Sunday, November 30, 2014

Magic, Lingering on the Edge of Perception

"Whatever its form,
this divine impulse is with us all the time,
trying to get our attention,
wanting us to make our choices
from the highest place.
Either we can hear it or we can resist it."

Debbie Ford

There is a certain thought that is niggling at the back of the brain, desperately trying to get attention.  A phrase keeps popping up on the radio, in the newspaper, and discussions.  A stranger appears on the muted horizon, and then appears several more times within one day.  A dream experience surfaces as sleep fades away, and although the dream is different from the last remembered, the theme is the same.

Whether our preference is for Angels, God, Goddess, or Divine, there is an intelligence clearly present in our lives both imaginable and beyond belief.  The patience used to attract attention is immeasurable. In some situations, if listening, a hefty "Sigh" can be heard as once again the Divine point is missed.

We are such children ... learn and forget; run fast, nothing is heard; get stuck, cry; and experience magnificent images dulled by the passing of time.  If we neglect to act on a heart's desire, our mind talks us out of it.  We minimize our worth and distribute energy to negative scenarios, and we are left with very little  connection to the magic lingering on the edge of perception.

If life seems to be dull and mundane, begin to notice the Divine presence during all parts of the day.  
Welcome awareness with an open mind and loving heart.  Hear the messages loud and clear.  Ponder how this wisdom can be used to live life more fully.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

"This or Something Better"

"Attachment is the great fabricator of illusions; 
reality can be attained only be someone who is detached."

Simone Weil

When we are attached to objects, ideas, and outcomes, we prevent ourselves from moving forward in a natural rhythm.  Our movement is obscured or weighted down which creates distraction,  faulty direction, and chaotic steps.  As we withdraw our energy from attachments, we have power to be creatively expanded.

There is no need to throw all of our possessions away, but we do need to release our attachment to them.  They are 'things' to make our lives easier or more comfortable, but the importance of life will not  be found in attachment to gathered objects.  We need to be unattached, and maintain our focus on what is really important.  

The attachment to an idea also becomes a barrier from expanding our thoughts into other possibilities.  If we are rigid in thought, we are not open to new and different insights.  We  become stagnant in our thinking and do not live life as fully as one who is open to wonderment.

When we cling to a specific outcome, and exclude all other possibilities,  the Universe hears one and only one option.  Spirit can work miracles if we weren't quite so rigid in expectations.  How much easier it is for the Divine to choose the very best for us, rather than following our human script.  We need to have intentions, but it is important to include the phrase, "This or something better."  

Detached from secured property, mindsets, and expectations, it is easier for Spirit to move us around rather than pursuing one detailed script.  Our attachments keep us too small, restricted, and less inspired.  New possibilities appear readily if we are willing to let go of the old,  which creates space for the new.  

Friday, November 28, 2014

Emotional Expense of a Holiday

"... when it comes down to it, that's what life is all about:  
showing up for the people who love you, 
again and again, 
until you can't show up anymore."  

Rebecca Walker

When do we give ourselves permission to stop showing up?  We show up out of obligation, commitment, expectations, or requirement.  We tell ourselves, "It won't be so bad this time.  This time I will hold my tongue, ignore the sarcasm, and leave early."  The family or surrogate family gathers and we are mentally screaming in our heads, "Let me out of here!"

We set ourselves up, believing this time things will be different, knowing they won't.  We place higher expectations upon ourselves hoping to take the higher ground, to be better than last time.  We may even start out content, but as the scene plays out we imagine ourselves doing jumping jacks in the corner of the room silently screaming, "Here I am.  Here, over here!"

The emotional expense of a holiday may be more than we can afford.  It is a challenging event even though it is advertised as a treasured time to rekindle.  Unfortunately, it is the fire in the belly that is rekindled.  The red coals of separateness are fanned by issues repeated year after year.  Even when we continue to love these people who gather for the holiday, when does the time come when we can sadly say, "No more."

Thursday, November 27, 2014

To Be Worth Something

"If your house burned down with all your work inside it,
you would still be the writer you are,
and you would continue to be worth something."

J. Robert Lennon

On this day of Thanksgiving, I am thankful for you.  I am appreciative of the gift you are to this world.  Without outstanding recognition, applause, or trophy winning accomplishments, I celebrate all that you do.  Quietly and perhaps unnoticed, your  existence contributes to the hearts and souls of many.

Too often we think singularly rather than collectively.  We are individuals experiencing human lives, and we each bring a significant ingredient to the whole.  Your act of breathing life into this world is a gift for us all.  Thank you for not giving up, for not turning around, and for hanging on.  Your strength to keep moving forward in spite of all odds is magnificent!   Seek inward and use the strength from your individual experience to embrace your core spirit.  You are worthy, important, and loved.  


Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Enchanted, Amazed, Curious, and Adventurous

"It made me realize that even when everyone is doing the same thing,
we all do it differently.  Some faster, some slower.  Some with ease,
some with great difficulty.  But the thing is, you can't compare yourself
to how anyone else is doing.  What matters is your race, not how everyone
else is running it."

Sarah Dessen

As little children, we are so enchanted, amazed, curious, and adventurous.  These qualities seem to lose value during our school years.  We learn to color within the lines, stand in lines, take numbers, and conform.  There is a middle road of fueling our imagination without disturbing the collective.  We can learn while heightening our creativity, rather than eliminating it.

At the other end of the spectrum, moving my awareness from childhood to senior living, I am entertained by the surge of old desires during this period.  Many retired people seemingly return to areas of strength that were never explored past childhood.  Revisiting old passions creates a new blossom to grow.  Whether it is music, dance, writing, painting, charity, or support services, many elders are using the last segment of their lives to fully use repressed skills to feel vibrant once again.  

The sense of creative freedom we experience in childhood, often returns in our later years.  As we age, we reclaim lost parts of our expression and discover new ways to enhance them, all without caring about competitiveness or the opinions of others.  Those choosing to do this, seem to have a sparkle in their eye, and an enthusiasm to live as they were truly meant to be.

This really isn't an either/or scenario.  Creativity doesn't just flourish in childhood and then re-surface in later years.  Authentic expression is with us permanently, and we have the choice of when and how we use it. As we experience on our middle years with family or careers, we can arrange for our artistic side to emerge.  Just how much we do this depends upon our estimation of  self worth.  

With a little discipline and planning, anyone can continuously polish personal skill.  Discover a small wedge of time to maintain the strong sense of self.  When we make effort to keep our juices flowing, we once again feel enchanted, amazed, curious, and adventurous.  

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Adjust Painful Memories

REFRAMES:  "A reframe is another way of looking
at an issue and can add both depth and liveliness
to the process."

 Gary Craig

In the midst of an experience, our mind is recalling emotions stored from similar incidents.  So we are creating new responses, but we are also coloring them with the old.  This explains why no two people experience exactly the same thing.  Over time, the memory may fade and unaware, we use new colors to recreate the vibrancy.  Colors that may have nothing to do with the incident.

We all tell ourselves stories to support how we feel whether it is about love, rage, or loss.  These tales are filed away for future use whether we are aware of this behavior or not.  Throughout our lives, our mind is like a grand library with our stories shelved and displayed.  When we once again need comfort or support, our mind releases the appropriate chapters in support of those particular feelings. In a sense, we are building a case for ourselves.

We do not always remember the option of reframe which is a very healthy tool.   It is a matter of recalling our story, and rewriting it in a more positive way.  By adjusting the incident in our minds, we can create the experience to be less traumatic.  There is no need to alter the exact moment of crises, but we can alter how we chose to respond.  In our minds through meditation/visualization or physically rewriting the story, we can imagine a different outcome or include statements we wished we had said.  For example, we can calmly face our offender in imagery,  stating we will never cross this boundary again.  We could tell someone how very much we loved them in spite of how things ended.  We can even release all of our pent up rage, so it will stop eating away at our insides causing

The importance of reframing is to let go of old sensations that no longer apply.  By releasing tainted emotions stored from previous experiences, we are finally able to face current situations with clarity.  We can react to life from our heart without being discolored by old memories.  We are the authors of our life and the illustrators as well.  We can use the tool of reframe to engage in life from a healthier space.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Attitude of Gratitude


Life is one big continuous circle of giving
and receiving energy.  Be thankful for who and
what's in your life, instead of complaining about
what you don't have.  If you focus on gratitude,
you'll start to attract prosperity and abundance.

John Holland
Spirit Messages

When we dismantle our self-imposed barriers, we create new space.  We have room to move around and expand.  It is important to pay attention and not allow clutter to build once again.  By keeping open areas, we can attract new perspectives, theories, and teachers.  We are prepared to welcome in the new.

When we are stuck, we are self-absorbed.  To take action, to reach out to assist one other, our energy begins to increase.  The more active we remain, the more our vibration shifts.  Physically, we may no longer appear to be down trodden or overly burdened.  Emotionally, we may be showing a happier side to our selves which will attract others.  Spiritually, we will feel more connected and less alone.

If we can create a state of gratitude, we cease to be a victim.  We begin to develop a positive image, rather than the destruction of our self worth.  Every day we discover more appreciation for things that are not equated with monetary gain.  We experience the good things in life, freely given.

Be grateful when the sun comes out.  Be grateful to wake up in the morning.  Be grateful to have a bed to sleep in.  Be grateful for change.  Soon an attitude of gratitude will prevail.  

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Awareness of Progression

"We need to take the time to acknowledge where we've 
come from.  We don't celebrate our own accomplishments."

Panache Desai

We need to measure how far we have come.  It is necessary to create a pause where we can appreciate our hard work.  We may believe our progress has been painfully slow, but when we look through a wider lens, we may be surprised of how much we have actually accomplished.

There are no dead lines on making transitions.  They may occur instantaneously, or build for months, or take a life time to understand, so it is important to recognize whatever forward action we have completed.

All things need to be considered:  Am I kinder to myself?  Do I embrace others without judgement?  Have I discovered what my personal or professional needs are?  How many ways have I discovered to express my creativity?  In what ways do I celebrate my lovely self?  

To have an awareness of these questions helps us adjust our automatic reactions.  Even if we are not thoroughly successful, these questions can keep us from getting stuck.  The ability to keep moving forward ... without destinations ... without answers ... without labels ... will move us along in the direction we need to go.  Divine Spirit guides us, just not in our space and time.  Be nice to you by celebrating every small step you take, and not just the monumental ones!

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Garden of Grace

"The best support for a woman is another woman. The enemy of a woman is another woman when she does not know the value of Sisterhood."

 ~ Sobonfu Some

 Art: "Moonlit Walk" by Lucy Calhoun

                         Art: "Moonlit Walk" by Lucy Calhoun

"The best support for a woman is another woman.  
The enemy of a woman is another woman 
when she does not know the value of Sisterhood.   

Sobonfu Some

Unlike the unrecognized women throughout history, our culture now offers many female role models. Relationship is the key experience for learning, and cultivating a supportive sisterhood is vital.  Healthy relationships with women can advance our personal and professional growth in highly creative ways.  

Granted, women can be just as destructive as men when they are caught in competitive and greedy cycles with negative intentions.  If we remain focused with integrity and respect for others, women become monumental stepping stones for each other.

When we develop a strong sense of worth and it is validated by kindred spirits, we are less apt to judge and more inclined to assist with the passage of others.  When we extend our hand with sincerity  to a sister, we not only help her, but the collective as well.  We become role models for each other and increase the pace for prosperity.  It is in the helping of others, advancement propels. 

We need to use our voices to validate all females surrounding us.  We must encourage them and praise them so they may unfold in a gentle way.  Be the rich soil for them to grow.  Be the warm sun to shine a light for them to see.  Share their tears as an act of cleansing.  When we nurture each other as flowers in a garden, we blossom creating a garden of grace and strength.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Intention in Difference

"Can you remember 
who you were
before the world
told you
who you should be?"


The leaves falling from the autumn tree are all different in color, age, and shape, just like we are as human beings. Mother Nature's message is vibrantly clear, "There is intention in difference."  We have abilities not meant to be in competition.  The challenge is to create the best of who we can be with our individual gifts and talents.

An oak leaf does not endeavor to morph into a maple leaf, and we waste our energy when we try to be something we are not meant to be.  In order to grow in beauty, we seek within ourselves for strengths and weaknesses.  We are best equipped when we can balance our abilities as one solid force.  

When we walk in nature throughout autumn, we are overwhelmed by the beauty as our eyes automatically embrace varying colors.  We have a growing appreciation for the diversity amongst the trees and feel ourselves enhanced by the blending of hues.  

So it is with human beings.  We are not meant to be the same. Artificial layering needs to be discarded.  Borrowed labels and behaviors need to be cast off so we are free to design our very own style.  The expectation is to be unique.  When we utilize the tools we already have, we unfold in a natural way.  We create an original work of art that will blend with others, not in competition nor duplication.  We create a forest of beautiful autumn colors, collectively admired.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Discarding the Mask

"A mean word or a snide remark,
a disdainful or disapproving facial expression,
aggressive body language -
these are all ways that we can cause harm."

Pema Chodron

We believe we are masters of disguise.  We silently slip behind a false mask within seconds, hoping to hide our disappointment, anger or fear.  This is rarely successful.  An observer will  sense a shift in energy, or notice a slight physical movement, or be aware of an unidentifiable change.  

We are fooling ourselves into thinking we are masters of disguise.  We downplay our emotions and repress our pain, but in spite of our efforts, the truth seeps out.  The bystander may not be able to decipher what is triggering a certain response, but there is a tick, expression, or action that gives us away.  Something is wrong.

The unfortunate part is the person observing falsely assumes they are the reason for the discomfort.  We willingly assume we have done something wrong to cause this reaction.  Psychologically, we want to own the problem as therefore we think we can fix it.  This too is false, but family, co-workers,  and friends, struggle with the harm misplaced emotions cause.

The rude woman in line, the unproductive worker, the sassy teenager all strike out because they are internally wrestling with a problem that has nothing to do with us.  Our immediate personalization of the situation is inaccurate.  It is not about us, it is about them.

What occurs in a personal life gets carried into the professional life.  Disgruntled workers of all levels, carry frustration back into the private life.  While being present in someone's life, we may be misled by reaction or lack of reaction.  Instead of thinking, "What did I do wrong," we need to wonder, "What is happening in this person's life?"  

In the world around us, both personally and professionally, we will become aware of people believing they are masters of disguise.  The very best response is compassion and not interrogation.  "Seems like you are having a bad day," is enough to make the person aware they are misplacing anger.  "Please, go ahead of me, I am not in a hurry," extends respect lacking in the other person's life.  In this way, we are embracing the challenged person with recognition rather than becoming emotionally engaged.  The problem is not ours, and we have no need to own it.  By responding with kindness, we may initiate the discarding of the mask.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Hugs for Healing

"We need 4 hugs a day for survival.
We need 8 hugs a day for maintenance.
We need 12 hugs a day for growth."

Virginia Satir

Our society is very mobile with neighborhoods, churches, and communities constantly changing.
Life can be very challenging for everyone especially in the sense of belonging.  There are situations we face, not knowing what words of comfort might be best spoken.  We experience the desire to help, but phrases of encouragement sound hollow and insincere.  This is a time we can rely on universal communication, the hug.  

Children hug each other freely and instantly.  Our elders reach out with hugs instantaneously.  No words need to be offered, just the hug.  While we embrace another in our arms, the feeling of human contact and connection to one other can prevent an array of poor choices.  

To be held offers the opportunity to briefly let go all that weighs us down.  There is safety in a person's embrace that allows a person to feel unconditionally accepted, no matter how brief the experience.  Hugs quite simply can be healing.

It is heart warming to watch two people come together who have not seen each other in a long time.  They cling to one and other as if everything that has happened during the absence is being downloaded.  Raw emotion is transferred with plenty of tears, but very few words.

We all need hugs and each of us can afford to be more generous with them.  If there is no one in your life to reciprocate, acquire a pet.  They make us feel needed and pull our heavy thoughts outside of ourselves.  We can talk to them and unleash pent up feelings.  Caressing a pet builds connection and the additional presence eliminates the  over powering feeling of being alone.

If investing in a pet is too costly or high maintenance, become a volunteer.  By giving attention to the housebound, or those in elder care, we will receive the gift of their presence in our own lives.  Perhaps a neighbor or a neighbor's child can be the recipient of your hugs, and surely we will receive one in return! 

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Safely Leaving Safety

"I crawled from under a shell of security.
I drew comfort from the sheet of darkness
pierced with holes which allowed light
to fall on my silvery trail.
The light I called stars.
The trail I called hope.
And when I found my feet
I called into the ether
'I am awake, I am here.'"

Collette OMahony

Life gently unfolds when we keep our lovely selves safe and sheltered.  We find ourselves nestled into our comfort zone, ignoring the challenge of what life could fully be.  Our ears shut out the whisper of lure.  Our eyes blink more slowly so we can ignore opportunity.  The noses on our face are stuffed with familiar aromas while ignoring the fragrances floating in nature.  We have lost the taste for creative freedom.  Intuition is dulled by our use of medication to go faster or to sleep more soundly, avoiding the mystical messages coming in dreams from far away places.

With great effort, one extends a single foot from under our warm blanket of comfort.  We then force the second foot to follow and push the remainder of our body, mind, and spirit out into the cold.  A quick shake brings our senses to clarity, as we ponder just where to begin.  In this darkness, we are called to strengthen our light in order to find our way.

Like stroking hot coals in a fire, our desires are rekindled and our creative flames begin to sway.  We begin to see farther into the mystery of life and somehow gather courage to face new challenge.  It takes bravery to walk out of security and into the darkness, especially when we believe we are  content.  

Away from our life of slumber, we awaken to theories of possibilities.  Our creativity engages with our personal strengths and our minds begin to dance.  Before long, we hear music revving up our energy, and our hearts whisper a cadence leading us through limitations.  Nothing is easy as we follow this course, but the sweet smell of personal accomplishment pulls us further along.

As we experience the comforts of life, why not include adventure of the spirit and exploration of the soul!  Enhancing our selves through music, meditation, writing, painting, or walking sets our creative energies free.  We are never too old to discover a new form of play! 

Monday, November 17, 2014

Stories In All Art Forms

I try to write books I would love to come upon that are
honest, concerned with real lives, human hearts, spiritual
transformation, families, secrets, wonder, craziness -
and that can make me laugh.

Anne Lamott

Anne Lamott is a very direct and articulate speaker and writer.  If you are not familiar with her, do yourself a favor and look her up.  She has a definite perspective on life and she willingly shares it through her life experiences.  You may not always agree with her opinions, but her words stimulate the mind and trigger introspection.

You have a story to tell whether it is to the world or to a listening child.  It is not important for you to decide whether or not to share, as you are all called to tell your story no matter how great or small.  You may think you are insignificant or unworthy, but you are very wrong.  

Sharing a story does not require mastering the English language or perfecting a writing style.  Some of you sketch, paint, or play a musical instrument to express your hidden reveries.  How you tell your story is of lesser importance than the story itself.  

Giving testimony to your experiences not only validates your personal truth, but it also becomes wisdom for others to apply to their own lives.  It is not your responsibility to calculate the importance of what you express nor is it appropriate to decipher how great an audience you need.  

You are nudged to tell your story and the story will unfold itself.  Whether choosing to publish, sell, and distribute your work, the emphasis remains on sharing the story on any scale.  You may share part of your history with a stranger while sitting in an airport or doctor's office; you may contain it in your journal; maybe you will submit it as an article; or carefully place your words to music or paint.  

A story takes on a life of its own and you may never know how many eyes will fall upon it.  Your motivation in expression is not for popularity.  Stories are difficult, filled with trial and error; loss and abundance; and death and rebirth.  Tell your story in the best way you can, then let it go.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Sing My Words

"Don't let fear hold you back or allow a misguided sense
that feeling vulnerable is somehow a negative condition."

John Holland

Unfolding is a never ending process.  Layer upon layer unfolds, deeper understanding prevails, and new discoveries trigger the need for change.  Change is constant with minor lapses where we can briefly be in a comfort zone.  

I have been the tight bud of a flower, wound so tightly my petals had no choice but to unfold.  It has taken years to withstand the torrents of rain and suffocating sunshine, resulting in a sense of nakedness.  Even though I have been surrounded by the sweet fragrance of gathered flowers,  the task of being aligned has been no slight of hand.  

Seasons change, and petals fall and the stalk remains not erect, but somewhat tall.  With all of my strength, in this vulnerable state, I gently sing a hymn.  Though few will understand these notes  trickling through my stem, I pray for strength to sing my words all the way to the end.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Get Out Of The Way

"Since ultimately you are the one that can make you feel safe, what environment do you need to create around you?  What support structures could you put in place?  Ask yourself where in your life are you not protecting yourself - not taking care of yourself?"

Debbie Ford
Overcoming Fear

Creativity is enhanced by the heart, but can become squelched as it reaches the mind.  If we allow it, our inner critic can totally annihilate any dream, wish, or desire. No matter how badly our heart yearns for something, our mind can override our actions.  The largest obstacle in bringing our dreams into reality is often times our selves.  We need to get out of our way.

Authentic ideas present themselves and we feel joy at the prospect of a new project.  Layer upon layer unfolds as the landscape of our dream unfolds.  We are so excited, but sooner or later we seem to run into a stone wall.  We push.  We shove. We try to climb over or go under, but to no avail.  The resistance is very strong, and we rarely realize it is our own energy blocking our way.  

Once we realize how much energy we are using against ourselves, we can begin to use it in a positive way to support our actions.   The reality of how strong we can be when we channel all of our energy in the same direction, empowers us to be well on our way to creativity.

Dismantle roadblocks while building support systems.  Structure schedules to generously include people who will listen and help to grow ideas.  Visit resources to elevate ideas and expand concepts.  As we gather our energy for positive enhancing, our fears will wither from the lack of attention.  

Friday, November 14, 2014

Vulnerable Listener

"Modesty, or humbleness, is the opposite of armoring ourselves;
it allows us to be receptive and hear what others have to say."

Pema Chodron

Vulnerability can be an uncomfortable state, as we do not have something to hide behind, like a false image or an aggressive personality.  We may feel too exposed.  It is a temptation to wear a suit of armor as protection without understanding the armor will keep kindness out as well.

While we engage with others, if we keep the focus on the other person, all we need to do is listen.  We can truly hear what is on the minds of others without feeling the need to supply answers.  We can create the time spent as a way of serving, as many people do not have someone to talk to during the course of their day.  Most individuals desire a sounding board, to hear themselves think out loud, and formulate their own decisions.

If we do not set ourselves up by dominating a conversation or by trying to resolve a situation,  and just compassionately listen, we can just be ourselves with ego tuned way down.  Part of being humble is to set ourselves aside when a friend needs our attention.  When we are no longer anticipating what to say next in the conversation, we can be touched by the situation and the challenge facing the other.

There is much to be gained in any conversation if we but listen.  If we eliminate distractions like hiding or thinking of something smart to say, we can feel the full weight of the present moment.  We can remember every person we come in contact, has a message for us.  If we are not being receptive, we will miss what we need to hear.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Noise Becomes Background

"So please, oh please, we beg, we pray,
go throw your TV away,
and in its place you can install,
a lovely bookshelf on the wall."

Roald Dahl

As the seasons change, so do our behaviors.  The temperatures drop and darkness appears earlier, and we leave our porches and gardens for the comforts of our home.  Too often, however, we automatically turn on the television whether we remain in the room or not.  The noise becomes our background rather than choosing silence as our comfort.  

There are other choices to be made if we would just think and follow through.  We can consider: curling up in a comfortable chair with something warm to sip and a good book to read; clearing the dining room table and working a jigsaw puzzle; turning on favorite music; or gathering a journal, pen, and candle to simply doodle or express our inner feelings.  As we read, journal, puzzle or listen to music, we become aware of our feelings.  Instead of noisily shutting them out or repressing them, we allow them to be released, and let them go.  

If we end our day with a sense of solitude, the following day will be off to a better start.  We are more apt to be in the moment rather than be bogged down with the accumulation from previous days.  The tendency to feel separate will slowly disappear and the more comfortable we become with our self, the kinder the world will seem.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Acceptance and Safety

"It was what I was born for ...
to look, to listen, to lose myself
inside this soft world ...
to instruct myself
over and over ..."

Mary Oliver

The world seems to be climaxing through its obsession with greed, fear, power, materialism, and recognition without permanently feeling acceptance and safety.  Competition hopefully with be replaced by love and respect for each human being living on this earth.  We are all messengers to each other and if our extended information is of hate, fear, and disrespect, that is exactly what we will receive in return.  If we are consciously loving and kind to all peoples, the energy of loving kindness returns to us.  

We can be open and willing to speak our truth which aligns our energy, and brings peace and calm to our living experience.  Each of us hear our truth in our own way, perhaps, not always liking it, but learning from it.  When we release our addictions to beauty, wealth, and some level of fame, we become more aware of the beauty residing within all of us.  

Our focus turns to highlighting our authentic selves and the talents we can offer to the world.  Air brushing, cosmetic surgery, and dwelling in castles no longer hold charm.  Concentration is on using our skills to the best ability we can and if that brings us to high places we do not forget those still struggling.  We extend helping hands to everyone to share in life's experience rather than distancing ourselves and repressing others.

These ideas reside in our minds, but regrettably our noisy and competitive world drowns out our messages. It is difficult to remain on course, but indeed, it is what we are here to do.  We must remind ourselves constantly ... to look, to listen, and to lose ourselves inside the softer parts of life.  When we remember to love and respect our lovely selves, we will feel accepted and safe.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Dance Steps

"You do not need to be loved,
not at the cost of your self.

The single relationship
that is truly
central and crucial
in a life is the relationship
to the self.

Of all the people
you will know
in a lifetime,
you are the only one
you will never lose.

Jo Coudert
Advice from a Failure

We spend years learning from the reflection of peers, rather than trusting in what we know to be true about our core value. Where is the creative mentor offering unbiassed support?  How is it we are not brought up loving our sweet little selves?  Why are we so early groomed for the intentions of others.

When we are aware of our personal weaknesses and  maintain equal emphasis on our strengths.   we reduce the tendency to feel as though we need to hide who we really are.  With acceptance, we overcome the habit of repressing feelings or wearing a variety of masks.  When we learn to embrace both sides of our selves, we create a stronger foundation for development.

Once we are comfortable with who we truly are, by recognizing all parts of the self, we can engage in friendships without giving ourselves away.  We will not feel the pressure to please at all costs or tolerate an imbalanced relationship where one person dominates the other.  

We may play numerous roles, but this is part of the dance of life.  We can be flexible and share, but never deplete ourselves for the sake of another.  We need to take best care of our selves so we may be both mentally and physically strong enough to participate with others.  When we extend too much of ourselves by not having good boundaries, we become diminished and depressed.  For these reasons, we must take tender care of our authentic self and the blessings we bring into this world.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Feathers Above

"It's all a matter of paying attention,
being awake in the present moment,
and not expecting a huge payoff.
The magic in this world seems to work
in whispers and small kindnesses."

Charles de Lint

Such a beautiful fall day!  Mid-sixties, sunshine, and not one cloud in the sky.  It is a wonderful time to be outdoors, so I am wandering in the yard already missing the containers of summer flowers.  Instinctively, I look up to the beautiful blue sky and much to my surprise, I see a hawk in flight.  It is gliding in the air with delicate movement.

Excited to see this hawk, I bend to my favorite companion, Bella, and say, "Look up girl! Can you see the hawk?"  As I gaze back up to this wondrous event, I find not only one hawk, but two flying together.   "Amazing," I say to Bella.  Wanting to capture this moment for peace and calm, I return my focus to the beauty above. Now there are three hawks, gliding in a circle.

In this moment, I am with them circling above, gliding in stillness, and seeing forever.  Weightless, I fly in the beams of the sun absorbing the heat, yet feel the gentle breeze slightly ruffle my feathers.  This shape shifting has taken only a moment out of my worldly time, and yet somehow I know my feathers have taken flight in a larger space without the marking of time.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Into the Unknown

"May we have the courage to take the step
Into the unknown that beckons us;
trust we will lose nothing
But what has already died;
Feel the deeper knowing in us sure
Of all that is about to be born beyond
The pale frames where we stayed confined,
Now realizing how such vacant endurance
Was bleaching our soul's desire."

John O'Donohue

Whenever we have a spectacular idea, ego will ask, "Who do you think you are?"  Ego wants to keep us small and under its control when in reality, we are far more than our ego.  Like an unruly child, we must place ego in a chair while we explore the deeper unknown within us.

Like rummaging through a cluttered attic, we sort through our minds, removing old stale ideas and false starts to make way for our light to once again shine brightly.  In the bright light, we can take inventory of our heart's desire.  We can assess the progress we have made or not taken to bring into the world a piece of ourselves.  

Whether it be a poem, book, painting, music, adventure, or spiritual quest, it is important to begin today.  Wait no longer to give form to what is singing in your soul.  We are not necessarily charted for greatness, but we do hold within us a certain amount of talent waiting for expression.  We tend to  regard our talent as incidental, but it may touch the lives of many.  The distribution will take care of itself, and so we must discontinue the planning and the plotting. We need to begin!  

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Path to Fulfillment

"It takes courage 
to keep walking
when the path is obscured
by confusion."

Sue Krebs

Internal combustion has finally blown self-imposed barriers down.  Limitations are gone and the sky is the limit.  Safety nets have been disengaged, and once again empowerment fills the body, mind and soul.  Straggling thoughts join together to form a colorful outline to lead to the manifestation of authentic creation.

We lull ourselves into the belief we are being the best we can, while unidentified yearnings pull on our heart strings.  Our minimized creativity, currently keeps us safe and small.  It is just enough to temper our longings and appease our critical peers.

Well no more, dear ones.  Today we gather our courage and bust out of our constricted jail.  We gather our seemingly unrelated thoughts and douse them with our passion.  We link idea to idea, allowing support to guide us whether it is God, The Universe, Goddess, or Angels in the sky.  

It is time to illustrate our best and stop thinking small.  No more waiting for the perfect moment, the right place, or the blockbuster idea.  We internally hold all that we need to deliver the gift bursting within us.  

What we do with our passion is the display of appreciation for our talents.  Our product is not the answer, but the process is the reward.  We allow our authenticity to be reflected into the world which requires bravery and courage. 

Commit to the process of manifesting, ask for guidance, and turn down the volume of inner chatter and outer critics.  Place one foot in front of the other and be led down a personal path of fulfillment. 

Friday, November 7, 2014

Many Ways To Wander

"Not all those who wander are lost."
J.R.R. Tolkien

There are so many ways to wander whether it is inside of our lovely selves or outside.  Every pathway leads us 
to new insights, but they are often accompanied by challenge.  We can take off on a well planned adventure seeking 
new horizons only to find a lesson we had been avoiding, disguised in the new scenario.  Repeated lessons, even 
when we believe we had mastered them, are deliberately painted into both interior and exterior landscapes.

When people wander, whether deliberately or hopelessly, a learning experience is being created. An incident may 
seem mindless, and yet with the passing of time, the true nature of the event surfaces.  When we are focused, 
searching for a particular thing, we may be anxious, frustrated, and pressured.  At other times, we may simply be 
observing our surroundings, relaxed, open, and calm.  Both are opportunities for growth.  In fact, what we learn 
in formal education serves us best when combined with personal wanderings.

If we are seeking particular information, we can float the request out into the universe or through prayer.  Then 
we remain aware and expectant whether we deliberately seek or randomly wander.  What we desire to learn does
not always come to us in anticipated fashion.  It may show up in a book, an overheard conversation, or in an 
unexpected communication.  

So whether we feel lost or focused, wandering offers opportunities.  The importance is to be open minded for
the arrival of what we most need.  Gifts do no always arrive perfectly wrapped!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

The Right Destination

"One cannot collect all the beautiful shells on the beach.
One can collect only a few, and they are more
beautiful if they are few."

Anne Morrow Lindbergh

There are many opportunities in life, but we must discern which are in our best interest.  In order to choose wisely, it is important to be in touch with our heart's desire, passion, and spiritual guidance.  It is very helpful to be aware of our unique gifts so they may blend into our life's work.  Intellectually, we may be very strong in mathematics, but our spirit may be more artistically drawn.  

When we are in alignment with body, mind, and soul, we will love our work even if it is challenging, uncompromising, or unrecognized.  The reward is not necessarily in accordance with family, friends, and society, but it is found through our passion, joy, and sharing.  When we bring our exuberance into our whole life, those surrounding us benefit as well.  They learn through our example, become inspired to follow their own journey, and understand the importance of pulling all of our parts together.

This task is not an easy one.  At times we may have to work an odd job just to keep money in our pockets for bills, and utilize our talents part time.  Whether carpenter, dancer, painter, or entrepreneur, the path can be long and winding. As long as we remain focused, and  keep our vision alive and colorful, our baby steps will assist us in arriving at the right destination.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Tempered By The Heart

"There is a voice inside of you
That whispers all day long,
'I feel this is right for me,
I know that this is wrong.'
No teacher, preacher or parent,
friend or wise man can decide.
What's right for you,
just listen to
The voice that speaks inside."

Shell Silverstein

Our inner voice is often times our ego, making decisions based on judgment.  It is best to combine our mind with our heart which results in compassion.  Perhaps the best question is not, "What is best for me," but "What is the bigger picture?"  

In the morning we cleanse our body, choose clothes, fill our mouth, grab a briefcase, and fly out the door.  The body is prepared, but what of the spirit?  Our lives would flow more smoothly if we took a few moments to quickly ask the Divine to help us listen for daily messages, to recognize opportunities, and to be willing to serve. There is just as much need to prepare our spiritual awareness for the day as much as we prepare our physical appearance.  

We need the inner voice and it is important, but it is even more highly valued when tempered by the heart.  Our intention to be vigilant in our awareness every day enhances our life experience.  The choices in life are similar to the choices when reading a book:  skim over the entire book; pick out specific topics; jump over chapters; speed to the end.  Our behaviors create the depth of our understanding.  If we move through life exposing ourselves to the entire experience, we will be blessed with a deeper sense of all human beings. If we navigate through life listening to one self-serving voice, we will have missed endless opportunities to live life fully..