Monday, October 16, 2023

Coming Home ...


"The kind of love that bathes you in gentleness when you 
feel the most ashamed, the most frightened, the most lost."
Jeff Foster

Life can be so confusing as we fluctuate between the desire to be seen and the necessity to remain hidden. We long to be observed through loving eyes and yet fear such intimacy. Releasing expectation of perfection, and accepting our current emotional status, we can gather courage to finally come out and show our authentic self.

We grow weary of our projected facades, and ever so slowly, we remove our masks which have become suffocating. We take the risk of showing the self to a trusted friend or professional sounding board. We bravely reveal our brokenness, confusion, and debilitating shame. The risk to be seen becomes greater than the need to hide.

As we allow someone to step inside of our private space, light comes in shining on strengths and weaknesses alike. We run the risk of being loved, opening truly to a sense of intimacy that we deeply crave. Even when we are at our worst, love will gently hold us without any sense of disgrace. To embrace love is to come home to our lovely selves.

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