Friday, May 24, 2024

Bare Feet

"On this path, let the heart be your guide."

There is an abundance of spiritual leaders easily accessible through published writings, podcasts, and big city venues. Endless materials can assist us as we travel our paths. But, don't just gravitate who happens to have a large following. Search until you find information that soothes the soul while kindling your fire.

It is with bare feet that we best connect with the physical, emotional, and spiritual qualities. Slip off the dress shoes, discard the Nike runners, and place the naked sole upon the earth. When we quiet the mind, we begin to feel the energy circulating between the feet and the earth. A recognition of ancient mystery stirs within. 

Quietly connecting with the ground, superficial ideologies fall away. We can genuinely sink into our true nature and let all else fall away. Instead of orchestrating what steps are to be taken, relax and let things take their course. No more pushing or pulling, stand on your own two feet, absorbing the energy of mother earth.


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