Sunday, October 15, 2023

Invitation to Explore

"Psychologically, it felt like an invitation
instead of another list of things to do."
Danielle Laporte

It is helpful to make a list of goals that require attention, and it is equally important to check within to chart our internal needs. As we glance at both the inner and the outer expectations, it is important to notice where we feel energized. If our notes feel lack luster, we can choose to go back through the recorded items and add positive feelings to each one.

We can choose to shift our attention from goals to how we want to feel as we process and progress. This brings energy to our tasks and stirs creativity. It is easier to connect our current actions to a desired future outcome. As we process, the awareness of how we want to experience life surfaces.

As time passes, instead of judging our progress based upon a 'to do' list, we can take notice of how we have uplifted our sense of self. When we address our needs, tasks can be accomplished with more ease. Without a sense of drudgery, the invitation to explore creates a greater appreciation for the life that awaits us.


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