Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Successful Pace

"Be careful not to let the noise of your mind
overpower the whispers of your soul."
Cory Muscara

We can succeed at anything if we set our minds to it as we are very powerful beings. It is when we get distracted by either too much stimulus or too little application that we fall short. When we race ahead of our own pace we get overwhelmed an remain mediocre in all things. When we run off at every opportunity the lack of discipline stunts our growth.

Success whether professional or personal, requires an investment of our time. We can spread ourselves just so far, so precision of choice is paramount. We must have the strength to say no to family, friends and co-workers in proportion to our timetable to succeed. In addition, we must be aware of how anger or other excess emotion can interrupt our efforts.

Create a flexible outline that is plausible. If we finish a particular task, enjoy some free space temporarily, and then return to pending schedule. If we fall short of our estimated time table, remember that it is inevitable for some things to demand more attention. Flexibility is key as long as our commitment remains prioritized.


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