Thursday, April 28, 2022

Dare and Endure, Sweet Dandelion

"This is no time for ease and comfort.
It is time to dare and endure."
Winston Churchill

Instead of a well deserved nap, I pushed my lovely self out the door for a neighborhood walk.  My energy increased as I took notice of spring flowers pushing up through the ground and lovely blossoms clinging to the branches of trees.  

As I followed my path, I could not help but notice the determination of Dandelions so brightly dressed in yellow balancing upon the tip of a stem.  They withstood the developing wind and simply would bend with the breeze.

Dandelions inspire me.  They push up through cracks in the side walk, stretch upwards through the dark to snatch some sun, and simply endure until they turn to fluff gently blown into the air.  I want to be just like them, reaching for the sun, enduring dark gusts, and courageous until I gently leave this world.


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