Sunday, October 22, 2023

Long Distance Reiki

"Compassion is even more powerful than courage. Sure, with courage you 
can conquer a world - but only with compassion can you heal and build it."
Rasheed Ogunlaru

Long Distance Reiki can be compared to offering up prayers. It is driven by compassion without investment in rigid outcome. It is a gesture to send energy to people for them to use in alignment with their own intentions. It is a simple action to assist others without any need to control, so they can face challenges that seem unsurmountable. 

Energy is sent to others with the intention of allowing the higher self to decide when and how the energy is to be used or even rejected.  It is to assist others with courage to resolve imbalances, traumas, and negativity. Extending energy is a gesture for others to decide how it can best be used.

Globally, collectively, and personally, we experience a sense of overwhelm by occurrences of chaos, violence, and confusion. Sending Long Distance Reiki impacts energy levels, vibrations, and frequencies, offered for the greater good. A Reiki practitioner is simply a conduit for the Universe or Divine to channel empowerment defined by each individual.

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