Sunday, October 1, 2023

"I can do this!"

"Accept the past as the past and realize that each new day
you are a new person who doesn't need to carry old 
baggage into the new day with you."
Alaric Hutchinson

Reality was distorted by fear. Instead of hearing what was said in the context it was meant, I heard words twisted by association with my past. Rather than staying in the moment, I spiraled back into years of festering old wounds. Thank goodness for the dawning of a new day, leaving guilt and shame behind.

Every step of the way, I have choice as to how I translate my living experience. I can decide if I want to do a physical knee jerk reaction, get stuck in my negative mindset, or spiritually remember why I am really here. Replacing the sense of judgment with recognizing a lesson at hand, I can learn and move forward.

We have the ability to discern how difficult the lesson needs to be.  We can gather courage and face turmoil head on or we can wallow in  engulfing misery. Replacing thoughts of past failures with memories of my courageous survivals new strength unfolds. "I can do this," I tell my warrior self. Thus, I proceed into a new day.

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