Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Nudged to Share

"We don't know when our acts will influence
those who cross our path."
Jeff Crist

Whether professional or personal, our paths cross with others and only later do we receive the full impact of the synchronicity. It may have been a brief exchange or shared knowledge that suddenly becomes prevalent as our story unfolds. Whenever we feel ourselves being nudged to share, more often than not, it is for an unseen valid reason.

If we can maintain an alignment with body, mind, and soul, our exchanges will bear more weight. When we hold ourselves accountable, articulating truth as we know it, our energy field attracts like minded acquaintances and beneficial circumstances. When our word is impeccable, the depth of the experience is enhanced.

Sifting through our memories, we can recall isolated situations that randomly changed the direction of our thoughts or approaches. We may never get to express gratitude to those who shared themselves with us nor may we ever be aware of the lives we impacted. The gift is in the giving and openly receiving. Synchronicity, we learn, is not so random after all!


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