Friday, March 17, 2023

Saints In Human Suits

"A saint is not a person who does not sin; but
a sinner who never stops doing good."
Bangambiki Habyarimana

St. Patrick's Day ... leprechauns, green beer and four leaf clovers come to mind.  I attended a Roman Catholic elementary school with the church filled by Irish families.  I, of course, was the Swedish/Bohemian Lutheran standing out in the thick of things.

On my human path, I encountered numerous saintly individuals, praying with some and laughing whole heartedly with others.  Years ago, I tired of being spoon fed fictional characters engineered by religious or political endeavors.

When I stopped putting people on pedestals, I began to encounter saints in human suits. They were imperfect folks, but striving to uplift others.  Some did it with passion while others stepped forward with loving kindness. These saints, I'd admire any day! 

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