, a feeling
of unity far beyond what you might expect."
Del Suggs

The word ritual creates a sacred reverence; however, the word itself has broad references.  Such as:  ceremonial, formality, habit, observance, practice, procedure, protocol; therefore, the word ritual is not singularly religious.  Our lives are filled with daily rituals such as brushing our teeth or having coffee.

In search for more reverence in our lives, we can create rituals for daily use.  Upon waking, a favorite prayer or mantra may be offered.  As our feet touch the floor, we might give thanks for the blessings  in our lives.  We might light a tea light as we dress to remind us of giving kindness to others though out our busy day.

There is no need to save all of our sacred moments for the religious space of our temple or church.  We can add our sense of Divine to any given moment.  Self created rituals can string a sense of sacred throughout our week.  Our connection and our communication will be strengthened as we create heart felt rituals in our heart to be utilized in private time or shared with friends.

Monday, January 15, 2018

Laughter Yoga

"Laughter is a sunbeam of the soul."
Thomas Mann

Laughter Yoga might seem questionable when you first hear of it, but when you experience this form of yoga, laughter releases tension and stress, while uplifting spirits.  The great aspect of laughter yoga is being able to do it anywhere and anytime, immediately eliminating stress.

If you are depressed, you have a tendency to withdraw and isolate which is one of the worst things you can do.  When you reach out to a mentor for conversation or gather with like minded spirits, the opportunity to laugh presents itself.  It is an immediate fix.

When you are exhausted and disheartened, not wanting to leave your home, find a movie, preferably a comedy avoiding the "tear jerkers".  Snuggle in and grant your self permission for laughter to gurgle upwards from your belly.  When you allow your lovely self to escape into laughter, you will be revived, better balanced, and freshly prepared to move forward in your life.

***An exceptionally brilliant teacher in all realms, known on earth as Teri Freesmeyer, teaches Yoga Laughter.   Her tool box is filled with numerous accreditations and she is a gifted spirit with endless techniques and teaching skills.  Her menu is diverse, professional, and life changing.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Friendship, Safety, and Discovery

"Writing is a job, a talent, but it's also a place
to go in your head.  It is the imaginary friend
you drink your tea with in the afternoon."
Ann Patchett

In my heart, I feel the definition of writing is too limited.  Writing is very expansive appearing in endless forms.  Any person can write if they simply remove structures for educational purposes.  Often people say, "I'm not a very good speller," or "I have nothing to say."  Neither is a good reason to not write.

Spelling or grammar has nothing to do with personal writing.  In a journal, no one else is going to see it anyway.  Entries can be phrases or simply sketched figures or forms.  There is no strictness to writing.  If anything, the intent of writing can be endless.

Pick up a pencil, begin to write whatever comes to mind and do not stop.  Just keep the pencil to the page and eventually something will appear.  A novice may have to do this repeatedly before breaking down the barriers within the mind.  With consistency, our imagination pushes through and we discover realms within offering friendship, safety and discovery.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

A Creative Leap

"Without leaps of imagination or dreaming,
we lose the excitement of possibilities.
Dreaming, after all is a form of planning."
Gloria Steinem

A child uses imagination daily, while an adult catches a glimpse, but fails to follow through.  Enough time is not allowed for a new possibility to take shape.  Children enjoy the mystery as it happens, but adults rationalize losing the enchanted moment.

Even when adults catch the imagery and begin to create within in it, they move forward too quickly focusing on the outcomes.  The successful dreamer allows the outcome to be changeable directing thought and action to the plan ... using personal gifts and synchronicity with others.

Self sabotage reduces available bliss in life.  If our dream isn't immediately in our anticipated form, we give up instead of waiting for other options.  Expecting great things, too often the small magical moments are not even noticed.  If people want to be excited, they need to engage with creativity and see the small happenings.  Take a leap into an area of fascination and allow the self to unfold.


Friday, January 12, 2018

Embrace the Stillness

"as the trees whispered gently to her of peace,
the stars reminded her she wasn't alone."
terri st cloud
bone sigh arts

As the last of the company leaves, we are eager to put everything back into place.  We almost crave order and if we are lucky, we have the energy to follow through.  Silence gloriously returns and we can feel our bodies sigh.

In solitude, we sit in our chair with a candle glowing, fireplace burning, and a warm cup of tea.  We intend to read, but we become mesmerized by the fire and gently float into the streams of sunshine pouring through the window.  Thoughts drift away as we sense the presence of all things holy.

This is a crease in time to nurture and restore. Peace is felt within us and all else floats away. Communication with the other realm gently reminds us we are filled with gifts from the Divine.    We give thanks for all of our blessings and embrace the stillness.  We remain grateful for all that is seen and unseen.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Dormant without Use

"Our imagination flies ---
we are its shadow on the earth."
Vladimir Nabokov

The opportunity to use imagination presents itself daily.  It can be used while preparing a meal, a lesson plan, grocery list or an agenda for the day.  These lists can be boring unless we add a little creativity.  We can doodle on the page, alter the recipe or slice tidbits of fun between the lines.

Our imagination stimulates, paints a picture, comforts, and offers escape. Imagination is as good as we make it.  Like anything else, it will lay dormant without use.  Once we apply creativity, life is spicier, limitless, and draws us closer to our personal core.

If we listen inward, we will begin to hear our imagination. It is breathing life back into what has grown to be stagnant. If we focus on areas that excite us, our world begins to bloom.  We become more interesting to ourselves and others while our expansion deepens our relationship to all realms.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Senses vs Cognitive Thinking

"We shall be the mouth pieces
of the divine spirit ... "
Virginia Woolf

Women the ability to hear the unheard and see the unseen.  They smell vague aromas in the air and have anonymous sensations upon the skin.  Young mothers taste the sweet kisses of their newborns.  Indeed, the five senses seem to be heightened with females.  If we include the sixth sense (which I refer to as intuition), it also ranks extremely high with women. 

As youngsters, we are probably more aware of the individual senses on a daily basis before we form filters which alter our perceptions.  As young adults, we might gravitate towards one particular sense over another or cycle in and out of them.  One thing for sure, as women age, all of the senses return doubly heightened.

Over the years, we create a way to access the senses on differing levels.  The senses, when called upon, shine through our contributions whether expressed in the arts or various arenas.  With time, we begin to understand the privilege of being a vessel for spirit.  Spirit uses us as a tool to reach out to others.  The information we share pours through our senses, not through our cognitive thinking.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Adjusting Within

"You don't feel like your best self when you fall apart,
but you have to fall apart to become your best self."
Richie Norton

The winter months are for hibernating, discovering lost parts of ourselves, and imagining new areas of interest.  When spring arrives, our seeds of thought begin to sprout, but they need care to grow strong and healthy.  Summer's sunshine is felt upon our heart and we increase our growth.  By fall, we are benefiting from our focus and the efforts are reaping rewards.  As winter falls once again, we set aside what has been and begin to plan anew.

When one takes this cycle seriously, it can be quite draining as well as exhilarating.  This is the ebb and flow of life.  Beautiful flowers do not blossom without a little manure, and the same is true for our evolving soul.  The goal is not to be happy all of the time, but to have the ability to understand both mistake and fortune.

If we truly believe and focus on the present moment, we know all feelings transition.  Nothing lasts forever unless we choose to linger too long.  We must master flexibility in adjusting within our lives to opportunities as they arise. Again and again, we rearrange to become our best selves.

Monday, January 8, 2018

Time to Leap

"Never underestimate the power you have
to take your life in a new direction."
Germany Kent

The hardest decision we have to make, may take us years to act upon.  We hesitate out of fear and lack of faith in our own ability.  We weaken boundaries for the sake of others, we minimize our own desires or lose ourselves in family, work or play.  Our feelings grow numb as we repress the uprising within.

We must have the strength to gather our power, trusting that it will grow once we begin activation towards our needed change.  The perfect day will never arrive and so we must simply begin.  The amazing thing is that once we stand in our own power, no matter how slight it might be, we feel other strength pouring in.  

When we accept our power and truly take strides to our unique self, we will be amazed at how we tend to gather beauty, honor and sacred solitude.  All of the values we thought were lacking push us forward and we manage to take that leap ... into the seemingly unknown ... and  become whole.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Socks on the Line

"The splendid thing about falling apart silently...
is that you can start over as many times as you like."
Sanober Khan

We are like mismatched socks hanging on a line.  We see one side, not being aware of the other side.  The side we hide has snags or holes and unravel frequently.  How different life would be if we felt it were acceptable to show both sides and be accepted.

When we fall apart silently, others do not have the opportunity to be present with us. Frequently withdrawing into isolation, we believe we are the only ones suffering or making mistakes.  Mentors or trusted friends may never be aware of the challenges we face.

It is not in our best interest to blabber our intimate details across a broad spectrum, but we often heal more thoroughly when shared with those we trust.  We begin to realize we all have struggles.  Like socks, we may be different, but we all have the ability to mend and bring warmth.

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Intentions, Goals, Resolutions ...

"The chief beauty about time is that you cannot waste it in advance.
The next year, the next day, the next hour are lying ready for you,
as perfect, as unspoiled, as if you had never wasted or misapplied
a single moment in all your life.  You can never turn over a new
leaf every hour if you choose."
Arnold Bennett

Prior to the New Year 2018, I invested a great deal of time determining what my New Year's Resolution might be.  The obvious choices were about exercise or diet, but I quickly reconsidered.  Over the years, I have created goals about expanding out into life or intentions to withdraw inward and within weeks they fell by the wayside.  

All of us consider an intention, but most often, we are disengaged before we begin.  If we do begin rigorously, we can burn out quickly.  A goal can be too detailed or too lofty losing any sense of inspiration. Remember we can always begin again, create a new idea that can be readily applied.

This year I decided to keep it simple and in the moment.  My intention would be used easily and hopefully become an automatic response.  My New Year's Resolution is to simply 'be kind' in the moment.  This will apply to myself as well as with others!

Friday, January 5, 2018

Room for Change

"For last year's words belong to last year's language
And next year's words await another voice.
And to make an end is to make a beginning."
T.S. Eliot

In a New Year, we can begin a new practises:  read one word from the dictionary and use it throughout the day; learn one word in a foreign language and master pronunciation; notice one color and become aware of the varying hues; or hear one delightful sound and allow it to lift emotions throughout the day.

As we open our selves to a New Year, we delete old habits, words or sayings in order to make room for the new.  As we read, we will be expanding thoughts and desires.  If we sing, we may create a new soothing sound.  When we observe the colors around us, the depth of our surroundings increases.

The same is true with people.  Attempt to discard old associations to their names and faces, observing what was not noticed before.  We are all changing and it is important to register our own movement as well as others.  Change is the constant in life, so move with it.

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Imagination and Creativity

"I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination.
Imagination is more important than knowledge.  Knowledge
is limited.  Imagination encircles the world."
Albert Einstein

Creativity comes in various colors, styles, and abilities.  Our own imagination develops into an art that often times goes unnoticed.  People can have a colorful streak while other creativity is more subtle.  We often take our own strength in stride, falsely assuming anyone can do what we do.

We do not give enough credit to the artistic expression of a person who specializes in landscaping or floral design.  The ability to create mouth watering appetizers is just as relevant as the woodsman who chooses wood for a specialized project.  Science and technology requires a sense of design as much as a musician or poet

My creativity shows in how I set a festive table with linens, silverware, and china.  My imagination is woven through my words as well as knitting or quilting.  The importance is to explore and learn how to express differing parts of the self.  Do we minimize our strengths, hide them or disregard them?  Is it flowing within an inner landscape or does it flow out into the world?  Think about it.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Emotional Bridges

"You'll never cross an emotional bridge,
if you keep rushing back to the other side."
T.F. Hodge

We falsely believe automatic responses will be the fastest way to end a conversation; however, if the response is not specific to our current position, we give misleading impressions.  Once we realize the miscommunication, we extend the conversation to clear things up.  In reality, we are being roped in to areas we do not care to be.

If we have responded too harshly, we may want to smooth things over.  If we have commented too abruptly, we may choose to extend the exchange.  Either way, we are being led back into an area we did not want to discuss.  So we find our lovely selves responding emotionally rather than from our established opinion.

When we are comfortable with our personal belief system and we have taken time to educate ourselves, we will not waiver from one conversation to another.  We leave ourselves open for new information, but we are not misled into pockets we have already emptied.  We can remain silent or shift the focus back onto the other person.  Let them talk and feel in control, but we maintain our own power without regurgitating the past that no longer concerns us.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Choices: React or Respond

"When you react, you let the other control you.
When you respond, you are in control."
Bohdi Sanders

Seemingly out of nowhere, a person nudges an emotional trigger and we have a knee jerk reaction.  Our actions are automatic and the response is not necessarily appropriate for the situation.  Our emotions are simply triggering a blanket response to protect us when we may not need protection at all.

When we are casually alert we have time to decipher what is a threat and what is not.  We make a choice as to how we want to respond.  What we say is not automatic, but selected for the given situation.

When someone pushes our buttons we react emotionally and our confidence shatters.  This gives the other person power over us, especially if it is unfolding deliberately.  Family members and associates know how to control us emotionally.  It is up to each one of us to master awareness in order to maintain a balance in our personal arena.  We have a choice, make it consciously.

Monday, January 1, 2018

Radiant Spirit Needed!

“May Light always surround you;

Hope kindle and rebound you.
May your Hurts turn to Healing;
Your Heart embrace Feeling.
May Wounds become Wisdom;
Every Kindness a Prism.
May Laughter infect you;
Your Passion resurrect you.
May Goodness inspire 
your Deepest Desires.
Through all that you Reach For, 
May your arms Never Tire.” 
― D. Simone

Blessings are sent to all of you upon this New Year.  I hope as you feel the light, it will nurture you.  As your feelings lift, may all hurt subside and passion spread through your creative spirit.  It is going to be a great year and your radiant spirit will be necessary for all of us to move forward.

Namaste, Virginia