Monday, June 10, 2024

The Space Between

"I am feeling a spaciousness inside me, 
like outer space or the ocean."
Michael Brooks

Part of us may be focused upon the physical like career and action, while the other part may be based more on spiritual and creative aspects. Then there is the space in between these two parts where we can just be. It is similar to the area between two railroad tracks. It exists no matter which way the trains are running. 

This inner space can be decorated with personal preference, but the glory is in the ability to simply be present without any attachment. It can be compared to an out of body experience that is limitless without physical restraints or emotional attachments. This state of being offers a suspension from harsh realities.

When we experience being present without any expectations other than silencing the mind and ego, we can be transported into a realm where we can experience a sense of peace allowing everything to fall away. It is an opportunity to separate the self from things that no longer matter. It is beyond time and space, simply being still with our soul.


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