Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Gauging Impact

"We are positioned to change the tapestry of indifference
that can envelop our heart."
Mitch Davidowitz

Indifference inhibits our ability to change personally, collectively, and globally. Whether we choose to turn our backs on ourselves or others, the result is the same ... demolition. To be clear, there is a great difference between enabling and simply being present. It is not expected of us to resurrect, but to gauge if, when, and how we can nurture.

Disregarding need or suffering for the self or others can squash elements of worthiness, purpose and will to live. Instead of getting bogged down in drama, we can step back and assess how we want our situation to evolve. When we choose to react with kindness, our heart can truly thrive.

As we learn to take the time to simply be present for someone in need, we make a significant difference. Every one of us longs to be heard and seen. Kindness adjusts the sense of being totally alone in our world. It is when we choose to take pause in the midst of chaos that we can be our most beneficial.


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