Monday, October 30, 2023

Angels Amongst Us

"Angels walk among us and sometimes the only thing
we may not see are the wings upon their backs."
Molly Friedenfeld

Human angels come into our lives when we least expect them. They may be from a professional service or a personal mentor or a stranger idly crossing our path. They help us with clarity, resolution and inspiration. They may offer us a simple gesture like a smile, but his or her actions impact us. Ultimately, we benefit from this presence. 

Unrecognized angels give light to those in need. Through invisible connection, we may receive much needed energy to alter our direction. Although unknown to us, this angel can be at the right place at exactly the right time bringing a sense of peace, instilling hope, and stimulating positive outcome. 

There are times we, too, become angels by following our instincts to lend a hand, offer support, or become a silent listener.  We often react without previous thought, impulsively connecting with a stranger. Perhaps we recognize a pain in someone else that we are experiencing in our own heart. When nudged, we can unfurl our wings. 

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