Thursday, October 5, 2023

Sense of Collaboration

"Being challenged in life is inevitable,
being defeated is optional."
Roger Crawford

When we adjust our thinking from viewing challenge alone to perceiving a higher presence, we are more apt to succeed. As a spiritual being having a human experience, we have wisdom residing in our soul waiting to be applied. When we be still and tap into our inner guidance, we can proceed with a greater sense of determination.

Replacing the constraints of doubt with the liberating thoughts of unconditional love, we can maintain a greater sense of positive action. We can choose to embrace the concept that life is not happening to us, but rather it is happening for us. Allowing our physical reality to be woven with Divine love, there is a sense of collaboration.

As we reclaim our power, we are able to stay open to possibility. We no longer settle, as we move forward towards greater clarity and reward. We no longer feel the need to force anything, as we gently give pause for the right thigs to come together. Anxiety is replaced by patience, while trusting amazing things are coming our way!



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