Thursday, October 19, 2023

Heightened Peaceful Space


"Warm hearts with willing hands makes a happy humanity."
Lailah Gifty Akita

Autumn arrives, bringing many adjustments with it. Physically, we may begin to bundle up and return to our cravings for homemade bread and soup. Mentally, our thoughts may slow down focusing on a deeper level than the energies provided in the spring and summer months. Spiritually, we may gather all of our parts together, creating a warmth.

As leaves change colors and temperatures drop, we are daily reminded of change which we have zero control over. We are prompted to appreciate the fall colors in hopes of moving our connection to all levels of life. Leaves dancing and falling with grace role model to us our needed pace.

Holding the self accountable, we feed our bodies, minds, and souls. Whether we are appreciating comfort foods, diving into wisdom, or reinstating spiritual practices, we experience a greater sense of self. As we nurture ourselves, ripples of goodness are extended out into our relationships and communities creating a heightened peaceful space.

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