Friday, October 6, 2023

Soul Not Ego

""It is the ego that is impatient and rash. 
The soul is patient and wise."
Shelley Young

We invest time in speculation about the future in terms of what will happen and at what cost. When we remember to trust Divine timing, all of our energy can be invested in the present moment, living fully in the now. The ego likes to keep everything controlled and consistent, whereas, the soul remains open with patience and wisdom.

When we feel ourselves being judgmental, it can be a deliberate signal that we are not opening with a trusting heart. The ego operates from lessons learned while the soul engages with creative design. No matter how hard we try, any sense of control is temporary. Life is going to happen in spite of our efforts to micromanage. 

If we work on inner expansion, deepening faith and trust with a willingness to receive, external expansion unfolds. When we engage with opportunities suddenly presenting, we will be welcoming needed change. As we become willing to embrace and support our authentic self, the soul rather than the ego, leads the way.


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