Monday, November 11, 2019

Connect on Equal Ground

"I look for the tenderness, sensitivity,
and soul of a person."
Avijeet Das

When a stranger is observed, what do you see, feel or hear?  Do the facial features trigger an emotional response?  Are you aware of bodily sensations like safety or fear?  Maybe you search for common similarities to create a comfort zone.

In my career, there were numerous occasions I had to make an immediate assessment of a person I was meeting for the first time under difficult circumstances.  It was vitally important to detect if the person was spewing anger, livid with hatred, or welcoming rescue.  

I observe a person until I can detect individual temperament. Whether based on clothing, voice, movement, or facial expression, there is a reflective tell.   It is important for me to know "where" the individual is so that I may connect on equal ground.

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