Sunday, June 4, 2017

In the Midst of Discord

"In this moment, everything is sacred."
Ariel Books

The world changes around us when we view everything as sacred.  In a busy train station, our eyes fall upon a baby swaddled in blankets and we can feel the holiness streaming from the child.  We catch a glimpse of a hawk flawlessly soaring in the sky and we know it has God's blessings.  The tenderness between an elderly couple slowly ambling down the street, radiates satisfaction of the soul.

It is all a matter of vision.  How do we view our life and the surroundings?  There are those who see life through the eyes of emptiness or superiority or fear impacting the way we perceive reality.  Sacredness is not deemed just for the holy ones.  Sacredness belongs to each and every one of us.

Sacred is what we revere, be it a person, land, art or ancient script.  It is anything we see through our eyes perceived as holy.  It is an experience propelling us out of the ordinary and into the Divine.  It is life enhancing to see all things as sacred ... even when we must ponder to discover it hiding something appearing as unacceptable.   Without judgment, let our eyes seek the holy in the midst of discord.


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