Saturday, October 7, 2023

Don't Break, Bend


"I am no psychiatrist, but I do have a word 
to share with anyone who feels they are 
at a breaking point ... bend."
Steven Charleston

Many of us are experiencing time flying at warp speed creating a rush of challenges. We may feel as though we are at a breaking point, exhausted with little drive to carry through. There may even be a stiffening against any action whether negative or positive. When we feel overwhelmed, we may even believe we are going to break.

If we can shift our thoughts to becoming more flexible, navigating through change becomes more bearable. When we examine what is before us with clarity, we can better assess what is needed to embrace reality. Replacing resistance with flow, we can venture into troubled waters with grace and ease.

When we tighten up with fear, we become brittle and trapped. If we can bend, we move forward without having concrete resolutions. If we remain open to unexpected possibilities, we can embrace what is unfolding before us. We do not always have to have answers prior to stepping into the unknown and surely we do not have to break.

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