Thursday, May 2, 2024

Defining Who You Are

"My sincerity is my credentials."
Malcom X

Libraries at one time had card catalogues as pictured above. One did a search for authors or subject matters printed on index cards. Imagine your personal history departmentalized. Which pull out drawer would be empty or overflowing? Would you add cards or throw away ones just taking up space? What subjects have defined you?

At one particular time, you may have been striving for higher education. Were you looking for knowledge or  a degree. No matter how many letters follow your name nor the length of your work history, defines who you are. With compassion and without attachment to outcome, define who you truly are now in the moment.

Can you speculate as to how you would be different today if when young, in addition to education, you were encouraged to take a deep dive within? What if your unique abilities and heart's desires were blended with plans for a future? How would your life experience been different if all card categories had been aligned? It is never too late for authenticity.


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