Friday, May 17, 2024

Following the Storm

"No matter how dysfunctional your background, how broke or
broken you are, where you are today, or what anyone else says,
YOU MATTER, and your life matters!"
Germany Kent

When dark clouds are hanging above your head, be patient until you can see the sun peeking through. Just because we cannot actually see the sun, does not mean that it is not there. The same is true about our visions. Although we don't have the money or the space or the knowledge of how to proceed, this does not mean we must stop.

Often times, when we have been pushed beyond what we believe to be our breaking point, things begin to happen. We randomly cross paths with a person who can advance our progress or we find a random space that meets our needs. While we endure harsh winds, remember that they are blowing dark clouds away.

We are like the sun in that we may sink down beyond our expectations, but suddenly find our lovely selves rising again. We must be patient for the parting of the clouds, and then rekindled when the sun begins to shine once again. The important ingredient is persistence. Do not lose faith nor relinquish the dream as brilliance follows the storm.

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