Friday, October 20, 2023

Offer An Open Heart

"At the heart of the tendency to categorize and 
criticize, we often find insecurity."
Daily Om

It is human nature to observe others, but too often this is followed by judgment. The evaluations we make about these observations are quite often inaccurate. Our assumptions are colored by our own personal experiences which may have nothing to do with the situation presenting in front of us.

When an observation is made about a situation without full knowledge, we may experience a lack of understanding and choose to distance ourselves. This lack of comprehension may trigger fears, creating a need to judge. It would be healthier if we could just observe and accept what is unfolding without a running commentary.

Remaining alert, we can catch ourselves when we are jumping to conclusions. There is a need to apply compassion not only to ourselves, but to those we are judging. When life is  approached with an open heart, we do not dissect the behaviors of others, but simply offer compassion to wherever  his or her life's path has taken them.


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